This is WlanBP3595 library for STA mode. This library only works with GR-PEACH. We performed the operation check on GR-PEACH E version. Please refer to LICENSE.txt about license of this library.

Fork of WlanBP3595STA by Rohm

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GRP_WLD_WPS_CRED_LIST_T Struct Reference

GRP_WLD_WPS_CRED_LIST_T Struct Reference

WPS cred list structure. More...

#include <WlanBP3595.h>

Data Fields

grp_si iNum

Detailed Description

WPS cred list structure.

Definition at line 320 of file WlanBP3595.h.

Field Documentation

grp_si iNum

Cred info number

Definition at line 321 of file WlanBP3595.h.

Cred info buffer

Definition at line 322 of file WlanBP3595.h.