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UDPSocket Class Reference

UDPSocket Class Reference

UDP Socket. More...

#include <UDPSocket.h>

Inherits Socket.

Public Member Functions

 UDPSocket ()
 Instantiate an UDP Socket.
int init (void)
 Init the UDP Client Socket without binding it to any specific port.
int bind (int port)
 Bind a UDP Server Socket to a specific port.
int join_multicast_group (const char *address)
 Join the multicast group at the given address.
int set_broadcasting (bool broadcast=true)
 Set the socket in broadcasting mode.
int sendTo (Endpoint &remote, char *packet, int length)
 Send a packet to a remote endpoint.
int receiveFrom (Endpoint &remote, char *buffer, int length)
 Receive a packet from a remote endpoint.
void set_blocking (bool blocking, unsigned int timeout=1500)
 Set blocking or non-blocking mode of the socket and a timeout on blocking socket operations.
int set_option (int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen)
 Set socket options.
int get_option (int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen)
 Get socket options.
int close (bool shutdown=true)
 Close the socket.

Detailed Description

UDP Socket.

Definition at line 28 of file UDPSocket.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UDPSocket (  )

Instantiate an UDP Socket.

Definition at line 25 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int bind ( int  port )

Bind a UDP Server Socket to a specific port.

portThe port to listen for incoming connections on
0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 33 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int close ( bool  shutdown = true ) [inherited]

Close the socket.

shutdownfree the left-over data in message queues

Definition at line 72 of file Socket.cpp.

int get_option ( int  level,
int  optname,
void *  optval,
socklen_t *  optlen 
) [inherited]

Get socket options.

levelstack level (see: lwip/sockets.h)
optnameoption ID
optvalbuffer pointer where to write the option value
socklen_tlength of the option value
0 on success, -1 on failure

Definition at line 48 of file Socket.cpp.

int init ( void   )

Init the UDP Client Socket without binding it to any specific port.

0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 28 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int join_multicast_group ( const char *  address )

Join the multicast group at the given address.

addressThe address of the multicast group
0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 52 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int receiveFrom ( Endpoint remote,
char *  buffer,
int  length 

Receive a packet from a remote endpoint.

remoteThe remote endpoint
bufferThe buffer for storing the incoming packet data. If a packet is too long to fit in the supplied buffer, excess bytes are discarded
lengthThe length of the buffer
the number of received bytes on success (>=0) or -1 on failure

Definition at line 82 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int sendTo ( Endpoint remote,
char *  packet,
int  length 

Send a packet to a remote endpoint.

remoteThe remote endpoint
packetThe packet to be sent
lengthThe length of the packet to be sent
the number of written bytes on success (>=0) or -1 on failure

Definition at line 68 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

void set_blocking ( bool  blocking,
unsigned int  timeout = 1500 
) [inherited]

Set blocking or non-blocking mode of the socket and a timeout on blocking socket operations.

blockingtrue for blocking mode, false for non-blocking mode.
timeouttimeout in ms [Default: (1500)ms].

Definition at line 27 of file Socket.cpp.

int set_broadcasting ( bool  broadcast = true )

Set the socket in broadcasting mode.

0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 62 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int set_option ( int  level,
int  optname,
const void *  optval,
socklen_t  optlen 
) [inherited]

Set socket options.

levelstack level (see: lwip/sockets.h)
optnameoption ID
optvaloption value
socklen_tlength of the option value
0 on success, -1 on failure

Definition at line 44 of file Socket.cpp.