The MCR20A Wireless UART application functions as an wireless UART bridge between two (one-to-one) or several (one to many) boards. The application can be used with both a TERM, or with software that is capable of opening a serial port and writing to or reading from it. The characters sent or received are not necessarily ASCII printable characters.

Dependencies:   fsl_phy_mcr20a fsl_smac mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mcr20_wireless_uart by Freescale

By default, the application uses broadcast addresses for OTA communication. This way, the application can be directly downloaded and run without any user intervention. The following use case assumes no changes have been done to the project.

  • Two (or more) MCR20A platforms (plugged into the FRDM-K64F Freescale Freedom Development platform) have to be connected to the PC using the mini/micro-USB cables.
  • The code must be downloaded on the platforms via CMSIS-DAP (or other means).
  • After that, two or more TERM applications must be opened, and the serial ports must be configured with the same baud rate as the one in the project (default baud rate is 115200). Other necessary serial configurations are 8 bit, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
  • To start the setup, each platform must be reset, and one of the (user) push buttons found on the MCR20A platform must be pressed. The user can press any of the non-reset buttons on the FRDM-K64F Freescale Freedom Development platform as well. *This initiates the state machine of the application so user can start.


SMAC Demo Applications User Guide

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 18 18:52:47 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 03 05:23:33 2015 +0000
@@ -1,741 +1,43 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "driverDebug.h"
-//#include "driverRFPhy.h"
-//#include "driverAtmelRFInterface.h"
-#include "driverRFinterface.h"
-#include "socket_api.h"
-#include "net_interface.h"
-#include "system_event.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "net_nwk_scan.h"
-#include "socket_security.h"
-#include "nwk_stats_api.h"
-#include "multicast_api.h"
-#include "nsdynmemLIB.h"
-#include "randLIB.h"
-#include "arm_hal_timer.h"
-#include "common_functions.h"
-#include "nsdl_support.h"
-#include "node_cfg.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
-/*** DEBUG ******/
-#define DEBUG       1
-#if DEBUG
-#define debug   printf
-#define debug(...)  ""
-#endif  // DEBUG
-/*******  Hardware Definition  **********/
-  DigitalOut ledR(PTB22);      // RGB - Red LED
-  DigitalOut ledG(PTE26);      // RGB - Green LED
-  DigitalOut ledB(PTB21);      // RGB - Blue LED    
-  InterruptIn TAP_INT(PTC6);  // INT1 from FXOS8700Q
-/*******  Timers Definitions   ************/
-#define RETRY_TIMER             1
-  #define DOOR_CHECK_TIMER        4
-void app_heap_error_handler(heap_fail_t event);
-void tasklet_main(arm_event_s *event);
-void button_main(arm_event_s *event);
-#define APP_DEV_HEAP_SIZE 6000
-static uint8_t app_defined_stack_heap[APP_DEV_HEAP_SIZE];
-static int8_t main_tasklet_id = -1;
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+InterruptIn sw2(SW2);
+uint32_t button_pressed;
+Thread *thread2;
-static const uint8_t app_MAC_address[8] = NODE_MAC_ADDRESS;
-static int8_t rf_phy_device_register_id = -1;
-static int8_t net_6lowpan_id = -1;
-static uint32_t channel_list = 0x07FFF800; // All channels
-int8_t coap_udp_socket = -1;
-#define AUDP_SOCKET_PORT     61630
-#define RECV_CTRL_UDP_PORT   1050    // receive
-#define SEND_CTRL_UDP_PORT   1060    // send
-/** Used for Receive Data source Address store*/
-static ns_address_t app_src;
-static sn_nsdl_addr_s sn_addr_s;
-static int access_point_status = 0;
-link_layer_setups_s app_link_info;
-link_layer_address_s app_link_address_info;
-network_layer_address_s app_nd_address_info;
-/* Prototype functions  */
-void NSDL_receive_socket(void *cb);
-void NSP_registration(void);
-extern void create_lqi_resource(uint8_t);
-void* own_alloc(uint16_t size);
-void own_free(void *ptr);
+void sw2_press(void)
+    thread2->signal_set(0x1);
-/***************  Application variables  ***********************/
-uint8_t batteryLevel = 100;
-int ledState = NONE;
-/* #defines, definitions and declarations according node profile  */
-int8_t ctrl_udp_socket = -1;
-void empty_udp_receive(void * cb);
-void ctrl_udp_send(uint8_t cmd);
-#include "FXOS8700Q_TD.h"
-#define ACCEL_SAMPLE_TIME   200
-FXOS8700Q accel( PTE25, PTE24, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1); // Proper Ports and I2C Address for K64F Freedom board
-bool accel_enable = 1;
-void tap_detector_handler(void) {
-   printf("Tap Detected!\r\n"); 
-   switch(ledState) {
-     case NONE:
-        break;
-     case RED: 
-        ctrl_udp_send('R');   
-        break;
-     case GREEN:
-        ctrl_udp_send('G');
-        break;
-     case BLUE:
-        ctrl_udp_send('B');
-        break;            
+void led_thread(void const *argument)
+    while (true) {
+        led1 = !led1;
+        Thread::wait(1000);
