PokittoLib with changes to lcd refresh etc.

Dependents:   Pokittris

Fork of Pokitto by Pokitto Community Team

This is a fork by user @Spinal, and is used in Pokittris for testing. Do not import this to your own program.

--- a/POKITTO_HW/PokittoEEPROM.h	Mon Sep 18 12:34:05 2017 +0000
+++ b/POKITTO_HW/PokittoEEPROM.h	Tue Sep 19 08:47:36 2017 +0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     //Access/read members.
     uint8_t operator*() const            { return eeprom_read_byte( (uint8_t*) index ); }
-    operator const uint8_t() const       { return **this; }
+    operator uint8_t() const       { return **this; }
     //Assignment/write members.
     EERef &operator=( const EERef &ref ) { return *this = *ref; }
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     EEPtr( const int index )
         : index( index )                {}
-    operator const int() const          { return index; }
+    operator int() const          { return index; }
     EEPtr &operator=( int in )          { return index = in, *this; }
     //Iterator functionality.