Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sending result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
Dependencies: mbed X_NUCLEO_53L0A1
Fork of Display_53L0A1_WithSatelites by
Use published. mbed-certified board and sensor libraries.
2019-06-06, by johnAlexander [Thu, 06 Jun 2019 09:11:02 +0000] rev 4
Use published. mbed-certified board and sensor libraries.
Align application with ARM mbed coding style.
2017-08-08, by johnAlexander [Tue, 08 Aug 2017 07:59:12 +0000] rev 3
Align application with ARM mbed coding style.
Align with ARM mbed coding style.
2017-08-07, by johnAlexander [Mon, 07 Aug 2017 15:38:43 +0000] rev 2
Align with ARM mbed coding style.
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sending result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
2017-06-14, by JerrySzczurak [Wed, 14 Jun 2017 09:14:13 +0000] rev 1
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sending result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sendinf result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor
2017-06-12, by JerrySzczurak [Mon, 12 Jun 2017 15:01:09 +0000] rev 0
Sample ranging example. Suporting up to 3 sensors. Sendinf result from X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 both on com port and on digit display. User button IRQ used for switching displayed sensor