The Freescale MCR20A Simple Media Access Controller (MCR20A SMAC) is a simple ANSI C based codebase available as sample source code. The MCR20A SMAC is used for developing proprietary RF transceiver applications using Freescale’s MCR20A 2.4 GHz transceiver 

Fork of fsl_smac by Freescale

The MCR20A SMAC is a small codebase that provides simple communication and test applications based on drivers, (802.15.4 compliant) PHY, and framework utilities available as source code. This environment is useful for hardware and RF debug, hardware standards certification, and developing proprietary applications. The MCR20A SMAC is provided as part of the Example Application Demos available for MCR20A and also as a standalone set of files.

SMAC features include:

  • Compact footprint.
  • Very low power, proprietary, bidirectional RF communication link.
  • The MCR20A radio allows packet filtering by hardware by checking the preamble and the synchronization word, which reduces software overhead and memory footprint.
  • Broadcast communication.
  • Unicast communication — MCR20A SMAC includes a Node Address 16-bit field. This allows SMAC to perform unicast transmissions. To change the address of a node, modify this constant: gNodeAddress_c inside the SMAC_Config.h file, or call SMACSetShortSrcAddress(uint16_t nwShortAddress). The address is set to 0xBEAD by default. Some of the Demo Applications allow the user to change this address at runtime.
  • Change of current PAN. The SMAC packet uses a short 802.15.4 compliant header with a hard-coded configuration for frame control which allows the user to switch between PANs. The PAN address has also 16 bits (gDefaultPanID_c). This address can be modified by changing the default value from SMAC_Config.h file or by calling SMACSetPanID(uint16_t nwShortPanID.
  • There are no blocking functions within the MCR20A SMAC.
  • Easy-to-use sample applications included.
  • Light-weight, custom LBT algorithm.
  • Light-weight, custom, AA mechanism which is transparent to the user after enabling the feature.
  • Encryption using Advanced Encryption Standard in Cipher Block Chaining mode with configurable initial vector and key.
  • Configurable number of retries and backoff interval.
  • Inter-layer communication using SAPs.
  • The MCR20A SMAC also filters packets that have correct addressing information (pass address filtering) but are not in the expected format (short addressing, no security, data frame).


SMAC Reference Manual

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMAC.cpp	Tue Aug 18 12:48:33 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1416 @@
+* SMAC implementation.
+* Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
+* (c) Copyright 2004-2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+#include "SMAC.h"
+#include "PhyInterface.h"
+#include "EmbeddedTypes.h"
+#include "SMAC_Config.h"
+#include "MemManager.h"
+#include "FunctionLib.h"
+#if 0
+#include "panic.h"
+#include "cmsis_os.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+* Public memory declarations
+uint8_t gTotalChannels;
+* Private memory declarations
+static smacStates_t    smacState;
+/*volatile*/ static prssPacketPtr_t smacProccesPacketPtr;
+static phyRxParams_t   smacLastDataRxParams;
+#if defined (gPHY_802_15_4g_d)
+static smacPacket_t smacPacketConfig;
+static macToPdDataMessage_t * gSmacDataMessage;
+static macToPlmeMessage_t *   gSmacMlmeMessage;
+static uint16_t u16PanID;
+static uint16_t u16ShortSrcAddress;
+static uint8_t u8AckRetryCounter = 0;
+static uint8_t u8CCARetryCounter = 0;
+static uint8_t mSmacInitialized;
+static uint8_t mSmacTimeoutAsked;
+static uint8_t u8BackoffTimerId;
+static txContextConfig_t txConfigurator;
+static uint8_t u8SmacSeqNo;
+//Sap Handlers Called by PHY
+phyStatus_t PD_SMAC_SapHandler(void* pMsg, instanceId_t smacInstanceId);
+phyStatus_t PLME_SMAC_SapHandler(void* pMsg, instanceId_t smacInstanceId);
+* Private functions
+static bool_t SMACPacketCheck(pdDataToMacMessage_t* pMsgFromPhy);
+static void BackoffTimeElapsed(void const *arg);
+osTimerDef (SmacTimer, BackoffTimeElapsed);                          
+* Interface functions
+uint8_t TMR_AllocateTimer
+    void
+    //RtosTimer smac_timer(u8BackoffTimerId, osTimerOnce , NULL);
+    return 0;
+uint8_t TMR_StartSingleShotTimer
+    uint8_t timerID,
+    uint32_t timeInMilliseconds,
+    void (*pfTimerCallBack)(const void *),
+    void *param
+    //RtosTimer smac_timer(pfTimerCallBack, osTimerOnce , NULL);
+    osTimerId id = osTimerCreate (osTimer(SmacTimer), osTimerOnce, NULL);
+    osTimerStart (id, timeInMilliseconds);
+    return 0;
+/******************************** SMAC Data primitives *****************************/
+* MCPSDataRequest
+* This data primitive is used to send an over the air packet. This is an asynchronous 
+* function,  it means it asks SMAC to transmit one OTA packet,  but when the function 
+* returns it is not sent already.
