
Dependencies:   BufferedSerial motor_sn7544

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ov7670.h	Fri Feb 17 13:07:18 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ov7670reg.h"
+#define OV7670_WRITE (0x42)
+#define OV7670_READ  (0x43)
+#define OV7670_WRITEWAIT (20)
+#define OV7670_NOACK (0)
+#define OV7670_REGMAX (201)
+#define OV7670_I2CFREQ (50000)
+// OV7670 + FIFO AL422B camera board test
+class OV7670 : public Base
+    I2C camera ;
+    InterruptIn vsync,href;
+    DigitalOut wen ;
+    PortIn data ;
+    DigitalOut rrst,oe,rclk ;
+    volatile int LineCounter ;
+    volatile int LastLines ;
+    volatile bool CaptureReq ;
+    volatile bool Busy ;
+    volatile bool Done ;
+    OV7670(
+        PinName sda,// Camera I2C port
+        PinName scl,// Camera I2C port
+        PinName vs, // VSYNC
+        PinName hr, // HREF
+        PinName we, // WEN
+        PortName port, // 8bit bus port
+        int mask, // 0b0000_0M65_4000_0321_L000_0000_0000_0000 = 0x07878000
+        PinName rt, // /RRST
+        PinName o,  // /OE
+        PinName rc  // RCLK      
+        ) : camera(sda,scl),vsync(vs),href(hr),wen(we),data(port,mask),rrst(rt),oe(o),rclk(rc)
+    {
+        camera.stop() ;
+        camera.frequency(OV7670_I2CFREQ) ;
+        vsync.fall(this,&OV7670::VsyncHandler) ;
+        href.rise(this,&OV7670::HrefHandler) ;
+        CaptureReq = false ;
+        Busy = false ;
+        Done = false ;
+        LineCounter = 0 ;
+        rrst = 1 ;
+        oe = 1 ;
+        rclk = 1 ;
+        wen = 0 ;
+    }
+    // capture request
+    void CaptureNext(void)
+    {
+        CaptureReq = true ;
+        Busy = true ;
+    }
+    // capture done? (with clear)
+    bool CaptureDone(void)
+    {
+        bool result ;
+        if (Busy) {
+            result = false ;
+        } else {
+            result = Done ;
+            Done = false ;
+        }
+        return result ;
+    }
+    // write to camera
+    void WriteReg(int addr,int data)
+    {
+        // WRITE 0x42,ADDR,DATA
+        camera.start() ;
+        camera.write(OV7670_WRITE) ;
+        wait_us(OV7670_WRITEWAIT);
+        camera.write(addr) ;
+        wait_us(OV7670_WRITEWAIT);
+        camera.write(data) ;
+        camera.stop() ;
+    }
+    // read from camera
+    int ReadReg(int addr)
+    {
+        int data ;
+        // WRITE 0x42,ADDR
+        camera.start() ;
+        camera.write(OV7670_WRITE) ;
+        wait_us(OV7670_WRITEWAIT);
+        camera.write(addr) ;
+        camera.stop() ;
+        wait_us(OV7670_WRITEWAIT);    
+        // WRITE 0x43,READ
+        camera.start() ;
+        camera.write(OV7670_READ) ;
+        wait_us(OV7670_WRITEWAIT);
+        data = ;
+        camera.stop() ;
+        return data ;
+    }
+    void Reset(void) {    
+        WriteReg(0x12,0x80) ; // RESET CAMERA
+        wait_ms(200) ;
+    }
+    void InitQQVGA565() {
+        // QQVGA RGB565
+        WriteReg(REG_CLKRC,0x80);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM11,0x0A) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_TSLB,0x04);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM7,0x04) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_RGB444, 0x00);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM15, 0xd0);
+        WriteReg(REG_HSTART,0x16) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_HSTOP,0x04) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_HREF,0x24) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_VSTART,0x02) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_VSTOP,0x7a) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_VREF,0x0a) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_COM10,0x02) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_COM3, 0x04);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM14, 0x1a);
+        WriteReg(0x72, 0x22);
+        WriteReg(0x73, 0xf2);
+        // COLOR SETTING
+        WriteReg(0x4f,0x80);
