State Machine, bezig met mooimaken

Dependencies:   Encoder HIDScope MODSERIAL biquadFilter mbed

Fork of vanEMGnaarMOTORPauline_States_nacht by Projectgroep 20 Biorobotics



File content as of revision 28:19cccdd68b5b:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "BiQuad.h"
#include "HIDScope.h"
#include "encoder.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"

// Variables
//State Machine and calibration
enum States {CalEMG, SelectDevice, EMG, Rest, Demonstration};
States State;
bool Position_controller_on;
DigitalIn button (D1);

//Buttons  en leds voor calibration
DigitalIn button1(PTA4);
DigitalOut led(D2);

//MVC for calibration
double MVCLB = 0; double MVCRB = 0; double MVCLT = 0; double MVCRT = 0;
//MEAN for calibration - rest
double RESTMEANLB = 0; double RESTMEANRB =0; double RESTMEANLT = 0; double RESTMEANRT = 0;
double emgMEANSUBLB; double emgMEANSUBRB; double emgMEANSUBLT; double emgMEANSUBRT;
double emgSUMLB; double emgSUMRB; double emgSUMLT; double emgSUMRT;

bool caldone = false; 
int CalibrationSample = 1000; //How long will we calibrate? Timersampletime*Calibrationsample

int Timescalibration = 0;
int TimescalibrationREST = 0;

//Encoder and motor
double Huidigepositie1;
double Huidigepositie2;
double motorValue1;
double motorValue2;
Ticker Treecko;             //We make an awesome ticker for our control system
PwmOut M1E(D6);             //Biorobotics Motor 1 PWM control of the speed 
PwmOut M2E(D5);
DigitalOut M1D(D7);         //Biorobotics Motor 1 diraction control
Encoder motor1(D13,D12,true);
Encoder motor2(D9,D8,true);
DigitalOut M2D(D4);
double PwmPeriod = 1.0/5000.0;

AnalogIn potMeter2(A1);
AnalogIn potMeter1(A2);


const double Ts = 0.002f;                   // tickettijd/ sample time
double e_prev = 0; 
double e_int = 0;
double e_prev2 = 0;
double e_int2 = 0;

// EMG and Filters
// Biquad filters voor Left Biceps (LB): Notch, High-pass and Low-pass filter
BiQuad N1LB( 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 7.26543e-01 );
BiQuadChain NFLB;
BiQuad HP1LB( 9.63001e-01, -9.62990e-01, 0.00000e+00, -9.62994e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad HP2LB( 1.00000e+00, -2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.96161e+00, 9.63007e-01 ); 
BiQuadChain HPFLB;
BiQuad LP1LB( 2.56971e-06, 2.56968e-06, 0.00000e+00, -9.72729e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad LP2LB( 1.00000e+00, 2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.97198e+00, 9.72734e-01 );
BiQuadChain LPFLB;

// Biquad filters voor Right Biceps (RB): Notch, High-pass and Low-pass filter
BiQuad N1RB( 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 7.26543e-01 );
BiQuadChain NFRB;
BiQuad HP1RB( 9.63001e-01, -9.62990e-01, 0.00000e+00, -9.62994e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad HP2RB( 1.00000e+00, -2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.96161e+00, 9.63007e-01 ); 
BiQuadChain HPFRB;
BiQuad LP1RB( 2.56971e-06, 2.56968e-06, 0.00000e+00, -9.72729e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad LP2RB( 1.00000e+00, 2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.97198e+00, 9.72734e-01 );
BiQuadChain LPFRB;

// Biquad filters voor Left Triceps (LT): Notch, High-pass and Low-pass filter
BiQuad N1LT( 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 7.26543e-01 );
BiQuadChain NFLT;
BiQuad HP1LT( 9.63001e-01, -9.62990e-01, 0.00000e+00, -9.62994e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad HP2LT( 1.00000e+00, -2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.96161e+00, 9.63007e-01 ); 
BiQuadChain HPFLT;
BiQuad LP1LT( 2.56971e-06, 2.56968e-06, 0.00000e+00, -9.72729e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad LP2LT( 1.00000e+00, 2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.97198e+00, 9.72734e-01 );
BiQuadChain LPFLT;