-void update_LED(void) {
-  switch(ledState) {
-    case NONE:
-      ledState = GREEN;
-      ledR = 1;
-      ledG = 0;
-      ledB = 1;
-      break;
-    case GREEN:
-      ledState = RED;
-      ledR = 0;
-      ledG = 1;
-      ledB = 1;
-      break;
-    case RED:
-      ledState = BLUE;
-      ledR = 1;
-      ledG = 1;
-      ledB = 0; 
-      break;
-    case BLUE:
-      ledState = NONE;
-      ledR = 1;
-      ledG = 1;
-      ledB = 1;
-      break;                
-  }       
-#if 1
-void printf_array(uint8_t *ptr , uint16_t len)
-    uint16_t i;
-    for(i=0; i<len; i++)
-    {
-        if(i)
-        {
-            if(i%16== 0)
-            {
-                debug("\r\n");
-                if(len > 64)
-                {
-                    uint8_t x =254;
-                    while(x--);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                debug(":");
-            }
-        }
-        debug_hex(*ptr++);
-    }
-    debug("\r\n");
-void debug_integer(uint8_t width, uint8_t base, int16_t n)
+void button_thread(void const *argument)
-  uint8_t bfr[8];
-  uint8_t *ptr = bfr;
-  uint8_t ctr = 0;
-  if (width > 7) width = 7;
-  ptr += width;
-  *ptr-- = 0;
-  if (base == 16)
-  {
-      do
-      {
-          *ptr = n & 0x0F;
-          if (*ptr < 10) *ptr += '0';
-          else *ptr += ('A'-10);
-          ptr--;
-          n >>= 4;
-          ctr++;
-      }while((ctr & 1) || (ctr < width));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      uint8_t negative = 0;
-      if (n < 0)
-      { negative = 1;
-        n = -n;
-      }
-      ctr++;
-      do
-      {
-        *ptr-- = (n % 10) + '0';
-        n /= 10;
-        ctr++;
-      }while ((ctr < width) && n);
-      if (negative)
-      {
-        *ptr-- = '-';
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        *ptr-- = ' ';
-      }
-  }
-  ptr++;
-  //debug_send(ptr);
-    debug((const char *)ptr);
+    while (true) {
+        Thread::signal_wait(0x1);
+        button_pressed++;
+    }
-void printf_ipv6_address(uint8_t *addr_ptr)
-    if(addr_ptr)
-    {
-        uint8_t i, d_colon = 0;
-        uint16_t current_value = 0, last_value = 0;
-        for(i=0; i< 16;i += 2)
-        {
-            current_value =  (*addr_ptr++ << 8);
-            current_value += *addr_ptr++;
-            if(i == 0)
-            {
-                last_value = current_value;
-                debug_hex(current_value >> 8);
-                debug_hex(current_value );
-                debug(":");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if(current_value == 0)
-                {
-                    if(i== 14)
-                    {
-                        debug(":");
-                        //debug_put('0');
-                        debug("0");
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if(last_value == 0)
-                        {
-                            if(d_colon == 0)
-                            {
-                                d_colon=1;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            if(d_colon == 2)
-                            {
-                                //debug_put('0');
-                                debug("0");
-                                debug(":");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    if(last_value == 0)
-                    {
-                        if(d_colon == 1)
-                        {
-                            debug(":");
-                            d_colon = 2;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            //debug_put('0');
-                            debug("0");
-                            debug(":");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if(current_value > 0x00ff)
-                    {
-                        debug_hex(current_value >> 8);
-                    }
-                    debug_hex(current_value );
-                    if(i< 14)
-                    {
-                        debug(":");
-                    }
-                }
-                last_value = current_value;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        debug("Address Print: pointer NULL");
-    }
-    debug("\r\n");
 int main()
-  ledR = 1;
-  ledG = 1;
-  ledB = 1;
-  TAP_INT.rise(&tap_detector_handler); 
-  debug("\r\nApplication Start\r\n");
-  ns_dyn_mem_init(app_defined_stack_heap, APP_DEV_HEAP_SIZE, app_heap_error_handler,0);
-  rf_set_mac_address(app_MAC_address);
-  // init RF interface
-  debug("Init RF Interface...\r\n");
-  rf_phy_device_register_id = rf_device_register();
-  randLIB_seed_random();
-  debug("Init ARM Timer...\r\n");
-  arm_timer_init();//Init Timer
-  //Init nanostack & Event OS
-  debug("Init Net Core...\r\n");
-  net_init_core();
-  debug("Create Tasklets...\r\n");
-  main_tasklet_id = arm_ns_tasklet_create(&tasklet_main);
-  if(main_tasklet_id < 0)
-  {
-    //Tasklet cerate fail
-    error("Tasklet create fail.."); 
-    while(1); 
-  }
-  debug("Event Dispatch\r\n");
-  event_dispatch();
-  * @brief  This function handles Hard Fault exception.
