NuMaker emWin HMI


7 months ago

File content as of revision 10:c8165817d92a:

*                 SEGGER Software GmbH                               *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*        (c) 1996 - 2018  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                *
*                                                                    *
*        Internet:    Support:    *
*                                                                    *

** emWin V5.48 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
All  Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to  SEGGER.
emWin is protected by  international copyright laws.  Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
only be used in accordance with the following terms:

The  software has  been licensed by SEGGER Software GmbH to Nuvoton Technology Corporationat the address: No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan
for the purposes  of  creating  libraries  for its 
Arm Cortex-M and  Arm9 32-bit microcontrollers, commercialized and distributed by Nuvoton Technology Corporation
under  the terms and conditions  of  an  End  User  
License  Agreement  supplied  with  the libraries.
Full source code is available at:

We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
Licensing information
Licensor:                 SEGGER Software GmbH
Licensed to:              Nuvoton Technology Corporation, No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, 30077 Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
License number:           GUI-00735
License model:            emWin License Agreement, signed February 27, 2018
Licensed platform:        Cortex-M and ARM9 32-bit series microcontroller designed and manufactured by or for Nuvoton Technology Corporation
Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
SUA period:               2018-03-26 - 2019-03-27
Contact to extend SUA:
File        : WM.h
Purpose     : Windows manager include

#ifndef WM_H            /* Make sure we only include it once */
#define WM_H

#include "GUI_ConfDefaults.h"
#include "GUI_Type.h"      /* Needed because of typedefs only */
#include "WM_GUI.h"       /* Some functions needed by GUI routines */
#include "GUI.h"

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {     /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */

/* Static memory devices */

/* Support for transparency. Switching it off makes Wm smaller and faster */
  #define WM_SUPPORT_TRANSPARENCY 1 /* Should be defined outside of GUI_WINSUPPORT because of '#if GUI_WINSUPPORT && WM_SUPPORT_TRANSPARENCY' in some files */

/* This is for tests only. It will fill the invalid area of a window.
   Can be used for debugging. */
  #ifdef WIN32   /* In simulation */
    #define WM_SUPPORT_DIAG 0

/* Make sure we actually have configured windows. If we have not,
  there is no point for a windows manager and it will therefor not
  generate any code !


*       Config defaults
#ifndef   WM_ASSERT
  #define WM_ASSERT(expr) GUI_DEBUG_ASSERT(expr)


/* Allow older API calls */

/* Send a message if visibility of a window has changed */

#ifndef   WM_SUPPORT_CPP
  #if defined (_MSC_VER)
    #define WM_SUPPORT_CPP 1
    #define WM_SUPPORT_CPP 0

*       Locking macros
#define WM_LOCK()   GUI_LOCK()

#define WM_LOCK_H(hWin) (WM_Obj *)GUI_LOCK_H(hWin)

*       Data types

  GUI_HMEM hWin;
  GUI_HMEM hParent;
  GUI_HMEM hFirstChild;
  GUI_HMEM hNext;
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  U32      Status;
  U32      DebugId;

typedef struct {
  int Key, PressedCnt;

typedef struct {
  int NumItems, v, PageSize;

typedef struct {
  int Done;
  int ReturnValue;

typedef struct {
  int x,y;
  U8  State;
  U8  StatePrev;

typedef struct {
  U8  Cmd;
  U8  FinalMove;
  U8  StopMotion;
  U8  IsDragging;
  int dx, dy, da;
  int xPos, yPos;
  int Period;
  int SnapX;
  int SnapY;
  U8  IsOutside;
  unsigned Overlap;
  U32 Flags;
  GUI_PID_STATE * pState;
  GUI_HMEM hContext;