+smacErrors_t MCPSDataRequest
+txPacket_t *psTxPacket        //IN:Pointer to the packet to be transmitted
+  macToPdDataMessage_t *pMsg;
+  phyStatus_t u8PhyRes = gPhySuccess_c; 
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif      /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+#if(TRUE == smacParametersValidation_d)
+  uint8_t u8MaxLen=0;
+  u8MaxLen = gMaxSmacSDULength_c;
+  if((NULL == psTxPacket) || (u8MaxLen < psTxPacket->u8DataLength))
+  {
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  }  
+#endif         /* TRUE == smacParametersValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  u8SmacSeqNo++;
+  u8AckRetryCounter = 0;
+  u8CCARetryCounter = 0;
+  psTxPacket->u8DataLength = psTxPacket->u8DataLength + gSmacHeaderBytes_c; 
+  pMsg = (macToPdDataMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc( sizeof(macToPdDataMessage_t) +
+                         psTxPacket->u8DataLength);
+  if(pMsg == NULL )
+  {
+    return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+  }
+  /* Fill with Phy related data */
+  pMsg->macInstance = smacInstance;
+  pMsg->msgType = gPdDataReq_c;
+  //SMAC doesn't use slotted mode
+  pMsg->msgData.dataReq.slottedTx = gPhyUnslottedMode_c;
+  //start transmission immediately
+  pMsg->msgData.dataReq.startTime = gPhySeqStartAsap_c;
+#ifdef gPHY_802_15_4g_d
+  //for sub-Gig phy handles duration in case of ACK
+  pMsg->msgData.dataReq.txDuration = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  if(txConfigurator.autoAck && 
+     psTxPacket->smacHeader.destAddr != 0xFFFF &&
+       psTxPacket->smacHeader.panId != 0xFFFF)
+  {
+                                    //Turn@       +       phy payload(symbols)+ Turn@ + ACK
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.txDuration = 12 + (6 + psTxPacket->u8DataLength + 2)*2 + 12 + 42; 
+    if(txConfigurator.ccaBeforeTx)
+    {
+      pMsg->msgData.dataReq.txDuration += 0x08; //CCA Duration: 8 symbols
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.txDuration = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  }
+  pMsg->msgData.dataReq.psduLength = psTxPacket->u8DataLength;
+  pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu = (uint8_t*)&pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu +
+    sizeof(pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu);
+  FLib_MemCpy(pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu, &(psTxPacket->smacHeader), gSmacHeaderBytes_c);
+  FLib_MemCpy(pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu + gSmacHeaderBytes_c, 
+              &(psTxPacket->smacPdu), 
+              psTxPacket->u8DataLength - gSmacHeaderBytes_c);
+  if(txConfigurator.ccaBeforeTx)
+  {
+    //tell phy to perform CCA before transmission
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.CCABeforeTx = gPhyCCAMode1_c;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.CCABeforeTx = gPhyNoCCABeforeTx_c;
+  }
+  if(txConfigurator.autoAck && 
+     psTxPacket->smacHeader.destAddr != 0xFFFF &&
+       psTxPacket->smacHeader.panId != 0xFFFF)
+  {
+    //set frame control option: ACK.
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu[0] |= FRAME_CTRL_ACK_FIELD_SET;
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.ackRequired = gPhyRxAckRqd_c;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    pMsg->msgData.dataReq.ackRequired = gPhyNoAckRqd_c;
+  }
+  //set sequence number;
+  pMsg->msgData.dataReq.pPsdu[2] = u8SmacSeqNo;
+  gSmacDataMessage = pMsg;      //Store pointer for freeing later 
+  u8PhyRes = MAC_PD_SapHandler(pMsg, 0);
+  psTxPacket->u8DataLength -= gSmacHeaderBytes_c;
+  if(u8PhyRes == gPhySuccess_c)
+  {
+    smacState= mSmacStateTransmitting_c; 
+    return gErrorNoError_c;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    MEM_BufferFree(gSmacDataMessage);
+    gSmacDataMessage = NULL;
+    return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+  }
+* MLMEConfigureTxContext
+* This management primitive is used to configure the conditions under which SMAC will
+* perform a transmission OTA.
