This example demonstrates how to use the Mbed OS file system on target RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K together with a Rhombio uSD Holder module. The example is based on mbed official mbed-os-example-filesystem with minor modifications.

You can find more information about the Mbed OS file system and other related pieces of the Mbed OS storage stack in the storage overview:

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 19 11:24:20 2019 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+# Getting started with the Mbed OS file system
+This example demonstrates how to use the Mbed OS file system.
+You can find more information about the Mbed OS file system and other related pieces of the Mbed OS storage stack [in the storage overview](
+**Table of contents:**
+1. [Hardware requirements](#hardware-requirements)
+1. [Usage](#usage)
+   - [Import the example](#import-the-example)
+   - [Compile the example](#compile-the-example)
+   - [Run the example](#run-the-example)
+   - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
+1. [Changing the file system](#changing-the-file-system)
+1. [Changing the block device](#changing-the-block-device)
+1. [Tested configurations](#tested-configurations)
+## Hardware requirements
+This example uses a block device as storage. This can be one of:
+* A built-in SPI flash, such as on the [FRDM-K82F](
+* An external block device (one of SPI flash, DataFlash or an SD card). 
+* Simulated on a heap block device on boards with enough RAM.
+This example uses an instance of the LittleFileSystem API (LittleFS) on external SPI flash.
+The [changing the block device](#changing-the-block-device) section describes
+how to change the file system or block device in the example.
+## Usage
+#### Import the example
+Make sure you have an Mbed development environment set up. [Get started with Mbed OS](
+to set everything up.
+From the command-line, import the example:
+mbed import mbed-os-example-filesystem
+cd mbed-os-example-filesystem
+#### Compile the example
+Invoke `mbed compile`, and specify the name of your platform and your favorite
+toolchain (`GCC_ARM`, `ARM`, `IAR`). For example, for the ARM toolchain:
+mbed compile -m K64F -t ARM
+Your PC may take a few minutes to compile your code. At the end, you see the
+following result:
+| Module              |  .text |.data |   .bss |
+| [lib]/c_w.l         |  13137 |   16 |    348 |
+| [lib]/fz_wm.l       |     34 |    0 |      0 |
+| [lib]/libcppabi_w.l |     44 |    0 |      0 |
+| [lib]/m_wm.l        |     48 |    0 |      0 |
+| anon$$obj.o         |     32 |    0 | 197888 |
+| main.o              |   2406 |    0 |    256 |
+| mbed-os/components  |   5568 |    0 |      0 |
+| mbed-os/drivers     |   2700 |    0 |   1136 |
+| mbed-os/events      |   1716 |    0 |   3108 |
+| mbed-os/features    |  16586 |    0 |    509 |
+| mbed-os/hal         |   1622 |    4 |     67 |
+| mbed-os/platform    |   7009 |   64 |    542 |
+| mbed-os/rtos        |  12132 |  168 |   6634 |
+| mbed-os/targets     |  19773 |   12 |    985 |
+| Subtotals           |  82807 |  264 | 211473 |
+Total Static RAM memory (data + bss): 211737 bytes
+Total Flash memory (text + data): 83071 bytes
+Image: ./BUILD/K64F/ARM/mbed-os-example-filesystem.bin
+#### Run the example
+1. Connect your Mbed Enabled device to the computer over USB.
+1. Copy the binary file to the Mbed Enabled device.
+1. Press the reset button to start the program.
+1. Open the UART of the board in your favorite UART viewing program. For
+   example, `screen /dev/ttyACM0`.
+**Note:** The default serial port baud rate is 9600 bit/s.
+Expected output:
+--- Mbed OS filesystem example ---
+Mounting the filesystem... Fail :(
+No filesystem found, formatting... OK
+Opening "/fs/numbers.txt"... Fail :(
+No file found, creating a new file... OK
+Writing numbers (10/10)... OK
+Seeking file... OK
+Incrementing numbers (10/10)... OK
+Closing "/fs/numbers.txt"... OK
+Opening the root directory... OK
+root directory:
+    .
+    ..
+    numbers.txt
+Closing the root directory... OK
+Opening "/fs/numbers.txt"...OK
+    1
+    2
+    3
+    4
+    5
+    6
+    7
+    8
+    9
+    10
+Closing "/fs/numbers.txt"... OK
+Unmounting... OK
+Mbed OS filesystem example done!
+You can also reset the board to see the data persist across boots. Each boot
+increments the numbers stored on disk:
+--- Mbed OS filesystem example ---
+Mounting the filesystem... OK
+Opening "/fs/numbers.txt"... OK
+Incrementing numbers (10/10)... OK
+Closing "/fs/numbers.txt"... OK
+Opening the root directory... OK
+root directory:
+    .
