Reference firmware for PixArt's PAT9125EL sensor and evaluation board. "Hello World" and "Library" contain the exact same files. Please import just one of the two into your mBed compiler as a new program and not as a library.

Welcome to the code repository for PixArt's PAT9125EL sensor and evaluation board.

For general information about this product, please visit this product's components page here:

For guides and tips on how to setup and evaluate the PAT9125EL sensor with the Nordic nRF52-DK microcontroller using this reference code, please visit this guide:

For guides and tips on how to setup and evaluate the PAT9125EL sensor with any microcontroller using this reference code, please visit this guide:



File content as of revision 4:8f7d8ff001f8:

// PAT9125EL: Miniature Optical Navigation Chip reference code.
// Version: 1.1
// Latest Revision Date: 18 July 2018
// By PixArt Imaging Inc.
// Primary Engineer: Vincent Yeh (PixArt USA)

// Copyright [2018] [Vincent Yeh]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

//Revision History
Version 1.2 -- 23 July 2018
-Changed SPI frequency to 2MHz.
-Changed SPI timing for the readRegister function.

Version 1.1 -- 18 July 2018
-Added apache license notice.

Version 1.0 -- 16 Feb. 2018
-First release.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "registerArrays.h"
#include "SPIcommFunctions.h"
//#include "I2CcommFunctions.h"
//Make sure you only have SPIcommFunctions or I2CcommFunctions enabled. You cannot include both headers.

int main()
    pc.baud(115200);                    // Set baud rate to 115200. Remember to sync serial terminal baud rate to the same value.

    #ifdef SPImode
    spi.format(8,3);                    // Set SPI to 8 bits with inverted polarity and phase-shifted to second edge.
    spi.frequency(2000000);             // Set frequency for SPI communication.
    cs = 1;                             // Initialize chip select as inactive.
    #ifdef I2Cmode
    i2c.frequency(400000);              // Set frequency for I2C communication.
    pc.printf("Program START\n\r");
    pc.printf("ID Check: %2X\n\r", readRegister(0x00)); //Checks product ID to make sure communication protocol is working properly.
    if(readRegister(0x00) != 0x31)
        pc.printf("Communication protocol error! Terminating program.\n\r");
        return 0;
    writeRegister(0x06, 0x97);          //Software reset (i.e. set bit7 to 1)
    wait_ms(1);                         //Delay 1 ms for chip reset timing.
    writeRegister(0x06, 0x17);          //Ensure software reset is done and chip is no longer in that state.
    load(initialize, initialize_size);  //Load register settings from the "initialize" array
    if(readRegister(0x5E) == 0x04)      //These unlisted registers are used for internal recommended settings.
        writeRegister(0x5E, 0x08);
        if(readRegister(0x5D) == 0x10)
            writeRegister(0x5D, 0x19);
    writeRegister(0x09, 0x00);  // enable write protect.
        //pc.printf("MOTION bit: %2X\n\r", (readRegister(0x02) & 0x80) >> 7);   //Prints motion bit for debugging. 1 = motion detected. 0 = no motion detected.
        if(readRegister(0x02) & 0x80)