The "GR-PEACH_Audio_Playback_7InchLCD_Sample" is a sample code that can provides high-resolution audio playback of FLAC format files. It also allows the user to audio-playback control functions such as play, pause, and stop by manipulating key switches.
Dependencies: GR-PEACH_video R_BSP TLV320_RBSP USBHost_custom
Fork of GR-PEACH_Audio_Playback_Sample by
For a sample program of without LCD Board, please refer to GR-PEACH_Audio_Playback_Sample.
The "GR-PEACH_Audio_Playback_7InchLCD_Sample" is a sample code that can provides high-resolution audio playback of FLAC format files. It also allows the user to audio-playback control functions such as play, pause, and stop by manipulating key switches.
1. Overview of the Sample Code
1.1 Software Block Diagram
Figure 1.1 shows the software block diagram.
1.2 Pin Definitions
Table 1.1 shows the pins used in this sample code.
2. Sample Code Operating Environment
In order to operate this sample code, GR-PEACH, Audio Camera Shield and 7.1 inch LCD Shield must be needed. For details on Audio Camera Shield and 7.1 inch LCD Shield, please refer to the following links, respectively:
- Audio Camera Shield
https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Renesas/wiki/Audio_Camera-shield - 7.1 inch LCD Shield
In this section, it is described that how board is configured and to control audio playback via command line and touch screen.
2.1 Operating Environment
Figure 2.1 shows the overview of the operating environment for this sample code.
Figure 2.2 and 2.3 show how to configure GR-PEACH, Audio Camera Shield and 7.1 inch LCD shield when using USB0 and USB1, respectively.
Table 2.1 lists the overview of Graphical User Interface (GUI) of this sample code.
2.2 List of User Operations
Table 2.2 shows the relationship among Audio Playback, Command Line and Onboard Switch.
3. Function Outline
Table 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 shows the overview of functions implemented in this sample code.
3.1 Playback Control
This sample program supports the operation "play", "pause", "stop", "play next song" and "play previous song".
3.2 Trick Play Control
In order to enable/disable Repeat Mode, user need to type "repeat" on command line or click the corresponding icon shown in Table 2.2. By derault, Repeat Mode is enabled. When Repeat Mode is enabled, the first song is played back after the playback of the last song is finished. Otherwise, the playback is shopped when finishing to play back the last song.
3.3 How to see Song Information
The information of the song being played back can be seen by typing playinfo on command line. Table 3.4 lists the items user can see on the terminal.
3.4 How to analyze the folder structure in USB stick
In this sample code, the folder structure in USB stick is analyzed in the breadth-first order. Table 3.5 shows how the files in USB stick are numbered.
4.1 Serial Communication Setting
With respect to the default serial communication related setting on mbed, please refer to the follwing link:
Please set up the terminal software you would like to use on your PC in consideration of the above. For example, 9600 should be specified for the baud rate on the terminal in order to control this sample via command line.
4.2 Necessary modification when using GCC ARM Embedded
If you would like to use GCC ARM Embedded, you must revise the following linker script incorporated in mbed OS 5 package as follows:
- Linker Script to be modified
Please note that $(PROJECT_ROOT) in the above denotes the root directory of this sample code
- Before Modification
/* Linker script for mbed RZ_A1H */ /* Linker script to configure memory regions. */ MEMORY { ROM (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x02000000 BOOT_LOADER (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x18000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000 SFLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x18004000, LENGTH = 0x07FFC000 L_TTB (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000 RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20020000, LENGTH = 0x00700000 RAM_NC (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20900000, LENGTH = 0x00100000 } (snip)
- After Modification
/* Linker script for mbed RZ_A1H */ /* Linker script to configure memory regions. */ MEMORY { ROM (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x02000000 BOOT_LOADER (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x18000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000 SFLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x18004000, LENGTH = 0x07FFC000 L_TTB (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00004000 RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20020000, LENGTH = 0x00180000 RAM_NC (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20200000, LENGTH = 0x00680000 } (snip)
- Committer:
- dkato
- Date:
- 2015-10-16
- Revision:
- 0:ee40da884cfc
- Child:
- 2:d9fca8cd7f03
File content as of revision 0:ee40da884cfc:
