This program collects raw time series data from the ADC using the NXP board that will later be post processed by PFP Cyber-security cloud base machine learning engine to determine the state of the device.

Dependencies:   FXAS21002 FXOS8700Q

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Aug 28 19:24:56 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2019 PFP Cybersecurity.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Default network interface object. Don't forget to change the WiFi SSID/password in mbed_app.json if you're using WiFi.
+NetworkInterface *net = NetworkInterface::get_default_instance();
+AnalogIn ain(A1);
+uint8_t PFP_CLK_FREQ = 11; 
+uint8_t PFP_ADC_GET_RAW = 3;
+uint8_t PFP_ADC_INIT = 0;
+uint8_t PFP_TRIG_CONFIG = 26;
+struct DeviceData {
+    int channel;
+    int numberOfTraces;
+    int traceLength;
+    int sampleRate;
+    int digitizer;
+    int trigMode;
+    int trigSource;
+    float trigLevel;
+    float trigHyst;
+    int trigPercentage;
+    int gain;
+struct DeviceData deviceData;
+int bytesToInt(int8_t b0, int8_t b1, int8_t b2, int8_t b3)
+    int value = (b3 << 24) & 0xff000000
+                | (b2 << 16) & 0x00ff0000
+                | (b1 << 8) & 0x0000ff00
+                | (b0 << 0) & 0x000000ff;
+    return value;
+float bytesToFloat(int8_t b0, int8_t b1, int8_t b2, int8_t b3)
+    float val = 0;
+    unsigned long result = 0;
+    result |= ((unsigned long) (b0) << 0x18);
+    result |= ((unsigned long) (b1) << 0x10);
+    result |= ((unsigned long) (b2) << 0x08);
+    result |= ((unsigned long) (b3));
+    memcpy(&val, &result, 4);
+    return val;
+int8_t * intToBytes(int value)
+    static int8_t b[4];
+    b[0] = ((int8_t) (value >> 0));
+    b[1] = ((int8_t) (value >> 8));
+    b[2] = ((int8_t) (value >> 16));
+    b[3] = ((int8_t) (value >> 24));
+    return b;
+int8_t * longToBytes(long value)
+    static int8_t b[8];
+    b[0] = (int8_t) ((value >> 0) & 0xFF);
+    b[1] = (int8_t) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+    b[2] = (int8_t) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
+    b[3] = (int8_t) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
+    b[4] = (int8_t) ((value >> 32) & 0xFF);
+    b[5] = (int8_t) ((value >> 40) & 0xFF);
+    b[6] = (int8_t) ((value >> 48) & 0xFF);
+    b[7] = (int8_t) ((value >> 56) & 0xFF);
+    return b;
+int8_t * pfp_emon_create_ack_for_client(int commandType, long numberOfBytes)
+    static int8_t b[24];
+    int8_t *totalBytes = longToBytes(numberOfBytes);
+    int8_t *successBytes = intToBytes(3);
+    int8_t *returnBytes = intToBytes(commandType);
+    b[0] = 69;
+    b[1] = 77;
+    b[2] = 79;
+    b[3] = 78;
+    b[4] = totalBytes[0];
+    b[5] = totalBytes[1];
+    b[6] = totalBytes[2];
+    b[7] = totalBytes[3];
+    b[8] = totalBytes[4];
+    b[9] = totalBytes[5];
+    b[10] = totalBytes[6];
+    b[11] = totalBytes[7];
+    // SKIP BYTES
+    b[12] = 0;
+    b[13] = 0;
+    b[14] = 0;
+    b[15] = 0;
+    b[16] = successBytes[0];
+    b[17] = successBytes[1];
+    b[18] = successBytes[2];
+    b[19] = successBytes[3];
+    b[20] = returnBytes[0];
+    b[21] = returnBytes[1];
+    b[22] = returnBytes[2];
+    b[23] = returnBytes[3];
+    return b;
+void startEmonThread(void const *args)
+    printf("The target IP address is '%s'\r\n", net->get_ip_address());
+    TCPServer srv;
+    TCPSocket clt_sock;
+    SocketAddress clt_addr;
+    /* Open the server on ethernet stack */
+    /* Bind the HTTP port (TCP 80) to the server */
+    srv.bind(net->get_ip_address(), 7001);
+    long traceTrack = 0;
+    //srv.set_blocking(false);
+    while (true) {
+        /* Can handle 5 simultaneous connections */
+        int err= srv.listen(1);
+        printf("server listening error : %d\r\n",err);
+        while(1) {
+            printf("waiting for client connection\r\n");
+            err = srv.accept(&clt_sock, &clt_addr);
+            if(err == 0) {
+                printf("client connected :%s:%d\r\n", clt_addr.get_ip_address(), clt_addr.get_port());
+                int MAX_LEN = 80;
+                int8_t bytes[MAX_LEN];
+                int32_t rawDataLen = 2048;
+                int16_t *rawData = (int16_t*)calloc(rawDataLen, sizeof(int16_t));
+                int16_t MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA = 500;
+                int16_t data[MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA];
+                traceTrack = 0;
+                while(1) {
+                    ////////////////
+                    //  int len = read(sockfd, bytes, sizeof(bytes));
+                    int len = clt_sock.recv(bytes, MAX_LEN);
+                    if (len < 1) {
+                        printf("Connection is closed....\n");
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    int commandType = 0;
+                    int commandLength = 0;
+                    int8_t *sendBytes = NULL;
+                    if (len < 0) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    if (len == 8) {
+                        commandType = bytesToInt(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]);
+                    } else if (len == 12) {
+                        commandType = bytesToInt(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]);
+                        commandLength = bytesToInt(bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7]);
+                        if (commandType == PFP_REGISTER_DIGITIZER) {
+                            deviceData.digitizer = bytesToInt(bytes[8], bytes[9], bytes[10],
+                                                              bytes[11]);
+                        } else if (commandType == PFP_CLK_FREQ) {
+                            deviceData.sampleRate = bytesToInt(bytes[8], bytes[9],
+                                                               bytes[10], bytes[11]);
+                        } else if (commandType == PFP_ADC_GET_RAW) {
+                   = bytesToInt(bytes[8], bytes[9], bytes[10],
