openCV library for Renesas RZ/A

Dependents:   RZ_A2M_Mbed_samples

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/opencv2/core/opengl.hpp	Fri Jan 29 04:53:38 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+//  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
+//  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
+//  copy or use the software.
+//                           License Agreement
+//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
+// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
+// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+//   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+//     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+//   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
+//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
+// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
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+// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#  error opengl.hpp header must be compiled as C++
+#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
+#include "ocl.hpp"
+namespace cv { namespace ogl {
+/** @addtogroup core_opengl
+This section describes OpenGL interoperability.
+To enable OpenGL support, configure OpenCV using CMake with WITH_OPENGL=ON . Currently OpenGL is
+supported only with WIN32, GTK and Qt backends on Windows and Linux (MacOS and Android are not
+supported). For GTK backend gtkglext-1.0 library is required.
+To use OpenGL functionality you should first create OpenGL context (window or frame buffer). You can
+do this with namedWindow function or with other OpenGL toolkit (GLUT, for example).
+//! @{
+/////////////////// OpenGL Objects ///////////////////
+/** @brief Smart pointer for OpenGL buffer object with reference counting.
+Buffer Objects are OpenGL objects that store an array of unformatted memory allocated by the OpenGL
+context. These can be used to store vertex data, pixel data retrieved from images or the
+framebuffer, and a variety of other things.
+ogl::Buffer has interface similar with Mat interface and represents 2D array memory.
+ogl::Buffer supports memory transfers between host and device and also can be mapped to CUDA memory.
+ */
+class CV_EXPORTS Buffer
+    /** @brief The target defines how you intend to use the buffer object.
+    */
+    enum Target
+    {
+        ARRAY_BUFFER         = 0x8892, //!< The buffer will be used as a source for vertex data
+        ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 0x8893, //!< The buffer will be used for indices (in glDrawElements, for example)
+        PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER    = 0x88EB, //!< The buffer will be used for reading from OpenGL textures
+        PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  = 0x88EC  //!< The buffer will be used for writing to OpenGL textures
+    };
+    enum Access
+    {
+        READ_ONLY  = 0x88B8,
+        WRITE_ONLY = 0x88B9,
+        READ_WRITE = 0x88BA
+    };
+    /** @brief The constructors.
+    Creates empty ogl::Buffer object, creates ogl::Buffer object from existed buffer ( abufId
+    parameter), allocates memory for ogl::Buffer object or copies from host/device memory.
+     */
+    Buffer();
+    /** @overload
+    @param arows Number of rows in a 2D array.
+    @param acols Number of columns in a 2D array.
+    @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
+    @param abufId Buffer object name.
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    Buffer(int arows, int acols, int atype, unsigned int abufId, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param asize 2D array size.
+    @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
+    @param abufId Buffer object name.
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    Buffer(Size asize, int atype, unsigned int abufId, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param arows Number of rows in a 2D array.
+    @param acols Number of columns in a 2D array.
+    @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
+    @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    Buffer(int arows, int acols, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param asize 2D array size.
+    @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
+    @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    Buffer(Size asize, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or std::vector ).
+    @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    explicit Buffer(InputArray arr, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @brief Allocates memory for ogl::Buffer object.
+    @param arows Number of rows in a 2D array.
+    @param acols Number of columns in a 2D array.
+    @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
+    @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+     */
+    void create(int arows, int acols, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param asize 2D array size.
+    @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
+    @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    void create(Size asize, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @brief Decrements the reference counter and destroys the buffer object if needed.
+    The function will call setAutoRelease(true) .
+     */
+    void release();
+    /** @brief Sets auto release mode.
+    The lifetime of the OpenGL object is tied to the lifetime of the context. If OpenGL context was
+    bound to a window it could be released at any time (user can close a window). If object's destructor
+    is called after destruction of the context it will cause an error. Thus ogl::Buffer doesn't destroy
+    OpenGL object in destructor by default (all OpenGL resources will be released with OpenGL context).
+    This function can force ogl::Buffer destructor to destroy OpenGL object.
+    @param flag Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+     */
+    void setAutoRelease(bool flag);
+    /** @brief Copies from host/device memory to OpenGL buffer.
+    @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or std::vector ).
+    @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+     */
+    void copyFrom(InputArray arr, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload */
+    void copyFrom(InputArray arr, cuda::Stream& stream, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @brief Copies from OpenGL buffer to host/device memory or another OpenGL buffer object.
