Official interfaces for ST components.
Dependents: X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mDot_X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 53L0A1 X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 ... more
Auto generated API documentation and code listings for ST_INTERFACES
BDCMotor | An abstract class for BDCMotor components |
Component | An abstract class for Generic components |
GyroSensor | An abstract class for a Gyroscope |
HumiditySensor | An abstract class for Humidity sensors |
LightSensor | An abstract class for ambient light sensors |
MagneticSensor | An abstract class for a magnetometer |
MotionSensor | An abstract class for an Accelerometer |
Nfc | An abstract class for Nfc components |
PressureSensor | An abstract class for a Pressure Sensor |
RangeSensor | An abstract class for range sensors |
StepperMotor | An abstract class for StepperMotor components |
TempSensor | An abstract class for Temperature sensors |
BDCMotor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a Brush DC motor component |
Component.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a generic component |
GyroSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a gyroscope |
HumiditySensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a humidity sensor |
LightSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of an ambient light sensor (ALS) |
MagneticSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a magnetometer |
MotionSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of an accelerometer |
Nfc.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a nfc component |
PressureSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a pressure sensor |
RangeSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a range sensor |
StepperMotor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a stepper-motor component |
TempSensor.h [code] | This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a temperature sensor |