
Dependencies:   mbed BMP180

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "BMP180.h"
00003 #include <stdio.h>
00004 #include <stdlib.h>
00005 #include <math.h>
00006 #include <string.h>
00009 I2C bmp(D4, D5);
00010 BMP180 bmp180(&bmp);
00011 Serial xbee(PA_9, PA_10);
00012 I2C i2c(D4, D5); // sda, scl
00013 #include "SSD1306.h"
00014 DigitalOut led(LED1);
00015 DigitalIn button(A1);
00016 DigitalOut led_button(A2);
00017 const int AQCM0802_addr = 0x7C;
00019 unsigned char mode;
00020 unsigned char contrast = 0; // 0-63
00021 unsigned char contrastFlag = false;
00022 int CGcounter;
00023 int FADEcounter;
00025 void lcd_cmd(char x)
00026 {
00027     char data[2];
00028     data[0] = 0x00; // CO = 0,RS = 0
00029     data[1] = x;
00030     i2c.write(AQCM0802_addr, data, 2);
00031 }
00033 void lcd_contdata(char x)
00034 {
00035     char data[2];
00036     data[0] = 0xC0; //0b11000000 CO = 1, RS = 1
00037     data[1] = x;
00038     i2c.write(AQCM0802_addr, data, 2);
00039 }
00041 void lcd_lastdata(char x)
00042 {
00043     char data[2];
00044     data[0] = 0x40; //0b11000000 CO = 0, RS = 1
00045     data[1] = x;
00046     i2c.write(AQCM0802_addr, data, 2);
00047 }
00049 void lcd_printStr(const char *s)
00050 {
00051     while(*s) {
00052         if(*(s + 1)) {
00053             lcd_contdata(*s);
00054         } else {
00055             lcd_lastdata(*s);
00056         }
00057         s++;
00058     }
00059 }
00061 void lcd_printHex(unsigned char num)
00062 {
00063     lcd_contdata(num);
00064 }
00066 void lcd_init()
00067 {
00068     wait(0.04);
00069     // LCD initialize
00070     lcd_cmd(0x38); // function set
00071     lcd_cmd(0x39); // function set
00072     lcd_cmd(0x04); // EntryModeSet
00073     lcd_cmd(0x14); // interval osc
00074     lcd_cmd(0x70 | (contrast & 0xF)); // contrast Low
00075     lcd_cmd(0x5C | ((contrast >> 4) & 0x3)); // contast High/icon/power
00076     lcd_cmd(0x6C); // follower control
00077     wait(0.2);
00078     lcd_cmd(0x38); // function set
00079     lcd_cmd(0x0C); // Display On
00080     lcd_cmd(0x01); // Clear Display
00081     wait(0.2); // need additional wait to Clear Display
00082 }
00084 void lcd_setCursor(unsigned char x,unsigned char y)
00085 {
00086     lcd_cmd(0x80 | (y * 0x40 + x));
00087 }
00089 void setContrast(unsigned char c)
00090 {
00091     lcd_cmd(0x39);
00092     lcd_cmd(0x70 | (c & 0x0f)); // contrast Low
00093     lcd_cmd(0x5C | ((c >> 4) & 0x03)); // contast High/icon/power
00094     lcd_cmd(0x38);
00095 }
00097 float get_P()
00098 {
00099     float sum = 0.0f;
00100     for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
00101         bmp180.startPressure(BMP180::ULTRA_LOW_POWER);
00102         wait_ms(10);    // Wait for conversion to complete
00103         int pressure;
00104         if(bmp180.getPressure(&pressure) != 0) {
00105             printf("Error getting pressure\n");
00106         }
00107         sum += pressure;
00108     }
00109     return sum/1000.0f;
00110 }
00112 float get_T()
00113 {
00114     float sum = 0.0f;
00115     for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
00116         bmp180.startTemperature();
00117         wait_ms(5);     // Wait for conversion to complete
00118         float temp;
00119         if(bmp180.getTemperature(&temp) != 0) {
00120             printf("Error getting temperature\n");
00121         }
00122         sum += temp;
00123     }
00124     return sum/10.0f;
00125 }
00128 int main()
00129 {
00130     ssd1306_init();
00131     ssd1306_init_meter_display();
00132     button.mode(PullUp);
00133     while(1) {
00134         if (bmp180.init() != 0) {
00135             printf("Error communicating with BMP180\n");
00136         } else {
00137             printf("Initialized BMP180\n");
00138             break;
00139         }
00140         wait(1);
00141     }
00143     char buf[64] = {};
00144     int buf_count = 0;
00145     float pressure, temp, ground_P, ground_T, height;
00146     bool init = false;
00147     char str_lcd[15];
00148     char strtmp[15];
00149     int n;
00150     lcd_init();
00151     lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00152     lcd_printStr("Hello");
00153     lcd_setCursor(3,1);
00154     lcd_printStr("SSSRC");
00155     contrast = 35;
00156     setContrast(contrast);
00157     while(1) {
00158         int timer = 0;
00159         int bb = button;
00160         bool deploy = false;
00161         while(!bb){
00162             deploy = true;
00163             led_button = 1;
00164             if(timer == 0){
00165                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00166                 lcd_printStr("55555555");
00167                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00168                 lcd_printStr("55555555");
00169                 contrast = 35;
00170             }else if(timer == 10){
00171                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00172                 lcd_printStr("44444444");
00173                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00174                 lcd_printStr("44444444");
00175                 contrast = 35;
00176             }else if(timer == 20){
00177                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00178                 lcd_printStr("33333333");
00179                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00180                 lcd_printStr("33333333");
00181                 contrast = 35;
00182             }else if(timer == 30){
00183                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00184                 lcd_printStr("22222222");
00185                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00186                 lcd_printStr("22222222");
00187                 contrast = 35;
