Demo using a Nimbelink Skywire cellular modem paired with ST Nucleo. This demo reads several sensors and reports them to a Freeboard dashboard using from Buglabs
Dependencies: LIS3DH LM75B LPS331 hts221 mbed
Fork of Skywire_Demo by
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Getting Started Guide¶
- Set the JP5 jumper to E5V on the Nucleo
- Place the Skywire Shield onto the Nucleo as pictured
- Place the Skywire modem onto the Shield as picture and attach the antenna U.FL coax cable as pictured
- Plug the 12V wall supply into the Skywire Shield
- Go to and create a user account
- Once you are logged into your Freeboard account, go to and clone the dashboard by clicking the CLONE link in the lower right corner
- The new dashboard will show up on you account list under My Freeboards, you can then edit the name to whatever you like
- Under the Datasources tab on the dashboard, click the skywire link
- Change the THING NAME field to a unique string, we recommended using the MEID on the Skywire Modem, but it could be anything you want.
- Next Import the Skywire_Demo program into the online compiler
- Open main.cpp and go to Line 26, change the DeviceID to the THING NAME you entered into your Freeboard
/* --CHANGE THIS FOR YOUR SETUP" -- */ #define DeviceID "DweetIODeviceName" //Freeboard DweetIO unique ID
- Compile and upload to the Nucleo, cycle power to the shield and the sensor data should start to upload to your new Freeboard.