epaper test with encoder

Dependencies:   mRotaryEncoder epd1in54

diff -r 000000000000 -r 86a20b448fa5 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 05 21:45:12 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "epd1in54.h"
+#include "imagedata.h"
+#include "mRotaryEncoder.h"
+#include "menu.h"
+#define HEATER_OFF 0
+#define HEATER_ON  1
+//#include "m41t62_rtc.h"
+// Control
+//PinName rst;
+//PinName dc;
+//PinName busy;
+// SPI communication
+//PinName mosi;
+//PinName miso;
+//PinName sclk;
+//PinName cs;
+PinName mosi = PA_12; //D2 p5;
+PinName miso = PA_11; //D10 p6;
+PinName sclk = PA_1;  //A0 p7;
+PinName cs =   PB_0;  //D3 p8;
+PinName rst =  PB_7;  //D4 p9;
+PinName dc =   PB_6;  //D5 p10;
+PinName busy = PB_1;  //D6 p11;
+Epd epd = Epd(mosi, miso, sclk, cs, dc, rst, busy);   
+//RPG rpg1(PA_3,PA_4,PA_7); //Set up RPG 
+mRotaryEncoder enc(PA_3,PA_4,PA_7,PullUp);  
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+//DigitalIn B_UP(PB_13);
+//DigitalIn B_OK(PB_14);
+//DigitalIn B_DOWN(PB_15);
+//DigitalIn B_ENTER(PA_7, PullUp);
+struct sDays menu_days[7];
+unsigned char frame_black[EPD_HEIGHT*EPD_WIDTH/8];
+int menu_ptr=0;  // which component are we changing?
+int menu_sel=0;  // which component are we changing?
+// Library calls here when you go clockwise
+void cw()
+// modify the menu pointer   
+   menu_ptr += 1;
+   if ( menu_ptr > MENU_MAX ) menu_ptr = MENU_MIN;
+   //setleds();
+// Library calls here when you go anticlockwise
+void ccw()
+// modify the menu pointer   
+   menu_ptr -= 1;
+   if ( menu_ptr < MENU_MIN ) menu_ptr = MENU_MAX;
+   //setleds();
+// Library calls here when you push in on the encoder shaft
+void btn()
+    // change selected component (0, 1, 2)
+    //if (++sel>2) sel=0;
+    menu_sel = true;
+void draw_window( char *buf, int x, int y, int width, int height, int rot, int colored ); 
+//void draw_menu_window( int mptr, int start, int colored );
+void draw_menu_window( int mptr, int start, int runtime, enum cal_selected, int colored );
+int main() 
+    /*********************
+    mosi = PA_12; //D2 p5;
+    miso = PA_11; //D10 p6;
+    sclk = PA_1;  //A0 p7;
+    cs =   PB_0;  //D3 p8;
+    rst =  PB_7;  //D4 p9;
+    dc =   PB_6;  //D5 p10;
+    busy = PB_1;  //D6 p11;
+    ***********************/
+    // Set up encoder callbacks
+    enc.attachROTCW(cw);
+    enc.attachROTCCW(ccw);
+    enc.attachSW(btn);
+    int heater_status = HEATER_OFF;
+    int x_ptr = MENU_MIN;
+    memset(frame_black, 0xFF, sizeof(unsigned char)*EPD_HEIGHT*EPD_WIDTH/8);
+    //Epd epd = Epd(mosi, miso, sclk, cs, dc, rst, busy);
+    if (epd.Init(lut_full_update) != 0){
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // clear the frame to white
+   epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+   epd.DisplayFrame();
+   epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+   epd.DisplayFrame();
+    /* Display the frame_buffer */
+    //epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+    //epd.DisplayFrame();
+    wait(2.0);
+    if (epd.Init(lut_partial_update) != 0) 
+    {
+      //Serial.print("e-Paper init failed");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    //epd.Sleep();
+   // load frame onto both pages of display memory
+   //epd.SetFrameMemory(IMAGE_DATA, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+   //epd.DisplayFrame();
+   //epd.SetFrameMemory(IMAGE_DATA, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+   //epd.DisplayFrame();
+    // load rom RHC1 frame onto both pages of display memory
+   epd.SetFrameMemory(IMAGE_RHC4, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+   epd.DisplayFrame();
+   epd.SetFrameMemory(IMAGE_RHC4, 0, 0, epd.width, epd.height);
+   epd.DisplayFrame();
+    for ( x_ptr = MENU_MIN; x_ptr <= MENU_MAX; x_ptr++ )
+    {
+        if ( x_ptr == 0 || x_ptr == 6 )
