BSP driver for DISCO_L496AG

Dependents:   DISCO_L496AG-LCD-prova_1 DISCO_L496AG-LCD-prova_2 DISCO_L496AG-LCD-demo DISCO_L496AG-SRAM-demo


Jerome Coutant

File content as of revision 2:106c7b82e064:

  * @file    io.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the IO driver.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __IO_H
#define __IO_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <stdint.h>

/** @addtogroup BSP
  * @{

/** @addtogroup Components
  * @{
/** @addtogroup IO
  * @{

/** @defgroup IO_Exported_Types
  * @{

  * @brief  IO Bit SET and Bit RESET enumeration
typedef enum

typedef enum
   IO_MODE_INPUT = 0,   /* input floating */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT,      /* output Push Pull */
   IO_MODE_IT_RISING_EDGE,   /* float input - irq detect on rising edge */
   IO_MODE_IT_FALLING_EDGE,  /* float input - irq detect on falling edge */
   IO_MODE_IT_LOW_LEVEL,     /* float input - irq detect on low level */
   IO_MODE_IT_HIGH_LEVEL,    /* float input - irq detect on high level */
   /* following modes only available on MFX*/
   IO_MODE_ANALOG,           /* analog mode */
   IO_MODE_OFF,              /* when pin isn't used*/
   IO_MODE_INPUT_PU,         /* input with internal pull up resistor */
   IO_MODE_INPUT_PD,         /* input with internal pull down resistor */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD,          /* Open Drain output without internal resistor */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD_PU,       /* Open Drain output with  internal pullup resistor */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD_PD,       /* Open Drain output with  internal pulldown resistor */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP,          /* PushPull output without internal resistor */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP_PU,       /* PushPull output with  internal pullup resistor */
   IO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP_PD,       /* PushPull output with  internal pulldown resistor */
   IO_MODE_IT_RISING_EDGE_PU,   /* push up resistor input - irq on rising edge  */
   IO_MODE_IT_RISING_EDGE_PD,   /* push dw resistor input - irq on rising edge  */
   IO_MODE_IT_FALLING_EDGE_PU,  /* push up resistor input - irq on falling edge */
   IO_MODE_IT_FALLING_EDGE_PD,  /* push dw resistor input - irq on falling edge */
   IO_MODE_IT_LOW_LEVEL_PU,     /* push up resistor input - irq detect on low level */
   IO_MODE_IT_LOW_LEVEL_PD,     /* push dw resistor input - irq detect on low level */
   IO_MODE_IT_HIGH_LEVEL_PU,    /* push up resistor input - irq detect on high level */
   IO_MODE_IT_HIGH_LEVEL_PD,    /* push dw resistor input - irq detect on high level */


/** @defgroup IO_Driver_structure  IO Driver structure
  * @{
typedef struct
  void       (*Init)(uint16_t);
  uint16_t   (*ReadID)(uint16_t);
  void       (*Reset)(uint16_t);
  void       (*Start)(uint16_t, uint32_t);
  uint8_t    (*Config)(uint16_t, uint32_t, IO_ModeTypedef);
  void       (*WritePin)(uint16_t, uint32_t, uint8_t);
  uint32_t   (*ReadPin)(uint16_t, uint32_t);
  void       (*EnableIT)(uint16_t);
  void       (*DisableIT)(uint16_t);
  uint32_t    (*ITStatus)(uint16_t, uint32_t);
  void       (*ClearIT)(uint16_t, uint32_t);
  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __IO_H */

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