-  * @param  None
-  * @retval None
-  */
-void HardFault_Handler(void)
-  /* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */
-  while (1)
-  {
-  }
-void app_heap_error_handler(heap_fail_t event)
-    switch (event)
-    {
-        case NS_DYN_MEM_NULL_FREE:
-            break;
-        case NS_DYN_MEM_DOUBLE_FREE:
-            break;
-            break;
-            break;
-            break;
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    while(1);
-  * \brief Network state event handler.
-  * \param event show network start response or current network state.
-  *
-  * - NET_READY: Save NVK peristant data to NVM and Net role
-  * - NET_NO_BEACON: Link Layer Active Scan Fail, Stack is Already at Idle state
-  * - NET_NO_ND_ROUTER: No ND Router at current Channel Stack is Already at Idle state
-  * - NET_BORDER_ROUTER_LOST: Connection to Access point is lost wait for Scan Result
-  * - NET_PARENT_POLL_FAIL: Host should run net start without any PAN-id filter and all channels
-  * - NET_PANA_SERVER_AUTH_FAIL: Pana Authentication fail, Stack is Already at Idle state
-  */
-void app_parse_network_event(arm_event_s *event )
-  arm_nwk_interface_status_type_e status = (arm_nwk_interface_status_type_e)event->event_data;
-  switch (status)
-  {
-      /* NEtwork is ready and node is connected to Access Point */
-      if(access_point_status==0)
-      {
-        uint8_t temp_ipv6[16];
-        debug("Network Connection Ready\r\n");
-        access_point_status=1;
-        //Read Address
-        if( arm_nwk_nd_address_read(net_6lowpan_id,&app_nd_address_info) != 0)
-        {
-          debug("ND Address read fail\r\n");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          debug("ND Access Point: ");
-          printf_ipv6_address(app_nd_address_info.border_router); //REVIEW
-          debug("ND Prefix 64: ");
-          printf_array(app_nd_address_info.prefix, 8);            //REVIEW
-          if(arm_net_address_get(net_6lowpan_id,ADDR_IPV6_GP,temp_ipv6) == 0)
-          {
-            debug("GP IPv6: ");
-            printf_ipv6_address(temp_ipv6);         //REVIEW
-          }
-        }
-        if( arm_nwk_mac_address_read(net_6lowpan_id,&app_link_address_info) != 0)
-        {
-          debug("MAC Address read fail\r\n");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          uint8_t temp[2];
-          common_write_16_bit(app_link_address_info.mac_short,temp);
-          debug("MAC 16-bit: ");
-          printf_array(temp, 2);  //REVIEW
-          common_write_16_bit(app_link_address_info.PANId,temp);
-          debug("PAN-ID: ");
-          printf_array(temp, 2);  //REVIEW
-          debug("MAC 64-bit: ");
-          printf_array(app_link_address_info.long_euid64, 8); //REVIEW
-          debug("EUID64(Based on MAC 64-bit address): ");
-          printf_array(app_link_address_info.euid64, 8);  //REVIEW
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-      /* Link Layer Active Scan Fail, Stack is Already at Idle state */
-      debug("Link Layer Scan Fail: No Beacons\r\n");
-      access_point_status=0;
-      //dnssd_disable(1);
-      break;
-      /* No ND Router at current Channel Stack is Already at Idle state */
-      debug("ND Scan/ GP REG fail\r\n");
-      access_point_status=0;
-      //dnssd_disable(1);
-      break;
-      /* Connection to Access point is lost wait for Scan Result */
-      debug("ND/RPL scan new network\r\n");
-      access_point_status=0;
-      break;
-      access_point_status=0;
-      break;
-      debug("Network authentication fail\r\n");
-      access_point_status=0;
-      break;
-    default:
-      debug_hex(status);    //REVIEW
-      debug("Unknow event");
-      break;
-  }
-  if(access_point_status == 0)
-  {
-    //Set Timer for new Trig
-    timer_sys_event(RETRY_TIMER, 10000);
-  }
-  * \brief Handler for events sent to the application.
