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JDEC Struct Reference

JDEC Struct Reference

Internal structure for the jpeg engine. More...

#include <GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t dctr
 Number of bytes available in the input buffer.
uint8_t * dptr
 Current data read ptr.
uint8_t * inbuf
 Bit stream input buffer.
uint8_t dmsk
 Current bit in the current read byte.
uint8_t scale
 Output scaling ratio.
uint8_t msx
 MCU size in unit of block (width, ...)
uint8_t msy
 MCU size in unit of block (..., height)
uint8_t qtid [3]
 Quantization table ID of each component.
int16_t dcv [3]
 Previous DC element of each component.
uint16_t nrst
 Restart inverval.
uint16_t width
 Size of the input image (pixel width, ...)
uint16_t height
 Size of the input image (..., pixel height)
uint8_t * huffbits [2][2]
 Huffman bit distribution tables [id][dcac].
uint16_t * huffcode [2][2]
 Huffman code word tables [id][dcac].
uint8_t * huffdata [2][2]
 Huffman decoded data tables [id][dcac].
int32_t * qttbl [4]
 Dequaitizer tables [id].
void * workbuf
 Working buffer for IDCT and RGB output.
uint8_t * mcubuf
 Working buffer for the MCU.
void * pool
 Pointer to available memory pool.
uint16_t sz_pool
 Size of momory pool (bytes available)
uint16_t(* infunc )(JDEC *jd, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bufsize)
 Pointer to jpeg stream input function.
void * device
 Pointer to I/O device identifiler for the session.

Detailed Description

Internal structure for the jpeg engine.

Definition at line 53 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t dctr

Number of bytes available in the input buffer.

Definition at line 54 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

int16_t dcv[3]

Previous DC element of each component.

Definition at line 62 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

void* device

Pointer to I/O device identifiler for the session.

Definition at line 75 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t dmsk

Current bit in the current read byte.

Definition at line 57 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t* dptr

Current data read ptr.

Definition at line 55 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint16_t height

Size of the input image (..., pixel height)

Definition at line 65 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t* huffbits[2][2]

Huffman bit distribution tables [id][dcac].

Definition at line 66 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint16_t* huffcode[2][2]

Huffman code word tables [id][dcac].

Definition at line 67 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t* huffdata[2][2]

Huffman decoded data tables [id][dcac].

Definition at line 68 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t* inbuf

Bit stream input buffer.

Definition at line 56 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint16_t(* infunc)(JDEC *jd, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bufsize)

Pointer to jpeg stream input function.

Definition at line 74 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t* mcubuf

Working buffer for the MCU.

Definition at line 71 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t msx

MCU size in unit of block (width, ...)

Definition at line 59 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t msy

MCU size in unit of block (..., height)

Definition at line 60 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint16_t nrst

Restart inverval.

Definition at line 63 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

void* pool

Pointer to available memory pool.

Definition at line 72 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t qtid[3]

Quantization table ID of each component.

Definition at line 61 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

int32_t* qttbl[4]

Dequaitizer tables [id].

Definition at line 69 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint8_t scale

Output scaling ratio.

Definition at line 58 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint16_t sz_pool

Size of momory pool (bytes available)

Definition at line 73 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

uint16_t width

Size of the input image (pixel width, ...)

Definition at line 64 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.

void* workbuf

Working buffer for IDCT and RGB output.

Definition at line 70 of file GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h.