Code used for Sensor Expo 2016 - Balloon Game. More details can be found here:

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822


ROHM Balloon Game Demo Code featured at Sensors Expo 2016

This code was written to be used with the Nordic Semiconductor nRF51-DK.

This Code allows the user to configure two known pressure distances and save pressure readings onto the application. Then it will automatically extrapolate these values and allow the user to see the height of the board. When connected to a balloon, greater heights can be achieved and the board will return the current height of the board.

Additional information about the ROHM MultiSensor Shield Board can be found at the following link:

For code example for the ROHM SENSORSHLD0-EVK-101, please see the following link:


See Github Repositoy for additional information on how to operate this demo application.

Supported ROHM Sensor Devices

  • BM1383GLV Pressure Sensor


Please feel free to let us know any questions/feedback/comments/concerns on the ROHM shield implementation by contacting the following e-mail:

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jun 08 18:20:30 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jun 20 00:24:31 2016 +0000
@@ -15,70 +15,49 @@
  * limitations under the License.
- * Code Example for ROHM Mutli-Sensor Shield on the Nordic Semiconductor nRF51-DK
+ *  Code Example for ROHM Sensor Expo Balloon Game
- *  Description: This Applications interfaces ROHM's Multi-Sensor Shield Board with the Nordic nRF51-DK
- *  This Code supports the following sensor devices on the shield:
- *      > BDE0600G Temperature Sensor
+ *  Description: This Application interfaces ROHM's BM1383AGLV with Nordic's nRF51-DK
+ *  This Code supports the following sensor devices:
  *      > BM1383AGLV Pressure Sensor
- *      > BU52014 Hall Sensor
- *      > ML8511 UV Sensor
- *      > RPR-0521 ALS/PROX Sensor
- *      > BH1745NUC Color Sensor
- *      > KMX62 Accel/Mag Sensor
- *      > KX122 Accel Sensor
- *      > BM1422GMV MI Magnetometer
- *      > KXG03 Gyro (Currently Unavailable as IC hasn't docked yet)
- *  New Code: 
- *      Added Variable Initialization for utilizing ROHM Sensors
- *      Added a Section in "Main" to act as initialization
- *      Added to the "Periodic Callback" to read sensor data and return to Phone/Host
- *
- *  Updates from SHLD0 to SHLD1:
- *      > Pressure Sensor Changes: Fixed Register Map Changes for BM1383AGLV 
- *          (See Pressure Sensor Datasheet for more details - TEMP and PRES output switched)
- *      > Added new #ifdef section for Magnetometer
- *      > Changed Gyro Device Address (7bit addr now 0x4F, not 0x4E)
- *  
- *  Additional information about the ROHM MultiSensor Shield Board can be found at the following link:
- *
+ *  This Code allows the user to configure two known pressure distances and save pressure readings
+ *  onto the application.  Then it will automatically extrapolate these values and allow the user to see
+ *  the height of the board.  When connected to a balloon, greater heights can be achieved and the board
+ *  will return the current height of the board.
+ *   
+ *  Additional information about the this Balloon Game can be found at the following link:
+ *      asdfasdfasdf
- *  Last Upadtaed: 9/28/15 
+ *  Last Upadtaed: 6/19/2016 
  *  Author: ROHM USDC
  *  Contact Information:
+ *  GitHub Link:
 #define nRF52DevKit
-#define AnalogTemp          //BDE0600, Analog Temperature Sensor
-#define AnalogUV            //ML8511, Analog UV Sensor
-#define HallSensor          //BU52011, Hall Switch Sensor
-#define RPR0521             //RPR0521, ALS/PROX Sensor
-#define KMX62               //KMX61, Accel/Mag Sensor
-#define Color               //BH1745, Color Sensor
-#define KX122               //KX122, Accelerometer Sensor
 #define Pressure            //BM1383, Barometric Pressure Sensor
-#define Magnetometer        //BM1422GMV, MI Magnetometer Sensor
-#define KXG03               //KXG03, Gyroscopic Sensor
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "BLEDevice.h"
 #include "UARTService.h"
 #include "nrf_temp.h"
 #include "I2C.h"
+#include <string>
 #define MAX_REPLY_LEN           (UARTService::BLE_UART_SERVICE_MAX_DATA_LEN)    //Actually equal to 20
 #define SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL_S  (1.0F) 
 #define ADV_INTERVAL_MS         (1000UL)
 #define UART_BAUD_RATE          (19200UL)
-#define DEVICE_NAME             ("DEMO SENSOR") // This can be read AFTER connecting to the device.
