port version of the tft screen driver

Dependencies:   LCDTFT TFT_fonts mbed

High speed TFTLCD driver

This is a program and library for driving the ssd0139 tft lcds (8 bit parallel comms) using ports rather than buses. The difference is speed of writing. This also has a few nicer fonts than the basic ones included with the original version.

You have to wire the screen to the board using a matching pcb and pick up the pins appropriately. Sad to say the pinouts for the kl25z do not precisely match the arduino enough that a single port can be used for the digital inputs to this screen.

  • LCDTFT.lib The Library containing mostly the original TFT code amended for max speed - some private functions have bene made public.
  • TFT_fonts.lib fonts for various sizes of Arial and one comic sans.
  • main.cpp the demo program that draws some stuff on the screen and includes examples of the various functions fcor writing to it.
Tue Jun 07 11:48:02 2016 +0000
portver published version - tested on kl25z

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
cstevens 2:1bc1605bffae 1 http://developer.mbed.org/users/cstevens/code/LCDTFT_ssd01399/#b5ecdc15f1a3