+smacErrors_t MLMEConfigureTxContext(txContextConfig_t* pTxConfig)
+  if( (pTxConfig->autoAck == FALSE && pTxConfig->retryCountAckFail !=0) || 
+      (pTxConfig->ccaBeforeTx == FALSE && pTxConfig->retryCountCCAFail !=0) )
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+  if( pTxConfig->retryCountAckFail > gMaxRetriesAllowed_c || 
+     pTxConfig->retryCountCCAFail > gMaxRetriesAllowed_c)
+  {
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  }
+  txConfigurator.autoAck           = pTxConfig->autoAck;
+  txConfigurator.ccaBeforeTx       = pTxConfig->ccaBeforeTx;
+  txConfigurator.retryCountAckFail = pTxConfig->retryCountAckFail;
+  txConfigurator.retryCountCCAFail = pTxConfig->retryCountCCAFail;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMERXEnableRequest
+* Function used to place the radio into receive mode 
+smacErrors_t MLMERXEnableRequest
+rxPacket_t *gsRxPacket, //OUT: Pointer to the structure where the reception results 
+//     will be stored.
+smacTime_t stTimeout     //IN:  64-bit timeout value, absolute value in symbols
+  uint8_t u8PhyRes = 0; 
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+#if(TRUE == smacParametersValidation_d)
+  uint8_t u8MaxLen=0;
+  u8MaxLen = gMaxSmacSDULength_c;
+#endif         /* TRUE == smacParametersValidation_d */
+#if(TRUE == smacParametersValidation_d)
+  if((NULL == gsRxPacket) || (u8MaxLen < gsRxPacket->u8MaxDataLength))
+  {
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacParametersValidation_d */
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  if(stTimeout)
+  {
+    lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetTRxStateReq_c;
+    lMsg.msgData.setTRxStateReq.startTime = gPhySeqStartAsap_c;
+    lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+    lMsg.msgData.setTRxStateReq.state = gPhySetRxOn_c;
+    mSmacTimeoutAsked = TRUE;
+    lMsg.msgData.setTRxStateReq.rxDuration = stTimeout;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+    lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibRxOnWhenIdle;
+    lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = (uint64_t)1;
+  }
+  u8PhyRes = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  if(u8PhyRes == gPhySuccess_c)
+  {
+    gsRxPacket->rxStatus = rxProcessingReceptionStatus_c;
+    smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer  = gsRxPacket;
+    smacState= mSmacStateReceiving_c; 
+    return gErrorNoError_c;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+  }
+#if defined (gPHY_802_15_4g_d)
+* MLMESetPreambleLength
+* Function used to change the preamble size in the OTA Packet 
+smacErrors_t MLMESetPreambleLength
+uint16_t u16preambleLength
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  smacPacketConfig.u16PreambleLength = u16preambleLength;
+  gPhyPib.mPIBphyFSKPreambleRepetitions = u16preambleLength;
+  PhyPib_RFUpdatePreambleLength();
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMESetSyncWordSize
+* Function used to change the synchronization word size. Values from 0 to 8 required. 
+* IMPORTANT-> Use below arguments only (indicating a direct value from 1-8 will not work) 
+* Inputs      : 
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_1             
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_2              
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_3               
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_4               
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_5                
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_6                
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_7              
+*   SyncConfig_SyncSize_8    
+smacErrors_t MLMESetSyncWordSize
+uint8_t u8syncWordSize
+  phyStatus_t status;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  status = (phyStatus_t)Phy_SetSyncWordSize(u8syncWordSize);
+  if(status == gPhyInvalidParameter_c)
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  smacPacketConfig.u8SyncWordSize = u8syncWordSize;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMESetSyncWordValue
+* Function used to change the synchronization word value. 