-#define SHORT_NAME              ("ROHMSHLD")    // Keep this short: max 8 chars if a 128bit UUID is also advertised.
+#define DEVICE_NAME             ("ROHM DEMO  ") // This can be read AFTER connecting to the device.
+#define SHORT_NAME              ("BALLOON1")    // Keep this short: max 8 chars if a 128bit UUID is also advertised.
 #define DEBUG(...)              { m_serial_port.printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
 // Function Prototypes
 void PBTrigger();               //Interrupt function for PB4
+void BTLE_DataWrittenHandler();
 // Global Variables
 BLEDevice   m_ble;
@@ -87,136 +66,28 @@
 DigitalOut  m_cmd_led(LED1);
 DigitalOut  m_error_led(LED2);
 UARTService *m_uart_service_ptr;
-DigitalIn   testButton(p20);    //Original
-//DigitalIn   testButton(p19);
-InterruptIn sw4Press(p20);      //Original
-//InterruptIn sw4Press(p19);
-I2C         i2c(p30,p7);  //Original DK Kit
+DigitalIn   testButton(p20);
+InterruptIn sw4Press(p20);
+I2C         i2c(p30,p7);
 bool        RepStart = true;
 bool        NoRepStart = false;
 int         i = 1;
+unsigned char   printQue = 0;
+string      ReceivedValue;
+char        FormattedData[30];
+uint8_t     buf[MAX_REPLY_LEN];
+uint32_t    len = 0;
 //Sensor Variables
-#ifdef AnalogTemp
-AnalogIn    BDE0600_Temp(p3);   //Original Dev Kit
-//AnalogIn    BDE0600_Temp(p28);
-uint16_t    BDE0600_Temp_value;
-float       BDE0600_output;
-#ifdef AnalogUV
-AnalogIn    ML8511_UV(p5);    //Original Dev Kit
-//AnalogIn    ML8511_UV(p30);
-uint16_t    ML8511_UV_value;
-float       ML8511_output;
-#ifdef HallSensor
-DigitalIn   Hall_GPIO0(p14);  //Original Dev Kit
-DigitalIn   Hall_GPIO1(p15);  //Original Dev Kit
-//DigitalIn   Hall_GPIO0(p13);
-//DigitalIn   Hall_GPIO1(p14);
-int         Hall_Return1;
-int         Hall_Return0;
-#ifdef RPR0521
-int         RPR0521_addr_w = 0x70;
-int         RPR0521_addr_r = 0x71;
-char        RPR0521_ModeControl[2] = {0x41, 0xE6};  
-char        RPR0521_ALSPSControl[2] = {0x42, 0x03};
-char        RPR0521_Persist[2] = {0x43, 0x20};
-char        RPR0521_Addr_ReadData = 0x44;
-char        RPR0521_Content_ReadData[6];
-int         RPR0521_PS_RAWOUT = 0;
-float       RPR0521_PS_OUT = 0;
-int         RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT = 0;
-int         RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT = 0;
-float       RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio = 0;
-float       RPR0521_ALS_OUT = 0;
-#ifdef KMX62
-int         KMX62_addr_w = 0x1C;
-int         KMX62_addr_r = 0x1D;
-char        KMX62_CNTL2[2] = {0x3A, 0x5F};
-char        KMX62_Addr_Accel_ReadData = 0x0A;
-char        KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[6];
-char        KMX62_Addr_Mag_ReadData = 0x10;
-char        KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[6];
-short int   MEMS_Accel_Xout = 0;
-short int   MEMS_Accel_Yout = 0;
-short int   MEMS_Accel_Zout = 0;
-double      MEMS_Accel_Conv_Xout = 0;
-double      MEMS_Accel_Conv_Yout = 0;
-double      MEMS_Accel_Conv_Zout = 0;
-short int   MEMS_Mag_Xout = 0;
-short int   MEMS_Mag_Yout = 0;
-short int   MEMS_Mag_Zout = 0;
-float       MEMS_Mag_Conv_Xout = 0;
-float       MEMS_Mag_Conv_Yout = 0;
-float       MEMS_Mag_Conv_Zout = 0;
-#ifdef Color
-int         BH1745_addr_w = 0x72;
-int         BH1745_addr_r = 0x73;
-char        BH1745_persistence[2] = {0x61, 0x03};
-char        BH1745_mode1[2] = {0x41, 0x00};
-char        BH1745_mode2[2] = {0x42, 0x92};
-char        BH1745_mode3[2] = {0x43, 0x02};
-char        BH1745_Content_ReadData[6];
-char        BH1745_Addr_color_ReadData = 0x50;
-int         BH1745_Red;
-int         BH1745_Blue;
-int         BH1745_Green;
-#ifdef KX122
-int         KX122_addr_w = 0x3C;
-int         KX122_addr_r = 0x3D;
-char        KX122_Accel_CNTL1[2] = {0x18, 0x41};