+            menu_days[x_ptr].start_hour = START_HOUR_OFF;
+        else
+            menu_days[x_ptr].start_hour = START_HOUR_DEFAULT;
+        menu_days[x_ptr].runtime = RUN_TIME_DEFAULT;
+        menu_days[x_ptr].selected = NotSel;
+        draw_menu_window( x_ptr, menu_days[x_ptr].start_hour, menu_days[x_ptr].runtime, menu_days[x_ptr].selected, COLORED );
+    }
+    epd.DisplayFrame();
+   //epd.Sleep();
+    //memset(frame_black, 0xEE, sizeof(unsigned char)*EPD_HEIGHT*EPD_WIDTH/8);
+    char txtbuf[16];
+    bool button_pressed = false;  
+    set_time(1494267665); // Set RTC time to 8 May 2017 18:21:05 UTC
+    int selected = 0;
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        myled = 1;
+        wait(0.1);
+        myled = 0;
+        //wait(0.5);
+        //------try to update a time stamp window-------
+        time_t seconds = time(NULL);
+        char buffer[16];
+        //strftime(buffer, 16, "%I:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));
+        strftime(buffer, 16, "%I:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));
+        //dirt = rpg1.dir(); //Get Dir
+        //pulses = pulses + dirt; //Add Dir to count
+        //if (rpg1.pb())
+        //{
+        //    pulses = 5555;  //Reset count if PB pressed
+        //}
+        //printf("count: %i  \r", pulses); //Print out Count
+        //sprintf(buffer,"%i",pulses);
+        //draw_window( buffer, 80, 72, 32, 126, ROTATE_270, COLORED );
+        // draw heater status --- now in image
+        //sprintf( txtbuf, "%s", "Status" );
+        //draw_window( txtbuf, 70, 90, 32, 108, ROTATE_270, COLORED );
+        for ( x_ptr = MENU_MIN; x_ptr <= MENU_MAX; x_ptr++ )
+        {
+            //if ( menu_ptr == selected )
+            //    draw_menu_window( menu_ptr, menu_days[menu_ptr].start_hour, menu_days[menu_ptr].runtime, menu_days[menu_ptr].selected, UNCOLORED );
+            //else
+            //draw_menu_window( menu_ptr, menu_days[menu_ptr].start_hour, menu_days[menu_ptr].runtime, menu_days[menu_ptr].selected, COLORED );
+            draw_menu_window( x_ptr, menu_days[x_ptr].start_hour, menu_days[x_ptr].runtime, menu_days[x_ptr].selected, COLORED );
+        }
+        // cycle through the menus
+        if ( menu_ptr != selected )
+        {
+            menu_days[selected].selected = NotSel;
+            //selected++;
+            //if ( selected > MENU_MAX ) selected = MENU_MIN;
+            selected = menu_ptr;
+            menu_days[selected].selected = DoW;
+        }
+        if( menu_sel == true ) //&& button_pressed == false) //B_ENTER == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( button_pressed == false )
+            {
+                if ( heater_status == HEATER_OFF ) heater_status = HEATER_ON;
+                else heater_status = HEATER_OFF;
+                button_pressed = true;
+                set_time(0);
+                time_t seconds = time(NULL);
+                strftime(buffer, 16, "%I:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));
+            }
+            if ( heater_status == HEATER_ON )
+            {
+                sprintf( txtbuf, "%s", " ON " );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                sprintf( txtbuf, "%s", " OFF" );
+                sprintf( buffer, "%s", "--:--:--");                               
+            }
+            draw_window( txtbuf, 10, 10, 32, 80, ROTATE_270, UNCOLORED ); // status On Off, was at x=70
+            //draw_window( buffer, 160, 22, 32, 146, ROTATE_270, UNCOLORED ); // clock window
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( heater_status == HEATER_OFF )
+            {
+                sprintf( txtbuf, "%s", " OFF" );
+                sprintf( buffer, "%s", "--:--:--");
+                //draw_window( buffer, 160, 22, 32, 146, ROTATE_270, UNCOLORED ); // clock window