+    @param arr Destination array (host or device memory, can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat , std::vector or
+    ogl::Buffer ).
+     */
+    void copyTo(OutputArray arr) const;
+    /** @overload */
+    void copyTo(OutputArray arr, cuda::Stream& stream) const;
+    /** @brief Creates a full copy of the buffer object and the underlying data.
+    @param target Buffer usage for destination buffer.
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode for destination buffer.
+     */
+    Buffer clone(Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false) const;
+    /** @brief Binds OpenGL buffer to the specified buffer binding point.
+    @param target Binding point. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+     */
+    void bind(Target target) const;
+    /** @brief Unbind any buffers from the specified binding point.
+    @param target Binding point. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
+     */
+    static void unbind(Target target);
+    /** @brief Maps OpenGL buffer to host memory.
+    mapHost maps to the client's address space the entire data store of the buffer object. The data can
+    then be directly read and/or written relative to the returned pointer, depending on the specified
+    access policy.
+    A mapped data store must be unmapped with ogl::Buffer::unmapHost before its buffer object is used.
+    This operation can lead to memory transfers between host and device.
+    Only one buffer object can be mapped at a time.
+    @param access Access policy, indicating whether it will be possible to read from, write to, or both
+    read from and write to the buffer object's mapped data store. The symbolic constant must be
+    ogl::Buffer::READ_ONLY , ogl::Buffer::WRITE_ONLY or ogl::Buffer::READ_WRITE .
+     */
+    Mat mapHost(Access access);
+    /** @brief Unmaps OpenGL buffer.
+    */
+    void unmapHost();
+    //! map to device memory (blocking)
+    cuda::GpuMat mapDevice();
+    void unmapDevice();
+    /** @brief Maps OpenGL buffer to CUDA device memory.
+    This operatation doesn't copy data. Several buffer objects can be mapped to CUDA memory at a time.
+    A mapped data store must be unmapped with ogl::Buffer::unmapDevice before its buffer object is used.
+     */
+    cuda::GpuMat mapDevice(cuda::Stream& stream);
+    /** @brief Unmaps OpenGL buffer.
+    */
+    void unmapDevice(cuda::Stream& stream);
+    int rows() const;
+    int cols() const;
+    Size size() const;
+    bool empty() const;
+    int type() const;
+    int depth() const;
+    int channels() const;
+    int elemSize() const;
+    int elemSize1() const;
+    //! get OpenGL opject id
+    unsigned int bufId() const;
+    class Impl;
+    Ptr<Impl> impl_;
+    int rows_;
+    int cols_;
+    int type_;
+/** @brief Smart pointer for OpenGL 2D texture memory with reference counting.
+ */
+class CV_EXPORTS Texture2D
+    /** @brief An Image Format describes the way that the images in Textures store their data.
+    */
+    enum Format
+    {
+        NONE            = 0,
+        DEPTH_COMPONENT = 0x1902, //!< Depth
+        RGB             = 0x1907, //!< Red, Green, Blue
+        RGBA            = 0x1908  //!< Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
+    };
+    /** @brief The constructors.
+    Creates empty ogl::Texture2D object, allocates memory for ogl::Texture2D object or copies from
+    host/device memory.
+     */
+    Texture2D();
+    /** @overload */
+    Texture2D(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, unsigned int atexId, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload */
+    Texture2D(Size asize, Format aformat, unsigned int atexId, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param arows Number of rows.
+    @param acols Number of columns.
+    @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    Texture2D(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param asize 2D array size.
+    @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    Texture2D(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or ogl::Buffer ).
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    explicit Texture2D(InputArray arr, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @brief Allocates memory for ogl::Texture2D object.
+    @param arows Number of rows.
+    @param acols Number of columns.
+    @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+     */
+    void create(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @overload
+    @param asize 2D array size.
+    @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    */
+    void create(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @brief Decrements the reference counter and destroys the texture object if needed.
+    The function will call setAutoRelease(true) .
+     */
+    void release();
+    /** @brief Sets auto release mode.
+    @param flag Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+    The lifetime of the OpenGL object is tied to the lifetime of the context. If OpenGL context was
+    bound to a window it could be released at any time (user can close a window). If object's destructor
+    is called after destruction of the context it will cause an error. Thus ogl::Texture2D doesn't
+    destroy OpenGL object in destructor by default (all OpenGL resources will be released with OpenGL
+    context). This function can force ogl::Texture2D destructor to destroy OpenGL object.
