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mfxstm32l152.c File Reference

mfxstm32l152.c File Reference

This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the MFXSTM32L152 IO Expander devices. More...

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static uint8_t mfxstm32l152_GetInstance (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Check if the device instance of the selected address is already registered and return its index.
static uint8_t mfxstm32l152_ReleaseInstance (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Release registered device instance.
static void mfxstm32l152_reg24_setPinValue (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint32_t PinPosition, uint8_t PinValue)
 Internal routine.
void mfxstm32l152_Init (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Initialize the mfxstm32l152 and configure the needed hardware resources.
void mfxstm32l152_DeInit (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 DeInitialize the mfxstm32l152 and unconfigure the needed hardware resources.
void mfxstm32l152_Reset (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Reset the mfxstm32l152 by Software.
void mfxstm32l152_LowPower (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Put mfxstm32l152 Device in Low Power standby mode.
void mfxstm32l152_WakeUp (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 WakeUp mfxstm32l152 from standby mode.
uint16_t mfxstm32l152_ReadID (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Read the MFXSTM32L152 IO Expander device ID.
uint16_t mfxstm32l152_ReadFwVersion (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Read the MFXSTM32L152 device firmware version.
void mfxstm32l152_EnableITSource (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Source)
 Enable the interrupt mode for the selected IT source.
void mfxstm32l152_DisableITSource (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Source)
 Disable the interrupt mode for the selected IT source.
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_GlobalITStatus (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Source)
 Returns the selected Global interrupt source pending bit value.
void mfxstm32l152_ClearGlobalIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Source)
 Clear the selected Global interrupt pending bit(s)
void mfxstm32l152_SetIrqOutPinPolarity (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Polarity)
 Set the global interrupt Polarity of IRQ_OUT_PIN.
void mfxstm32l152_SetIrqOutPinType (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Type)
 Set the global interrupt Type of IRQ_OUT_PIN.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_Start (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin)
 Start the IO functionality used and enable the AF for selected IO pin(s).
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_IO_Config (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin, IO_ModeTypedef IO_Mode)
 Configures the IO pin(s) according to IO mode structure value.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_InitPin (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin, uint8_t Direction)
 Initialize the selected IO pin direction.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_SetIrqEvtMode (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin, uint8_t Evt)
 Set the global interrupt Type.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_SetIrqTypeMode (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin, uint8_t Type)
 Configure the Edge for which a transition is detectable for the selected pin.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_WritePin (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin, uint8_t PinState)
 When GPIO is in output mode, puts the corresponding GPO in High (1) or Low (0) level.
uint32_t mfxstm32l152_IO_ReadPin (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin)
 Return the state of the selected IO pin(s).
void mfxstm32l152_IO_EnableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Enable the global IO interrupt source.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_DisableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Disable the global IO interrupt source.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_EnablePinIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin)
 Enable interrupt mode for the selected IO pin(s).
void mfxstm32l152_IO_DisablePinIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin)
 Disable interrupt mode for the selected IO pin(s).
uint32_t mfxstm32l152_IO_ITStatus (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin)
 Check the status of the selected IO interrupt pending bit.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_ClearIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t IO_Pin)
 Clear the selected IO interrupt pending bit(s).
void mfxstm32l152_IO_EnableAF (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Enable the AF for aGPIO.
void mfxstm32l152_IO_DisableAF (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Disable the AF for aGPIO.
void mfxstm32l152_TS_Start (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Configures the touch Screen Controller (Single point detection)
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_TS_DetectTouch (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Return if there is touch detected or not.
void mfxstm32l152_TS_GetXY (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t *X, uint16_t *Y)
 Get the touch screen X and Y positions values.
void mfxstm32l152_TS_EnableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Configure the selected source to generate a global interrupt or not.
void mfxstm32l152_TS_DisableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Configure the selected source to generate a global interrupt or not.
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_TS_ITStatus (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Configure the selected source to generate a global interrupt or not.
void mfxstm32l152_TS_ClearIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Configure the selected source to generate a global interrupt or not.
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_Start (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Launch IDD current measurement.
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_Config (uint16_t DeviceAddr, IDD_ConfigTypeDef MfxIddConfig)
 Configures the IDD current measurement.
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_ConfigShuntNbLimit (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t ShuntNbLimit)
 This function allows to modify number of shunt used for a measurement.
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_GetValue (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t *ReadValue)
 Get Idd current value.
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_IDD_GetShuntUsed (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Get Last shunt used for measurement.
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_EnableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Configure mfx to enable Idd interrupt.
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_ClearIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Clear Idd global interrupt.
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_IDD_GetITStatus (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 get Idd interrupt status
void mfxstm32l152_IDD_DisableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 disable Idd interrupt
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_Error_ReadSrc (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Read Error Source.
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_Error_ReadMsg (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Read Error Message.
void mfxstm32l152_Error_EnableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Enable Error global interrupt.
void mfxstm32l152_Error_ClearIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 Clear Error global interrupt.
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_Error_GetITStatus (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 get Error interrupt status
void mfxstm32l152_Error_DisableIT (uint16_t DeviceAddr)
 disable Error interrupt
uint8_t mfxstm32l152_ReadReg (uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegAddr)

Detailed Description

This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the MFXSTM32L152 IO Expander devices.

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Definition in file mfxstm32l152.c.