An example program for Rohm SensorShield-EVK-001 running with Mbed OS 5.
Dependencies: BM1422AGMV rohm-rpr0521 rohm-sensor-hal rohm-bh1790glc-driver BH1749NUC KX224-1053 BM1383AGLV RegisterWriter
Getting Started with Rohm SensorShield-EVK-001
This example demonstrates how to use the SensorShield-EVK-001 component with multiple sensors. those measured values, which received through a serial connection from a mbed board, are printed out in a terminal software window.
The SensorShield-EVK-001 is plugged on top of a mbed board and a serial connection should be set up between the mbed board and PC with the following parameters:
- baud rate: 115200
- data: 8 bit
- parity: none
- stop: 1bit
- flow control: none
Terminal parameters