Sample program for communicating with Fujitsuu IoT Platform using HTTP

Dependencies:   AsciiFont GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework LCD_shield_config R_BSP USBHost_custom easy-connect-gr-peach mbed-http picojson BM1383GLV KX022 rohm-sensor-hal rohm-bh1745


This sample program shows how to send the cognitive data and sensing data gathered by Omron HVC-P2 and Rohm Sensor Shield respectively to IoT Platform managed by FUJITSU ( ).

Required Hardware

Application Setup

  1. Configure the connection type. For details, please refer to the following link:
  2. Configure Ethernet settings. For details, please refer to the following link:
  3. Set up the Access Code of resource where the gathered data would be stored. For details on Access Code, please refer to the following links:
  4. Set up URI for the resource where the gathered data would be stored. For details, please refer to the following link:

Building Example

  1. Import this sample program onto mbed Compiler
  2. Configure the program in accordance with the description of Application Setup above
  3. Compile the sample program
  4. Plug the Ethernet cable into GR-PEACH if you would like Ethernet mode
  5. Plug micro-USB cable into the OpenSDA port which lies on the next to the RESET button
  6. Copy the binary previously downloaded to your PC to GR-PEACH in order to flash this program. When the copy is successfully completed, the drive named MBED should be re-mounted automatically
  7. Press the RESET button on the board to run the sample application

Data Format sent to IoT Platform

In this sample program, the cognitive data and sensing data are serialized into the following JSON format using picojson (

  • Face detection data

    "RecordType": "HVC-P2(face)",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "Age": xxx,
    "FaceRectangle": {
        "Height": xxx,
        "Left": xxx,
        "Top": xxx,
        "Width": xxx
    "Gender": xxx,
    "Scores": {
        "Anger": xxx,
        "Happiness": xxx,
        "Neutral": xxx,
        "Sadness": xxx,
        "Surprise": xxx
  • Body detection data

    "RecodeType": "HVC-P2(body)",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "BodyRectangle": {
        "Height": xxx,
        "Left": xxx,
        "Top": xxx,
        "Width": xxx
  • Accelerometer data

    "RecodeType": "Accelerometer",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ acceleratoin(x-direction), acceleration(y-direction), acceleration(z-direction), null, null, null ]

Note that data[0], data[1] and data[2] are filled with the acceleration data in x, y and z direction respectively, and the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Atmosphere data

    "RecodeType": "Atmosphere",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ atmosphere data, null, null, null, null, null ]

Note that data[0] is filled with atmosphere data, and the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Color sensor data

    "RecodeType": "Color",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, null, null]

Note that data[0], data[1], data[2] and data[3] are filled with Red, Green, Blue and Alpha elements of color respectively, and the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Temperature data

    "RecodeType": "Temperature",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ Temperature, null, null, null, null, null ]

Note that data[0] is filled with temperature data, the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Geomagnetism

    "RecodeType": "Geomagnetism",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ geomagnetism(x-direction), geomagnetism(y-direction), geomagnetism(z-direction), null, null, null]

Note that data[0], data[1] and data[2] are filled with the geomagnetism data in x, y and z direction respectively, and the remaining elements are filled with null.


Osamu Nakamura

File content as of revision 7:9ae73f85dc04:

/* Copyright(C)  2017  OMRON Corporation                                     */
/*                                                                           */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");           */
/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.          */
/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                   */
/*                                                                           */
/*                            */
/*                                                                           */
/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       */
/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         */
/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  */
/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and       */
/* limitations under the License.                                            */

#ifndef HVCDef_H__
#define HVCDef_H__

/* Execution flag */
#define HVC_ACTIV_BODY_DETECTION        0x00000001
#define HVC_ACTIV_HAND_DETECTION        0x00000002
#define HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION        0x00000004
#define HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DIRECTION        0x00000008
#define HVC_ACTIV_AGE_ESTIMATION        0x00000010
#define HVC_ACTIV_GENDER_ESTIMATION     0x00000020
#define HVC_ACTIV_GAZE_ESTIMATION       0x00000040
#define HVC_ACTIV_BLINK_ESTIMATION      0x00000080
#define HVC_ACTIV_FACE_RECOGNITION      0x00000200

/* Image info of Execute command */
#define HVC_EXECUTE_IMAGE_NONE          0x00000000
#define HVC_EXECUTE_IMAGE_QVGA          0x00000001
#define HVC_EXECUTE_IMAGE_QVGA_HALF     0x00000002

/* Error code */

/* Parameter error */
#define HVC_ERROR_PARAMETER             -1

/* Send signal timeout error */
#define HVC_ERROR_SEND_DATA             -10

/* Receive header signal timeout error */
#define HVC_ERROR_HEADER_TIMEOUT        -20
/* Invalid header error */
#define HVC_ERROR_HEADER_INVALID        -21
/* Receive data signal timeout error */
#define HVC_ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT          -22