typedef struct {
  I32       FactorMin;   // Minimum factor to be used (<< 16)
  I32       FactorMax;   // Maximum factor to be used (<< 16)
  U32       xSize;       // Native xSize of window to be zoomed in pixels
  U32       ySize;       // Native ySize of window to be zoomed in pixels
  U32       xSizeParent; // xSize of parent window
  U32       ySizeParent; // ySize of parent window
  I32       Factor0;     // Primary factor when starting zoom gesture (<< 16)
  int       xPos0;       // Primary window position in x when starting the gesture
  int       yPos0;       // Primary window position in y when starting the gesture
  GUI_POINT Center0;     // Primary center point when starting the gesture

typedef struct {
  int            Flags;     // Information regarding gesture type
  GUI_POINT      Point;     // Relative movement
  GUI_POINT      Center;    // Center point for zooming
  I32            Angle;     // Angle between the touch points
  I32            Factor;    // Current zoom factor
  WM_ZOOM_INFO * pZoomInfo; // Pointer to WM_ZOOM_INFO structure

typedef struct {
  int dx, dy;

*       Gesture flags for multi touch support
#define WM_GF_BEGIN  (1 << 0)
#define WM_GF_END    (1 << 1)
#define WM_GF_PAN    (1 << 2)
#define WM_GF_ZOOM   (1 << 3)
#define WM_GF_ROTATE (1 << 4)
#define WM_GF_DTAP   (1 << 5)

*       Messages Ids
* The following is the list of windows messages.
#define WM_CREATE                   0x0001  /* The first message received, right after client has actually been created */
#define WM_MOVE                     0x0003  /* window has been moved (Same as WIN32) */

#define WM_SIZE                     0x0005  /* Is sent to a window after its size has changed (Same as WIN32, do not change !) */

#define WM_DELETE                   11      /* Delete (Destroy) command: This tells the client to free its data strutures since the window
                                               it is associates with no longer exists.*/
#define WM_TOUCH                    0x0240  /* Touch screen message */
#define WM_TOUCH_CHILD              13      /* Touch screen message to ancestors */
#define WM_KEY                      14      /* Key has been pressed */

#define WM_PAINT                    0x000F  /* Repaint window (because content is (partially) invalid */

#define WM_MOUSEOVER                16      /* Mouse has moved, no key pressed */
#define WM_MOUSEOVER_END            18      /* Mouse has moved, no key pressed */

#define WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED        17      /* Pointer input device state has changed */

#define WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT          20      /* get inside rectangle: client rectangle minus pixels lost to effect */
#define WM_GET_ID                   21      /* Get id of widget */
#define WM_SET_ID                   22      /* Set id of widget */
#define WM_GET_CLIENT_WINDOW        23      /* Get window handle of client window. Default is the same as window */
#define WM_CAPTURE_RELEASED         24      /* Let window know that mouse capture is over */

#define WM_INIT_DIALOG              29      /* Inform dialog that it is ready for init */

#define WM_SET_FOCUS                30      /* Inform window that it has gotten or lost the focus */
#define WM_GET_ACCEPT_FOCUS         31      /* Find out if window can accept the focus */
#define WM_NOTIFY_CHILD_HAS_FOCUS   32      /* Sent to parent when child receives / loses focus */

#define WM_NOTIFY_OWNER_KEY         33      /* Some widgets (e.g. listbox) notify owner when receiving key messages */

#define WM_GET_BKCOLOR              34      /* Return back ground color (only frame window and similar) */
#define WM_GET_SCROLL_STATE         35      /* Query state of scroll bar */

#define WM_SET_SCROLL_STATE         36      /* Set scroll info ... only effective for scrollbars */

#define WM_NOTIFY_CLIENTCHANGE      37      /* Client area may have changed */
#define WM_NOTIFY_PARENT            38      /* Notify parent. Information is detailed as notification code */
#define WM_NOTIFY_PARENT_REFLECTION 39      /* Notify parent reflection.
                                               Sometimes send back as a result of the WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message
                                               to let child react on behalf of its parent.
                                               Information is detailed as notification code */
#define WM_NOTIFY_ENABLE            40      /* Enable or disable widget */
#define WM_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED       41      /* Visibility of a window has or may have changed */

