
Dependencies:   ILI9340_Driver_Lib PM2_Libary Lib_DFPlayerMini

Sun May 02 19:50:46 2021 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 1 #include "mbed.h"
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 2 #include "Chirp.h"
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 3
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 4 Chirp chirp(D14, D15);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 5
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 6 //Chirp Docs are at https://github.com/Miceuz/i2c-moisture-sensor and https://www.tindie.com/products/miceuz/i2c-soil-moisture-sensor/
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 7 void getResults();
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 8 Chirp::Chirp(PinName sda, PinName scl, char slave_adr)
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 9 :i2c_p(new I2C(sda, scl)), i2c(*i2c_p), address(slave_adr)
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 10 {
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 11 i2c.frequency(10000);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 12
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 13 }
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 14
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 15 float Chirp::getCapacitance(){
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 16 i2c.frequency(10000);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 17 short capacitance = 0;
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 18 char i2cData[2]= {0};
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 19
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 20 char dataReg = 1; //Capacitance is stored in 2 bytes at address 0
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 21 i2c.write(address, &dataReg, 1);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 22 int success = i2c.read(address, i2cData, 2);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 23
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 24
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 25 if(success != 0)
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 26 return -1000000;
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 27 else
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 28 {
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 29 //I2C bytes are in different byte order, write into short bytes 0 and 1 in reverse order!
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 30 *((char*)&capacitance) = i2cData[1];
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 31 *(((char*)(&capacitance)) + 1) = i2cData[0];
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 32 return capacitance;
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 33 }}
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 34
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 35 float Chirp::getTemperature(){
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 36 i2c.frequency(10000);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 37 short temperature = 0;
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 38 char i2cData[2]= {0};
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 39
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 40
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 41 char dataReg = 4; //Temperature is stored in 2 bytes at address 5
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 42 i2c.write(address, &dataReg, 1);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 43 int success = i2c.read(address, i2cData, 2);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 44 printf("%i\n\n", success);
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 45
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 46
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 47 if(success != 0)
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 48 return -1000000;
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 49 else
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 50 {
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 51 *((char*)&temperature) = i2cData[1];
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 52 *(((char*)(&temperature)) + 1) = i2cData[0];
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 53 return (float) temperature / 10.0;
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 54 } }
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 55
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 56
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 57 void getResults(){
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 58 printf("test\n\n");
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 59 printf("Capacitance = %.2f\n", chirp.getCapacitance());
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 60 printf("Temperatur = %.2f\n", chirp.getTemperature());
ackerden 27:bbcd157dcd63 61 }