+        WriteReg(0x50,0x80);
+        WriteReg(0x51,0x00);
+        WriteReg(0x52,0x22);
+        WriteReg(0x53,0x5e);
+        WriteReg(0x54,0x80);
+        WriteReg(0x56,0x40);
+        WriteReg(0x58,0x9e);
+        WriteReg(0x59,0x88);
+        WriteReg(0x5a,0x88);
+        WriteReg(0x5b,0x44);
+        WriteReg(0x5c,0x67);
+        WriteReg(0x5d,0x49);
+        WriteReg(0x5e,0x0e);
+        WriteReg(0x69,0x00);
+        WriteReg(0x6a,0x40);
+        WriteReg(0x6b,0x0a);
+        WriteReg(0x6c,0x0a);
+        WriteReg(0x6d,0x55);
+        WriteReg(0x6e,0x11);
+        WriteReg(0x6f,0x9f);
+        WriteReg(0xb0,0x84);
+    }    
+    void InitQVGA565() {
+        // QVGA RGB565
+        WriteReg(REG_CLKRC,0x80);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM11,0x0A) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_TSLB,0x04);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM7,0x04) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_RGB444, 0x00);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM15, 0xd0);
+        WriteReg(REG_HSTART,0x16) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_HSTOP,0x04) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_HREF,0x80) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_VSTART,0x02) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_VSTOP,0x7a) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_VREF,0x0a) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_COM10,0x02) ;
+        WriteReg(REG_COM3, 0x04);
+        WriteReg(REG_COM14, 0x19);
+        WriteReg(0x72, 0x11);
+        WriteReg(0x73, 0xf1);
+        // COLOR SETTING
+        WriteReg(0x4f,0x80);
+        WriteReg(0x50,0x80);
+        WriteReg(0x51,0x00);
+        WriteReg(0x52,0x22);
+        WriteReg(0x53,0x5e);
+        WriteReg(0x54,0x80);
+        WriteReg(0x56,0x40);
+        WriteReg(0x58,0x9e);
+        WriteReg(0x59,0x88);
+        WriteReg(0x5a,0x88);
+        WriteReg(0x5b,0x44);
+        WriteReg(0x5c,0x67);
+        WriteReg(0x5d,0x49);
+        WriteReg(0x5e,0x0e);
+        WriteReg(0x69,0x00);
+        WriteReg(0x6a,0x40);
+        WriteReg(0x6b,0x0a);
+        WriteReg(0x6c,0x0a);
+        WriteReg(0x6d,0x55);
+        WriteReg(0x6e,0x11);
+        WriteReg(0x6f,0x9f);
+        WriteReg(0xb0,0x84);
+    }    
+    // vsync handler
+    void VsyncHandler(void)
+    {
+        // Capture Enable
+        if (CaptureReq) {
+            wen = 1 ;
+            Done = false ;
+            CaptureReq = false ;
+        } else {
+            wen = 0 ;
+            if (Busy) {
+                Busy = false ;
+                Done = true ;
+            }
+        }
+        // Hline Counter
+        LastLines = LineCounter ;
+        LineCounter = 0 ;
+    }
+    // href handler
+    void HrefHandler(void)
+    {
+        LineCounter++ ;
+    }
+    // Data Read
+    int ReadOneByte(void)
+    {
+        int result ;
+        rclk = 1 ;
+//        wait_us(1) ;
+        result = data ;
+        rclk = 0 ;
+        return result ;
+    }
+    // Data Read (PortIn)
+    int ReadOneWord(void)
+    {
+        int r,r1,r2,r3,r4 ;
+        rclk = 1 ;
+        r = data ;
+        rclk = 0 ;
+        r1 = r & 0x07800000 ;
+        r1 = r1 >> (26-7-0) ; // bit26 to bit7
+        r2 = r & 0x00078000 ;
+        r2 = r2 >> (18-3-0) ; // bit18 to bit3        
+        rclk = 1 ;
+        r = data ;        
+        rclk = 0 ;
+        r3 = r & 0x07800000 ;
+        r3 = r3 >> (26-7-8) ; // bit26 to bit7
+        r4 = r & 0x00078000 ;
+        r4 = r4 >> (18-3-8) ; // bit18 to bit3
+        return r4+r3+r2+r1 ;
+    }
+    // Data Start
+    void ReadStart(void)
+    {        
+        rrst = 0 ;
+        oe = 0 ;
+        wait_us(1) ;
+        rclk = 0 ;
+        wait_us(1) ;
+        rclk = 1 ;
+        wait_us(1) ;        
+        rrst = 1 ;
+    }
+    // Data Stop
+    void ReadStop(void)
+    {
+        oe = 1 ;
+        ReadOneByte() ;
+        rclk = 1 ;
+    }