I messed up the merge, so pushing it over to another repo so I don't lose it. Will tidy up and remove later

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial FatFileSystemCpp mbed



File content as of revision 0:97661408d0f9:

#include "LTCDecode.h"

const float FrameRates[] = {0,     23.976, 24, 25,    29.97, 30,
                      47.95, 48,     50, 59.94, 60,    10000000};
const double FramePeriods[] = {1000000,         1000000 / 23.976, 1000000 / 24,
                         1000000 / 25,    1000000 / 29.97,  1000000 / 30,
                         1000000 / 47.95, 1000000 / 48,     1000000 / 50,
                         1000000 / 59.94, 1000000 / 60,     10};
const int numberOfRates = 11;

LTCDecode::LTCDecode(const PinName pin) : _LTCIn(pin) {
  LTCsynced = false;
  _LTCIn.fall(callback(this, &LTCDecode::LTCOnEdge));
  _LTCIn.rise(callback(this, &LTCDecode::LTCOnEdge));
   newBitsWrite = 0;
     bitCounter = 0;
   dwordCounter = 0;
  newBitsRead = 0;
  markCount = 0;


void LTCDecode::setInputTimer(Timer *inputTimer) { _inputTimer = inputTimer; }

void LTCDecode::LTCOnEdge() {
  uint32_t transitionTime = _inputTimer->read_us();
  uint32_t period = (transitionTime - lastTransition);
  lastTransition = transitionTime;
  if (period >
      maxMidSymbolTimeUS) { // time since last transition is > maximum time for
                            // a 1, must be a zero and start of the next bit.
                            //        printf("Z");
    bitTimes[newBitsWrite] = lastBitStart;
    lastBitStart = transitionTime;
    newBitBuffer[newBitsWrite++] = false;
    if (newBitsWrite == _newBitBufferSize_)
      newBitsWrite = 0;
  // if it's not a 0 it must be a 1 but are we at the end of the bit yet?
  if ((transitionTime - lastBitStart)> minBitPeriodUS) { // end of a bit
                        //        printf("N");
    bitTimes[newBitsWrite] = lastBitStart;
    lastBitStart = transitionTime;
    newBitBuffer[newBitsWrite++] = true;
    if (newBitsWrite == _newBitBufferSize_)
      newBitsWrite = 0;

bool LTCDecode::searchForSync() {
  while (!LTCsynced && (newBitsRead != newBitsWrite)) {
    LTCBuffer[0] = LTCBuffer[0] << 1;
    if (newBitBuffer[newBitsRead++])
      LTCBuffer[0] |= 0x01;
    if (_newBitBufferSize_ == newBitsRead)
      newBitsRead = 0;
    if ((LTCBuffer[0] & 0x0000FFFF) == 0x3FFD) {
      LTCsynced = true;
      memset(LTCBuffer, 0, 3 * sizeof(uint32_t));
  return LTCsynced;

bool LTCDecode::readWaitingData() {
  while (newBitsRead != newBitsWrite) {
    timeOfBit = bitTimes[newBitsRead];

    if ((bitCounter == 0) && (dwordCounter == 0))
      frameStartTime = timeOfBit;

    if (newBitBuffer[newBitsRead++])
      LTCBuffer[dwordCounter] |= (1 << bitCounter);

    if (_newBitBufferSize_ == newBitsRead)
      newBitsRead = 0;

    if (32 == bitCounter) {
      bitCounter = 0;

    if ((2 == dwordCounter) && (16 == bitCounter)) {
      bitCounter = 0;
      dwordCounter = 0;
      if ((LTCBuffer[2] & 0xFFFF) != 0xBFFC) {
        LTCsynced = false;
        return true;
      } else {
        lastFrame.frame = LTCBuffer[0] & 0xf;
        lastFrame.frame += ((LTCBuffer[0] >> 8) & 0x3) * 10;
        lastFrame.seconds = (LTCBuffer[0] >> 16) & 0xf;
        lastFrame.seconds += ((LTCBuffer[0] >> 24) & 0x7) * 10;
        lastFrame.minutes = LTCBuffer[1] & 0xf;
        lastFrame.minutes += ((LTCBuffer[1] >> 8) & 0x7) * 10;
        lastFrame.hours = (LTCBuffer[1] >> 16) & 0xf;
        lastFrame.hours += ((LTCBuffer[1] >> 24) & 0x3) * 10;
        lastFrame.frameDrop = (LTCBuffer[0] & (1 << 10)) == (1 << 10);
        lastFrame.frameStartTime = frameStartTime;
        memset(LTCBuffer, 0, 3 * sizeof(uint32_t));
        return true;
  return false;