+     */
+    void setAutoRelease(bool flag);
+    /** @brief Copies from host/device memory to OpenGL texture.
+    @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or ogl::Buffer ).
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
+     */
+    void copyFrom(InputArray arr, bool autoRelease = false);
+    /** @brief Copies from OpenGL texture to host/device memory or another OpenGL texture object.
+    @param arr Destination array (host or device memory, can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat , ogl::Buffer or
+    ogl::Texture2D ).
+    @param ddepth Destination depth.
+    @param autoRelease Auto release mode for destination buffer (if arr is OpenGL buffer or texture).
+     */
+    void copyTo(OutputArray arr, int ddepth = CV_32F, bool autoRelease = false) const;
+    /** @brief Binds texture to current active texture unit for GL_TEXTURE_2D target.
+    */
+    void bind() const;
+    int rows() const;
+    int cols() const;
+    Size size() const;
+    bool empty() const;
+    Format format() const;
+    //! get OpenGL opject id
+    unsigned int texId() const;
+    class Impl;
+    Ptr<Impl> impl_;
+    int rows_;
+    int cols_;
+    Format format_;
+/** @brief Wrapper for OpenGL Client-Side Vertex arrays.
+ogl::Arrays stores vertex data in ogl::Buffer objects.
+ */
+class CV_EXPORTS Arrays
+    /** @brief Default constructor
+     */
+    Arrays();
+    /** @brief Sets an array of vertex coordinates.
+    @param vertex array with vertex coordinates, can be both host and device memory.
+    */
+    void setVertexArray(InputArray vertex);
+    /** @brief Resets vertex coordinates.
+    */
+    void resetVertexArray();
+    /** @brief Sets an array of vertex colors.
+    @param color array with vertex colors, can be both host and device memory.
+     */
+    void setColorArray(InputArray color);
+    /** @brief Resets vertex colors.
+    */
+    void resetColorArray();
+    /** @brief Sets an array of vertex normals.
+    @param normal array with vertex normals, can be both host and device memory.
+     */
+    void setNormalArray(InputArray normal);
+    /** @brief Resets vertex normals.
+    */
+    void resetNormalArray();
+    /** @brief Sets an array of vertex texture coordinates.
+    @param texCoord array with vertex texture coordinates, can be both host and device memory.
+     */
+    void setTexCoordArray(InputArray texCoord);
+    /** @brief Resets vertex texture coordinates.
+    */
+    void resetTexCoordArray();
+    /** @brief Releases all inner buffers.
+    */
+    void release();
+    /** @brief Sets auto release mode all inner buffers.
+    @param flag Auto release mode.
+     */
+    void setAutoRelease(bool flag);
+    /** @brief Binds all vertex arrays.
+    */
+    void bind() const;
+    /** @brief Returns the vertex count.
+    */
+    int size() const;
+    bool empty() const;
+    int size_;
+    Buffer vertex_;
+    Buffer color_;
+    Buffer normal_;
+    Buffer texCoord_;
+/////////////////// Render Functions ///////////////////
+//! render mode
+enum RenderModes {
+    POINTS         = 0x0000,
+    LINES          = 0x0001,
+    LINE_LOOP      = 0x0002,
+    LINE_STRIP     = 0x0003,
+    TRIANGLES      = 0x0004,
+    TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005,
+    TRIANGLE_FAN   = 0x0006,
+    QUADS          = 0x0007,
+    QUAD_STRIP     = 0x0008,
+    POLYGON        = 0x0009
+/** @brief Render OpenGL texture or primitives.
+@param tex Texture to draw.
+@param wndRect Region of window, where to draw a texture (normalized coordinates).
+@param texRect Region of texture to draw (normalized coordinates).
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS void render(const Texture2D& tex,
+    Rect_<double> wndRect = Rect_<double>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+    Rect_<double> texRect = Rect_<double>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
+/** @overload
+@param arr Array of privitives vertices.
+@param mode Render mode. One of cv::ogl::RenderModes
+@param color Color for all vertices. Will be used if arr doesn't contain color array.
+CV_EXPORTS void render(const Arrays& arr, int mode = POINTS, Scalar color = Scalar::all(255));
+/** @overload
+@param arr Array of privitives vertices.
+@param indices Array of vertices indices (host or device memory).
+@param mode Render mode. One of cv::ogl::RenderModes
+@param color Color for all vertices. Will be used if arr doesn't contain color array.