-  * \param event received event.
-  *
-  * - EV_NETWORK event, Network Event state event handler
-  * - EV_INIT, Set Certificate Chain list, init multicast, Start net start if NVM have session
-  * - EV_DEBUG, Terminal handler
-  */
-void tasklet_main(arm_event_s *event)
-  if(event->sender == 0)
-  {
-    arm_library_event_type_e event_type;
-    event_type = (arm_library_event_type_e)event->event_type;
-    switch(event_type)
-    {
-        /* Network Event state event handler */
-        debug("Event: ARM_LIB_NWK_INTERFACE\r\n");
-        app_parse_network_event(event);                  
-        break;
+    Thread thread(led_thread);
+    thread2 = new Thread(button_thread);
-        /*Init event from stack at start-up*/
-        debug("Event: ARM_LIB_TASKLET_INIT\r\n");
-        multicast_set_parameters(10,0,20,3,75 );
-        /* open a socket to support control for REMOTE_NODE */                                             
-        ctrl_udp_socket = socket_open(SOCKET_UDP, SEND_CTRL_UDP_PORT, empty_udp_receive); 
-        net_6lowpan_id = arm_nwk_interface_init(NET_INTERFACE_RF_6LOWPAN, rf_phy_device_register_id, "6LoWPAN_BORDER_ROUTER");
-        if(net_6lowpan_id < 0) 
-        {
-          debug("Interface Generate Fail\r\n");
-          while(1);
-        } 
-        else 
-        {
-          //SET Bootsrap
-          if(arm_nwk_interface_configure_6lowpan_bootstrap_set(net_6lowpan_id, NET_6LOWPAN_HOST, 1) != 0)  // Last parameter enables MLE protocol
-          {
-            //Bootsrap SET fail
-            debug("Bootstrap Fail\r\n");
-            while(1);
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            int8_t retval = -1;
-            arm_nwk_6lowpan_gp_address_mode(net_6lowpan_id, NET_6LOWPAN_GP16_ADDRESS, NODE_SHORT_ADDRESS, 1);  // 5 = short address for link-layer // 1 = generate automatically if duplicate address is encountered
-            arm_nwk_link_layer_security_mode(net_6lowpan_id, NET_SEC_MODE_NO_LINK_SECURITY, 0, 0);
-            arm_nwk_6lowpan_link_scan_paramameter_set(rf_phy_device_register_id, channel_list, 5);
-            retval = arm_nwk_interface_up(net_6lowpan_id);
-            if(retval != 0)
-            {
-              //6Lowpan Bootsrap start fail
-              debug("6LowPAN Bootstrap start Fail\r\n");
-              while(1);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              //6Lowpan Bootsrap start OK
-              debug("6LowPAN Bootstrap Start OK\r\n");
-            }  
-            // open sockets
-            coap_udp_socket = socket_open(SOCKET_UDP, AUDP_SOCKET_PORT, NSDL_receive_socket);
-            // Start NSDL
-            nsdl_run();     
-          }
-          timer_sys_event(NSP_REGISTRATION_TIMER, RD_UPDATE_PERIOD);
-        }
-        break;
-        timer_sys_event_cancel(event->event_id);
-        if (event->event_id == NSP_REGISTRATION_TIMER) 
-        {   
-          printf("Time to register...\r\n");                                    
-          NSP_registration();
-      #if BATTERY
-          batteryLevel -= 10;
-          if (batteryLevel == 0)
-            batteryLevel = 100;
-      #endif
-          timer_sys_event(NSP_REGISTRATION_TIMER, RD_UPDATE_PERIOD);                                 
-        } 
-        else if (event->event_id == RETRY_TIMER) 
-        {
-          debug("Event: ARM_LIB_SYSTEM_TIMER (event_id = 1)\r\n");
-          int8_t retval = -1;
-          retval = arm_nwk_interface_up(net_6lowpan_id);
-          if(retval != 0)
