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Fork of R_BSP by Daiki Kato


The SSIF driver implements transmission and reception functionality which uses the SSIF in the RZ/A Series.

Hello World!

Import program

00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "R_BSP_Ssif.h"
00003 #include "sine_data_tbl.h"
00005 //I2S send only, The upper limit of write buffer is 8.
00006 R_BSP_Ssif ssif(P4_4, P4_5, P4_7, P4_6, 0x80, 8, 0);
00008 static void callback_ssif_write_end(void * p_data, int32_t result, void * p_app_data) {
00009     if (result < 0) {
00010         printf("ssif write callback error %d\n", result);
00011     }
00012 }
00014 int main() {
00015     rbsp_data_conf_t   ssif_write_end_conf = {&callback_ssif_write_end, NULL};
00016     ssif_channel_cfg_t ssif_cfg;
00017     int32_t            result;
00019     //I2S Master, 44.1kHz, 16bit, 2ch
00020     ssif_cfg.enabled                = true;
00021     ssif_cfg.int_level              = 0x78;
00022     ssif_cfg.slave_mode             = false;
00023     ssif_cfg.sample_freq            = 44100u;
00024     ssif_cfg.clk_select             = SSIF_CFG_CKS_AUDIO_X1;
00025     ssif_cfg.multi_ch               = SSIF_CFG_MULTI_CH_1;
00026     ssif_cfg.data_word              = SSIF_CFG_DATA_WORD_16;
00027     ssif_cfg.system_word            = SSIF_CFG_SYSTEM_WORD_32;
00028     ssif_cfg.bclk_pol               = SSIF_CFG_FALLING;
00029     ssif_cfg.ws_pol                 = SSIF_CFG_WS_LOW;
00030     ssif_cfg.padding_pol            = SSIF_CFG_PADDING_LOW;
00031     ssif_cfg.serial_alignment       = SSIF_CFG_DATA_FIRST;
00032     ssif_cfg.parallel_alignment     = SSIF_CFG_LEFT;
00033     ssif_cfg.ws_delay               = SSIF_CFG_DELAY;
00034     ssif_cfg.noise_cancel           = SSIF_CFG_DISABLE_NOISE_CANCEL;
00035     ssif_cfg.tdm_mode               = SSIF_CFG_DISABLE_TDM;
00036     ssif_cfg.romdec_direct.mode     = SSIF_CFG_DISABLE_ROMDEC_DIRECT;
00037     ssif_cfg.romdec_direct.p_cbfunc = NULL;
00038     result = ssif.ConfigChannel(&ssif_cfg);
00039     if (result < 0) {
00040         printf("ssif config error %d\n", result);
00041     }
00043     while (1) {
00044         //The upper limit of write buffer is 8.
00045         result = ssif.write((void *)sin_data_44100Hz_16bit_2ch, 
00046                             sizeof(sin_data_44100Hz_16bit_2ch), &ssif_write_end_conf);
00047         if (result < 0) {
00048             printf("ssif write api error %d\n", result);
00049         }
00050     }
00051 }


Import library

Public Member Functions

R_BSP_Ssif (PinName sck, PinName ws, PinName tx, PinName rx, uint8_t int_level=0x80, int32_t max_write_num=16, int32_t max_read_num=16)
virtual ~R_BSP_Ssif ()
int32_t GetSsifChNo (void)
Get a value of SSIF channel number.
bool ConfigChannel (const ssif_channel_cfg_t *const p_ch_cfg)
Save configuration to the SSIF driver.
bool GetStatus (uint32_t *const p_status)
Get a value of SSISR register.
int32_t write (void *const p_data, uint32_t data_size, const rbsp_data_conf_t *const p_data_conf=NULL)
Write count bytes to the file associated.
int32_t read (void *const p_data, uint32_t data_size, const rbsp_data_conf_t *const p_data_conf=NULL)
Read count bytes to the file associated.

Protected Member Functions

void write_init (void *handle, void *p_func_a, int32_t max_buff_num=16)
Write init.
void read_init (void *handle, void *p_func_a, int32_t max_buff_num=16)
Read init.


