avec fonctions
Dependencies: DHT22 SSD1306 TCS34725 mbed
Fork of ProjetLong_Serre_V2 by
- Committer:
- leandre
- Date:
- 2018-10-15
- Revision:
- 2:4cf39fcca3f3
- Parent:
- main.cpp@ 1:6a83787ddf2d
File content as of revision 2:4cf39fcca3f3:
/*-- BIBLIOTHEQUES --*/ #include "mbed.h" #include "ssd1306.h" #include "standard_font.h" #include "bold_font.h" #include "DHT22.h" #include "Adafruit_TCS34725.h" /*-------------------*/ /*-- DEFINES --*/ #define commonAnode true #define ERR_RGB 0 /*----------------------*/ /*-- PROTOTYPES --*/ void GetDataAir(void); void InitEcran(void); void GestionEcran(void); void ErrorDisplay(int ErrorNumber); void initRGB(); void GestionRGB(); /*-----------------------*/ /*-- PERIPHERIQUES --*/ SSD1306 oled(D9,D6,D10,A4,A6); // OLED : CS,Reset,DC,Clock,Data (SPI1) I2C i2c(D4,D5);//SDA SCL //DigitalOut myled(LED1);//ATTENTION LED1 = D13 DHT22 dht22(D3); //Capteur Temperature AIR Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); Adafruit_TCS34725 tcs = Adafruit_TCS34725(&i2c, TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_50MS, TCS34725_GAIN_4X); //RGB Sensor DigitalOut LedTCS(D11); AnalogIn sondeHum(A0); //Capteur Humidite SOL AnalogIn sondeTemp(A1); //Capteur Temperature SOL /*--------------------*/ /*-- VARIABLES GLOBALES --*/ float humAir=12.12;//Valeur d'init pour verifier pannes float tempAir=13.13; float humSol=14.14;//Valeur d'init pour verifier pannes float tempSol=15.15; int r,g,b; /*-----------------------*/ int main() { pc.printf("\n\r\tProjet SERRE : \n\r"); pc.printf("\n\r\tCURIEL DKHEILA FURA\n\r\n\r"); initRGB(); InitEcran(); while(1) { wait(1.0); // 1 sec /*-- Humidite & Temperature AIR --*/ GetDataAir(); /*-- Humidite & Temperature SOL --*/ humSol=sondeHum;//A MODIFIER !!!!! //tempSol=sondeTemp; //A MODIFIER!!!!! pc.printf("SOL\n\f"); pc.printf("Humidite: %.2f %%\r\n", humSol); //pc.printf("Temperature: %.2f C\r\n\r\n", tempSol); */ /*-- LUMIERE --*/ /*__ RGB __*/ //GestionRGB(); /*__ Spectre visible et infrarouge __*/ /*-- AFFICHAGE --*/ GestionEcran(); } } //Lecture de l'humidite et de la temperature de l'air void GetDataAir(void) { dht22.sample() ; humAir=dht22.getHumidity()/10.0; tempAir=dht22.getTemperature()/10.0; pc.printf("AIR\r\n"); pc.printf("Humidite: %.2f %%\r\n", humAir); pc.printf("Temperature: %.2f C\r\n\r\n", tempAir); } //Initialisation de l'ecran void InitEcran(void) { oled.initialise(); oled.clear(); oled.set_contrast(255); // max contrast oled.update(); oled.clear(); oled.set_font(bold_font, 8); oled.printf("Bienvenue\n\ra Jurassic Park\r\n"); oled.update(); wait(1); } //Affichage des donnees utiles sur l'ecran void GestionEcran(void) { oled.clear(); //AIR oled.set_font(bold_font, 8); oled.printf("AIR\r\n"); oled.set_font(standard_font, 6); oled.printf("Humidite: %.2f %%\r\n", humAir); oled.printf("Temperature: %.2f C\r\n", tempAir); //SOL oled.set_font(bold_font, 8); oled.printf("SOL\r\n"); oled.set_font(standard_font, 6); oled.printf("Humidite %.2f %\r\n", humSol); //oled.printf("Temperature %.2f C\r\n", tempSol); //RGB oled.set_font(bold_font, 8); oled.printf("Couleurs\r\n"); oled.set_font(standard_font, 6); oled.printf("R: %d, G: %d, B: %d\r\n",r, g, b); oled.update(); } //Affichage de code erreur sur l'ecran void ErrorDisplay(int ErrorNumber) { oled.clear(); oled.set_font(bold_font, 8); oled.printf("ERREUR : %d\r\n",ErrorNumber); oled.update(); pc.printf("ERREUR : %d\r\n",ErrorNumber); wait(2); } //Initialisation du capteur de couleurs RGB void initRGB(void) { if (tcs.begin()) { pc.printf("Found sensor"); LedTCS=1; } else { pc.printf("No TCS34725 found ... check your connections"); ErrorDisplay(ERR_RGB); while (1); // halt! } } //Acquisition des couleurs avec le capteur RGB void GestionRGB(void) { uint16_t clear, red, green, blue; LedTCS=0; wait(0.1); tcs.setInterrupt(false); // turn on LED tcs.getRawData(&red, &green, &blue, &clear); tcs.setInterrupt(true); // turn off LED //printf("%d, %d, %d, %d\r\n", clear, red, green, blue); // Conversion Hexa uint32_t sum = clear; r = red; r /= sum; g = green; g /= sum; b = blue; b /= sum; r *= 256; g *= 256; b *= 256; pc.printf("R : %d, G : %d, B : %d\r\n", r, g, b); LedTCS=1; }