+                                                            bytes[11]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (len == 40) {
+                        // Trig Configuration
+                        commandType = bytesToInt(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]);
+                        commandLength = bytesToInt(bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7]);
+               = bytesToInt(bytes[8], bytes[9], bytes[10],
+                                                        bytes[11]);
+                        deviceData.traceLength = bytesToInt(bytes[12], bytes[13], bytes[14],
+                                                            bytes[15]);
+                        deviceData.trigMode = bytesToInt(bytes[16], bytes[17], bytes[18],
+                                                         bytes[19]);
+                        deviceData.trigSource = bytesToInt(bytes[20], bytes[21], bytes[22],
+                                                           bytes[23]);
+                        deviceData.trigLevel = bytesToFloat(bytes[24], bytes[25], bytes[26],
+                                                            bytes[27]);
+                        deviceData.trigHyst = bytesToFloat(bytes[28], bytes[29], bytes[30],
+                                                           bytes[31]);
+                        deviceData.trigPercentage = bytesToInt(bytes[32], bytes[33],
+                                                               bytes[34], bytes[35]);
+                        deviceData.gain = bytesToInt(bytes[36], bytes[37], bytes[38],
+                                                     bytes[39]);
+                    }
+                    // Got command form client. Send back header
+                    if (commandType == PFP_ADC_INIT) {
+                        sendBytes = pfp_emon_create_ack_for_client(commandType, 0);
+                    } else if (commandType == PFP_REGISTER_DIGITIZER) {
+                        sendBytes = pfp_emon_create_ack_for_client(commandType, 0);
+                    } else if (commandType == PFP_TRIG_CONFIG) {
+                        sendBytes = pfp_emon_create_ack_for_client(commandType,
+                                    deviceData.traceLength * 2);
+                    } else if (commandType == PFP_CLK_FREQ) {
+                        sendBytes = pfp_emon_create_ack_for_client(commandType, 0);
+                    } else if (commandType == PFP_ADC_GET_RAW) {
+                        sendBytes = pfp_emon_create_ack_for_client(commandType,
+                                    deviceData.traceLength * 2);
+                    }
+                    if (sendBytes != NULL) {
+                        clt_sock.send(sendBytes,24);
+                        wait(0.05);
+                    }
+                    if (commandType == PFP_ADC_GET_RAW) {
+                        if (deviceData.traceLength != rawDataLen) {
+                            printf("Data size change to %i===============>\n",rawDataLen);
+                            free(rawData);
+                            rawDataLen = deviceData.traceLength;
+                            rawData = (int16_t*)calloc(rawDataLen, sizeof(int16_t));
+                        }
+                        // Store raw data
+                        printf("Populate sensor data to %i===============>\n",rawDataLen);
+                        for (int i = 0; i < rawDataLen; i++) {
+                            rawData[i] = ain.read_u16();
+                        }
+                        int num = rawDataLen/MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA;
+                        int startIndex = 0;
+                        for(int k =0; k<num; k++) {
+                            startIndex = k*MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA;
+                            for(int i=0; i<MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA; i++) {
+                                data[i] = rawData[i + startIndex];
+                            }
+                            clt_sock.send(data,MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA*sizeof(int16_t));
+                            //printf("Sending batch %i of %i\n",k,num);
+                            wait(0.04);
+                        }
+                        int leftOver = rawDataLen - num*MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA;
+                        //printf("LeftOver is %i\n",leftOver);
+                        if(leftOver>0) {
+                            startIndex = num*MAX_TRANSMIT_DATA;
+                            for(int j=startIndex; j<rawDataLen; j++) {
+                                int i = j-startIndex;
+                                data[i] = rawData[j];
+                            }
+                            clt_sock.send(data,leftOver * sizeof(int16_t));
+                            //printf("Sending left over bytes %i\n",leftOver);
+                            wait(0.04);
+                        }
+                        traceTrack++;
+                        if(traceTrack>100000000){
+                            traceTrack = 0;
+                        }
+                        printf("<================== Trace Count is %ld ===============>\n",traceTrack);
+                    }
+                    ///////////////
+                }
+                free(rawData);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+int main(void)
+    printf("Connecting to the network using the default network interface...\n");
+    net = NetworkInterface::get_default_instance();
+    nsapi_error_t net_status = NSAPI_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION;
+    while ((net_status = net->connect()) != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
+        printf("Unable to connect to network (%d). Retrying...\n", net_status);
+    }
+    Thread thread(startEmonThread);
+    while (true) {
+        wait(0.5);
+    }
+#endif /* MBED_TEST_MODE */
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