+smacErrors_t MLMESetSyncWordValue
+uint8_t *u8syncWordValue
+  uint8_t syncWordSizeTemp = smacPacketConfig.u8SyncWordSize;
+  uint8_t syncValueRegIndex = 0;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  smacPacketConfig.u8SyncWordValue = u8syncWordValue;
+  while (syncWordSizeTemp--)
+  {
+    Phy_SetSyncWordValue(syncValueRegIndex, (uint8_t)*u8syncWordValue);
+    syncValueRegIndex++;
+    u8syncWordValue++;
+  }
+  while(syncValueRegIndex < 8)
+  {
+    Phy_SetSyncWordValue(syncValueRegIndex, 0x00);
+    syncValueRegIndex++;
+  }
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMEPacketConfig
+smacErrors_t MLMEPacketConfig
+packetConfig_t *pPacketCfg
+  smacErrors_t err = gErrorNoError_c;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  } 
+  err  = MLMESetSyncWordSize(pPacketCfg->u8SyncWordSize);
+  err |=  MLMESetSyncWordValue(pPacketCfg->pu8SyncWord);
+  err |= MLMESetPreambleLength(pPacketCfg->u16PreambleSize);
+  if(err != gErrorNoError_c)
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;   
+* MLMESetChannelRequest
+smacErrors_t MLMESetChannelRequest
+channels_t newChannel
+  uint8_t errorVal;
+  smacErrors_t err = gErrorNoError_c;
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  } 
+  lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibCurrentChannel_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = (uint64_t) newChannel;
+  errorVal = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  switch (errorVal)
+  {
+  case  gPhyBusy_c:
+    err = gErrorBusy_c;
+    break;
+  case gPhyInvalidParameter_c:   
+    err = gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+    break;
+  case gPhySuccess_c: 
+    err = gErrorNoError_c;
+    break;
+  default:
+    err = gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+    break;
+  }
+  return err;
+* MLMESetAdditionalRFOffset
+smacErrors_t MLMESetAdditionalRFOffset (uint32_t additionalRFOffset)
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+#ifdef gIncludeCalibrationOption
+  gPhyPib.mPIBAdditionalRFFrequencyOffset = additionalRFOffset;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+  return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+* MLMEGetAdditionalRFOffset
+uint32_t MLMEGetAdditionalRFOffset( void )
+#ifdef gIncludeCalibrationOption
+  return gPhyPib.mPIBAdditionalRFFrequencyOffset;
+  return 0;
+#if defined (gPHY_802_15_4g_d)
+* MLMESetFreqBand
+smacErrors_t MLMESetFreqBand
+smacFrequencyBands_t freqBand,
+smacRFModes_t phyMode
+  return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+smacErrors_t MLMESetPhyMode(smacRFModes_t phyMode)
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  phyStatus_t err;
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibCurrentMode_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = (uint64_t)phyMode;
+  err = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  if(err == gPhyInvalidParameter_c)
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  if(err == gPhyBusy_c)
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  gTotalChannels = gPhyPib.pPIBphyRfConstants->totalNumChannels;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMEGetChannelRequest
+channels_t MLMEGetChannelRequest
+  channels_t currentChannel;
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;  
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    //panic(0,0,0,0);
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */ 
+  lMsg.msgType = gPlmeGetReq_c;
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  lMsg.msgData.getReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibCurrentChannel_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.getReq.pPibAttributeValue = (uint64_t*)&currentChannel;
+  MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  return currentChannel;    
+#if defined (gPHY_802_15_4g_d)
+* MLMERssi
+uint8_t MLMERssi(void )
+  uint8_t rssiVal;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  rssiVal = Phy_GetRssi();
+  return rssiVal;
+* MLMESetCCADuration
+smacErrors_t MLMESetCCADuration(uint64_t usCCADuration )
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  phyStatus_t status;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  usCCADuration = TIME_US_TO_TICKS(usCCADuration);
+  Phy_TimeDivider((phyTime_t*)&usCCADuration);
+  lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibCCADuration_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = usCCADuration;
+  status = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  if(status == gPhySuccess_c)
+    return gErrorNoError_c;
+  else
+    return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+* MLMESetInterPacketRxDelay
+* IMPORTANT-> Use below arguments only (indicating a direct value from 1-12 will not work)
+* Inputs      :
+* InterPacketRxDelay_0
+* InterPacketRxDelay_1
+* InterPacketRxDelay_2
+* InterPacketRxDelay_3
+* InterPacketRxDelay_4
+* InterPacketRxDelay_5
+* InterPacketRxDelay_6
+* InterPacketRxDelay_7
+* InterPacketRxDelay_8
+* InterPacketRxDelay_9
+* InterPacketRxDelay_A
+* InterPacketRxDelay_B
+smacErrors_t MLMESetInterPacketRxDelay
+uint8_t u8InterPacketRxDelay
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif     /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  if (gPhySuccess_c != Phy_SetInterPacketRxDelay(u8InterPacketRxDelay))
+  {
+    return gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+  }
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMERXDisableRequest
+* Returns the radio to idle mode from receive mode.
+smacErrors_t MLMERXDisableRequest(void)
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  phyStatus_t err;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+  if((mSmacStateReceiving_c != smacState) && (mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState))
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  if(!mSmacTimeoutAsked)
+  {
+    lMsg.msgType                          = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+    lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute      = gPhyPibRxOnWhenIdle;
+    lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = (uint64_t)0;
+    err = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+    if(err != gPhySuccess_c)
+      return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetTRxStateReq_c;
+    lMsg.msgData.setTRxStateReq.state = gPhyForceTRxOff_c;
+    (void)MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+    mSmacTimeoutAsked = FALSE;
+  }
+  smacState= mSmacStateIdle_c;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+/*@CMA, Conn Test Added*/
+* MLMETXDisableRequest
+* Returns the radio to idle mode from Tx mode.