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                sprintf( txtbuf, "%s", " ON " );
+                //draw_window( buffer, 160, 22, 32, 146, ROTATE_270, COLORED ); // clock window
+            }
+            draw_window( txtbuf, 10, 10, 32, 80, ROTATE_270, COLORED );  // status On Off, was at x=70
+        }
+        //if( rpg1.pb() ) //B_ENTER == 0 )
+        //{
+        //    draw_window( buffer, 100, 72, 32, 126, ROTATE_270, UNCOLORED );
+        //}
+        //else
+        //{
+        //    draw_window( buffer, 100, 72, 32, 126, ROTATE_270, COLORED );
+        //}
+        /************************************************************************
+        epd.SetWidth(32);
+        epd.SetHeight(126);
+        epd.SetRotate(ROTATE_270);
+        //memset(frame_black, 0xEE, sizeof(unsigned char)*EPD_HEIGHT*EPD_WIDTH/8);
+        //epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, 80, 72, epd.GetWidth(), epd.GetHeight());
+        epd.Clear(frame_black, UNCOLORED);
+        epd.DrawStringAt(frame_black, 4, 4, buffer, &Font24, COLORED); 
+        epd.DrawRectangle(frame_black, 2, 2, 120, 30, COLORED);      
+        epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, 80, 72, epd.GetWidth(), epd.GetHeight());
+        *************************************************************************/
+        epd.DisplayFrame();
+        //if( rpg1.pb() == false ) //B_ENTER == 1 )
+        if ( menu_sel == true )
+        {
+            button_pressed = false; 
+            menu_sel = false;           
+        }
+    }
+void draw_window( char *buf, int x, int y, int width, int height, int rot, int colored )
+        int uncolored = UNCOLORED;  
+        epd.SetWidth(width);
+        epd.SetHeight(height);
+        epd.SetRotate(rot);
+        if ( colored == UNCOLORED ){ uncolored = COLORED; }
+        epd.Clear(frame_black, uncolored);
+        epd.DrawStringAt(frame_black, 4, 4, buf, &Font24, colored);
+        //epd.DrawRectangle(frame_black, 2, 2, 120, 30, COLORED);
+        epd.DrawRectangle(frame_black, 2, 2, height - 2, width - 2, colored);
+        epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, x, y, width, height);   // copies buffer into screen frame memory    
+char  dow[][5] = {"Sun ", "Mon ", "Tue ", "Wed ", "Thur", "Fri ", "Sat " };
+void draw_menu_window( int mptr, int start, int runtime, enum cal_selected sel, int colored )
+        int uncolored = UNCOLORED; 
+        int x,y;
+        char txtbuf[32];
+        //int hours = 0;
+        //int width, height;
+        //x =  menu_days[mptr].x;
+        //y =  menu_days[mptr].y;
+        epd.SetWidth(SMALL_MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH);
+        epd.SetHeight(SMALL_MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT);
+        epd.SetRotate(ROTATE_270);
+        if ( runtime > 60 )
+            runtime = runtime/60;
+        if ( start > START_HOUR_MIN )
+        {
+           sprintf( txtbuf, "%s %02d:00 %2d", dow[mptr], start, runtime); 
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            sprintf( txtbuf, "%s %s", dow[mptr], " OFF " );                
+        }
+        //if ( colored == UNCOLORED ){ uncolored = COLORED; }
+        if ( sel != NotSel ) { uncolored = COLORED; colored = UNCOLORED;}
+        epd.Clear(frame_black, uncolored);
+        epd.DrawStringAt(frame_black, 4, 4, txtbuf, &Font16, colored);
+        //epd.DrawRectangle(frame_black, 2, 2, 120, 30, COLORED);
+        //epd.DrawRectangle(frame_black, 2, 2, height - 2, width - 2, colored);
+        epd.SetFrameMemory(frame_black, x, y, SMALL_MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH, SMALL_MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT);   // copies buffer into screen frame memory    
\ No newline at end of file