NuMaker mbed OS v6.x LoRaWAN



File content as of revision 0:a160d512fe55:

properties ([[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: [
  [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'mbed_os_revision', defaultValue: '', description: 'Revision of mbed-os to build. To access mbed-os PR use format "pull/PR number/head"'],
  [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', name: 'regions_build_test', defaultValue: true, description: 'Test build all available regions']

library 'mbed-lib'

if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION == null) {
  echo 'First run in this branch, using default parameter values'
if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION == '') {
  echo 'Using mbed OS revision from mbed-os.lib'
} else {
  echo "Using given mbed OS revision: ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}"
  if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
    echo "Revision is a Pull Request"

// All available regions
def regions = [
  "\"0\"", "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"",
  "\"EU868\"", "\"AS923\"", "\"AU915\"", "\"CN470\"", "\"CN779\"", "\"EU433\"",
  "\"IN865\"", "\"KR920\"", "\"US915\""

// Supported targets
def targets = [

// Supported toolchains
def toolchains = [

def stepsForParallel = [:]

// Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
  for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
      def target = targets.get(i)
      def toolchain = toolchains.get(j)

      // Skip unwanted combination
      if (target == "DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1" && toolchain == "GCC_ARM") {

      def stepName = "${target} ${toolchain}"

      stepsForParallel[stepName] = buildStep(target, toolchain)

def stepsForRegional = [:]

if (params.regions_build_test == true) {
  stepsForRegional["REGION BUILDER"] = build_regions(regions)

timestamps {
  parallel stepsForParallel
  parallel stepsForRegional

def buildStep(target, toolchain) {
  return {
    stage ("${target}_${toolchain}") {
      node ("all-in-one-build-slave") {
        dir("mbed-os-example-lorawan") {
          checkout scm

          // A workaround for mbed-cli caching issues
          try {
            execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
          } catch (err) {
              echo "mbed deploy failed - retrying after 10s"
              execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")

          // Set mbed-os to revision received as parameter
          if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION != '') {
            dir("mbed-os") {
              if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
                // Use mbed-os PR and switch to branch created
                execute("git fetch origin ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}:_PR_")
                execute("git checkout _PR_")
              } else {
                execute("git checkout ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}")

          // Adjust stack size and crystal values
          if ("${target}" == "DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1") {
            execute("sed -i 's/#define RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT       ((uint32_t)0x10)/#define RCC_HSICALIBRATION_DEFAULT       ((uint32_t)0x13)/' \

          execute("mbed compile --build out/${target}_${toolchain}/ -m ${target} -t ${toolchain} -c")
        stash name: "${target}_${toolchain}", includes: '**/mbed-os-example-lorawan.bin'
        archive '**/mbed-os-example-lorawan.bin'
        step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])

def build_regions(regions) {
  return {
    stage ("region_builder_K64F_GCC_ARM") {
      node ("all-in-one-build-slave") {
        dir("mbed-os-example-lorawan") {
          checkout scm

          // A workaround for mbed-cli caching issues
          try {
            execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
          } catch (err) {
              echo "mbed deploy failed - retrying after 10s"
              execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")

          if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION != '') {
            dir("mbed-os") {
              if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
                execute("git fetch origin ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}:_PR_")
                execute("git checkout _PR_")
              } else {
                execute("git checkout ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}")
          //Initial sed to string format for find & replacing
          execute("sed -i 's/\"lora.phy\": 0,/\"lora.phy\": \"0\",/' mbed_app.json")
          //lora.phy 0 build tested above already
          for (int i = 1; i < regions.size(); i++) {
            def curr_region = regions.get(i)
            def prev_region = regions.get(i-1)
            execute("sed -i 's/\"lora.phy\": ${prev_region},/\"lora.phy\": ${curr_region},/' mbed_app.json")
            echo "Building region: ${curr_region}"
            execute("mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m K64F")