PI controller met potmeters om de Kp en Ki in te stellen

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL QEI mbed-dsp mbed

Fork of Motorcode by ProjectGroep23

Mon Sep 24 14:15:12 2018 +0000
Motor met analog input

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 1 #include "mbed.h"
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 2 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 3
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 4 Ticker Blinker;
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 5
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 6 DigitalOut ledr(LED_RED);
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 7 DigitalOut ledg(LED_GREEN);
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 8 DigitalOut ledb(LED_BLUE);
SimonRez 4:651d06e860e7 9
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 10 PwmOut pwmpin(PTA2);
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 11 DigitalOut direct(PTB23);
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 12 AnalogIn enc1(A0);
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 13
SimonRez 4:651d06e860e7 14 InterruptIn sw2(SW2);
SimonRez 4:651d06e860e7 15 InterruptIn sw3(SW3);
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 16
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 17 MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 18
SimonRez 4:651d06e860e7 19
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 20 int main()
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 21 {
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 22 ledr = 1;
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 23 ledg = 1;
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 24 ledb = 1;
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 25
SimonRez 4:651d06e860e7 26 pc.printf("\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ~~~A$$De$troyer69~~~ \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n");
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 27
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 28 pwmpin.period_us(60);
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 29 pwmpin = 0;
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 30
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 31 while (true)
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 32 {
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 33 pwmpin.write(enc1.read());
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 34 direct = 1;
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 35 pc.printf("%f \r\n", enc1.read());
SimonRez 5:f07bafaf11d7 36 wait(0.2f);
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 37 }
vsluiter 0:c8f15874531b 38 }
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 39
SimonRez 2:52b3c0b95388 40