#define WM_HANDLE_DIALOG_STATUS     42      /* Set or get dialog status */
#define WM_GET_RADIOGROUP           43      /* Send to all siblings and children of a radio control when
                                               selection changed */
#define WM_MENU                     44      /* Send to owner window of menu widget */
#define WM_SCREENSIZE_CHANGED       45      /* Send to all windows when size of screen has changed */
#define WM_PRE_PAINT                46      /* Send to a window before it receives a WM_PAINT message */
#define WM_POST_PAINT               47      /* Send to a window after (the last) WM_PAINT message */

#define WM_MOTION                   48      /* Automatic motion messages */

#define WM_GET_WINDOW_ID            49      /* Return widget type specific Id (DebugId) */

#define WM_PRE_BANDING              50      /* Send before starting banding process */
#define WM_POST_BANDING             51      /* Send after finishing banding process */

#define WM_USER_DATA                52      /* Send immediately after setting user data */
#define WM_SET_CALLBACK             53      /* Send immediately after setting user data */

#define WM_GESTURE                  0x0119  /* Gesture message */

#define WM_TIMER                    0x0113  /* Timer has expired              (Keep the same as WIN32) */
#define WM_WIDGET                   0x0300  /* 256 messages reserved for Widget messages */
#define WM_USER                     0x0400  /* Reserved for user messages ... (Keep the same as WIN32) */

*       Motion messages
#define WM_MOTION_INIT    0
#define WM_MOTION_MOVE    1

*       Motion flags
#define WM_MOTION_MANAGE_BY_WINDOW   (1 << 0) // Window movement is managed by window itself

*       Notification codes
* The following is the list of notification codes send
* with the WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED             1
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED            2
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT           3
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLBAR_ADDED     6      /* Scroller added */
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_CHILD_DELETED       7      /* Inform window that child is about to be deleted */
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_GOT_FOCUS           8

#define WM_NOTIFICATION_WIDGET             11      /* Space for widget defined notifications */
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_USER               16      /* Space for  application (user) defined notifications */

*       Memory management
#define WM_HWIN        GUI_HWIN
#define WM_HMEM        GUI_HMEM
#define WM_HTIMER      GUI_HMEM

*       Window defines
#define WM_HBKWIN      WM_GetDesktopWindow()                /* Handle of background window */
#define WM_UNATTACHED  ((WM_HMEM) - 1)                      /* Do not attach to a window */

*       Window create flags.
* These flags can be passed to the create window
* function as flag-parameter. The flags are combinable using the
* binary or operator.
#define WM_CF_HASTRANS         (1UL << 0)  /* Has transparency. Needs to be defined for windows which do not fill the entire
                                          section of their (client) rectangle. */
#define WM_CF_HIDE             (0UL << 1)  /* Hide window after creation (default !) */
#define WM_CF_SHOW             (1UL << 1)  /* Show window after creation */
#define WM_CF_MEMDEV           (1UL << 2)  /* Use memory device for redraws */
#define WM_CF_STAYONTOP        (1UL << 3)  /* Stay on top */
#define WM_CF_DISABLED         (1UL << 4)  /* Disabled: Does not receive PID (mouse & touch) input */

/* Create only flags ... Not available as status flags */
#define WM_CF_ACTIVATE         (1UL << 5)  /* If automatic activation upon creation of window is desired */
#define WM_CF_FGND             (0UL << 6)  /* Put window in foreground after creation (default !) */
#define WM_CF_BGND             (1UL << 6)  /* Put window in background after creation */

/* Anchor flags */
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_RIGHT     (1UL << 7)  /* Right anchor ...  If parent is resized, distance to right  will remain const (left is default) */
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_BOTTOM    (1UL << 8)  /* Bottom anchor ... If parent is resized, distance to bottom will remain const (top  is default) */
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_LEFT      (1UL << 9)  /* Left anchor ...   If parent is resized, distance to left   will remain const (left is default) */
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_TOP       (1UL << 10) /* Top anchor ...    If parent is resized, distance to top    will remain const (top  is default) */