// Biquad filters for Right Triceps (RT): Notch, High-pass and Low-pass filter
BiQuad N1RT( 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 8.63271e-01, -1.39680e+00, 7.26543e-01 );
BiQuadChain NFRT;
BiQuad HP1RT( 9.63001e-01, -9.62990e-01, 0.00000e+00, -9.62994e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad HP2RT( 1.00000e+00, -2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.96161e+00, 9.63007e-01 ); 
BiQuadChain HPFRT;
BiQuad LP1RT( 2.56971e-06, 2.56968e-06, 0.00000e+00, -9.72729e-01, 0.00000e+00 );
BiQuad LP2RT( 1.00000e+00, 2.00001e+00, 1.00001e+00, -1.97198e+00, 9.72734e-01 );
BiQuadChain LPFRT;

double emgNotchLB;
double emgHPLB;
double emgAbsHPLB;
double emgLPLB;

double emgNotchRB;
double emgHPRB;
double emgAbsHPRB;
double emgLPRB;

double emgNotchLT;
double emgHPLT;
double emgAbsHPLT;
double emgLPLT;

double emgNotchRT;
double emgHPRT;
double emgAbsHPRT;
double emgLPRT;

AnalogIn emgLB(A0);   // read EMG
AnalogIn emgRB(A1);
AnalogIn emgLT(A2);
AnalogIn emgRT(A3);

volatile double LBF;
volatile double RBF;
volatile double LTF;
volatile double RTF;

// RKI
double pi = 3.14159265359;
double q1 = (pi/2);                     //Reference position angle 1 in radiance
double q2 = -(pi/2);                    //Reference position angle 2 in radiance
const double L1 = 0.30;                 //Length arm 1 in mm
const double L2 = 0.38;                 //Length arm 2 in mm
double B1 = 1;                          //Friction constant motor 1
double B2 = 1;                          //Friction constant motor 2
double K = 1;                           //Spring constant movement from end-effector position to setpoint position
double Tijd = 1;                        //Timestep value
double Rsx = 0.38;                      //Reference x-component of the setpoint radius
double Rsy = 0.30;                      //Reference y-component of the setpoint radius
double refP = 0;                        //Reference position motor 1
double refP2 = 0;                       //Reference position motor 2
double Rex = cos(q1)*L1 - sin(q2)*L2;   //The x-component of the end-effector radius 
double Rey = sin(q1)*L1 + cos(q2)*L2;   //The y-component of the end-effector radius
double R1x = 0;                         //The x-component of the joint 1 radius
double R1y = 0;                         //The y-component of the joint 1 radius
double R2x = cos(q1)*L1;                //The x-component of the joint 2 radius
double R2y = sin(q1)*L1;                //The y-component of the joint 2 radius   
double Fx = 0;
double Fy = 0;
double Tor1 = 0;
double Tor2 = 0;
double w1= 0;
double w2= 0;

// Functions
void Filteren() 
    emgNotchLB = NFLB.step( );    // Notch filter
    emgHPLB = HPFLB.step(emgNotchLB);         // High-pass filter: also normalises around 0.
    emgAbsHPLB = abs(emgHPLB);                // Take absolute value
    emgLPLB = LPFLB.step(emgAbsHPLB);         // Low-pass filter: creates envelope
    emgMEANSUBLB = emgLPLB - RESTMEANLB;      // Substract the restmean value
    LBF = emgLPLB/MVCLB;                      // Scale to maximum signal: useful for motor. LBF should now be between 0-1.
    emgNotchRB = NFRB.step(; 
    emgHPRB = HPFRB.step(emgNotchRB); 
    emgAbsHPRB = abs(emgHPRB);
    emgLPRB = LPFRB.step(emgAbsHPRB);
    RBF = emgLPRB/MVCRB;
    emgNotchLT = NFLT.step( );
    emgHPLT = HPFLT.step(emgNotchLT);
    emgAbsHPLT = abs(emgHPLT);
    emgLPLT = LPFLT.step(emgAbsHPLT);
    LTF = emgLPLT/MVCLT;
    emgNotchRT = NFRT.step( );
    emgHPRT = HPFRT.step(emgNotchRT);
    emgAbsHPRT = abs(emgHPRT);
    emgLPRT = LPFRT.step(emgAbsHPRT);
    RTF = emgLPRT/MVCRT;