-          {
-            //6Lowpan Bootsrap start fail
-            debug("6LowPAN Bootstrap Start Failure\r\n");
-            while(1);
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            //6Lowpan Bootsrap start OK
-            debug("6LowPAN Bootstrap Start OK\r\n");
-          }             
-        }
-#if NODE_CONTROLLER        
-        else if (event->event_id == ACCELEROMETER_TIMER)
-        {
-          if (accel.getAccX() < -0.85f && accel_enable) 
-          {
-            accel_enable = 0;
-            update_LED();
-          }  
-          if (accel.getAccX() > -0.35f) 
-            accel_enable = 1;
-          timer_sys_event(ACCELEROMETER_TIMER, ACCEL_SAMPLE_TIME);   
-        }    
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
+    button_pressed = 0;
+    sw2.fall(&sw2_press);
+    while (true) {
+        Thread::wait(5000);
+        printf("SW2 was pressed (last 5 seconds): %d \r\n", button_pressed);
+        fflush(stdout);
+        button_pressed = 0;
-  }
-void NSDL_receive_socket(void * cb)
-  socket_callback_t * cb_res =0;
-  int16_t length;
-  cb_res = (socket_callback_t *) cb;
-  uint8_t *payload;
-  if(cb_res->event_type == SOCKET_DATA)
-  {
-    debug("LINK LQI:");
-    debug_hex(cb_res->LINK_LQI);
-    create_lqi_resource(cb_res->LINK_LQI);
-    debug("\r\n");
-    if ( cb_res->d_len > 0)
-    {
-      payload = (uint8_t *) own_alloc(cb_res->d_len);
-      if(payload)
-      {
-        //Read data to the RX buffer
-        length = socket_read(cb_res->socket_id, &app_src, payload, cb_res->d_len);  //replace rx_buffer payload
-        if(length)
-        {
-          if(cb_res->socket_id == coap_udp_socket)
-          {
-            // Handles data received in UDP socket                      
-            // Call application protocol parser.
-            sn_addr_s.type = SN_NSDL_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6;
-            sn_addr_s.addr_len = 16;
-            sn_addr_s.port = app_src.identifier;
-            sn_addr_s.addr_ptr = app_src.address;
-            printf("Data 1\r\n");   
-            if(sn_nsdl_process_coap(payload, length, &sn_addr_s))  // 0= ok, -1=failure
-            {
-              debug("Error processing CoAP packet\r\n");
-            }
-            printf("Data 4\r\n");   
-          }
-        }
-        own_free(payload);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#if 1       // enabled for debug
-  else if(cb_res->event_type == SOCKET_TX_DONE)
-  {
-    //debug("*");
-  }
-  else if(cb_res->event_type == SOCKET_NO_ROUTE)
-  {
-    debug("SOCKET_NO_ROUTE\r\n");
-  }
-  else if(cb_res->event_type == SOCKET_TX_FAIL)
-  {
-    debug("SOCKET_TX_FAIL\r\n");
-  }
-void ctrl_udp_send(uint8_t cmd)
-  uint8_t * payload = 0;
-  ns_address_t address;
-  /*SET UDP echo Port*/
-  address.identifier = RECV_CTRL_UDP_PORT;  
-  uint8_t node_address[16] = REMOTE_NODE;       
-  payload = (uint8_t *) ns_dyn_mem_alloc(1);        
-  if(payload)
-  {
-    uint8_t *ptr = payload;
-    memcpy(address.address,node_address,16); 
-    address.type = ADDRESS_IPV6;
-    *ptr = cmd;
-    if(socket_sendto(ctrl_udp_socket, &address, payload, (1)) != 0)
-    {
-      debug("Ctrl UDP Failed\r\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      debug("Ctrl UDP Ok\r\n");
-    }
-    ns_dyn_mem_free(payload);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    debug("No Heap for Ctrl UDP\r\n");
-  }
-// we don't expect to receive data
-void empty_udp_receive(void * cb) {