#define WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE    (1UL << 11) /* Constant outline. This is relevant for transparent windows only. If a window is transparent
                                              and does not have a constant outline, its background is invalided instead of the window itself.
                                              This causes add. computation time when redrawing. */
#define WM_CF_LATE_CLIP        (1UL << 12)
#define WM_CF_MEMDEV_ON_REDRAW (1UL << 13)

#define WM_SF_INVALID_DRAW     (1UL << 14)
#define WM_SF_DELETE           (1UL << 15) /* Marks the window to be deleted within WM_Exec() when no callback routine is executed */

#define WM_CF_STATIC           (1UL << 16) /* Use static memory device for redraws */

#define WM_CF_MOTION_X         (1UL << 17) /* Window can be moved automatically in X axis */
#define WM_CF_MOTION_Y         (1UL << 18) /* Window can be moved automatically in Y axis */

#define WM_CF_GESTURE          (1UL << 19) /* Marks the window to be a able to receive gesture messages */

#define WM_CF_ZOOM             (1UL << 20) /* Window can be scaled automatically by multi touch gesture input */

#define WM_CF_MOTION_R         (1UL << 21) // Window can be rotated

*       Window manager types
typedef struct WM_Obj     WM_Obj;
typedef struct WM_MESSAGE WM_MESSAGE;

typedef void WM_CALLBACK( WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);

struct WM_MESSAGE {
  int MsgId;            /* type of message */
  WM_HWIN hWin;         /* Destination window */
  WM_HWIN hWinSrc;      /* Source window  */
  union {
    const void * p;     /* Message specific data pointer */
    int v;
    PTR_ADDR u;
    GUI_COLOR Color;
    void (* pFunc)(void);
  } Data;

struct WM_Obj {
  GUI_RECT Rect;        /* Outer dimensions of window */
  GUI_RECT InvalidRect; /* Invalid rectangle */
  WM_CALLBACK* cb;      /* Ptr to notification callback */
  WM_HWIN hNextLin;     /* Next window in linear list */
  WM_HWIN hParent;
  WM_HWIN hFirstChild;
  WM_HWIN hNext;
    GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem; /* Static memory device */
  U32 Status;           /* Status flags */
    void * ObjPtr;

typedef void WM_tfPollPID(void);
typedef void WM_tfForEach(WM_HWIN hWin, void * pData);

typedef void (* WM_tfInvalidateParent)  (const GUI_RECT * pInvalidRect, WM_HWIN hParent, WM_HWIN hStop);
typedef void (* WM_tfInvalidateDrawFunc)(WM_HWIN hWin);
typedef void (* WM_tfPaint1Func)        (WM_HWIN hWin);

typedef struct {
  WM_HMEM  hTimer;
  WM_HWIN  hWin;
  int      UserId;

*       General control routines
void WM_Activate  (void);
void WM_Deactivate(void);
void WM_Init      (void);
int  WM_Exec      (void);    /* Execute all jobs ... Return 0 if nothing was done. */
int  WM_Exec1     (void);    // Execute only one job
U32  WM_SetCreateFlags(U32 Flags);
WM_tfPollPID * WM_SetpfPollPID(WM_tfPollPID * pf);