void CalibrationEMG()
    pc.printf("Timescalibration = %i \r\n",Timescalibration);
        pc.printf("calibration rest EMG \r\n");
        led = 1;
        emgNotchLB = NFLB.step( );
        emgHPLB = HPFLB.step(emgNotchLB);   
        emgAbsHPLB = abs(emgHPLB);
        emgLPLB = LPFLB.step(emgAbsHPLB);
        emgSUMLB += emgLPLB;                         //SUM all rest values LB
        emgNotchRB = NFRB.step(; 
        emgHPRB = HPFRB.step(emgNotchRB);
        emgAbsHPRB = abs(emgHPRB);
        emgLPRB = LPFRB.step(emgAbsHPRB);
        emgSUMRB += emgLPRB;                        //SUM all rest values RB
        emgNotchLT = NFLT.step( );
        emgHPLT = HPFLT.step(emgNotchLT);
        emgAbsHPLT = abs(emgHPLT);
        emgLPLT = LPFLT.step(emgAbsHPLT);
        emgSUMLT += emgLPLT;                         //SUM all rest values LT
        emgNotchRT = NFRT.step( );  
        emgHPRT = HPFRT.step(emgNotchRT);       
        emgAbsHPRT = abs(emgHPRT);           
        emgLPRT = LPFRT.step(emgAbsHPRT);
        emgSUMRT += emgLPRT;                         //SUM all rest values RT
        led = 0;
        RESTMEANLB = emgSUMLB/Timescalibration; //determine the mean rest value
        RESTMEANRB = emgSUMRB/Timescalibration; //determine the mean rest value
        RESTMEANRT = emgSUMRT/Timescalibration; //determine the mean rest value
        RESTMEANLT = emgSUMLT/Timescalibration; //determine the mean rest value
    if(Timescalibration>2000 && Timescalibration<3000)
        pc.printf("maximum left biceps \r\n");
        led = 1;
        emgNotchLB = NFLB.step( ); 
        emgHPLB = HPFLB.step(emgNotchLB);        
        emgAbsHPLB = abs(emgHPLB);          
        emgLPLB = LPFLB.step(emgAbsHPLB);       
        double emgfinalLB = emgLPLB;
        if (emgfinalLB > MVCLB)
        {                                       //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
            MVCLB = emgfinalLB;
    if(Timescalibration>3000 && Timescalibration<4000)
        pc.printf(" maximum right biceps \r\n");
        led = 0;
        emgNotchRB = NFRB.step(; 
        emgHPRB = HPFRB.step(emgNotchRB); 
        emgAbsHPRB = abs(emgHPRB);           
        emgLPRB = LPFRB.step(emgAbsHPRB);      
        double emgfinalRB = emgLPRB;
        if (emgfinalRB > MVCRB)
        {                                       //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
            MVCRB = emgfinalRB;
    if(Timescalibration>4000 && Timescalibration<5000)
        pc.printf("maximum left triceps \r\n");
        led = 1;
        emgNotchLT = NFLT.step( );
        emgHPLT = HPFLT.step(emgNotchLT);
        emgAbsHPLT = abs(emgHPLT);
        emgLPLT = LPFLT.step(emgAbsHPLT);
        double emgfinalLT = emgLPLT;
        if (emgfinalLT > MVCLT)
        {                                       //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
            MVCLT = emgfinalLT;
    if(Timescalibration>5000 && Timescalibration<6000)
        pc.printf("maximum right triceps");
        emgNotchRT = NFRT.step( );  
        emgHPRT = HPFRT.step(emgNotchRT);       
        emgAbsHPRT = abs(emgHPRT);           
        emgLPRT = LPFRT.step(emgAbsHPRT);
        double emgfinalRT = emgLPRT;
        if (emgfinalRT > MVCRT)
        {                                       //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
            MVCRT = emgfinalRT;
         pc.printf("calibration finished");
         State = SelectDevice; 