See the Pinout page for more details


The SCUX module consists of a sampling rate converter, a digital volume unit, and a mixer.
The SCUX driver can perform asynchronous and synchronous sampling rate conversions using the sampling rate converter. The SCUX driver uses the DMA transfer mode to input and output audio data.

Hello World!

Import program

00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "R_BSP_Scux.h"
00003 #include "USBHostMSD.h"
00005 R_BSP_Scux scux(SCUX_CH_0);
00007 #define WRITE_SAMPLE_NUM (128)
00008 #define READ_SAMPLE_NUM  (2048)
00010 const short sin_data[WRITE_SAMPLE_NUM] = {
00011  0x0000,0x0000,0x0C8C,0x0C8C,0x18F9,0x18F9,0x2528,0x2528
00012 ,0x30FB,0x30FB,0x3C56,0x3C56,0x471C,0x471C,0x5133,0x5133
00013 ,0x5A82,0x5A82,0x62F1,0x62F1,0x6A6D,0x6A6D,0x70E2,0x70E2
00014 ,0x7641,0x7641,0x7A7C,0x7A7C,0x7D89,0x7D89,0x7F61,0x7F61
00015 ,0x7FFF,0x7FFF,0x7F61,0x7F61,0x7D89,0x7D89,0x7A7C,0x7A7C
00016 ,0x7641,0x7641,0x70E2,0x70E2,0x6A6D,0x6A6D,0x62F1,0x62F1
00017 ,0x5A82,0x5A82,0x5133,0x5133,0x471C,0x471C,0x3C56,0x3C56
00018 ,0x30FB,0x30FB,0x2528,0x2528,0x18F9,0x18F9,0x0C8C,0x0C8C
00019 ,0x0000,0x0000,0xF374,0xF374,0xE707,0xE707,0xDAD8,0xDAD8
00020 ,0xCF05,0xCF05,0xC3AA,0xC3AA,0xB8E4,0xB8E4,0xAECD,0xAECD
00021 ,0xA57E,0xA57E,0x9D0F,0x9D0F,0x9593,0x9593,0x8F1E,0x8F1E
00022 ,0x89BF,0x89BF,0x8584,0x8584,0x8277,0x8277,0x809F,0x809F
00023 ,0x8001,0x8001,0x809F,0x809F,0x8277,0x8277,0x8584,0x8584
00024 ,0x89BF,0x89BF,0x8F1E,0x8F1E,0x9593,0x9593,0x9D0F,0x9D0F
00025 ,0xA57E,0xA57E,0xAECD,0xAECD,0xB8E4,0xB8E4,0xC3AA,0xC3AA
00026 ,0xCF05,0xCF05,0xDAD8,0xDAD8,0xE707,0xE707,0xF374,0xF374
00027 };
00029 #if defined(__ICCARM__)
00030 #pragma data_alignment=4
00031 short write_buff[WRITE_SAMPLE_NUM]@ ".mirrorram";
00032 #pragma data_alignment=4
00033 short read_buff[READ_SAMPLE_NUM]@ ".mirrorram";
00034 #else
00035 short write_buff[WRITE_SAMPLE_NUM] __attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(4)));
00036 short read_buff[READ_SAMPLE_NUM] __attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(4)));
00037 #endif
00039 void scux_setup(void);
00040 void write_task(void const*);
00041 void file_output_to_usb(void);
00043 int main(void) {
00044     // set up SRC parameters.
00045     scux_setup();
00047     printf("Sampling rate conversion Start.\n");
00048     // start accepting transmit/receive requests.
00049     scux.TransStart();
00051     // create a new thread to write to SCUX.
00052     Thread writeTask(write_task, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024 * 4);
00054     // receive request to the SCUX driver.
00055     scux.read(read_buff, sizeof(read_buff));
00056     printf("Sampling rate conversion End.\n");
00058     // output binary file to USB port 0.
00059     file_output_to_usb();
00060 }
00062 void scux_setup(void) {
00063     scux_src_usr_cfg_t src_cfg;
00065     src_cfg.src_enable           = true;
00066     src_cfg.word_len             = SCUX_DATA_LEN_16;
00067     src_cfg.mode_sync            = true;
00068     src_cfg.input_rate           = SAMPLING_RATE_48000HZ;
00069     src_cfg.output_rate          = SAMPLING_RATE_96000HZ;
00070     src_cfg.select_in_data_ch[0] = SELECT_IN_DATA_CH_0;
00071     src_cfg.select_in_data_ch[1] = SELECT_IN_DATA_CH_1;
00073     scux.SetSrcCfg(&src_cfg);
00074 }
00076 void scux_flush_callback(int scux_ch) {
00077     // do nothing
00078 }
00080 void write_task(void const*) {
00081     memcpy(write_buff, sin_data, sizeof(write_buff));
00082     // send request to the SCUX driver.
00083     scux.write(write_buff, sizeof(write_buff));
00085     // stop the acceptance of transmit/receive requests.
00086     scux.FlushStop(&scux_flush_callback);
00087 }
00089 void file_output_to_usb(void) {
00090     FILE * fp = NULL;
00091     int i;
00093     USBHostMSD msd("usb");
00095     // try to connect a MSD device
00096     for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
00097         if (msd.connect()) {
00098             break;
00099         }
00100         wait(0.5);
00101     }
00103     if (msd.connected()) {
00104         fp = fopen("/usb/scux_input.dat", "rb");
00105         if (fp == NULL) {
00106             fp = fopen("/usb/scux_input.dat", "wb");
00107             if (fp != NULL) {
00108                 fwrite(write_buff, sizeof(short), WRITE_SAMPLE_NUM, fp);
00109                 fclose(fp);
00110                 printf("Output binary file(Input data) to USB.\n");
00111             } else {
00112                 printf("Failed to output binary file(Input data).\n");
00113             }
00114         } else {
00115             printf("Binary file(Input data) exists.\n");
00116             fclose(fp);
00117         }
00119         fp = fopen("/usb/scux_output.dat", "rb");
00120         if (fp == NULL) {
00121             fp = fopen("/usb/scux_output.dat", "wb");
00122             if (fp != NULL) {
00123                 fwrite(read_buff, sizeof(short), READ_SAMPLE_NUM, fp);
00124                 fclose(fp);
00125                 printf("Output binary file(Output data) to USB.\n");
00126             } else {
00127                 printf("Failed to output binary file(Output data).\n");
00128             }
00129         } else {
00130             printf("Binary file(Output data) exists.\n");
00131             fclose(fp);
00132         }
00133     } else {
00134         printf("Failed to connect to the USB device.\n");
00135     }
00136 } 