+void MLMETXDisableRequest(void)
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  lMsg.msgType     = gPlmeSetTRxStateReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setTRxStateReq.state = gPhyForceTRxOff_c;
+  (void)MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  if(gSmacDataMessage != NULL)
+  {
+    (void)MEM_BufferFree(gSmacDataMessage);
+    gSmacDataMessage = NULL;
+  }
+  smacState= mSmacStateIdle_c;
+* MLMELinkQuality
+* This  function  returns  an  integer  value  that is the link quality from the last 
+* received packet of the form:  dBm = (-Link Quality/2).
+uint8_t MLMELinkQuality(void)
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return smacLastDataRxParams.linkQuality;
+* MLMEPAOutputAdjust
+smacErrors_t MLMEPAOutputAdjust
+uint8_t u8PaValue
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  smacErrors_t err = gErrorNoError_c;
+  uint8_t errorVal;     
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  lMsg.msgType     = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute      =  gPhyPibTransmitPower_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue =  (uint64_t) u8PaValue;
+  errorVal = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  switch (errorVal)
+  {
+  case  gPhyBusy_c:
+    err = gErrorBusy_c;
+    break;
+  case gPhyInvalidParameter_c:   
+    err = gErrorOutOfRange_c;
+    break;
+  case gPhySuccess_c: 
+    err = gErrorNoError_c;
+    break;
+  default:
+    err = gErrorOutOfRange_c; 
+    break;
+  }
+  return err;
+* MLMEScanRequest
+* This  function  returns  the RSSI value of the channel passes as a parameter  
+smacErrors_t MLMEScanRequest(channels_t u8ChannelToScan)
+  smacErrors_t err = gErrorNoError_c;
+  phyStatus_t u8PhyRes;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  if(u8ChannelToScan != MLMEGetChannelRequest())
+    err = MLMESetChannelRequest(u8ChannelToScan);
+  if(err != gErrorNoError_c)
+    return err;
+  macToPlmeMessage_t* pMsg = (macToPlmeMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(macToPlmeMessage_t));
+  pMsg->msgType = gPlmeEdReq_c;
+  pMsg->msgData.edReq.startTime = gPhySeqStartAsap_c;
+  pMsg->macInstance = smacInstance;
+  gSmacMlmeMessage = pMsg;
+  u8PhyRes = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(pMsg,0);
+  if(u8PhyRes != gPhySuccess_c)
+  {
+    MEM_BufferFree(gSmacMlmeMessage);
+    gSmacMlmeMessage = NULL;
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  smacState = mSmacStateScanningChannels_c;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMECcaRequest
+* This  function  performs Clear Channel Assessment on the active channel  
+smacErrors_t MLMECcaRequest()
+  phyStatus_t u8PhyRes;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+  {
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  macToPlmeMessage_t* pMsg = (macToPlmeMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(macToPlmeMessage_t));
+  pMsg->msgType = gPlmeCcaReq_c;
+  pMsg->msgData.ccaReq.ccaType = gPhyCCAMode1_c;
+  pMsg->msgData.ccaReq.contCcaMode = gPhyContCcaDisabled;
+  pMsg->macInstance = smacInstance;
+  gSmacMlmeMessage = pMsg;
+  u8PhyRes = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(pMsg,0);
+  if(u8PhyRes != gPhySuccess_c)
+  {
+    MEM_BufferFree(gSmacMlmeMessage);
+    gSmacMlmeMessage = NULL;
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  }
+  smacState = mSmacStatePerformingCca_c;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* MLMEPhySoftReset
+* This function performs a software reset on the radio, PHY and SMAC state machines.
+smacErrors_t MLMEPhySoftReset
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  if(FALSE == mSmacInitialized)
+  {
+    return gErrorNoValidCondition_c;
+  }
+#endif /* TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d */
+//  if(mSmacStateIdle_c != smacState)
+//  {
+//    return gErrorBusy_c;
+//  }
+  lMsg.macInstance = smacInstance;
+  lMsg.msgType     = gPlmeSetTRxStateReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setTRxStateReq.state = gPhyForceTRxOff_c;
+  (void)MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg, 0);
+  smacState= mSmacStateIdle_c; 
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* PD_SMAC_SapHandler
+* This SAP handles data confirm and data indication from PHY.
