PokittoLib with changes to lcd refresh etc.

Dependents:   Pokittris

Fork of Pokitto by Pokitto Community Team

This is a fork by user @Spinal, and is used in Pokittris for testing. Do not import this to your own program.

diff -r 000000000000 -r e8b8f36b4505 POKITTO_CORE/PokittoDisk.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/POKITTO_CORE/PokittoDisk.cpp	Mon Sep 18 11:47:51 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+    @file     Pokitto_disk.cpp
+    @author   Jonne Valola
+    @section LICENSE
+    Pokitto development stage library
+    Software License Agreement
+    Copyright (c) 2015, Jonne Valola ("Author")
+    All rights reserved.
+    This library is intended solely for the purpose of Pokitto development.
+    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+    modification requires written permission from Author.
+#include "Pokitto.h"
+#define SD_MOSI_PORT   0
+#define SD_MISO_PORT   0
+#define SD_SCK_PORT    0
+#define SD_CS_PORT     0
+#define SD_MOSI_PIN   9
+#define SD_MISO_PIN   8
+#define SD_SCK_PIN    6
+#define SD_CS_PIN     7
+#if POK_ENABLE_SD > 0
+BYTE res;
+FATFS fs;            /* File system object */
+FATDIR dir;            /* Directory object */
+FILINFO fno;        /* File information */
+FATFS *FatFs;    /* Pointer to the file system object (logical drive) */
+bool diropened=false;
+#define SPEAKER 3
+//#define BUFFER_SIZE 256 // was 128
+#define SONGLENGTH 0x1BFBCD // 1072223
+#define FILESIZE 0x1BFBCD
+uint8_t filemode = FILE_MODE_UNINITIALIZED;
+char currentfile[15]; // holds current file's name
+//DigitalOut mmccs(CONNECT_CS);
+const char *get_filename_ext(const char *filename) {
+    const char *dot = strrchr(filename, '.');
+    if(!dot || dot == filename) return "";
+    return dot + 1;
+__attribute__((section(".SD_Code"))) void initSDGPIO() {
+    LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[SD_CS_PORT]   |= (1  << SD_CS_PIN );
+__attribute__((section(".SD_Code"))) int pokInitSD() {
+    initSDGPIO();
+    res = disk_initialize();
+    res = (pf_mount(&fs));
+    res = pf_opendir(&dir,"");
+    if (res) diropened=false;
+    else diropened=true;
+    return res;
+char* getFirstDirEntry() {
+    res=0;
+    if (!diropened) {
+            pokInitSD();
+    }
+    res = pf_opendir(&dir,"");
+    res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //returns 0 if everything is OK
+    if (res) return 0;
+    while (res==0) { //while res is ok
+        if ((fno.fattrib & 0x02)==0) {
+                if (fno.fattrib & 0x10) {
+                    fno.fname[8]='.';
+                    fno.fname[9]='D';
+                    fno.fname[10]='I';
+                    fno.fname[11]='R';
+                    fno.fname[12]='\0';
+                }
+                return fno.fname;
+        }
+        res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //returns 0 if everything is OK
+        if (res==0 && dir.index==0) break;
+    }
+    return 0;
+char* getNextDirEntry() {
+    if (!diropened) pokInitSD();
+	res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //returns 0 if everything is OK
+	if (res==0) {
+	        while (fno.fattrib & 0x02 && !res) res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //system/hidden file
+	        if (fno.fattrib & 0x10) {
+	                int a=12;
+                    while (a) {
+                            fno.fname[a] = fno.fname[a-1];
+                            a--;
+                    }
+                    if (fno.fname[0]) {
+                            fno.fname[0]='/';
+                            a=0;
+                            while (fno.fname[a]) a++;
+                            fno.fname[a]='/';