Import library

Public Member Functions

R_BSP_Scux ( scux_ch_num_t channel, uint8_t int_level=0x80, int32_t max_write_num=16, int32_t max_read_num=16)
Constructor: Initializes and opens the channel designated by the SCUX driver.
virtual ~R_BSP_Scux (void)
Destructor: Closes the channel designated by the SCUX driver and exits.
bool TransStart (void)
Sets up the SCUX HW and starts operation, then starts accepting write/read requests.
bool FlushStop (void(*const callback)(int32_t))
Stops accepting write/read requests, flushes out all data in the SCUX that is requested for transfer, then stops the HW operation.
bool ClearStop (void)
Discards all data in the SCUX that is requested for transfer before stopping the hardware operation and stops accepting write/read requests.
bool SetSrcCfg (const scux_src_usr_cfg_t *const p_src_param)
Sets up SRC parameters.
bool GetWriteStat (uint32_t *const p_write_stat)
Obtains the state information of the write request.
bool GetReadStat (uint32_t *const p_read_stat)
Obtains the state information of the read request.
int32_t write (void *const p_data, uint32_t data_size, const rbsp_data_conf_t *const p_data_conf=NULL)
Write count bytes to the file associated.
int32_t read (void *const p_data, uint32_t data_size, const rbsp_data_conf_t *const p_data_conf=NULL)
Read count bytes to the file associated.

Protected Member Functions

void write_init (void *handle, void *p_func_a, int32_t max_buff_num=16)
Write init.
void read_init (void *handle, void *p_func_a, int32_t max_buff_num=16)
Read init.

Write request state transition diagram


Read request state transition diagram


RenesasBSP/drv_src/ssif/ssif_int.h/structssif__channel__cfg__t.html@fb9eda52224e: not found in manifest