-char        KX122_Accel_ODCNTL[2] = {0x1B, 0x02};
-char        KX122_Accel_CNTL3[2] = {0x1A, 0xD8};
-char        KX122_Accel_TILT_TIMER[2] = {0x22, 0x01};
-char        KX122_Accel_CNTL2[2] = {0x18, 0xC1};
-char        KX122_Content_ReadData[6];
-char        KX122_Addr_Accel_ReadData = 0x06;           
-float       KX122_Accel_X;
-float       KX122_Accel_Y;                               
-float       KX122_Accel_Z;
-short int   KX122_Accel_X_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   KX122_Accel_Y_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   KX122_Accel_Z_RawOUT = 0;
-int         KX122_Accel_X_LB = 0;
-int         KX122_Accel_X_HB = 0;
-int         KX122_Accel_Y_LB = 0;
-int         KX122_Accel_Y_HB = 0;
-int         KX122_Accel_Z_LB = 0;
-int         KX122_Accel_Z_HB = 0;
 #ifdef Pressure
 int         Press_addr_w = 0xBA;
 int         Press_addr_r = 0xBB;
-char        PWR_DOWN[2] = {0x12, 0x01};
-char        SLEEP[2] = {0x13, 0x01};
-char        Mode_Control[2] = {0x14, 0xC4};
+char        PWR_ON[2] = {0x12, 0x01};
+char        PWR_OFF[2] = {0x12, 0x00};
+char        SLEEP_OFF[2] = {0x13, 0x01};
+char        SLEEP_ON[2] = {0x13, 0x00};
+char        Mode_Control[2] = {0x14, 0xCA};
 char        Press_Content_ReadData[6];
 char        Press_Addr_ReadData =0x1A;
@@ -233,62 +104,26 @@
 float       BM1383_Var;
 float       BM1383_Deci;
-#ifdef Magnetometer
-int         BM1422_addr_w = 0x1E;
-int         BM1422_addr_r = 0x1F;
-char        BM1422_Content_ReadData[6];
-char        BM1422_CNTL1_Init[2] = {0x1B, 0xC0};
-char        BM1422_CNTL4_HB_Init[2] = {0x5C, 0x00};
-char        BM1422_CNTL4_LB_Init[2] = {0x5D, 0x00};
-char        BM1422_CNTL3_Init[2] = {0x1D, 0x40};
+uint32_t    BM1383_TempPressure;
-char        BM1422_Addr_ReadData = 0x10;
-short int   BM1422_MAG_X_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   BM1422_MAG_Y_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   BM1422_MAG_Z_RawOUT = 0;
-#ifdef KXG03
-int         j = 11;
-int         t = 1;
-short int   aveX = 0;
-short int   aveX2 = 0;
-short int   aveX3 = 0;
-short int   aveY = 0;
-short int   aveY2 = 0;
-short int   aveY3 = 0;
-short int   aveZ = 0;
-short int   aveZ2 = 0;
-short int   aveZ3 = 0;
-float       ave22;
-float       ave33;
-int         KXG03_addr_w = 0x9E;   //write 
-int         KXG03_addr_r = 0x9F;   //read
-char        KXG03_STBY_REG[2] = {0x43, 0x00};
-char        KXG03_Content_ReadData[6];
-//char        KXG03_Content_Accel_ReadData[6];
-char        KXG03_Addr_ReadData = 0x02;
-//char        KXG03_Addr_Accel_ReadData = 0x08;
-float       KXG03_Gyro_XX;
-float       KXG03_Gyro_X;
-float       KXG03_Gyro_Y;                               
-float       KXG03_Gyro_Z;
-short int   KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT = 0; 
-short int   KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT2 = 0;
-short int   KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT2 = 0; 
-short int   KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT2 = 0;  
-float       KXG03_Accel_X;
-float       KXG03_Accel_Y;                               
-float       KXG03_Accel_Z;  
-short int   KXG03_Accel_X_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   KXG03_Accel_Y_RawOUT = 0;
-short int   KXG03_Accel_Z_RawOUT = 0;       
+//Balloon Game Variables
+float       BM1383_Pres_0Level;
+float       BM1383_Pres_KnownLevel;
+float       HeightBase = 0;
+float       HeightKnown_Total = 68;
+float       HeightKnown_Foot = 60;
+float       HeightKnown_Inches = 8;
+float       slope;
+float       yInt;
+float       pressureCurr;
+float       HeightExtrapolated; //Assuming linear pressure curve
+float       HeightExtrapolated_Foot = 60;
+float       HeightExtrapolated_Inches = 8;
  * This callback is used whenever a disconnection occurs.
