Versie 0.2 Het versturen via de NRF werkt nog niet helemaal omdat er per 4 bytes verstuurd moet worden. Wordt gefixt d.m.v. dynamic stuff!

Dependencies:   RTOS mbed

Fork of rtos_basic by Reynier Braal

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Jun 04 16:01:32 2013 +0100
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 29 15:27:26 2016 +0000
@@ -1,21 +1,210 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "rtos.h"
-DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+/* *** INCLUDE **********************************************************************/
+    #include "mbed.h"
+    #include "rtos.h"
+    #include "nRF24L01P.h"
+/* *** DEFINE ***********************************************************************/
+    #define sDestination_SIZE 20
+    #define sMessage_SIZE     100
+    #define MF_RESET PC_13
+    #define TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF  4
+    #define TRANSFER_SIZE_UART 100
+    #define nCS  PA_15    
+    #define SCK  PB_3
+    #define MISO PB_4
+    #define MOSI PB_5
+    #define IRQ  PB_6
+    #define CE   PB_7
+/* *** THREADS **********************************************************************/
+    void LED_thread(void const *args);
+    void MAIL_thread(void const *args);
+/* *** FUNCTIONS ********************************************************************/
+    void initUART (void);
+    void initWireLess(void);
+    void UART_GetMessage(void);
+    void WLESS_GetMessage(void);
+    void flushCArray(char str[]);
+/* *** GLOBAL DATA ******************************************************************/
+// UART
+    Serial raspPi(USBTX, USBRX);
+    char getRaspPiData[TRANSFER_SIZE_UART], sendRaspPiData[TRANSFER_SIZE_UART];
+    int  getRaspPiDataCnt, sendRaspPiDataCnt = 0;
+    InterruptIn irqWLESS(IRQ);
+    nRF24L01P NRF(MOSI, MISO, SCK, nCS, CE, IRQ); 
+    int  getWLESSDataCnt, sendWLESSDataCnt = 0;
+    unsigned long long myAdress = 0x010203;
+    unsigned long long otherAdress = 0x030201;
+// MAIL
+    typedef struct mail_t {
+        char sDestination[sDestination_SIZE];   // Name of the Thread
+        char sMessage[sMessage_SIZE];       // Type here you message
+    }mail_t;
+    Mail<mail_t, 10> mailBox;
+    mail_t *mail;
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
-void led2_thread(void const *args) {
-    while (true) {
-        led2 = !led2;
-        Thread::wait(1000);
+//Use for debug!!
+DigitalOut check1(PB_15);
+DigitalOut check2(PB_14);
+DigitalOut check3(PB_13);
+// End debug
+/* *** MAIN *************************************************************************/ 
+int main() {
+    Thread threadLED(LED_thread);
+    Thread threadMAIL(MAIL_thread);
+    initUART();
+    initWireLess();
+    irqWLESS.fall(&WLESS_GetMessage);    
+    while(1) { 
+        ;
-int main() {
-    Thread thread(led2_thread);
+/* *** LED THREAD *******************************************************************/
+void LED_thread(void const *args) {
+    while (true) {        
+        led2 = !led2;
+        Thread::wait(500);       
+    }    
+/* *** MAIL THREAD ******************************************************************/
+void MAIL_thread(void const *args) {
+    while(true) {
+        osEvent evt = mailBox.get();        
+        if (evt.status == osEventMail) {
+            if (strcmp(mail->sDestination, "WLESS") == 0) {
+                // functie aanroepen voor de NRF       
+            }
+            else if (strcmp(mail->sDestination, "UART") == 0) {
+                // functie aanroepen voor de UART
+            }            
+            else if (strcmp(mail->sDestination, "LED") == 0) {
+                // functie aanroepen voor de LED
+            }
+  ;                     
+        }
+        if (evt.status == osEventMail) {
+            if (strcmp(mail->sDestination, "WLESS") == 0) {                 
+                raspPi.printf("Data from mail: %s ", mail->sMessage);
+                sendWLESSDataCnt = 0;
+// Deze functie werkt nog helemaal omdat er per 4 bytes verstuurd moeten worden...
+// Wanneer dit aangepast wordt doet hij het voor 100%!                
+                for (int sndData = 0; mail->sMessage[sndData] != '!'; sndData++) {
+                    sendWLESSData[sendWLESSDataCnt++] = mail->sMessage[sndData];