+    ..
+    numbers.txt
+Closing the root directory... OK
+Opening "/fs/numbers.txt"...OK
+    2
+    3
+    4
+    5
+    6
+    7
+    8
+    9
+    10
+    11
+Closing "/fs/numbers.txt"... OK
+Unmounting... OK
+Mbed OS filesystem example done!
+If you find yourself with a corrupted file system, you can reset the storage
+by pressing BUTTON1:
+Initializing the block device... OK
+Erasing the block device... OK
+Deinitializing the block device... OK
+Note that if you press the reset button at the wrong time, you may corrupt
+a file system that is not power resilient!
+#### Troubleshooting
+If you have problems, you can review the [documentation](
+for suggestions on what could be wrong and how to fix it.
+## Changing the file system
+In Mbed OS, a C++ classes that inherits from the [FileSystem](
+interface represents each file system. You can change the file system in the
+example by changing the class declared in main.cpp.
+``` diff
+- LittleFileSystem fs("fs");
++ FATFileSystem fs("fs");
+**Note:** Different file systems require different minimum numbers of storage
+blocks to function. For the `FATFileSystem`, this example requires a minimum of
+256 blocks, and for the `LittleFileSystem`, this example requires a minimum of 6
+blocks. You can find the number of blocks on a block device by dividing the
+block device's size by its erase size.
+Mbed OS has two options for the file system:
+- [**LittleFileSystem**]( -
+  The little file system is a fail-safe file system we designed
+  for embedded systems, specifically for microcontrollers that use flash
+  storage.
+  ``` cpp
+  LittleFileSystem fs("fs");
+  ```
+  - **Bounded RAM/ROM** - This file system works with a limited amount of memory.
+    It avoids recursion and limits dynamic memory to configurable
+    buffers.
+  - **Power-loss resilient** - We designed this for operating systems
+    that may have random power failures. It has strong copy-on-write
+    guarantees and keeps storage on disk in a valid state.
+  - **Wear leveling** - Because the most common form of embedded storage is
+    erodible flash memories, this file system provides a form of dynamic wear
+    leveling for systems that cannot fit a full flash translation layer.
+- **FATFileSystem** - The FAT file system is a well-known file system that you
+  can find on almost every system, including PCs. The Mbed OS implementation of
+  the FAT file system is based on ChanFS and is optimized for small embedded systems.
+  ``` cpp
+  FATFileSystem fs("fs");
+  ```
+  - **Portable** - Almost every operating system supports the FAT file system,
+    which is the most common file system found on portable storage, such as SD
+    cards and flash drives. The FAT file system is the easiest way to support
+    access from a PC.
+## Changing the block device
+In Mbed OS, a C++ classes that inherits from the [BlockDevice](
+interface represents each block device. You can change the filesystem in the
+example by changing the class declared in main.cpp.
+``` diff
+-SPIFBlockDevice bd(
++SDBlockDevice bd(
++        MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_CS);
+**Note:** Most block devices require pin assignments. Double check that the
+pins in `<driver>/mbed_lib.json` are correct. For example, to change the pins for the SD driver, open `sd-driver/config/mbed_lib.json`, and change your target platform to the correct pin-out in the `target_overrides` configuration:
+   "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "SPI_MOSI": "PC_12",
+             "SPI_MISO": "PC_11",
+             "SPI_CLK":  "PC_10",
+             "SPI_CS":   "PA_15"
+         },
+         ...
+     }
+The pins macros define above can be override at the application configuration file using the driver prefix before the parameter name.
+   "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "spif-driver.SPI_MOSI": "PC_12",
+             "spif-driver.SPI_MISO": "PC_11",
+             "spif-driver.SPI_CLK":  "PC_10",
+             "spif-driver.SPI_CS":   "PA_15"
+         },
+         ...
+     }
+   "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "sd.SPI_MOSI": "PC_12",
+             "sd.SPI_MISO": "PC_11",
+             "sd.SPI_CLK":  "PC_10",
+             "sd.SPI_CS":   "PA_15"
+         },
+         ...
+     }
+Mbed OS has several options for the block device:
+- **SPIFBlockDevice** - Block device driver for NOR-based SPI flash devices that
+  support SFDP. NOR-based SPI flash supports byte-sized read and writes, with an
+  erase size of about 4kbytes. An erase sets a block to all 1s, with successive
+  writes clearing set bits.
+  ``` cpp
+  SPIFBlockDevice bd(
+  ```
+  Starting mbed-os 5.10 the SPIFBlockDevice is a component under mbed-os. In order to add a component to the application use the following `target_overrides` configuration at the application configuration file:
+  "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "target.components_add": ["SPIF"],
+             ...