/******************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This * software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under * all applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS * ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR * ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE * BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software * and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, * you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer* * Copyright (C) 2015 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************/ #include "mbed.h" #include "rtos.h" #include "misratypes.h" #include "key_cmd.h" #include "system.h" #include "display.h" /*--- Macro definition ---*/ #define CHR_BS '\b' /* 0x08: BACKSPACE */ #define CHR_LF '\n' /* 0x0A: LINE FEED */ #define CHR_CR '\r' /* 0x0D: CARRIAGE RETURN */ #define CHR_SPACE ' ' /* 0x20: SPACE */ #define PRINT_CHR_MIN CHR_SPACE /* Minimum numeric value of printable character. */ #define PRINT_CHR_MAX '~' /* Maximum numeric value of printable character. */ /* Command Name */ #define CMD_STOP "STOP" /* Stop */ #define CMD_PLAYPAUSE "PLAYPAUSE" /* Play / Pause */ #define CMD_NEXT "NEXT" /* Next track */ #define CMD_PREV "PREV" /* Previous track */ #define CMD_PLAYINFO "PLAYINFO" /* Play info */ #define CMD_REPEAT "REPEAT" /* Repeat */ #define VALID_CMD_NUM (6u) #define MAX_CNT_OF_ARG (1u) #define MSG_UNKNOWN_CMD "command not found" /*--- User defined types ---*/ typedef struct { char_t argv[MAX_CNT_OF_ARG][CMD_INPUT_MAX_LEN]; uint32_t argc; } split_str_t; static Serial pc_in(USBTX, USBRX); static void clear_input_string(cmd_ctrl_t * const p); static bool read_data(cmd_ctrl_t * const p); static bool split_input_string(split_str_t * const p, const char_t * const p_inp_str, const uint32_t inp_len); static SYS_KeyCode parse_input_string(const split_str_t * const p); void cmd_init_proc(cmd_ctrl_t * const p_ctrl) { if (p_ctrl != NULL) { pc_in.baud(DSP_PC_COM_BAUDRATE); clear_input_string(p_ctrl); } } SYS_KeyCode cmd_main_proc(cmd_ctrl_t * const p_ctrl) { SYS_KeyCode key_ev = SYS_KEYCODE_NON; split_str_t split; bool result; if (p_ctrl != NULL) { result = read_data(p_ctrl); if (result == true) { /* Decided the input character string from command-line. */ /* Splits the input character string in argument. */ result = split_input_string(&split, p_ctrl->inp_str, p_ctrl->inp_len); if (result == true) { key_ev = parse_input_string(&split); if (key_ev == SYS_KEYCODE_NON) { /* The input character string is unknown command. */ (void) dsp_notify_print_string(MSG_UNKNOWN_CMD); } } clear_input_string(p_ctrl); } } return key_ev; } /** Clears the data of the input character string * * @param p Pointer to the control data of command-line module. */ static void clear_input_string(cmd_ctrl_t * const p) { if (p != NULL) { p->inp_str[0] = '\0'; p->inp_len = 0u; } } /** Reads the input character string from command-line * * @param p Pointer to the control data of command-line module. * * @returns * Results of process. true is success. false is failure. */ static bool read_data(cmd_ctrl_t * const p) { bool ret = false; int32_t c; if (p != NULL) { if (pc_in.readable() == true) { c = pc_in.getc(); if ((PRINT_CHR_MIN <= c) && (c <= PRINT_CHR_MAX)) { /* The character of "c" variable can print. */ /* Checks the length except the null terminal character. */ if (p->inp_len < ((sizeof(p->inp_str)/sizeof(p->inp_str[0])) - 1u)) { p->inp_str[p->inp_len] = (char_t)c; p->inp_len++; p->inp_str[p->inp_len] = '\0'; } else { /* Because buffer is full, "c" variable is canceled. */ } } else { /* The character of "c" variable can not print. */ if ((c == CHR_CR) || (c == CHR_LF) || (c == '\0')) { /* Detected the end of the input from command-line. */ ret = true; } else if (c == CHR_BS) { /* Deletes one character. */ if (p->inp_len > 0u) { p->inp_len--; p->inp_str[p->inp_len] = '\0'; } } else { /* DO NOTHING */ } } /* Sends the input character string to display thread. */ (void) dsp_notify_input_string(p->inp_str, ret); } } return ret; } /** Splits the input character string in argument * * @param p Pointer to the structure to store the argument data. * @param p_inp_str Pointer to the input character string. * @param inp_len Length of the input character string. * (Excepting the null terminal character.) * * @returns * Results of process. true is success. false is failure. */ static bool split_input_string(split_str_t * const p, const char_t * const p_inp_str, const uint32_t inp_len) { bool ret = false; uint32_t arg_cnt; uint32_t chr_cnt; uint32_t i; if ((p != NULL) && (p_inp_str != NULL) && (inp_len > 0u)) { arg_cnt = 0u; chr_cnt = 0u; /* Checks the input character string. */ /* (Including the null terminal character.) */ for (i = 0u; i < (inp_len + 1u); i++) { /* Deletes the white space. */ if (((int32_t)p_inp_str[i] == CHR_SPACE) || ((int32_t)p_inp_str[i] == '\0')) { if (chr_cnt > 0u) { /* Detects the white space after the string. */ arg_cnt++; chr_cnt = 0u; } } else { /* Checks the length except the null terminal character. */ if (chr_cnt < (sizeof(p->argv[0]) - 1u)) { if (arg_cnt < (sizeof(p->argv)/sizeof(p->argv[0]))) { p->argv[arg_cnt][chr_cnt] = p_inp_str[i]; p->argv[arg_cnt][chr_cnt + 1u] = '\0'; } chr_cnt++; } } } if ((arg_cnt > 0u) && (arg_cnt <= (sizeof(p->argv)/sizeof(p->argv[0])))) { p->argc = arg_cnt; ret = true; } else { p->argc = 0u; } } return ret; } /** Parses the input character string using the argument data * * @param p Pointer to the structure of the argument data. * * @returns * Key code. */ static SYS_KeyCode parse_input_string(const split_str_t * const p) { SYS_KeyCode key_ret = SYS_KEYCODE_NON; const char_t *p_str; uint32_t max_len; uint32_t i; struct { const char_t *p_cmd; SYS_KeyCode key_ev; } static const cmd_list[VALID_CMD_NUM] = { { CMD_STOP, SYS_KEYCODE_STOP }, { CMD_PLAYPAUSE, SYS_KEYCODE_PLAYPAUSE }, { CMD_NEXT, SYS_KEYCODE_NEXT }, { CMD_PREV, SYS_KEYCODE_PREV }, { CMD_PLAYINFO, SYS_KEYCODE_PLAYINFO }, { CMD_REPEAT, SYS_KEYCODE_REPEAT } }; if (p != NULL) { if (p->argc == MAX_CNT_OF_ARG) { p_str = p->argv[0]; max_len = sizeof(p->argv[0])/sizeof(p->argv[0][0]); for (i = 0u; (i < VALID_CMD_NUM) && (key_ret == SYS_KEYCODE_NON); i++) { if (strncasecmp(cmd_list[i].p_cmd, p_str, max_len) == 0) { key_ret = cmd_list[i].key_ev; } } } } return key_ret; }