I messed up the merge, so pushing it over to another repo so I don't lose it. Will tidy up and remove later

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial FatFileSystemCpp mbed

diff -r c864a0c67dbf -r 7ecf25d9c414 VIPSSerialProtocol.h
--- a/VIPSSerialProtocol.h	Wed Aug 04 16:43:45 2021 +0000
+++ b/VIPSSerialProtocol.h	Thu Aug 05 13:44:45 2021 +0000
@@ -4,33 +4,62 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "position.h"
 #include "BufferedSerial.h"
+#include "LTCApp.h"
+#include "LowPassFilter.h"
 extern const char* VIPSStatusMessages[];
+struct UserSettings_s;
-class VIPSSerial { 
+class VIPSSerial
     VIPSSerial(const PinName Tx, const PinName Rx);
     void run(void);
+    bool setFilters(struct UserSettings_s *settings);
     // send all position outputs rather than just when requested.
     void sendAllUpdated(bool enable);
     // send a position output for the requested time. Times are based on the global TimeSinceLastFrame timer.
     position* sendPositionForTime(uint32_t timeValue);
-    position* getWaitingPostion() {position *ptr = outputPtr; outputPtr=NULL; return ptr;}
+    position* getWaitingPostion()
+    {
+        position *ptr = outputPtr;
+        outputPtr=NULL;
+        return ptr;
+    }
     static void getCRC(void *data, int len, void *checksum);
 //  void setOutMask(uint32_t outputMask) {_outputMask = outputMask;};
-    bool EnableSmoothing(bool enabled) { hyperSmoothEnabled = enabled; return hyperSmoothEnabled;};
-    bool SmoothingEnabled(void) { return hyperSmoothEnabled;};
+    bool EnableSmoothing(bool enabled)
+    {
+        hyperSmoothEnabled = enabled;
+        return hyperSmoothEnabled;
+    };
+    bool SmoothingEnabled(void)
+    {
+        return hyperSmoothEnabled;
+    };
-    int GetSmoothLevel(void) { return SmoothBy; };
-    bool SetSmoothLevel (const int newSmooth) { if (newSmooth == SmoothBy) return false; SmoothBy = newSmooth; SmoothRunning = false; return true; };
-    void EnableBypass(bool enable) { BypassMode = enable;};
+    int GetSmoothLevel(void)
+    {
+        return SmoothBy;
+    };
+    bool SetSmoothLevel (const int newSmooth)
+    {
+        if (newSmooth == SmoothBy) return false;
+        SmoothBy = newSmooth;
+        SmoothRunning = false;
+        return true;
+    };
+    void EnableBypass(bool enable)
+    {
+        BypassMode = enable;
+    };
     void bypassTx(char byte);
     void sendQueued(void);
@@ -55,8 +84,8 @@
     bool checkNewPacketRC(unsigned char* data);
     RawSerial _port;
     unsigned char messageInBuffer[128];
-    unsigned char messageOutBuffer[16];    
-    #define posHistoryLen 3
+    unsigned char messageOutBuffer[16];
+#define posHistoryLen 3
     struct posAndTime_s lastPositions[posHistoryLen];
     int nextPosition;
     struct posAndTime_s lastPos; // the most recent position received
@@ -76,14 +105,18 @@
     int queueLen;
     int SmoothBy;
-    // total as a float we would start to see rounding errors at valuses of ~20m 
+    // total as a float we would start to see rounding errors at valuses of ~20m
     double XSmoothTotal;
     double YSmoothTotal;
     double ZSmoothTotal;
     bool SmoothRunning;
     bool BypassMode;
+    LowPassFilter yFilter;
+    LowPassFilter xFilter;
+    LowPassFilter zFilter;
+    LowPassFilter rollFilter;
+    LowPassFilter pitchFilter;
+    LowPassFilter yawFilter;