@@ -318,29 +153,13 @@
     // Ensure that initialization is finished and the host has written to the TX characteristic.
     if ((m_uart_service_ptr != NULL) && (params->charHandle == m_uart_service_ptr->getTXCharacteristicHandle())) {
-        uint8_t  buf[MAX_REPLY_LEN];
-        uint32_t len = 0;
-        if (1 == params->len) {
-            switch (params->data[0]) {
-            case '0':
-                m_cmd_led = m_cmd_led ^ 1;
-                len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "OK... LED ON");
-                break;
-            case '1':
-                m_cmd_led = m_cmd_led ^ 1;
-                len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "OK... LED OFF");
-                break;
-            default:
-                len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "ERROR");
-                break;
-            }
+        int i;
+        ReceivedValue.clear();
+        for(i = 0; i < params->len; i++)
+        {
+            ReceivedValue += params->data[i];
-        else
-        {
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "ERROR");
-        }
-        m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-        DEBUG("%d bytes received from host\n\r", params->len);
+        printQue = 1;
@@ -359,456 +178,8 @@
 void periodicCallback(void)
-    uint8_t  buf[MAX_REPLY_LEN];
-    uint32_t len = 0;
-    if(i == 1) {
-        #ifdef Color
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            //Read color Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_Addr_color_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &BH1745_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            //separate all data read into colors
-            BH1745_Red = (BH1745_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (BH1745_Content_ReadData[0]);
-            BH1745_Green = (BH1745_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (BH1745_Content_ReadData[2]);
-            BH1745_Blue = (BH1745_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (BH1745_Content_ReadData[4]);
-            //transmit data
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Color Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Red= %d ADC", BH1745_Red);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);       
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Green= %d ADC", BH1745_Green);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Blue= %d ADC", BH1745_Blue);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);   
-        }
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i == 2){
-        #ifdef AnalogTemp
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            BDE0600_Temp_value = BDE0600_Temp.read_u16();
-            BDE0600_output = (float)BDE0600_Temp_value * 0.00283; //(value * (2.9V/1024))
-            BDE0600_output = (BDE0600_output-1.753)/(-0.01068) + 30;
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Temp Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Temp= %.2f C", BDE0600_output);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-        }
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i == 3){
-        #ifdef AnalogUV
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            ML8511_UV_value = ML8511_UV.read_u16();
-            ML8511_output = (float)ML8511_UV_value * 0.0029; //(value * (2.9V/1024))   //Note to self: when playing with this, a negative value is seen... Honestly, I think this has to do with my ADC converstion...
-            ML8511_output = (ML8511_output-2.2)/(0.129) + 10;                           // Added +5 to the offset so when inside (aka, no UV, readings show 0)... this is the wrong approach... and the readings don't make sense... Fix this.
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "UV Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  UV= %.1f mW/cm2", ML8511_output);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-        }
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i == 4){
-        #ifdef HallSensor
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            Hall_Return0 = Hall_GPIO0;
-            Hall_Return1 = Hall_GPIO1;
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Hall Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  H0 = %d, H1 = %d", Hall_Return0, Hall_Return1);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-        }
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i == 5){
-        #ifdef RPR0521       //als digital
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &RPR0521_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            RPR0521_PS_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[0]);
-            RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[2]);
-            RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[4]);
-            RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio = (float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT / (float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT;
-            if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < 0.595){
-                RPR0521_ALS_OUT = (1.682*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - 1.877*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
-            }
-            else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < 1.015){
-                RPR0521_ALS_OUT = (0.644*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - 0.132*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
-            }
-            else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < 1.352){
-                RPR0521_ALS_OUT = (0.756*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - 0.243*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
-            }
-            else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < 3.053){
-                RPR0521_ALS_OUT = (0.766*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - 0.25*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
-            }
-            else{
-                RPR0521_ALS_OUT = 0;
-            }
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "ALS/PROX:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  ALS= %0.2f lx", RPR0521_ALS_OUT);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  PS= %u ADC", RPR0521_PS_RAWOUT);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);        
-        }
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i == 6){
-        #ifdef KMX62
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            //Read Accel Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(KMX62_addr_w, &KMX62_Addr_Accel_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            //Note: The highbyte and low byte return a 14bit value, dropping the two LSB in the Low byte.
