GHI Electronics
Founded in 2003, we provide consulting, manufacturing and drop-in solutions that reduce risk, cost and complexity.
Team code repositories (9)
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the PowerMate
mBuino, OC, Outrageous Circuits, PowerMateLast updated: 04 Dec 2014 2 6 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the mBot.
mBot, mBuino, OC, Outrageous CircuitsLast updated: 25 Nov 2014 2 14 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the RETRO
mBuino, OC, Outrageous Circuits, retroLast updated: 21 Nov 2014 3 69 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The Blinky Example Program that covers all Outrageous Circuit devices.
example, GHI, mBuinoLast updated: 15 Sep 2014 1 574 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the E-Dice.
E-Dice, mBuino, OC, Outrageous CircuitsLast updated: 15 Sep 2014 2 11 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the Medusa Icon.
Icon, mBuino, Medusa, Medusa Icon, OC, Outrageous CircuitsLast updated: 15 Sep 2014 2 8 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the Roulette.
mBuino, OC, Outrageous Circuits, RouletteLast updated: 15 Sep 2014 2 11 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the USB Prank.
mBuino, OC, Outrageous Circuits, Prank, USB, USB PrankLast updated: 15 Sep 2014 2 48 -
Mbed 2 deprecated
The preloaded firmware shipped on the mBuino Development Board.
mBuino, OC, Outrageous CircuitsLast updated: 13 Sep 2014 2 89