void RKI()
    Rex = cos(q1)*L1 - sin(q2)*L2;
    Rey = sin(q1)*L1 + cos(q2)*L2;
    R2x = cos(q1)*L1;
    R2y = sin(q1)*L1;
    Fx = (Rsx-Rex)*K;
    Fy = (Rsy-Rey)*K;
    Tor1 = (Rex-R1x)*Fy + (R1y-Rey)*Fx;
    Tor2 = (Rex-R2x)*Fy + (R2y-Rey)*Fx;
    w1 = Tor1/B1;
    w2 = Tor2/B2;
    q1 = q1 + w1*Tijd;
    q2 = q2 + w2*Tijd;
    int maxwaarde = 4096;                   // = 64x64
    refP = (((0.5*pi) - q1)/(2*pi))*maxwaarde;
    refP2 = (( q1 + q2)/(2*pi))*maxwaarde;    //Get reference positions

void SetpointRobot()
    double Potmeterwaarde2 =;
    double Potmeterwaarde1 =;
    if  (Potmeterwaarde2>0.6) {
        Rsx += 0.001;                    //increases 1 mm when potmetervalue above 0.6
    else if  (Potmeterwaarde2<0.4) {
        Rsx -= 0.001;                    //decreases 1 mm when potmetervalue below 0.4
    else {                               //x value of setpoint doesn't change

    if (Potmeterwaarde1>0.6) {           //increases 1 mm when potmetervalue above 0.6
        Rsy += 0.001;
    else if (Potmeterwaarde1<0.4) {      //decreases 1 mm when potmetervalue below 0.4
        Rsy -= 0.001;                       
    else {                               //y value of setpoint doesn't change
double FeedBackControl(double error, double &e_prev, double &e_int)   // schaalt de snelheid naar de snelheid zodat onze chip het begrijpt (is nog niet in werking)
    double kp = 0.0015;                               // kind of scaled.
    double Proportional= kp*error;
    double kd = 0.000008;                           // kind of scaled. 
    double VelocityError = (error - e_prev)/Ts; 
    double Derivative = kd*VelocityError;
    e_prev = error;
    double ki = 0.0001;                           // kind of scaled.
    e_int = e_int+Ts*error;
    double Integrator = ki*e_int;
    double motorValue = Proportional + Integrator + Derivative;
    return motorValue;

double FeedBackControl2(double error2, double &e_prev2, double &e_int2)   // schaalt de snelheid naar de snelheid zodat onze chip het begrijpt (is nog niet in werking)
    double kp2 = 0.002;                             // kind of scaled.
    double Proportional2= kp2*error2;
    double kd2 = 0.000008;                           // kind of scaled. 
    double VelocityError2 = (error2 - e_prev2)/Ts; 
    double Derivative2 = kd2*VelocityError2;
    e_prev2 = error2;
    double ki2 = 0.00005;                           // kind of scaled.
    e_int2 = e_int2+Ts*error2;
    double Integrator2 = ki2*e_int2;
    double motorValue2 = Proportional2 + Integrator2 + Derivative2;
    return motorValue2;