-            //      However, because we need the signed value, we will adjust the value when converting to "g"
-            MEMS_Accel_Xout = (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[0]);
-            MEMS_Accel_Yout = (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[2]);
-            MEMS_Accel_Zout = (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Accel_ReadData[4]);
-            //Note: Conversion to G is as follows:
-            //      Axis_ValueInG = MEMS_Accel_axis / 1024
-            //      However, since we did not remove the LSB previously, we need to divide by 4 again
-            //      Thus, we will divide the output by 4096 (1024*4) to convert and cancel out the LSB
-            MEMS_Accel_Conv_Xout = ((float)MEMS_Accel_Xout/4096/2);
-            MEMS_Accel_Conv_Yout = ((float)MEMS_Accel_Yout/4096/2);
-            MEMS_Accel_Conv_Zout = ((float)MEMS_Accel_Zout/4096/2);
-            //Read MAg portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(KMX62_addr_w, &KMX62_Addr_Mag_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            //Note: The highbyte and low byte return a 14bit value, dropping the two LSB in the Low byte.
-            //      However, because we need the signed value, we will adjust the value when converting to "g"
-            MEMS_Mag_Xout = (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[0]);
-            MEMS_Mag_Yout = (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[2]);
-            MEMS_Mag_Zout = (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KMX62_Content_Mag_ReadData[4]);
-            //Note: Conversion to G is as follows:
-            //      Axis_ValueInG = MEMS_Accel_axis / 1024
-            //      However, since we did not remove the LSB previously, we need to divide by 4 again
-            //      Thus, we will divide the output by 4095 (1024*4) to convert and cancel out the LSB
-            MEMS_Mag_Conv_Xout = (float)MEMS_Mag_Xout/4096*0.146;
-            MEMS_Mag_Conv_Yout = (float)MEMS_Mag_Yout/4096*0.146;
-            MEMS_Mag_Conv_Zout = (float)MEMS_Mag_Zout/4096*0.146; 
-            // transmit data
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "KMX61SensorData:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  AccX= %0.2f g", MEMS_Accel_Conv_Xout);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  AccY= %0.2f g", MEMS_Accel_Conv_Yout);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  AccZ= %0.2f g", MEMS_Accel_Conv_Zout);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  MagX= %0.2f uT", MEMS_Mag_Conv_Xout);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  MagY= %0.2f uT", MEMS_Mag_Conv_Yout);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  MagZ= %0.2f uT", MEMS_Mag_Conv_Zout);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-        }
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i==7){
-        #ifdef KX122
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            //Read KX122 Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(KX122_addr_w, &KX122_Addr_Accel_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &KX122_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            //reconfigure the data (taken from arduino code)
-            KX122_Accel_X_RawOUT = (KX122_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KX122_Content_ReadData[0]);
-            KX122_Accel_Y_RawOUT = (KX122_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KX122_Content_ReadData[2]);
-            KX122_Accel_Z_RawOUT = (KX122_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KX122_Content_ReadData[4]);       
-            //apply needed changes (taken from arduino code)
-            KX122_Accel_X = (float)KX122_Accel_X_RawOUT / 16384;
-            KX122_Accel_Y = (float)KX122_Accel_Y_RawOUT / 16384;
-            KX122_Accel_Z = (float)KX122_Accel_Z_RawOUT / 16384;
-            //transmit the data
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "KX122 Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  ACCX= %0.2f g", KX122_Accel_X);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  ACCY= %0.2f g", KX122_Accel_Y);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  ACCZ= %0.2f g", KX122_Accel_Z);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-        }   
-        #endif
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if (i == 8){
-        #ifdef Pressure
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            //Read color Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Press_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &Press_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            BM1383_Temp_Out = (Press_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (Press_Content_ReadData[4]);
-            BM1383_Temp_Conv_Out = (float)BM1383_Temp_Out/32;
-            BM1383_Var  = (Press_Content_ReadData[0]<<3) | (Press_Content_ReadData[1] >> 5);
-            BM1383_Deci = ((Press_Content_ReadData[1] & 0x1f) << 6 | ((Press_Content_ReadData[2] >> 2)));
-            BM1383_Deci = (float)BM1383_Deci* 0.00048828125;  //0.00048828125 = 2^-11
-            BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out = (BM1383_Var + BM1383_Deci);   //question pending here...
