A Library to drive the RenBuggy_Servo.

Dependencies:   PinDetect


Fork of RenBuggyServo by Renishaw

--- a/Car.h	Mon Mar 10 10:15:22 2014 +0000
+++ b/Car.h	Mon Mar 10 11:53:45 2014 +0000
@@ -30,9 +30,58 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+* RenBuggyServo Example:
+* @code
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Car.h"
+Car myCar(P1_25, P1_24);
+// Main entry point of application.
+int main() {
+    const int SERVO_PWM = 1500;             // 1500 = centre.
+    const int SERVO_PWM_PERIOD = 2000;  
+    const int SERVO_PWM_RANGE = 500;        // + or - 500 microseconds.
+    const float SERVO_DEGREES_RANGE = 45.0; // + or - from centre is full right/left.
+    const int MOTOR_PWM = 20000;
+    const int MOTOR_PERIOD = 20000;
+    // Configure the servo and motor before use.
+    myCar.configureServo_us(SERVO_PWM, SERVO_PWM_PERIOD, 
+    myCar.configureMotor_us(MOTOR_PWM, MOTOR_PERIOD);
+    // Drive the RenBuggy!
+    myCar.setSpeed(20000);
+    myCar.setDirection(0);
+    myCar.forwards();
+    wait(1);
+    myCar.setDirection(45);
+    wait(1);
+    myCar.setDirection(-45);
+    wait(1);
+    myCar.setDirection(0);
+    myCar.stop(); 
+    myCar.forwards(10); // Move the car a final 10cm.
+    myCar.stop();
+// End programme.
+** The car class for controlling the RenBuggy_Servo. 
 class Car {  
     PwmOut m_servo;
     PwmOut m_motor;
@@ -49,22 +98,103 @@
+    /** Constructs the car with PwmOut objects for servo and motor.
+    * 
+    * @param servoPin is the pin used for pwm output for driving the servo.
+    * @param motorPin is the pin used for pwm output for driving the motor.
+    */
     Car(PinName servoPin, PinName motorPin);
+    /** Constructs the car with PwmOut objects for servo and motor, and configures
+    * the encoder.
+    *
+    * @param servoPin is the pin used for pwm output for driving the servo.
+    * @param motorPin is the pin used for pwm output for driving the motor.
+    * @param countsPerRevolution is the number of counts the encoder
+    * makes in one full cycle of the wheel.
+    * @param wheelCircumference: The circumference of the wheel being
+    * read by the encoder.
+    */
     Car(PinName servoPin, PinName motorPin, int countsPerRevolution, float wheelCircumference);
+    /**
+    * Deconstructs the car.
+    */
+    /**
+    * Sets the speed the buggy will move at.
+    * @param speed_us is the speed the car will move at, in microseconds.
+    */
     void setSpeed(int speed_us);
+    /**
+    * Moves the car in the direction it is facing, for a specified
+    * distance.
+    * @param distance is how far the car will travel, in cm.
+    */
     void forwards(float distance);
+    /**
+    * Moves the car in the direction it is facing, until a user
+    * tells it to stop.
+    */
     void forwards();
+    /**
+    * Stops the car from moving.
+    */
     void stop();
+    /**
+    * Sets the direction the car will face. This is used to navigate the car.
+    * @param degrees is the angle of the servo, where -45 is full 
+    * left, 0 is centre and +45 is full right.
+    */
     void setDirection(int degrees);
+    /**
+    * Configures the servo with a pulsewidth, period, range and degrees. Pulsewidth and
+    * period is accepted in microsecond format.
+    * @param pulsewidth_us is pwm pulsewidth for the servo, in mircoseconds.
+    * @param period_us is the pwm period for the servo, in mircoseconds.
+    * @param range is the pulsewidth range to full left/right turn of the servo from centre (1500us).
+    * @param degrees is the angle to full right/left turn of the servo from centre (0).
+    */
     void configureServo_us(int pulsewidth_us, int period_us, int range, float degrees);
+    /**
+    * Configures the servo with a pulsewidth, period, range and degrees. Pulsewidth and
+    * period is accepted in millisecond format.
+    * @param pulsewidth_ms is pwm pulsewidth for the servo, in millisecond.
+    * @param period_ms is the pwm period for the servo, in millisecond.
+    * @param range is the pulsewidth range to full left/right turn of the servo from centre (1.5ms).
+    * @param degrees is the angle to full right/left turn of the servo from centre (0).
+    */
     void configureServo_ms(int pulsewidth_ms, int period_ms, int range, float degrees);
+    /**
+    * Configures the pulsewidth and period for the motor, in microseconds.
+    * @param pulsewidth_us is the pwm pulsewidth for the motor, in mircoseconds.
+    * @param period_us is the pwm period for the motor, in microseconds.
+    */
     void configureMotor_us(int pulsewidth_us, int period_us);
+    /**
+    * Configures the pulsewidth and period for the motor, in milliseconds.
+    * @param pulsewidth_ms is the pwm pulsewidth for the motor, in milliseconds.
+    * @param period_ms is the pwm period for the motor, in milliseconds.
+    */
     void configureMotor_ms(int pulsewidth_ms, int period_ms);
+    /**
+    * Provides information required to make use of an encoder for 
+    * specifying distance.
+    * @param countsPerRevolution is the number of counts the encoder
+    * makes in one full cycle of the wheel.
+    * @param wheelCircumference is the circumference of the wheel being
+    * read by the encoder.
+    */
     void configureEncoder(int countsPerRevolution, float wheelCircumference);