00188             }else if(timer == 40){
00189                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00190                 lcd_printStr("11111111");
00191                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00192                 lcd_printStr("11111111");
00193                 contrast = 35;
00194             }else if(timer>=50){
00195                 xbee.printf("O");
00196                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00197                 lcd_printStr("CanSat  ");
00198                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00199                 lcd_printStr(" Deploy!");
00200                 contrast = 35;
00201             }
00202             wait(0.1);
00203             timer++;
00204             bb = button;
00205         }
00206         if(deploy){
00207             lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00208             lcd_printStr("        ");
00209             lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00210             lcd_printStr("        ");
00211             contrast = 35;
00212         }
00213         led_button = 0;
00214         //buf[0] = '0';
00215         int nosignal = 0;
00216         bool push = false;
00217         while(xbee.readable()==0) {
00218             xbee.printf("G");
00219             nosignal++;
00220             bb = button;
00221             if(nosignal == 5000){
00222                 lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00223                 lcd_printStr("NoSignal");
00224                 lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00225                 lcd_printStr("        ");
00226                 contrast = 35;  
00227             }else if(!bb && nosignal<5000){
00228                 push = true;
00229                 break;   
00230             }
00231         }
00232         if(push){
00233             printf("1");
00234             continue;
00235         }
00236         while(1) {
00237             int c = xbee.getc();
00238             //printf("%c",c);
00239             if(buf_count == 0 && c != 'P') {
00240                 continue;
00241             }
00242             buf[buf_count] = c;
00243             buf_count++;
00244             if(c == '\n') {
00245                 buf[buf_count] = '\0';
00246                 printf("buf:%s\r\n",buf);
00247                 sscanf(buf,"PP%fT%f\n", &pressure, &temp);
00248                 pressure += 1.77f;
00249                 buf_count = 0;
00250                 while(xbee.readable()==1) {
00251                     c = xbee.getc();
00252                 }
00253                 push = false;
00254                 for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
00255                     bb = button;
00256                     if(!bb){
00257                         led_button = 1;
00258                         push = true;
00259                         break;
00260                     }
00261                     wait(0.1);
00262                 }
00263                 if(push){
00264                     printf("2");
00265                     break;
00266                 }
00267                 led = 1;
00268                 for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
00269                     bb = button;
00270                     if(!bb){
00271                         led_button = 1;
00272                         push = true;
00273                         break;
00274                     }
00275                     wait(0.1);
00276                     led = !led;
00277                 }
00278                 led = 0;
00279                 if(push){
00280                     printf("3");
00281                     break;
00282                 }
00283                 ground_P = get_P();
00284                 ground_T = get_T();
00285                 //height = ( pow(ground_P/pressure, 1/5.257f)-1 )*(temp+273.15f)/0.0065f;
00286                 height = 290*((temp+ground_T)/2+273.15f)/9.80665f*log(ground_P/pressure);
00287                 if(init) {
00288                 printf("P0=%f P=%f T=%f     B-G=%f\r\n--------------------\r\n",ground_P,pressure,temp,pressure-ground_P);
00289                     if(height<-100 or height>1000) continue;
00290                     if(pressure-ground_P>0) height=0.0;
00291                     sprintf(str_lcd,"%.1fhPa",ground_P-pressure);
00292                     n=8-strlen(str_lcd);
00293                     for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
00294                         sprintf(strtmp," %s",str_lcd);
00295                         sprintf(str_lcd,"%s",strtmp);
00296                     }
00297                     lcd_setCursor(0,0);
00298                     lcd_printStr(str_lcd);
00299                     printf("%s\r\n",str_lcd);
00301                     sprintf(str_lcd,"%.1f""\xf2""C",ground_T);
00302                     n=8-strlen(str_lcd);
00303                     for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
00304                         sprintf(strtmp," %s",str_lcd);
00305                         sprintf(str_lcd,"%s",strtmp);
00306                     }
00308                     lcd_setCursor(0,1);
00309                     lcd_printStr(str_lcd);
00310                     contrast = 35;
00311                     setContrast(contrast);
00312                     printf("%s\r\n\r\n",str_lcd);
00313                     printf("height=%f m\r\n",height);
00314                     ssd1306_draw_meter( (int)height );
00315                 }
00316                 init = true;
00317                 printf("P0=%f P=%f T=%f     B-G=%f\r\n--------------------\r\n",ground_P,pressure,temp,pressure-ground_P);
00318             }
00319             break;
00320         }
00321     }
00322 }