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Pressure Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Temp= %0.2f C", BM1383_Temp_Conv_Out);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Pres= %0.2f hPa", BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-        }        
-        #endif  
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if (i == 9){
-        #ifdef Magnetometer
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-            //Read color Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(BM1422_addr_w, &BM1422_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &BM1422_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-            BM1422_MAG_X_RawOUT = (BM1422_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (BM1422_Content_ReadData[0]);
-            BM1422_MAG_Y_RawOUT = (BM1422_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (BM1422_Content_ReadData[2]);
-            BM1422_MAG_Z_RawOUT = (BM1422_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (BM1422_Content_ReadData[4]);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Mag Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  X_raw= %i", BM1422_MAG_X_RawOUT);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Y_raw= %i", BM1422_MAG_Y_RawOUT);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Z_raw= %i", BM1422_MAG_Z_RawOUT);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-        }        
-        #endif  
-        i++;
-    }
-    else if(i == 10){
-        #ifdef KXG03
-        if (m_ble.getGapState().connected) {
-        i2c.write(KXG03_addr_w, &KXG03_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-, &KXG03_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-        if (t == 1){    
-            int j = 11;
-            while(--j) 
-            {
-                //Read KXG03 Gyro Portion from the IC
-                i2c.write(KXG03_addr_w, &KXG03_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-      , &KXG03_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
-                //Format Data
-                KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[0]);
-                KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[2]);
-                KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[4]);
-                aveX = KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT;
-                aveY = KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT;
-                aveZ = KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT;
-                aveX2 = aveX2 + aveX;
-                aveY2 = aveY2 + aveY;
-                aveZ2 = aveZ2 + aveZ;  
-             } 
-            aveX3 = aveX2 / 10;
-            aveY3 = aveY2 / 10;
-            aveZ3 = aveZ2 / 10; 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Gyro Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);             
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Calibration OK");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);            
-            //len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  aveX2= %d", aveX2);
-            //m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            //wait_ms(20);    
-            //len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  aveX3= %d", aveX3);
-            //m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            //Read KXG03 Gyro Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(KXG03_addr_w, &KXG03_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &KXG03_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);                     
-            //reconfigure the data (taken from arduino code)
-            KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[0]);
-            KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[2]);
-            KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[4]);    
-            KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT2 = KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT - aveX3;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT2 = KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT - aveY3;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT2 = KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT - aveZ3;
-            /*
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Y= %d", KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  aveY3= %d", aveY3);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);               
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Y= %d", KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT2);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            */                           
-            //Scale Data
-            KXG03_Gyro_X = (float)KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT2 * 0.007813 + 0.000004;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Y = (float)KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT2 * 0.007813 + 0.000004;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Z = (float)KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT2 * 0.007813 + 0.000004;                                             
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  X= %0.2fdeg/s", KXG03_Gyro_X);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);     
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Y= %0.2fdeg/s", KXG03_Gyro_Y);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);            
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Z= %0.2fdeg/s", KXG03_Gyro_Z);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "            ");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);                           
-            t = 0;
-            }
-        else { 
-            //Read KXG03 Gyro Portion from the IC
-            i2c.write(KXG03_addr_w, &KXG03_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
