Dependencies: aconno_I2C Lis2dh12 WatchdogTimer
- Committer:
- pathfindr
- Date:
- 2018-11-12
- Revision:
- 5:8f8951127724
- Parent:
- 4:8d8e9bfa82e4
- Child:
- 6:388d3c7efdd9
File content as of revision 5:8f8951127724:
#include "main.h" #include "board.h" #include "modes.h" //include "nrf_soc.h" //#include "ATCommand.h" //LowPowerTicker ticker; //no impact on power consumption //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Function declarations- Local //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void mainStateEngine(void); static void mode_mtu(void); static void selftest(void); static void LEDon(void); static void LEDoff(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Var declarations- Local //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool accel_healthy = false; bool firstBoot = false; bool requireSoftReset = false; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Var declarations- RETAINED NOINIT RAM //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined ( __CC_ARM ) /** THIS IS THE MBED ONLINE COMPILER TOOLCHAIN*/ static uint8_t RET_mode __attribute__((section("noinit"),zero_init)); static uint32_t RET_unixtime __attribute__((section("noinit"),zero_init)); #elif defined ( __GNUC__ ) #elif defined ( __ICCARM__ ) #endif char RET_pf_identifier[9]; //includes null byte at end int RET_interval_setting = 720; int RET_interval_hours_failsafe = 24; int RET_motioncheck_interval_seconds = 60; int RET_gps_timeout = 180; int RET_gsm_timeout = 120; bool RET_gsmtimedout = false; int RET_beacon_scan = 0; int RET_accel_awake_thr = 11; int RET_accel_awake_triggercount = 0; int RET_accel_alarm_thr = 127; unsigned long RET_unixtime_configrun = 0; unsigned long RET_unixtime_lastpost = 0; unsigned long RET_unixtime_nextpost = 0; unsigned long RET_unixtime_nextpost_failsafe = 0; unsigned long RET_unixtime_framestart = 0; unsigned long RET_motionstarttime = 0; unsigned long RET_motionstoptime = 0; int RET_gsm_failcount = 0; int RET_serverresponse_failcount = 0; int RET_motionconsecutive = 0; int RET_no_motionconsecutive = 0; bool RET_wethinkinmotion = false; bool RET_wethinkhasmoved = false; bool RET_haveservertime = false; float RET_operationTimeHours = 0; float RET_operationFrameTimeHours = 0; int RET_operationCount = 0; char RET_operationTimeString[100]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Pin states //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DigitalOut led1(p11); DigitalOut vreg_en(p29); DigitalOut gsm_pwkey(p28); DigitalOut lis3dh_cs(p22); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Peripherals //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //BLE myble; #if NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT Serial uart(p6, p8, 115200); #endif //ATSerial atserial(p6,p8,115200); WatchdogTimer watchdog(65.0); //Do not set to less than 4500ms or can cause issues with softdevice void gotoSleep(long sleep_milliseconds) { //accelerometer.configureForSleep(); if (requireSoftReset) { //dont need to clear this var as reset changes it back to false RET_unixtime = time(NULL); //save unixtime for reset //NVIC_SystemReset(); system_reset(); } ThisThread::sleep_for(sleep_milliseconds); } void LED1on(long flash_milliseconds = 0) { led1 = 0; if (flash_milliseconds > 0) { ThisThread::sleep_for(flash_milliseconds); led1 = 1; } } void LED1off() { led1 = 1; } void resetState() { firstBoot = true; RET_mode = 0; RET_unixtime = 0; set_time(RET_unixtime); } int main() { led1 = 1; //CHECK IF THIS IS RESET //0x00000004 == soft reset //0x00000002 == watchdog //0x00000001 == button/hardreset if (NRF_POWER->RESETREAS != 0xffffffff) { switch(NRF_POWER->RESETREAS) { case 0x00000001 : DEBUG("reset_reason: 0x%08x. - Hard Reset\n",NRF_POWER->RESETREAS); resetState(); break; case 0x00000002 : DEBUG("reset_reason: 0x%08x. - Watchdog\n",NRF_POWER->RESETREAS); set_time(RET_unixtime); break; case 0x00000004 : DEBUG("reset_reason: 0x%08x. - Soft reset\n",NRF_POWER->RESETREAS); set_time(RET_unixtime); break; } NRF_POWER->RESETREAS = 0xffffffff; } while(true) { //GOTO TO SLEEP if (!firstBoot) gotoSleep(60000); LED1on(20); watchdog.kick(); //MAIN STATE ENGINE mainStateEngine(); } } bool GSMon() { //power on GSM vreg_en = 1; ThisThread::sleep_for(500); gsm_pwkey = 0; ThisThread::sleep_for(1500); gsm_pwkey = 1; LED1on(1000); } void mainStateEngine() { //TEST AREA LIS3DH accelerometer(p23, p19, p24, p22, LIS3DH_DR_NR_LP_25HZ, LIS3DH_FS_8G); requireSoftReset = true; if (!accelerometer.selfTest()) { LED1on(100); } accelerometer.configureForSleep(); //ThisThread::sleep_for(10000); bool accel_awake; RET_mode = MODE_SETUP; switch(RET_mode) { case MODE_SETUP : //selftest(); break; case