+CV_EXPORTS void render(const Arrays& arr, InputArray indices, int mode = POINTS, Scalar color = Scalar::all(255));
+/////////////////// CL-GL Interoperability Functions ///////////////////
+namespace ocl {
+using namespace cv::ocl;
+// TODO static functions in the Context class
+/** @brief Creates OpenCL context from GL.
+@return Returns reference to OpenCL Context
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS Context& initializeContextFromGL();
+} // namespace cv::ogl::ocl
+/** @brief Converts InputArray to Texture2D object.
+@param src     - source InputArray.
+@param texture - destination Texture2D object.
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS void convertToGLTexture2D(InputArray src, Texture2D& texture);
+/** @brief Converts Texture2D object to OutputArray.
+@param texture - source Texture2D object.
+@param dst     - destination OutputArray.
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS void convertFromGLTexture2D(const Texture2D& texture, OutputArray dst);
+/** @brief Maps Buffer object to process on CL side (convert to UMat).
+Function creates CL buffer from GL one, and then constructs UMat that can be used
+to process buffer data with OpenCV functions. Note that in current implementation
+UMat constructed this way doesn't own corresponding GL buffer object, so it is
+the user responsibility to close down CL/GL buffers relationships by explicitly
+calling unmapGLBuffer() function.
+@param buffer      - source Buffer object.
+@param accessFlags - data access flags (ACCESS_READ|ACCESS_WRITE).
+@return Returns UMat object
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS UMat mapGLBuffer(const Buffer& buffer, int accessFlags = ACCESS_READ|ACCESS_WRITE);
+/** @brief Unmaps Buffer object (releases UMat, previously mapped from Buffer).
+Function must be called explicitly by the user for each UMat previously constructed
+by the call to mapGLBuffer() function.
+@param u           - source UMat, created by mapGLBuffer().
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS void unmapGLBuffer(UMat& u);
+}} // namespace cv::ogl
+namespace cv { namespace cuda {
+//! @addtogroup cuda
+//! @{
+/** @brief Sets a CUDA device and initializes it for the current thread with OpenGL interoperability.
+This function should be explicitly called after OpenGL context creation and before any CUDA calls.
+@param device System index of a CUDA device starting with 0.
+@ingroup core_opengl
+ */
+CV_EXPORTS void setGlDevice(int device = 0);
+//! @}
+//! @cond IGNORED
+cv::ogl::Buffer::Buffer(int arows, int acols, int atype, Target target, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), type_(0)
+    create(arows, acols, atype, target, autoRelease);
+cv::ogl::Buffer::Buffer(Size asize, int atype, Target target, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), type_(0)
+    create(asize, atype, target, autoRelease);
+void cv::ogl::Buffer::create(Size asize, int atype, Target target, bool autoRelease)
+    create(asize.height, asize.width, atype, target, autoRelease);
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::rows() const
+    return rows_;
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::cols() const
+    return cols_;
+cv::Size cv::ogl::Buffer::size() const
+    return Size(cols_, rows_);
+bool cv::ogl::Buffer::empty() const
+    return rows_ == 0 || cols_ == 0;
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::type() const
+    return type_;
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::depth() const
+    return CV_MAT_DEPTH(type_);
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::channels() const
+    return CV_MAT_CN(type_);
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::elemSize() const
+    return CV_ELEM_SIZE(type_);
+int cv::ogl::Buffer::elemSize1() const
+    return CV_ELEM_SIZE1(type_);
+cv::ogl::Texture2D::Texture2D(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), format_(NONE)
+    create(arows, acols, aformat, autoRelease);
+cv::ogl::Texture2D::Texture2D(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), format_(NONE)
+    create(asize, aformat, autoRelease);
+void cv::ogl::Texture2D::create(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease)
+    create(asize.height, asize.width, aformat, autoRelease);
+int cv::ogl::Texture2D::rows() const
+    return rows_;
+int cv::ogl::Texture2D::cols() const
+    return cols_;
+cv::Size cv::ogl::Texture2D::size() const
+    return Size(cols_, rows_);
+bool cv::ogl::Texture2D::empty() const
+    return rows_ == 0 || cols_ == 0;
+cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format cv::ogl::Texture2D::format() const
+    return format_;
+cv::ogl::Arrays::Arrays() : size_(0)
+int cv::ogl::Arrays::size() const
+    return size_;
+bool cv::ogl::Arrays::empty() const
+    return size_ == 0;
+//! @endcond