+phyStatus_t PD_SMAC_SapHandler(void* pMsg, instanceId_t smacInstanceId)
+  phyStatus_t status = gPhyInvalidPrimitive_c;
+  smacToAppDataMessage_t* pSmacMsg;
+  pdDataToMacMessage_t* pDataMsg = (pdDataToMacMessage_t*)pMsg;
+  (void)smacInstanceId;
+  switch(pDataMsg->msgType)
+  {
+  case gPdDataCnf_c:
+    //no data request was fired
+    if(NULL == gSmacDataMessage)
+    {
+      status = gPhySuccess_c;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      //phy finished work with the data request packet so it can be freed
+      MEM_BufferFree(gSmacDataMessage);
+      gSmacDataMessage = NULL;
+      pSmacMsg = (smacToAppDataMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppDataMessage_t));
+      if(pSmacMsg == NULL)
+      {
+        status = gPhySuccess_c;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        pSmacMsg->msgType = gMcpsDataCnf_c;
+        pSmacMsg->msgData.dataCnf.status = gErrorNoError_c;
+        // call App Sap
+        gSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler(pSmacMsg,smacInstance); 
+      }
+      smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+    }
+    break;
+  case gPdDataInd_c:
+    if(FALSE == SMACPacketCheck(pDataMsg))
+    {
+      MEM_BufferFree(pDataMsg);
+      status = gPhySuccess_c;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      smacLastDataRxParams.linkQuality = ((pdDataToMacMessage_t*)pMsg)->msgData.dataInd.ppduLinkQuality;
+      smacLastDataRxParams.timeStamp = (phyTime_t)((pdDataToMacMessage_t*)pMsg)->msgData.dataInd.timeStamp;
+      smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer->rxStatus = rxSuccessStatus_c;
+      // in case no timeout was asked we need to unset RXOnWhenIdle Pib.
+      if(!mSmacTimeoutAsked) 
+      {
+        (void)MLMERXDisableRequest();
+      }
+      smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer->u8DataLength = 
+        pDataMsg->msgData.dataInd.psduLength - gSmacHeaderBytes_c;
+      FLib_MemCpy(&smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer->smacHeader, 
+                  ((smacHeader_t*)pDataMsg->msgData.dataInd.pPsdu), 
+                  gSmacHeaderBytes_c);
+      FLib_MemCpy(&smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer->smacPdu, 
+                  ((smacPdu_t*)(pDataMsg->msgData.dataInd.pPsdu + gSmacHeaderBytes_c)), 
+                  smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer->u8DataLength);
+      pSmacMsg = (smacToAppDataMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppDataMessage_t));
+      if(pSmacMsg == NULL)
+      {
+        status = gPhySuccess_c;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        pSmacMsg->msgType = gMcpsDataInd_c;
+        pSmacMsg->msgData.dataInd.pRxPacket = smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer;
+        pSmacMsg->msgData.dataInd.u8LastRxRssi = PhyGetLastRxRssiValue();
+        gSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler(pSmacMsg,smacInstance); 
+      }
+      smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  MEM_BufferFree(pMsg);
+  return status;
+* PLME_SMAC_SapHandler
+* This SAP handles management for confirms and indications from PHY.
+phyStatus_t PLME_SMAC_SapHandler(void* pMsg, instanceId_t smacInstanceId)
+  MEM_BufferFree(gSmacMlmeMessage);
+  gSmacMlmeMessage = NULL;
+  uint32_t backOffTime;
+  plmeToMacMessage_t* pPlmeMsg = (plmeToMacMessage_t*)pMsg;
+  smacToAppMlmeMessage_t* pSmacToApp;
+  smacToAppDataMessage_t* pSmacMsg;
+  switch(pPlmeMsg->msgType)
+  {
+  case gPlmeCcaCnf_c:
+    if(pPlmeMsg->msgData.ccaCnf.status == gPhyChannelBusy_c && 
+       smacState == mSmacStateTransmitting_c)
+    {
+      if(txConfigurator.ccaBeforeTx)
+      { 
+          if(txConfigurator.retryCountCCAFail > u8CCARetryCounter)
+          {
+            //increment cca fail counter
+            u8CCARetryCounter++;
+            //get random number for backoff time.
+            RNG_GetRandomNo(&backOffTime);
+            //start event timer. After time elapses, Data request will be fired.
