Reference firmware for PixArt's ADBM-A350 sensor and evaluation board. "Hello World" and "Library" contain the exact same files. Please import just one of the two into your mBed compiler as a new program and not as a library.
Welcome to the code repository for PixArt's ADBM-A350 sensor and evaluation board.
For general information about this product, please visit this product's components page here:
For guides and tips on how to setup and evaluate the ADBM-A350 sensor with the Nordic nRF52-DK microcontroller using this reference code, please visit this guide:
For guides and tips on how to setup and evaluate the ADBM-A350 sensor with any mBed-supported microcontroller using this reference code, please visit this guide:
First public release.
2018-10-30, by PixArtVY [Tue, 30 Oct 2018 21:14:15 +0000] rev 1
First public release.
First release.
2018-06-25, by PixArtVY [Mon, 25 Jun 2018 21:14:10 +0000] rev 0
First release.