MODE_INTERVAL : break; case MODE_INTELLIGENT : break; case MODE_MTU : //mode_mtu(); break; case MODE_DORMANT : break; default : RET_mode = MODE_SETUP; } } /* void initMotion() { //CHECK FOR ANY MOTION if (!accelerometer.selfTest()) { if (exceptions.find("A.") < 0) { exceptions += "A."; } DEBUG("Couldnt start accelerometer"); } else { accel_healthy = true; } } void mode_mtu() { bool accel_awake = accelerometer.getINT2(); //CHECK FOR MOTION if (accel_awake == true) { LED1on(50); RET_motionconsecutive ++; RET_no_motionconsecutive = 0; //this is needed to ensure accel_awake_triggercount is 1 or higher for mode 2 if (RET_accel_awake_triggercount == 0) { RET_accel_awake_triggercount = 1; } if (RET_motionconsecutive == RET_accel_awake_triggercount && RET_wethinkinmotion == false) { RET_wethinkinmotion = true; RET_motionstarttime = (time(NULL) - ((RET_accel_awake_triggercount+1) * RET_motioncheck_interval_seconds)); long eventEpoch = RET_motionstarttime; long epochoffsetminutes = ((eventEpoch - RET_unixtime_framestart) / 60); char buf[20]; sprintf(buf,"1.%i!", epochoffsetminutes); strcat(RET_operationTimeString, buf); RET_operationCount ++; DEBUG("%s", RET_operationTimeString); LEDon(100); LEDon(100); LEDon(100); LEDon(100); } } else if (accel_awake == false) { RET_no_motionconsecutive ++; RET_motionconsecutive = 0; if (RET_no_motionconsecutive == RET_accel_awake_triggercount && RET_wethinkinmotion == true) { RET_wethinkinmotion = false; // log engine stop RET_motionstoptime = (time(NULL) - ((RET_accel_awake_triggercount+1) * RET_motioncheck_interval_seconds)); long eventEpoch = RET_motionstoptime; long epochoffsetminutes = ((eventEpoch - RET_unixtime_framestart) / 60); char buf[20]; sprintf(buf,"0.%i!", epochoffsetminutes); strcat(RET_operationTimeString, buf); RET_operationFrameTimeHours = (float(RET_motionstoptime - RET_motionstarttime) / 3600.0); RET_operationTimeHours += RET_operationFrameTimeHours; //test by posting on every stop event //doOperationTimePost = true; DEBUG("%i", RET_operationTimeHours); LEDon(500); } } // Check time interval for location run if (time(NULL) > RET_unixtime_nextpost_failsafe) { //setfailsafetime(); //these must be before gpsPost, incase gpsPost fails, then stuck in broadcast loop //gpsPost(); } //Check for operatingTime post time or if data buffer is full for force post if (RET_operationFrameTimeHours > 0.0) { if (time(NULL) > RET_unixtime_nextpost || strlen(RET_operationTimeString) > 60) { //only bother if we actual have data to post //setwaketime(); //these must be before gpsPost, incase gpsPost fails, then stuck in broadcast loop //uploadOperationTimeData(); } } } */ /* int selftest() { int result = 0; int tests = 0; int testscore = 0; led1 = 0; string failures; //Accelerometer tests ++; if (accelerometer.read_id() == 51){ testscore ++; } else { //Accelerometer Fail failures += 'Ac,'; }; return result; } */ /* void readRegs(uint8_t addr, uint8_t * data, int len) { lis3dh_cs = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { spi.write((addr+i)|0x80) ; // specify address to read data[i] = spi.write((addr+i)|0x80) ; } spi.write(0x00) ; // to terminate read mode lis3dh_cs = 1; } uint8_t read_reg(uint8_t addr) { uint8_t data[1] ; readRegs(addr, data, 1) ; return( data[0] ) ; } */ /* //OPTION 1 // Switch on both RAM banks when in System OFF mode. NRF_POWER->RAMON |= (POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_RAM0On << POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM0_Pos) | (POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_RAM1On << POWER_RAMON_OFFRAM1_Pos); // Enter System OFF and wait for wake up from GPIO detect signal. NRF_POWER->SYSTEMOFF = 0x1; //spi.close(); //delete spi; //spi_disable(); //spi_free(spi); //nrf_drv_spi_uninit(spi); //nordic_nrf5_spi_initialized[instance] = false; //HFCLKSTOP = 0x1; NRF_SPI0->ENABLE = 0; NRF_SPI1->ENABLE = 0; NRF_SPI2->ENABLE = 0; NRF_TWI0->ENABLE = 0; NRF_TWI1->ENABLE = 0; sd_clock_hfclk_release(); NRF_POWER->SYSTEMOFF=1; //NRF_SPI0->POWER = 0; //OPTION 3 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC = 0; *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC; *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC = 1; NRF_SPI0->ENABLE = (SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled << SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); NRF_SPI1->ENABLE = (SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled << SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); if (sleep_manager_can_deep_sleep()) { ThisThread::sleep_for(10000); } else { led1 = 0; wait(50.0); } //system_reset(); */ //time_t unixtime = time(NULL); //DEBUG("got: %i, %d, %d \n", RET_mode, RET_unixtime, unixtime);