+            TMR_StartSingleShotTimer(u8BackoffTimerId, ((backOffTime & gMaxBackoffTime_c) + gMinBackoffTime_c), BackoffTimeElapsed, NULL);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            MEM_BufferFree(gSmacDataMessage);
+            gSmacDataMessage = NULL;
+            //retries failed so create message for the application
+            pSmacMsg = (smacToAppDataMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppDataMessage_t));
+            if(pSmacMsg != NULL)
+            {
+              //error type : Channel Busy
+              pSmacMsg->msgData.dataCnf.status = gErrorChannelBusy_c;
+              //type is Data Confirm
+              pSmacMsg->msgType = gMcpsDataCnf_c;
+              gSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler(pSmacMsg, smacInstance);
+            }
+            //place SMAC into idle state
+            smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+          }
+      }
+      MEM_BufferFree(pMsg);
+      return gPhySuccess_c;
+    }
+    //if SMAC isn't in TX then definitely it is a CCA confirm
+    //allocate a message for the application
+    pSmacToApp = (smacToAppMlmeMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppMlmeMessage_t));
+    if(pSmacToApp != NULL)
+    {
+      //type is CCA Confirm
+      pSmacToApp->msgType = gMlmeCcaCnf_c;
+      //Channel status translated into SMAC messages: idle channel means no error.
+      if(pPlmeMsg->msgData.ccaCnf.status == gPhyChannelIdle_c)
+      {
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.ccaCnf.status = gErrorNoError_c;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.ccaCnf.status = gErrorChannelBusy_c;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case gPlmeEdCnf_c:
+    //allocate a message for the application
+    pSmacToApp = (smacToAppMlmeMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppMlmeMessage_t));
+    if(pSmacToApp != NULL)
+    {
+      //message type is ED Confirm
+      pSmacToApp->msgType = gMlmeEdCnf_c;
+      if(pPlmeMsg->msgData.edCnf.status == gPhySuccess_c)
+      {
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.edCnf.status = gErrorNoError_c;
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.edCnf.energyLevel = pPlmeMsg->msgData.edCnf.energyLevel;
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.edCnf.energyLeveldB = pPlmeMsg->msgData.edCnf.energyLeveldB;
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.edCnf.scannedChannel = MLMEGetChannelRequest();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        pSmacToApp->msgData.edCnf.status = gErrorBusy_c;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case gPlmeTimeoutInd_c:
+    if(smacState == mSmacStateTransmitting_c)
+    {
+      if(txConfigurator.autoAck)
+      {
+        //re-arm retries for channel busy at retransmission.
+        u8CCARetryCounter = 0;
+        if(txConfigurator.retryCountAckFail > u8AckRetryCounter)
+        {
+          u8AckRetryCounter++;
+          RNG_GetRandomNo(&backOffTime);
+          //start event timer. After time elapses, Data request will be fired.
+          TMR_StartSingleShotTimer(u8BackoffTimerId, ((backOffTime & gMaxBackoffTime_c) + gMinBackoffTime_c), BackoffTimeElapsed, NULL);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          (void)MEM_BufferFree(gSmacDataMessage);
+          gSmacDataMessage = NULL;
+          //retries failed so create message for the application
+          pSmacMsg = (smacToAppDataMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppDataMessage_t));
+          if(pSmacMsg != NULL)
+          {
+            //set error code: No Ack
+            pSmacMsg->msgData.dataCnf.status = gErrorNoAck_c;
+            //type is Data Confirm
+            pSmacMsg->msgType = gMcpsDataCnf_c;
+            gSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler(pSmacMsg, smacInstance);
+          }
+          //place SMAC into idle state
+          smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+        }
+      }
+      MEM_BufferFree(pMsg);
+      return gPhySuccess_c;
+    }
+    //if no ack timeout was received then it is definitely a RX timeout
+    pSmacToApp = (smacToAppMlmeMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppMlmeMessage_t));
+    if(pSmacToApp != NULL)
+    {
+      if(smacState == mSmacStateReceiving_c)
+      {
+        smacProccesPacketPtr.smacRxPacketPointer->rxStatus = rxTimeOutStatus_c;
+      }
+      pSmacToApp->msgType = gMlmeTimeoutInd_c;
+    }
+    break;
+  case gPlme_UnexpectedRadioResetInd_c:
+    pSmacToApp = (smacToAppMlmeMessage_t*)MEM_BufferAlloc(sizeof(smacToAppMlmeMessage_t));
+    if(pSmacToApp != NULL)
+      pSmacToApp->msgType = gMlme_UnexpectedRadioResetInd_c;
+    break;
+  default:
+    //MEM_BufferFree(pSmacToApp);
+    MEM_BufferFree(pMsg);
+    return gPhySuccess_c;
+  }
+  smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+  //send message to upper layer if it is not NULL
+  if(pSmacToApp != NULL)
+    (gSMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler)(pSmacToApp,0);
+  MEM_BufferFree(pMsg);
+  return gPhySuccess_c;
+* Smac_RegisterSapHandlers
+* This function helps the user register the handlers for the messages that come from 
+* SMAC.