/* Album data size */
#define HVC_ALBUM_SIZE_MIN              32
#define HVC_ALBUM_SIZE_MAX              816032

/* Expression */
typedef enum {
    EX_NEUTRAL = 1,

/* Struct                                                                     */
/* Devicefs model and version info                                           */
typedef struct {
    UINT8   string[12];
    UINT8   major;
    UINT8   minor;
    UINT8   relese;
    UINT8   revision[4];

/* Detection result                                                           */
typedef struct{
    INT32   posX;       /* Center x-coordinate */
    INT32   posY;       /* Center y-coordinate */
    INT32   size;       /* Size */
    INT32   confidence; /* Degree of confidence */

/* Face direction                                                             */
typedef struct{
    INT32   yaw;        /* Yaw angle */
    INT32   pitch;      /* Pitch angle */
    INT32   roll;       /* Roll angle */
    INT32   confidence; /* Degree of confidence */

/* Age                                                                        */
typedef struct{
    INT32   age;        /* Age */
    INT32   confidence; /* Degree of confidence */

/* Gender                                                                     */
typedef struct{
    INT32   gender;     /* Gender */
    INT32   confidence; /* Degree of confidence */

/* Gaze                                                                       */
typedef struct{
    INT32   gazeLR;     /* Yaw angle */
    INT32   gazeUD;     /* Pitch angle */

/* Blink                                                                      */
typedef struct{
    INT32   ratioL;     /* Left eye blink result */
    INT32   ratioR;     /* Right eye blink result */

/* Expression                                                                 */
typedef struct{
    INT32   topExpression;  /* Top expression */
    INT32   topScore;       /* Top score */
    INT32   score[5];       /* Score of 5 expression */
    INT32   degree;         /* Negative-positive degree */

/* Face Recognition                                                           */
typedef struct{
    INT32   uid;        /* User ID */
    INT32   confidence; /* Degree of confidence */

/* Face Detection & Estimations result                                        */
typedef struct{
    DETECT_RESULT       dtResult;           /* Face detection result */
    DIR_RESULT          dirResult;          /* Face direction estimation result */
    AGE_RESULT          ageResult;          /* Age Estimation result */
    GENDER_RESULT       genderResult;       /* Gender Estimation result */
    GAZE_RESULT         gazeResult;         /* Gaze Estimation result */
    BLINK_RESULT        blinkResult;        /* Blink Estimation result */
    EXPRESSION_RESULT   expressionResult;   /* Expression Estimation result */
    RECOGNITION_RESULT  recognitionResult;  /* Face Recognition result */

/* Human Body Detection results                                               */
typedef struct{
    UINT8           num;            /* Number of Detection */
    DETECT_RESULT   bdResult[35];   /* Detection result */

/* Hand Detection results                                                     */
typedef struct{
    UINT8           num;            /* Number of Detection */
    DETECT_RESULT   hdResult[35];   /* Detection result */

/* Face Detection & Estimations results                                       */
typedef struct{
    UINT8           num;            /* Number of Detection */
    FACE_RESULT     fcResult[35];   /* Detection & Estimations result */

/* Image data                                                                 */
typedef struct{
    INT32   width;
    INT32   height;
    UINT8   image[320*240];

/* Eesult data of Execute command                                             */
typedef struct{
    INT32       executedFunc;   /* Execution flag */
    BD_RESULT   bdResult;       /* Human Body Detection results */
    HD_RESULT   hdResult;       /* Hand Detection results */
    FD_RESULT   fdResult;       /* Face Detection & Estimations results */
    HVC_IMAGE   image;          /* Image data */

/* Threshold of confidence                                                    */
typedef struct{
    INT32   bdThreshold;        /* Threshold of confidence of Human Body Detection */
    INT32   hdThreshold;        /* Threshold of confidence of Hand Detection */
    INT32   dtThreshold;        /* Threshold of confidence of Face Detection */
    INT32   rsThreshold;        /* Threshold of confidence of Face Recognition */

/* Detection size                                                             */
typedef struct{
    INT32   bdMinSize;          /* Minimum detection size of Human Body Detection */
    INT32   bdMaxSize;          /* Maximum detection size of Human Body Detection */
    INT32   hdMinSize;          /* Minimum detection size of Hand Detection */
    INT32   hdMaxSize;          /* Maximum detection size of Hand Detection */
    INT32   dtMinSize;          /* Minimum detection size of Face Detection */
    INT32   dtMaxSize;          /* Maximum detection size of Face Detection */

#endif /* HVCDef_H__ */