Video library for GR-PEACH
Dependents: Trace_Program2 GR-PEACH_Camera_in_barcode GR-PEACH_LCD_sample GR-PEACH_LCD_4_3inch_sample ... more
Video library for GR-PEACH.
Hello World!
Import programGR-PEACH_Camera_in
Camera in sample for GR-PEACH. This sample works on GR-LYCHEE besides GR-PEACH.
Import library
See the Pinout page for more details
- Committer:
- dkato
- Date:
- 2015-06-26
- Revision:
- 0:853f5b7408a7
File content as of revision 0:853f5b7408a7:
/******************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This * software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under * all applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS * ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR * ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE * BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software * and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, * you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************//** * @file r_vdc5_register.h * @version 1.00 * $Rev: 199 $ * $Date:: 2014-05-23 16:33:52 +0900#$ * @brief VDC5 driver register setup definitions ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef R_VDC5_REGISTER_H #define R_VDC5_REGISTER_H /****************************************************************************** Includes <System Includes> , "Project Includes" ******************************************************************************/ #include "r_vdc5.h" #include "r_vdc5_user.h" /****************************************************************************** Macro definitions ******************************************************************************/ #define VDC5_GAM_LUT_REG_NUM (16u) /*!< The number of table setting register in gamma correction block */ #define VDC5_GAM_AREA_REG_NUM (8u) /*!< The number of area setting register in gamma correction block */ /****************************************************************************** Typedef definitions ******************************************************************************/ /*! VDC5 input controller register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * inp_update; volatile uint32_t * inp_sel_cnt; volatile uint32_t * inp_ext_sync_cnt; volatile uint32_t * inp_vsync_ph_adj; volatile uint32_t * inp_dly_adj; volatile uint32_t * imgcnt_update; volatile uint32_t * imgcnt_nr_cnt0; volatile uint32_t * imgcnt_nr_cnt1; } vdc5_regaddr_input_ctrl_t; /*! VDC5 scaler register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * scl0_update; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc1; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc2; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc3; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc4; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc5; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc6; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc7; volatile uint32_t * scl0_frc9; volatile uint16_t * scl0_mon0; volatile uint16_t * scl0_int; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds1; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds2; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds3; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds4; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds5; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds6; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ds7; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us1; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us2; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us3; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us4; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us5; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us6; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us7; volatile uint32_t * scl0_us8; volatile uint32_t * scl0_ovr1; volatile uint32_t * scl1_update; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr1; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr2; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr3; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr4; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr5; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr6; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr7; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr8; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr9; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr10; volatile uint32_t * scl1_wr11; volatile uint32_t * scl1_mon1; volatile uint32_t * scl1_pbuf0; volatile uint32_t * scl1_pbuf1; volatile uint32_t * scl1_pbuf2; volatile uint32_t * scl1_pbuf3; volatile uint32_t * scl1_pbuf_fld; volatile uint32_t * scl1_pbuf_cnt; } vdc5_regaddr_scaler_t; /*! VDC5 image quality improver register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * adj_update; volatile uint32_t * adj_bkstr_set; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_tim1; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_tim2; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_tim3; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_shp1; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_shp2; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_shp3; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_shp4; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_shp5; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_shp6; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_lti1; volatile uint32_t * adj_enh_lti2; } vdc5_regaddr_img_qlty_imp_t; /*! VDC5 color matrix register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * mtx_update; volatile uint32_t * mtx_mode; volatile uint32_t * mtx_yg_adj0; volatile uint32_t * mtx_yg_adj1; volatile uint32_t * mtx_cbb_adj0; volatile uint32_t * mtx_cbb_adj1; volatile uint32_t * mtx_crr_adj0; volatile uint32_t * mtx_crr_adj1; } vdc5_regaddr_color_matrix_t; /*! VDC5 image synthesizer register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * gr_update; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm_rd; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm1; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm2; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm3; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm4; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm5; volatile uint32_t * gr_flm6; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab1; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab2; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab3; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab4; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab5; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab6; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab7; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab8; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab9; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab10; volatile uint32_t * gr_ab11; volatile uint32_t * gr_base; volatile uint32_t * gr_clut; volatile uint32_t * gr_mon; } vdc5_regaddr_img_synthesizer_t; /*! VDC5 gamma correction register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * gam_sw; volatile uint32_t * gam_g_update; volatile uint32_t * gam_g_lut[VDC5_GAM_LUT_REG_NUM]; volatile uint32_t * gam_g_area[VDC5_GAM_AREA_REG_NUM]; volatile uint32_t * gam_b_update; volatile uint32_t * gam_b_lut[VDC5_GAM_LUT_REG_NUM]; volatile uint32_t * gam_b_area[VDC5_GAM_AREA_REG_NUM]; volatile uint32_t * gam_r_update; volatile uint32_t * gam_r_lut[VDC5_GAM_LUT_REG_NUM]; volatile uint32_t * gam_r_area[VDC5_GAM_AREA_REG_NUM]; } vdc5_regaddr_gamma_t; /*! VDC5 output controller register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * tcon_update; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_stva1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_stva2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_stvb1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_stvb2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_sth1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_sth2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_stb1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_stb2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_cpv1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_cpv2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_pola1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_pola2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_polb1; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_polb2; volatile uint32_t * tcon_tim_de; volatile uint32_t * out_update; volatile uint32_t * out_set; volatile uint32_t * out_bright1; volatile uint32_t * out_bright2; volatile uint32_t * out_contrast; volatile uint32_t * out_pdtha; volatile uint32_t * out_clk_phase; } vdc5_regaddr_output_ctrl_t; /*! VDC5 system controller register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * syscnt_int1; volatile uint32_t * syscnt_int2; volatile uint32_t * syscnt_int3; volatile uint32_t * syscnt_int4; volatile uint32_t * syscnt_int5; volatile uint32_t * syscnt_int6; volatile uint16_t * syscnt_panel_clk; volatile uint16_t * syscnt_clut; } vdc5_regaddr_system_ctrl_t; /*! LVDS register address list */ typedef struct { volatile uint32_t * lvds_update; volatile uint32_t * lvdsfcl; volatile uint32_t * lclkselr; volatile uint32_t * lpllsetr; volatile uint32_t * lphyacc; } vdc5_regaddr_lvds_t; /****************************************************************************** Variable Externs ******************************************************************************/ extern const vdc5_regaddr_input_ctrl_t vdc5_regaddr_input_ctrl[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_scaler_t vdc5_regaddr_scaler[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM][VDC5_SC_TYPE_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_img_qlty_imp_t vdc5_regaddr_img_qlty_imp[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM][VDC5_IMG_IMPRV_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_color_matrix_t vdc5_regaddr_color_matrix[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM][VDC5_COLORMTX_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_img_synthesizer_t vdc5_regaddr_img_synthesizer[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM][VDC5_GR_TYPE_NUM]; extern uint32_t * const vdc5_regaddr_clut[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM][VDC5_GR_TYPE_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_output_ctrl_t vdc5_regaddr_output_ctrl[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_gamma_t vdc5_regaddr_gamma[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_system_ctrl_t vdc5_regaddr_system_ctrl[VDC5_CHANNEL_NUM]; extern const vdc5_regaddr_lvds_t vdc5_regaddr_lvds; /****************************************************************************** Functions Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ void VDC5_Initialize(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_init_t * const param); void VDC5_Terminate(const vdc5_channel_t ch); void VDC5_VideoInput(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_input_t * const param); void VDC5_SyncControl(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_sync_ctrl_t * const param); void VDC5_DisplayOutput(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_output_t * const param); void VDC5_WriteDataControl( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_scaling_type_t scaling_id, const vdc5_write_t * const param); void VDC5_ChangeWriteProcess( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_scaling_type_t scaling_id, const vdc5_write_chg_t * const param); void VDC5_ReadDataControl( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_graphics_type_t graphics_id, const vdc5_read_t * const param); void VDC5_ChangeReadProcess( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_graphics_type_t graphics_id, const vdc5_read_chg_t * const param); void VDC5_StartProcess(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_layer_id_t layer_id, const vdc5_start_t * const param); void VDC5_StopProcess(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_layer_id_t layer_id); void VDC5_ReleaseDataControl(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_layer_id_t layer_id); void VDC5_VideoNoiseReduction( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_onoff_t nr1d_on, const vdc5_noise_reduction_t * const param); void VDC5_ImageColorMatrix(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_color_matrix_t * const param); void VDC5_ImageEnhancement( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_imgimprv_id_t imgimprv_id, const vdc5_onoff_t shp_h_on, const vdc5_enhance_sharp_t * const sharp_param, const vdc5_onoff_t lti_h_on, const vdc5_enhance_lti_t * const lti_param, const vdc5_period_rect_t * const enh_area); void VDC5_ImageBlackStretch( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_imgimprv_id_t imgimprv_id, const vdc5_onoff_t bkstr_on, const vdc5_black_t * const param); void VDC5_AlphaBlending( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_graphics_type_t graphics_id, const vdc5_alpha_blending_t * const param); void VDC5_AlphaBlendingRect( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_graphics_type_t graphics_id, const vdc5_onoff_t gr_arc_on, const vdc5_alpha_blending_rect_t * const param); void VDC5_Chromakey( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_graphics_type_t graphics_id, const vdc5_onoff_t gr_ck_on, const vdc5_chromakey_t * const param); void VDC5_CLUT(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_graphics_type_t graphics_id, const vdc5_clut_t * const param); void VDC5_DisplayCalibration(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_disp_calibration_t * const param); void VDC5_GammaCorrection( const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_onoff_t gam_on, const vdc5_gamma_correction_t * const param); void VDC5_Int_Disable(const vdc5_channel_t ch); void VDC5_Int_SetInterrupt(const vdc5_channel_t ch, const vdc5_int_t * const param); #endif /* R_VDC5_REGISTER_H */