-  , &KXG03_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);                     
-            //reconfigure the data (taken from arduino code)
-            KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[0]);
-            KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[2]);
-            KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT = (KXG03_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (KXG03_Content_ReadData[4]);
-            KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT2 = KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT - aveX3;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT2 = KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT - aveY3;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT2 = KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT - aveZ3;              
-            //Scale Data
-            KXG03_Gyro_X = (float)KXG03_Gyro_X_RawOUT2 * 0.007813 + 0.000004;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Y = (float)KXG03_Gyro_Y_RawOUT2 * 0.007813 + 0.000004;
-            KXG03_Gyro_Z = (float)KXG03_Gyro_Z_RawOUT2 * 0.007813 + 0.000004;                                   
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Gyro Sensor:");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20); 
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  X= %0.2fdeg/s", KXG03_Gyro_X);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);     
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Y= %0.2fdeg/s", KXG03_Gyro_Y);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);            
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Z= %0.2fdeg/s", KXG03_Gyro_Z);
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "            ");
-            m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
-            wait_ms(20);
-            }
-        }
-        #endif
-        i=1;
-    }
+    //uint8_t  buf[MAX_REPLY_LEN];
+    //uint32_t len = 0;
 void error(ble_error_t err, uint32_t line)
@@ -846,53 +217,12 @@
-    #ifdef RPR0521
-    // 1. Mode Control (0x41), write (0xC6): ALS EN, PS EN, 100ms measurement for ALS and PS, PS_PULSE=1
-    // 2. ALS_PS_CONTROL (0x42), write (0x03): LED Current = 200mA
-    // 3. PERSIST (0x43), write (0x20): PS Gain x4  
-    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_ModeControl[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_ALSPSControl[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_Persist[0], 2, false);
-    #endif
-    #ifdef KMX62
-    // 1. CNTL2 (0x3A), write (0x5F): 4g, Max RES, EN temp mag and accel
-    i2c.write(KMX62_addr_w, &KMX62_CNTL2[0], 2, false);
-    #endif
-    #ifdef Color
-    // 1. CNTL2 (0x3A), write (0x5F): 4g, Max RES, EN temp mag and accel
-    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_persistence[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_mode1[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_mode2[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(BH1745_addr_w, &BH1745_mode3[0], 2, false);
+    #ifdef Pressure  //no Initialization because we keep in low power mode until we need to measure pressure
+    //i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_OFF[0], 2, false);
+    //i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_ON[0], 2, false);
+    //i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Mode_Control[0], 2, false);
-    #ifdef KX122
-    i2c.write(KX122_addr_w, &KX122_Accel_CNTL1[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(KX122_addr_w, &KX122_Accel_ODCNTL[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(KX122_addr_w, &KX122_Accel_CNTL3[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(KX122_addr_w, &KX122_Accel_TILT_TIMER[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(KX122_addr_w, &KX122_Accel_CNTL2[0], 2, false);
-    #endif
-    #ifdef Pressure
-    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_DOWN[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Mode_Control[0], 2, false);
-    #endif
-    #ifdef Magnetometer
-    i2c.write(BM1422_addr_w, &BM1422_CNTL1_Init[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(BM1422_addr_w, &BM1422_CNTL4_HB_Init[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(BM1422_addr_w, &BM1422_CNTL4_LB_Init[0], 2, false);
-    i2c.write(BM1422_addr_w, &BM1422_CNTL3_Init[0], 2, false);
-    #endif
-    #ifdef KXG03
-    i2c.write(KXG03_addr_w, &KXG03_STBY_REG[0], 2, false);        
-    #endif    
     //Start BTLE Initialization Section
@@ -942,5 +272,167 @@
     while (true) {
+        #ifdef Pressure
+        /*
+        //Read color Portion from the IC
+        i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Press_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &Press_Content_ReadData[0], 3, NoRepStart);
+        BM1383_Var  = (Press_Content_ReadData[0]<<3) | (Press_Content_ReadData[1] >> 5);
+        BM1383_Deci = ((Press_Content_ReadData[1] & 0x1f) << 6 | ((Press_Content_ReadData[2] >> 2)));
+        BM1383_Deci = (float)BM1383_Deci* 0.00048828125;  //0.00048828125 = 2^-11
+        BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out = (BM1383_Var + BM1383_Deci);   //question pending here...
+        */
+        #endif
+        if(printQue)    //Handle Data Written Interrupt
+        {
+            BTLE_DataWrittenHandler();
+            printQue = 0;
+        }
+void BTLE_DataWrittenHandler(){    
+    int i;
+    if (ReceivedValue.length() == 1) {
+        switch (ReceivedValue[0]) { 
+            case 'F':
+                len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "  Pres= %0.2f hPa", BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out);
+                break;
+            case 'r': //System Reset
+                NVIC_SystemReset(); //Q. What is this? no break statement?
+                                    //A. SoftReset... No need for break because this resets the program...