*       Window manager interface
void    WM_AttachWindow              (WM_HWIN hWin, WM_HWIN hParent);
void    WM_AttachWindowAt            (WM_HWIN hWin, WM_HWIN hParent, int x, int y);
int     WM_CheckScrollPos            (WM_SCROLL_STATE * pScrollState, int Pos, int LowerDist, int UpperDist); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
void    WM_ClrHasTrans               (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN WM_CreateWindow              (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, U32 Style, WM_CALLBACK * cb, int NumExtraBytes);
WM_HWIN WM_CreateWindowAsChild       (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hWinParent, U32 Style, WM_CALLBACK* cb, int NumExtraBytes);
void    WM_DeleteWindow              (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_DetachWindow              (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_EnableGestures            (WM_HWIN hWin, int OnOff);
int     WM_GetHasTrans               (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN WM_GetFocusedWindow          (void);
int     WM_GetInvalidRect            (WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect);
int     WM_GetStayOnTop              (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_HideWindow                (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_InvalidateArea            (const GUI_RECT * pRect);
void    WM_InvalidateRect            (WM_HWIN hWin, const GUI_RECT * pRect);
void    WM_InvalidateWindow          (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_InvalidateWindowAndDescsEx(WM_HWIN hWin, const GUI_RECT * pInvalidRect, U16 Flags);
void    WM_InvalidateWindowAndDescs  (WM_HWIN hWin);    /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
int     WM_IsEnabled                 (WM_HWIN hObj);
char    WM_IsCompletelyCovered       (WM_HWIN hWin);    /* Checks if the window is completely covered by other windows */
char    WM_IsCompletelyVisible       (WM_HWIN hWin);    /* Is the window completely visible ? */
int     WM_IsFocusable               (WM_HWIN hWin);
int     WM_IsVisible                 (WM_HWIN hWin);
int     WM_IsWindow                  (WM_HWIN hWin);    /* Check validity */
void    WM_Rect2Screen               (WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect);
void    WM_Rect2Client               (WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect);
void    WM_SetAnchor                 (WM_HWIN hWin, U16 AnchorFlags);
void    WM_SetHasTrans               (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_SetId                     (WM_HWIN hObj, int Id);
void    WM_SetStayOnTop              (WM_HWIN hWin, int OnOff);
void    WM_SetTransState             (WM_HWIN hWin, unsigned State);
void    WM_ShowWindow                (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_ValidateRect              (WM_HWIN hWin, const GUI_RECT * pRect);
void    WM_ValidateWindow            (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_XY2Screen                 (WM_HWIN hWin, int * px, int * py);
void    WM_XY2Client                 (WM_HWIN hWin, int * px, int * py);

#define WM_GetFocussedWindow WM_GetFocusedWindow
#define WM_IsFocussable      WM_IsFocusable

/* Gesture support */
void WM_GESTURE_Enable  (int OnOff);
int  WM_GESTURE_EnableEx(int OnOff, int MaxFactor);
void WM_GESTURE_Exec    (void);
I32  WM_GESTURE_SetThresholdAngle(I32 ThresholdAngle);
I32  WM_GESTURE_SetThresholdDist (I32 ThresholdDist);

/* Motion support */
void     WM_MOTION_Enable          (int OnOff);
void     WM_MOTION_SetMovement     (WM_HWIN hWin, int Axis, I32 Speed, I32 Dist);
void     WM_MOTION_SetMotion       (WM_HWIN hWin, int Axis, I32 Speed, I32 Deceleration);
void     WM_MOTION_SetMoveable     (WM_HWIN hWin, U32 Flags, int OnOff);
void     WM_MOTION_SetDeceleration (WM_HWIN hWin, int Axis, I32 Deceleration);
unsigned WM_MOTION_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Period);
void     WM_MOTION_SetSpeed        (WM_HWIN hWin, int Axis, I32 Velocity);
void     WM_MOTION_SetMinMotion    (unsigned MinMotion);
void     WM_MOTION_SetThreshold    (unsigned Threshold);

/* Motion support, private interface */
WM_HMEM WM_MOTION__CreateContext(void);
void    WM_MOTION__DeleteContext(WM_HMEM hContext);

/* Motion support, private function(s) */
void     WM__SetMotionCallback (void(* cbMotion) (GUI_PID_STATE * pState, void * p));