+void Smac_RegisterSapHandlers(
+                              SMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler_t pSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler,
+                              SMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler_t pSMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler,
+                              instanceId_t smacInstanceId
+                                )
+  gSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler = pSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler;
+  gSMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler = pSMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler;
+  (void)smacInstanceId;
+* SMACFillHeader
+* This function helps the user fill the SMAC header(short hardcoded MAC header) with
+* the desired short destination address.
+void SMACFillHeader(smacHeader_t* pSmacHeader, uint16_t destAddr)
+  pSmacHeader->frameControl = gSmacDefaultFrameCtrl;
+  pSmacHeader->panId        = u16PanID;
+  pSmacHeader->seqNo        = gSmacDefaultSeqNo;
+  pSmacHeader->srcAddr      = u16ShortSrcAddress;
+  pSmacHeader->destAddr     = destAddr;
+* InitSmac
+* Basic SMAC initialisation.
+void InitSmac(void)
+  /* SMAC Initialization */
+  smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+  smacLastDataRxParams.linkQuality = 0;
+  smacLastDataRxParams.timeStamp = 0;
+  uint32_t u32RandomNo;
+#if defined(gPHY_802_15_4g_d)
+  gTotalChannels = gPhyPib.pPIBphyRfConstants->totalNumChannels;
+  gTotalChannels = 26;
+#if(TRUE == smacInitializationValidation_d)
+  mSmacInitialized = TRUE;  
+  txConfigurator.autoAck = FALSE;
+  txConfigurator.ccaBeforeTx = FALSE;
+  txConfigurator.retryCountAckFail = 0;
+  txConfigurator.retryCountCCAFail = 0;
+  u8BackoffTimerId = (uint8_t)TMR_AllocateTimer();
+  RNG_Init();
+  RNG_GetRandomNo(&u32RandomNo);
+  u8SmacSeqNo = (uint8_t)u32RandomNo;
+  //Notify the PHY what function to call for communicating with SMAC  
+  Phy_RegisterSapHandlers((PD_MAC_SapHandler_t)PD_SMAC_SapHandler, (PLME_MAC_SapHandler_t)PLME_SMAC_SapHandler, 0);
+  u16PanID = gDefaultPanID_c;
+  u16ShortSrcAddress = gNodeAddress_c;
+  (void)SMACSetShortSrcAddress(u16ShortSrcAddress);
+  (void)SMACSetPanID(u16PanID);
+* SMACSetShortSrcAddress
+* This function sets the short source address so that PHY can perform filtering
+smacErrors_t SMACSetShortSrcAddress(uint16_t nwShortAddress)
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibShortAddress_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = (uint64_t)nwShortAddress;
+  phyStatus_t u8PhyRes = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg,0);
+  if(u8PhyRes == gPhyBusy_c || u8PhyRes == gPhyBusyTx_c || u8PhyRes == gPhyBusyRx_c)
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  if(u8PhyRes != gPhySuccess_c)
+    return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+  u16ShortSrcAddress = nwShortAddress;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+* This function sets the pan ID so that PHY can perform filtering
+smacErrors_t SMACSetPanID(uint16_t nwShortPanID)
+  macToPlmeMessage_t lMsg;
+  lMsg.msgType = gPlmeSetReq_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttribute = gPhyPibPanId_c;
+  lMsg.msgData.setReq.PibAttributeValue = (uint64_t)nwShortPanID;
+  phyStatus_t u8PhyRes = MAC_PLME_SapHandler(&lMsg,0);
+  if(u8PhyRes == gPhyBusy_c || u8PhyRes == gPhyBusyTx_c || u8PhyRes == gPhyBusyRx_c)
+    return gErrorBusy_c;
+  if(u8PhyRes != gPhySuccess_c)
+    return gErrorNoResourcesAvailable_c;
+  u16PanID = nwShortPanID;
+  return gErrorNoError_c;
+void BackoffTimeElapsed(void const *arg)
+  uint8_t u8PhyRes = MAC_PD_SapHandler(gSmacDataMessage, 0);
+  if(u8PhyRes != gPhySuccess_c)
+  {
+    smacState = mSmacStateIdle_c;
+    MEM_BufferFree(gSmacDataMessage);
+    gSmacDataMessage = NULL;
+  }
+* SMACPacketCheck
+* This function returns TRUE if Phy payload can be of SMAC packet type
+bool_t SMACPacketCheck(pdDataToMacMessage_t* pMsgFromPhy)
+  //check if packet is of type Data
+  if( (pMsgFromPhy->msgData.dataInd.pPsdu[0] & 0x07) != 0x01 )
+    return FALSE;
+  //check if PSDU length is at least of smac header size.
+  if( (pMsgFromPhy->msgData.dataInd.psduLength < gSmacHeaderBytes_c) )
+    return FALSE;
+  return TRUE;