+                break;
+            default:
+                len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "1b,ERROR");
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (ReceivedValue.length() > 1) {
+        //BTLE Interface Code, Added 5/29/2016
+        for(i = 0; i < 29; i++)
+        {
+            FormattedData[i] = '\0';
+        }
+        if(,4,"CAL0") == 0)
+        {
+            pressureCurr = 0;
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_ON[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_OFF[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Mode_Control[0], 2, false);
+            for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+            {
+                #ifdef Pressure
+                wait_ms(200);
+                i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Press_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+      , &Press_Content_ReadData[0], 3, NoRepStart);
+                BM1383_TempPressure = (Press_Content_ReadData[0]<<14)|(Press_Content_ReadData[1]<<6)|(Press_Content_ReadData[2]);
+                BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out = (float)BM1383_TempPressure / (float)2048;
+                #endif
+                pressureCurr += BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out;
+            }
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_OFF[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_ON[0], 2, false);
+            BM1383_Pres_0Level = pressureCurr/10;
+            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "BaseLvl=%.3f",BM1383_Pres_0Level);  
+        }
+        else if(,4,"CAL1") == 0)
+        {
+            pressureCurr = 0;
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_ON[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_OFF[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Mode_Control[0], 2, false);
+            for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+            {
+                #ifdef Pressure
+                wait_ms(200);
+                i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Press_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+      , &Press_Content_ReadData[0], 3, NoRepStart);
+                BM1383_TempPressure = (Press_Content_ReadData[0]<<14)|(Press_Content_ReadData[1]<<6)|(Press_Content_ReadData[2]);
+                BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out = (float)BM1383_TempPressure / (float)2048;
+                #endif
+                pressureCurr += BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out;
+            }
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_OFF[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_ON[0], 2, false);
+            BM1383_Pres_KnownLevel = pressureCurr/10;
+            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "KnownLv=%.3f",BM1383_Pres_KnownLevel);              
+        }
+        else if(,4,"HEI?") == 0)
+        {
+            HeightKnown_Total = HeightKnown_Foot + HeightKnown_Inches;
+            slope = (HeightKnown_Total - HeightBase) / (BM1383_Pres_KnownLevel - BM1383_Pres_0Level);
+            yInt = HeightBase - (slope * BM1383_Pres_0Level);
+            pressureCurr = 0;
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_ON[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_OFF[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Mode_Control[0], 2, false);
+            for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+            {
+                #ifdef Pressure
+                wait_ms(200);
+                i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &Press_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+      , &Press_Content_ReadData[0], 3, NoRepStart);
+                BM1383_TempPressure = (Press_Content_ReadData[0]<<14)|(Press_Content_ReadData[1]<<6)|(Press_Content_ReadData[2]);
+                BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out = (float)BM1383_TempPressure / (float)2048;
+                #endif
+                pressureCurr += BM1383_Pres_Conv_Out;
+            }
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &PWR_OFF[0], 2, false);
+            i2c.write(Press_addr_w, &SLEEP_ON[0], 2, false);
+            pressureCurr = pressureCurr/10;
+            HeightExtrapolated = ((pressureCurr * slope) + yInt)/12;
+            //len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "Height=%f FT",HeightExtrapolated);
+            //m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
+            HeightExtrapolated_Foot = int(HeightExtrapolated);
+            HeightExtrapolated_Inches = (HeightExtrapolated - HeightExtrapolated_Foot)* 12;
+            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "H=%.0fFT, %.0fIN",HeightExtrapolated_Foot,HeightExtrapolated_Inches);
+        }
+        else if(,2,"FT") == 0)
+        {
+            HeightKnown_Foot = (ReceivedValue[2]-48) * 12;  //Convert ASCII to INT, then Convert to Inches
+            sprintf(FormattedData, "%2.0f", HeightKnown_Foot);
+            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "FT = %s inchs", FormattedData);
+            wait_ms(200);
+        }
+        else if(,2,"IN") == 0)
+        {
+            if((ReceivedValue[3]>= 48) && (ReceivedValue[3]<=57)){
+                HeightKnown_Inches = ((ReceivedValue[2]-48)*10) + (ReceivedValue[3]-48);    //Convert ASCII to INT, then Convert to Inches  
+            }
+            else{
+                HeightKnown_Inches = (ReceivedValue[2]-48); //Convert ASCII to INT
+            }
+            sprintf(FormattedData, "%2.0f", HeightKnown_Inches);
+            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "IN = %s inchs", FormattedData);
+            wait_ms(200);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "??? = %s", ReceivedValue.c_str());
+            //m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        len = snprintf((char*) buf, MAX_REPLY_LEN, "ERR:NUL");
+    }
+    m_ble.updateCharacteristicValue(m_uart_service_ptr->getRXCharacteristicHandle(), buf, len);
\ No newline at end of file