/* Static memory devices */
  #define GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_LEFT   0
  #define GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_TOP    2

  int               GUI_MEMDEV_BlendWinBk       (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period, U32 BlendColor, U8 BlendIntens);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_BlurAndBlendWinBk(WM_HWIN hWin, int Period, U8 BlurDepth, U32 BlendColor, U8 BlendIntens);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_BlurWinBk        (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period, U8 BlurDepth);
  void              GUI_MEMDEV_CreateStatic     (WM_HWIN hWin);
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateWindowDevice(WM_HWIN hWin);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_FadeInWindow     (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_FadeOutWindow    (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period);
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_GetStaticDevice  (WM_HWIN hWin);
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_GetWindowDevice  (WM_HWIN hWin);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_MoveInWindow     (WM_HWIN hWin, int x, int y, int a180, int Period);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow    (WM_HWIN hWin, int x, int y, int a180, int Period);
  void              GUI_MEMDEV_Paint1Static     (WM_HWIN hWin);                                     /* not to be documented */
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftInWindow    (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period, int Direction);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftOutWindow   (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period, int Direction);
  int               GUI_MEMDEV_SwapWindow       (WM_HWIN hWin, int Period, int Edge);

  void              GUI_MEMDEV__CreateStatic    (WM_HWIN hWin);

/* Move/resize windows */
void WM_MoveWindow                (WM_HWIN hWin, int dx, int dy);
void WM_ResizeWindow              (WM_HWIN hWin, int dx, int dy);
void WM_MoveTo                    (WM_HWIN hWin, int x, int y);
void WM_MoveChildTo               (WM_HWIN hWin, int x, int y);
void WM_SetSize                   (WM_HWIN hWin, int XSize, int YSize);
void WM_SetWindowPos              (WM_HWIN hWin, int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize);
int  WM_SetXSize                  (WM_HWIN hWin, int xSize);
int  WM_SetYSize                  (WM_HWIN hWin, int ySize);
int  WM_SetScrollbarH             (WM_HWIN hWin, int OnOff); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
int  WM_SetScrollbarV             (WM_HWIN hWin, int OnOff); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */

/* ToolTip support */

#define WM_TOOLTIP_CI_BK    0


typedef struct {
  int          Id;
  const char * pText;

int               WM_TOOLTIP_AddTool         (WM_TOOLTIP_HANDLE hToolTip, WM_HWIN hTool, const char * pText);
WM_TOOLTIP_HANDLE WM_TOOLTIP_Create          (WM_HWIN hDlg, const TOOLTIP_INFO * pInfo, unsigned NumItems);
void              WM_TOOLTIP_Delete          (WM_TOOLTIP_HANDLE hToolTip);
GUI_COLOR         WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultColor (unsigned Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
const GUI_FONT *  WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultFont  (const GUI_FONT * pFont);
unsigned          WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Index, unsigned Period);

/* ToolTip support, private */
void WM__SetToolTipCallback(void(* cbToolTip)(GUI_PID_STATE * pState, WM_HWIN));

/* Timer */
  int  WM_CreateTimer    (WM_HWIN hWin, int UserID, int Period, int Mode); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
  void WM_DeleteTimer    (WM_HWIN hWin, int UserId); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
  WM_HMEM WM_CreateTimer (WM_HWIN hWin, int UserID, int Period, int Mode); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
  void    WM_DeleteTimer (WM_HMEM hTimer); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
  void    WM_RestartTimer(WM_HMEM hTimer, int Period);
int WM_GetTimerId(WM_HTIMER hTimer);

/* Diagnostics */
int WM_GetNumWindows(void);
int WM_GetNumInvalidWindows(void);

/* Scroll state related functions */
void WM_CheckScrollBounds(WM_SCROLL_STATE * pScrollState); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
int  WM_GetScrollPosH    (WM_HWIN hWin);
int  WM_GetScrollPosV    (WM_HWIN hWin);
void WM_SetScrollPosH    (WM_HWIN hWin, unsigned ScrollPos);
void WM_SetScrollPosV    (WM_HWIN hWin, unsigned ScrollPos);
int  WM_SetScrollValue   (WM_SCROLL_STATE * pScrollState, int v); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */

/* Get / Set (new) callback function */
WM_CALLBACK * WM_GetCallback(WM_HWIN hWin);

/* Get size/origin of a window */
void      WM_GetClientRect           (GUI_RECT * pRect);
void      WM_GetClientRectEx         (WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect);
void      WM_GetInsideRect           (GUI_RECT * pRect);
void      WM_GetInsideRectEx         (WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect);
void      WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect); /* not to be documented (may change in future version) */
void      WM_GetWindowRect           (GUI_RECT * pRect);
void      WM_GetWindowRectEx         (WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT * pRect);
int       WM_GetOrgX                 (void);
int       WM_GetOrgY                 (void);
int       WM_GetWindowOrgX           (WM_HWIN hWin);
int       WM_GetWindowOrgY           (WM_HWIN hWin);
int       WM_GetWindowSizeX          (WM_HWIN hWin);
int       WM_GetWindowSizeY          (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetFirstChild           (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetNextSibling          (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetParent               (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetPrevSibling          (WM_HWIN hWin);
int       WM_GetId                   (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetScrollbarV           (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetScrollbarH           (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetScrollPartner        (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_GetClientWindow         (WM_HWIN hObj);
GUI_COLOR WM_GetBkColor              (WM_HWIN hObj);

/* Change Z-Order of windows */
void WM_BringToBottom(WM_HWIN hWin);
void WM_BringToTop(WM_HWIN hWin);

GUI_COLOR WM_SetDesktopColor  (GUI_COLOR Color);
GUI_COLOR WM_SetDesktopColorEx(GUI_COLOR Color, unsigned int LayerIndex);
void      WM_SetDesktopColors (GUI_COLOR Color);

/* Select window used for drawing operations */
WM_HWIN WM_SelectWindow           (WM_HWIN  hWin);
WM_HWIN WM_GetActiveWindow        (void);
void    WM_Paint                  (WM_HWIN hObj);
void    WM_Update                 (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_PaintWindowAndDescs    (WM_HWIN hWin);
void    WM_UpdateWindowAndDescs   (WM_HWIN hWin);

/* Get foreground/background windows */
WM_HWIN WM_GetDesktopWindow  (void);
WM_HWIN WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(unsigned int LayerIndex);

/* Reduce clipping area of a window */
const GUI_RECT * WM_SetUserClipRect(const GUI_RECT * pRect);
void             WM_SetDefault     (void);

/* Use of memory devices */
void WM_EnableMemdev              (WM_HWIN hWin);
void WM_DisableMemdev             (WM_HWIN hWin);

/* Automatic use of multiple buffers */
int WM_MULTIBUF_Enable  (int OnOff);
int WM_MULTIBUF_EnableEx(int OnOff, U32 LayerMask);


typedef void (* T_WM_EXEC_GESTURE)(void);

extern T_WM_EXEC_GESTURE WM__pExecGestures;

/* ... */
int WM_OnKey(int Key, int Pressed);
void WM_MakeModal(WM_HWIN hWin);
int WM_SetModalLayer(int LayerIndex);
int WM_GetModalLayer(void);