void SetMotor1(double motorValue)
    if (motorValue >= 0) {
        M1D = 0;
    else {
        M1D = 1;
    if  (fabs(motorValue) > 1) {
        M1E = 1;                    //velocity downscaled to 8.4 rad/s (= maximum velocity, value = 1)
    else {    
        M1E = fabs(motorValue);      //absolute velocity determined, motor is "off" at value of 0

void SetMotor2(double motorValue2)
    if (motorValue2 >= 0) {
        M2D = 1;
    else {
        M2D = 0;
    if  (fabs(motorValue2) > 1) {
        M2E = 1;                    //velocity downscaled to 8.4 rad/s (= maximum velocity, value = 1)
    else {    
        M2E = fabs(motorValue2);      //absolute velocity determined, motor is "off" at value of 0

void MeasureAndControl(void)
    // control of 1st motor
    double Huidigepositie = motor1.getPosition(); 
    double error = (refP - Huidigepositie);// make an error
    double motorValue = FeedBackControl(error, e_prev, e_int);
    // control of 2nd motor
    double Huidigepositie2 = motor2.getPosition(); 
    double error2 = (refP2 - Huidigepositie2);// make an error
    double motorValue2 = FeedBackControl2(error2, e_prev2, e_int2);
    pc.printf("refP = %f, huidigepos = %f, motorvalue = %f, refP2 = %f, huidigepos2 = %f, motorvalue2 = %f \r\n", refP, Huidigepositie, motorValue, refP2, Huidigepositie2, Huidigepositie2);
void changePosition ()    // DIT MOET NOG HEEL ERG GETUNED WORDEN !!!
    if (RBF>0.5) {
        Rsx +=0.001;    // hoe veel verder gaat hij? 1 cm? 10 cm?
    else {}
    if (RTF>0.5) {
        Rsx -=0.001;
    else {}
    if (LBF>0.5) {
        Rsy +=0.001;
    else {}
    if (LTF>0.5) {
        Rsy -=0.001;
    else {}

void Loop_funtion()
    pc.printf("state machine begint \r\n");
        case CalEMG: // Calibration EMG
            CalibrationEMG();   //calculates average EMGFiltered at rest and measures max signal EMGFiltered.
        case SelectDevice: //Looks at the difference between current position and home. Select aansturen EMG or buttons
            State = EMG;
            if (button==1) {
            else {           // if (button==0) {
        case EMG: //Control by EMG
        case Rest: // When it is not your turn, the robot shouldn't react on muscle contractions.
        case Demonstration: // Control with potmeters

int main()//deze moet ooit nog weg --> pas op voor errors
    //voor EMG filteren
    //Left Bicep
    NFLB.add( &N1LB );
    HPFLB.add( &HP1LB ).add( &HP2LB );
    LPFLB.add( &LP1LB ).add( &LP2LB );
    //Right Bicep
    NFRB.add( &N1RB );
    HPFRB.add( &HP1RB ).add( &HP2RB );
    LPFRB.add( &LP1RB ).add( &LP2RB );  
    //Left Tricep
    NFLT.add( &N1LT );
    HPFLT.add( &HP1LT ).add( &HP2LT );
    LPFLT.add( &LP1LT ).add( &LP2LT ); 
    //Right Tricep
    NFRT.add( &N1RT );
    HPFRT.add( &HP1RT ).add( &HP2RT );
    LPFRT.add( &LP1RT ).add( &LP2RT ); 
    //voor serial
    pc.printf("begint met programma \r\n");
   M1E.period(PwmPeriod); //set PWMposition at 5000hz
    //Treecko.attach(MeasureAndControl, Ts);   //Elke 1 seconde zorgt de ticker voor het runnen en uitlezen van de verschillende 
                                            //functies en analoge signalen. Veranderingen worden elke 1 seconde doorgevoerd.
  //  printer.attach(Tickerfunctie,0.4);
    //State Machine
    State = CalEMG;
    Position_controller_on = false;
    Treecko.attach(&Loop_funtion, Ts);
    {   }
 //is deze wel nodig?  