+                    }
+	                /*fno.fname[a++]='.';
+                    fno.fname[a++]='D';
+                    fno.fname[a++]='I';
+                    fno.fname[a++]='R';
+                    fno.fname[a]='\0';*/
+	        }
+	        return fno.fname;
+	}
+    return NULL;
+char* getNextFile (char* ext){
+    if (!diropened) pokInitSD();
+	int a=1;
+	res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //returns 0 if everything is OK
+	while (res==0 || a) { //while there are entries and
+        if (dir.index==0) return 0; //end of list
+        a = strcmp((const char*)get_filename_ext(fno.fname),(const char*)ext); // returns 0 if strings are identical
+        if (strcmp(ext,"")==0 && (fno.fattrib & 0x10) == 0) a=0;
+        if (a == 0 && (fno.fattrib & 0x10) == 0) return fno.fname;
+        if (fno.fattrib&0x10) return NULL; //its a directory
+	}
+char* getNextFile() {
+    return getNextFile("");
+char* getFirstFile(char* ext) {
+    res=0;
+    if (!diropened) {
+            pokInitSD();
+    }
+    res = pf_opendir(&dir,"");
+    res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //returns 0 if everything is OK
+    if (res) return 0;
+    while (res==0 || (fno.fattrib & 0x10) == 0) {
+        int a=0;
+        a = strcmp((const char*)get_filename_ext(fno.fname),(const char*)ext); // returns 0 if strings are identical
+        if (!strcmp(ext,"")) a=0;
+        if ( a == 0 && (fno.fattrib & 0x10) == 0) return fno.fname;
+        res = pf_readdir(&dir,&fno); //returns 0 if everything is OK
+        if (res==0 && dir.index==0) break;
+    }
+    return 0;
+char* getFirstFile() {
+    return getFirstFile("");
+int isThisFileOpen(char* buffer){
+    int a=0;
+    a = strcmp((const char*)buffer,(const char*)currentfile); // returns 0 if strings are identical
+    if ( a == 0 && filemode != FILE_MODE_FAILED) return 1;
+    return 0;
+int fileOK() {
+    if (filemode != FILE_MODE_FAILED) return 1;
+    return 0;
+uint8_t fileOpen(char* buffer, char fmode) {
+    int err;
+    if (filemode == FILE_MODE_UNINITIALIZED) {
+        int a = pf_mount(&fs);
+        if (a) return 1; // 1 means error in this context
+    }
+    filemode = fmode;
+    err = pf_open(buffer);
+    if (err==0) {
+            strcpy(currentfile,(const char*)buffer);
+            return 0; // 0 means all clear
+    }
+    // file open failed
+    filemode = FILE_MODE_FAILED;
+    return 1; // 1 means failed
+void fileClose() {
+    for (uint8_t i=0; i<15; i++) currentfile[i]=0;
+int fileGetChar() {
+    BYTE buff[1];
+    WORD br;
+    int err = pf_read(buff, 1, &br);    /* Read data to the buff[] */
+    return buff[0];
+void filePutChar(char c) {
+    WORD bw;
+    pf_write((const void*)&c, 1, &bw);
+    pf_write(0, 0, &bw);
+void fileWriteBytes(uint8_t * b, uint16_t n) {
+    WORD bw;
+    pf_write((const void*)&b, n, &bw);
+    pf_write(0, 0, &bw);
+uint16_t fileReadBytes(uint8_t * b, uint16_t n) {
+    WORD br;
+    pf_read(b, n, &br);    /* Read data to the buff[] */
+    return br;             /* Return number of bytes read */
+void fileSeekAbsolute(long n) {
+    res = pf_lseek(n);
+void fileSeekRelative(long n) {
+    if (n<0) if (fs.fptr < -n) n=-fs.fptr;
+    else if (n>0) if (fs.fptr+n > fs.fsize) n=fs.fsize-fs.fptr;
+    res = pf_lseek(fs.fptr + n);
+void fileRewind() {
+  res = pf_lseek(0);
+void fileEnd() {
+  res = pf_lseek(fs.fsize);
+long int fileGetPosition() {
+    return fs.fptr;
+uint8_t filePeek(long n) {
+    pf_lseek(n);
+    return fileGetChar();
+void filePoke(long n, uint8_t c) {
+    pf_lseek(n);
+    filePutChar(c);
+int dirOpen() {
+    return pf_opendir(&dir,"");
+int dirUp() {
+return 0;
+#endif // POK_ENABLE_SD