+                    if (sendWLESSDataCnt == TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF) {
+                        NRF.write( NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0, sendWLESSData, TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF);
+                        sendWLESSDataCnt = 0;
+                    }
+                    else if (mail->sMessage[sndData] == '!') {
+                        for (int sndRestData = sendWLESSDataCnt; sndRestData <= TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF; sndRestData++) {
+                            sendWLESSData[sndRestData] = 0;
+                        }
+                        NRF.write( NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0, sendWLESSData, TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF );                        
+                    }                                  
+                } 
+                flushCArray(sendWLESSData);
+      ;                
+            }              
+        }
+        Thread::wait(100);
+    } 
+/* *** INIT UART ********************************************************************/
+void initUART () {
+    raspPi.baud(9600);        
+    raspPi.attach(&UART_GetMessage);
+    flushCArray(getRaspPiData);
+    flushCArray(sendRaspPiData);
+    raspPi.printf("Hi, from NUCLEO! \r\n");
+/* *** INIT WIRELESS ****************************************************************/
+void initWireLess() {
+    flushCArray(getWLESSData);
+    flushCArray(sendWLESSData);
+    NRF.powerUp();
+    NRF.setTransferSize( TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF );
+    NRF.setTxAddress(otherAdress, 3);
+    NRF.setRxAddress(otherAdress, 3, NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0);
+    NRF.enableAutoAcknowledge(NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0);
+    NRF.enableAutoRetransmit(1000, 10);
+    NRF.setAirDataRate(NRF24L01P_DATARATE_250_KBPS);
+    NRF.setRfOutputPower(NRF24L01P_TX_PWR_ZERO_DB);
+    NRF.setRxAddress(myAdress, 3, NRF24L01P_PIPE_P1);
+    NRF.setRfFrequency(2500);
-    while (true) {
-        led1 = !led1;
-        Thread::wait(500);
+    NRF.setReceiveMode();
+    NRF.enable();
+    raspPi.printf( "NRF+ Frequency    : %d MHz\r\n",  NRF.getRfFrequency() );
+    raspPi.printf( "NRF+ Output power : %d dBm\r\n",  NRF.getRfOutputPower() );
+    raspPi.printf( "NRF+ Data Rate    : %d kbps\r\n", NRF.getAirDataRate() );
+    raspPi.printf( "NRF+ TX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", NRF.getTxAddress() );
+    raspPi.printf( "NRF+ RX0 Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", NRF.getRxAddress(0) );
+    raspPi.printf( "NRF+ RX1 Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", NRF.getRxAddress(1) );
+    raspPi.printf( "Type keys to test transfers:\r\n  (transfers are grouped into %d characters)\r\n", TRANSFER_SIZE_NRF );
+/* *** UART GET MESSAGE *************************************************************/
+void UART_GetMessage () {
+    if (getRaspPiDataCnt <= TRANSFER_SIZE_UART){
+        getRaspPiData[getRaspPiDataCnt] = raspPi.getc();    
+        raspPi.putc(getRaspPiData[getRaspPiDataCnt]);
+        getRaspPiDataCnt++;
+    if(getRaspPiData[getRaspPiDataCnt-1] == '!'){               
+        mail = mailBox.alloc();
+        //strncpy (mail->sDestination, "WLESS", strlen("WLESS"));
+        //strncpy (mail->sMessage, getRaspPiData, getRaspPiDataCnt-1);
+        strcpy (mail->sDestination, "WLESS");
+        strcpy (mail->sMessage, getRaspPiData);
+        mailBox.put(mail);
+        getRaspPiDataCnt = 0;                
+        flushCArray(getRaspPiData);
+    }                    
+/* *** WIRELESS GET MESSAGE *********************************************************/
+void WLESS_GetMessage () {
+// Deze functie nog niet getest!    
+    getWLESSDataCnt = NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0, getWLESSData, sizeof( getWLESSData ) );
+    for ( int i = 0; getWLESSDataCnt > 0; getWLESSDataCnt--, i++ ) {
+        raspPi.putc( getWLESSData[i] );
+    }    
+/* *** FLUSH CHAR ARRAY *************************************************************/
+void flushCArray(char str[]) {
+    memset(str, '\n', strlen(str));