+         },
+         ...
+  }
+- **DataFlashBlockDevice** - Block device driver for NOR-based SPI flash devices
+  that support the DataFlash protocol, such as the Adesto AT45DB series of
+  devices. DataFlash is a memory protocol that combines flash with SRAM buffers
+  for a programming interface. DataFlash supports byte-sized read and writes, with
+  an erase size of about 528 bytes or sometimes 1056 bytes. DataFlash provides
+  erase sizes with an extra 16 bytes for error correction codes (ECC), so a flash
+  translation layer (FTL) may still present 512 byte erase sizes.
+  ``` cpp
+  DataFlashBlockDevice bd(
+  ```
+  Starting mbed-os 5.10 the DataFlashBlockDevice is a component under mbed-os. In order to add a component to the application use the following `target_overrides` configuration at the application configuration file:
+  "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "target.components_add": ["DATAFLASH"],
+             ...
+         },
+         ...
+  }
+- **SDBlockDevice** - Block device driver for SD cards and eMMC memory chips. SD
+  cards or eMMC chips offer a full FTL layer on top of NAND flash. This makes the
+  storage well-suited for systems that require a about 1GB of memory.
+  Additionally, SD cards are a popular form of portable storage. They are useful
+  if you want to store data that you can access from a PC.
+  ``` cpp
+  SDBlockDevice bd(
+          MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_CLK,
+          MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_CS);
+  ```
+  Starting mbed-os 5.10 the SDBlockDevice is a component under mbed-os. In order to add a component to the application use the following `target_overrides` configuration at the application configuration file:
+  "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "target.components_add": ["SD"],
+             ...
+         },
+         ...
+  }
+- [**HeapBlockDevice**]( -
+  Block device that simulates storage in RAM using the heap. Do not use the heap
+  block device for storing data persistently because a power loss causes
+  complete loss of data. Instead, use it fortesting applications when a storage
+  device is not available.
+  ``` cpp
+  HeapBlockDevice bd(1024*512, 512);
+  ```
+Additionally, Mbed OS contains several utility block devices to give you better
+control over the allocation of storage.
+- [**SlicingBlockDevice**]( -
+  With the slicing block device, you can partition storage into smaller block
+  devices that you can use independently.
+- [**ChainingBlockDevice**]( -
+  With the chaining block device, you can chain multiple block devices together
+  and extend the usable amount of storage.
+- [**MBRBlockDevice**]( -
+  Mbed OS comes with support for storing partitions on disk with a Master Boot
+  Record (MBR). The MBRBlockDevice provides this functionality and supports
+  creating partitions at runtime or using preformatted partitions configured
+  separately from outside the application.
+- **ReadOnlyBlockDevice** - With the read-only block device, you can wrap a
+  block device in a read-only layer, ensuring that user of the block device does
+  not modify the storage.
+- **ProfilingBlockDevice** - With the profiling block device, you can profile
+  the quantity of erase, program and read operations that are incurred on a
+  block device.
+- **ObservingBlockDevice** - The observing block device grants the user the
+  ability to register a callback on block device operations. You can use this to
+  inspect the state of the block device, log different metrics or perform some
+  other operation.
+- **ExhaustibleBlockDevice** - Useful for evaluating how file systems respond to
+  wear, the exhaustible block device simulates wear on another form of storage.
+  You can configure it to expire blocks as necessary.
+## Tested configurations
+- K64F + Heap + LittleFS
+- K64F + Heap + FATFS
+- K64F + SD + LittleFS
+- K64F + SD + FATFS
+- K64F + SPIF (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- K64F + SPIF (requires shield) + FATFS
+- K64F + DataFlash (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- K64F + DataFlash (requires shield) + FATFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + Heap + LittleFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + Heap + FATFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + SD + LittleFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + SPIF (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + SPIF (requires shield) + FATFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + DataFlash (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 \[1\] + DataFlash (requires shield) + FATFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + Heap + LittleFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + Heap + FATFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + SD (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + SD (requires shield) + FATFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + SPIF (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + SPIF (requires shield) + FATFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + DataFlash (requires shield) + LittleFS
+- NUCLEO_F429ZI + DataFlash (requires shield) + FATFS
+\[1\]: Note: The UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2 SPI pins conflict with the default serial
+pins. A different set of serial pins must be selected to use SPI flash with
+serial output.
+// Connect Tx, Rx, and ground pins to a separte board running the passthrough example:
+Serial pc(TX, RX);   
+pc.printf("...");    // Replace printf with pc.printf in the example