*       Message related functions
*  Please note that some of these functions do not yet show up in the
*  documentation, as they should not be required by application program.
void      WM_NotifyParent         (WM_HWIN hWin, int Notification);
void      WM_SendMessage          (WM_HWIN hWin, WM_MESSAGE * p);
void      WM_SendMessageNoPara    (WM_HWIN hWin, int MsgId);             /* not to be documented (may change in future */
void      WM_DefaultProc          (WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
int       WM_BroadcastMessage     (WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
void      WM_SetScrollState       (WM_HWIN hWin, const WM_SCROLL_STATE * pState);
void      WM_SetEnableState       (WM_HWIN hItem, int State);
void      WM_SendToParent         (WM_HWIN hWin, WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
int       WM_HasFocus             (WM_HWIN hWin);
int       WM_SetFocus             (WM_HWIN hWin);
WM_HWIN   WM_SetFocusOnNextChild  (WM_HWIN hParent);     /* Set the focus to the next child */
WM_HWIN   WM_SetFocusOnPrevChild  (WM_HWIN hParent);     /* Set the focus to the previous child */
WM_HWIN   WM_GetDialogItem        (WM_HWIN hWin, int Id);
void      WM_EnableWindow         (WM_HWIN hWin);
void      WM_DisableWindow        (WM_HWIN hWin);
void      WM_GetScrollState       (WM_HWIN hObj, WM_SCROLL_STATE * pScrollState);

*       Managing user data
int       WM_GetUserData   (WM_HWIN hWin, void * pDest, int SizeOfBuffer);
int       WM_SetUserData   (WM_HWIN hWin, const void * pSrc, int SizeOfBuffer);
int       WM__GetUserDataEx(WM_HWIN hWin, void * pDest, int NumBytes, int SizeOfObject);
int       WM__SetUserDataEx(WM_HWIN hWin, const void * pSrc, int NumBytes, int SizeOfObject);

*       Capturing input focus
int  WM_HasCaptured   (WM_HWIN hWin);
void WM_SetCapture    (WM_HWIN hObj, int AutoRelease);
void WM_SetCaptureMove(WM_HWIN hWin, const GUI_PID_STATE * pState, int MinVisibility, int LimitTop); /* Not yet documented */
void WM_ReleaseCapture(void);

*       Misc routines
int       WM_HandlePID      (void);
WM_HWIN   WM_Screen2hWin    (int x, int y);
WM_HWIN   WM_Screen2hWinEx  (WM_HWIN hStop, int x, int y);
void      WM_ForEachDesc    (WM_HWIN hWin, WM_tfForEach * pcb, void * pData);
void      WM_SetScreenSize  (int xSize, int ySize);
int       WM_PollSimMsg     (void);
int       WM_GetWindowInfo  (WM_WINDOW_INFO * pInfo, int FirstWindow);

*       Diagnostics routines
void WM_DIAG_EnableInvalidationColoring(int OnOff);

*       Macros for compatibility with older versions
  #define HBWIN             WM_HWIN
  #define HBWIN_NULL        WM_HWIN_NULL

  #define WM_HideWin        WM_HideWindow
  #define WM_ShowWin        WM_ShowWindow
  #define WM_GetKey         GUI_GetKey
  #define WM_WaitKey        GUI_WaitKey

  #define WM_ExecIdle       WM_Exec
  #define WM_ExecIdle1      WM_Exec1

  #define WM_Invalidate     WM_InvalidateWindow
  #define WM_GetWinRect     WM_GetWindowRect
  #define WM_GetWinOrgX     WM_GetWindowOrgX
  #define WM_GetWinOrgY     WM_GetWindowOrgY
  #define WM_GetWinSizeX    WM_GetWindowSizeX
  #define WM_GetWinSizeY    WM_GetWindowSizeY
  #define WM_GetXSize       WM_GetWindowSizeX
  #define WM_GetYSize       WM_GetWindowSizeY
  #define WM_SelWin         WM_SelectWindow
  #define WM_GetBackgroundWindow  WM_GetDesktopWindow
  #define WM_GetForegroundWindow    0
  #define WM_SetForegroundWindow    WM_BringToTop
  #define WM_SetUserClipArea WM_SetUserClipRect

  #define WM_Start()
  #define WM_Stop()
  #define WM_SetBkWindowColor(Color)  WM_SetDesktopColor(Color)


#endif   /* GUI_WINSUPPORT */

#if defined(__cplusplus)

#endif   /* WM_H */

/*************************** End of file ****************************/