update with altimeter, swimfile.txt endleg.txt, etc see changes_13sep.txt also reset_PI()

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

Fri Dec 01 22:43:14 2017 +0000
Pool tested code from Friday 12/1/17

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 1 /*
tnhnrl 24:c7d9b5bf3829 2 Modified 2017-11-29 revA by Troy
tnhnrl 24:c7d9b5bf3829 3 - changelog.txt carries previous changes
tnhnrl 24:c7d9b5bf3829 4 - Incorporated email changes and did quick bench test
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 5 1) In FIND_NEUTRAL, add bce().setPosition_mm(bceFloatPosition) to the one-shot actions after the unpause().
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 6 2) NEUTRAL_FIRST_PITCH, changed batt position by half from 1.0 to 0.5.
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 7 3) NEUTRAL_SINKING and NEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE are using getSetPosition now
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 8 4) previousPosition_mm deleted (and print statements changed)
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 9 5) NEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE check is using bce().getSetPosition_mm()
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 10 6) Timers replaced with _neutral_timer variable
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 11 7) Default timeout is 8 minutes = 480 seconds
tnhnrl 24:c7d9b5bf3829 12 - Redid the sub-state recording method to only update on state changes
tnhnrl 27:0a5b90cd65d6 13 Modified 2017-11-29 revB by Troy
tnhnrl 27:0a5b90cd65d6 14 - minor print fixes
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 15 Modified 2017-11-29 revC by Troy
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 16 - removed depthTolerance variable that was not being used.
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 17 Modified 2017-11-30 revA by Troy/Dan
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 18 - Modified state RISE to setCommand to -1.0 feet (force out of water) and go to next state (float level) when above 0.5 feet
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 19 - Modified sub-state NEUTRAL_SINKING to only move 2.5 mm per cycle instead of 5 mm
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 20 - Commented out home function (accidentally hit home and got stuck while at LASR)
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 21 - Added max depth neutral and dive variables
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 22 - Print max recorded depths and current neutral buoyancy positions
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 23 Modified 2017-11-30 revB by Troy/Dan
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 24 - Dive and Multi-Dive cycles now exit to FLOAT_BROADCAST state
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 25 - FLOAT_LEVEL pitchTolerance variable increased from 1.0 degree to 5.0 degrees (PV was difficult to level in LASR pool)
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 26 - Added the ability to record the states of the FSM and print to user using keyboard "Z"
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 27 Modified 2017-12-01 revA by Troy
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 28 - Minor update to 2017-11-30 revB
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 29 - Now printing current neutral battery and BCE setpoints and max depth in neutral and dive cycle with "C" (and current sensor data)
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 30 - Pool-tested with successful dives.
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 31 1) Dive working correctly. (And max dive tracker shows that it is reaching the correct commanded depth.)
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 32 2) Float broadcast working correctly. (And we are now going directly from dive and rise to float broadcast.)
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 33 3) Neutral sequence has PV diving with -10 to -20 degrees of pitch, battery command seems to be slow or inactive.
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 34 3) Float broadcast working correctly.
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 35 4) FSM tracker and sub-FSM tracker working.
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 36 5) Antenna working until tail just under water (last depth recorded varies between 1.0 and 1.5 feet)
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 37 */
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 38
tzyoung 0:ea293bbf9717 39 #include "mbed.h"
tzyoung 0:ea293bbf9717 40 #include "StaticDefs.hpp"
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 41
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 42 // loop rate timer for slowing down how fast while(1) runs in main()
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 43 Ticker loop_rate_ticker;
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 44 volatile bool loop = false;
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 45 void loop_trigger() { loop = true; }; // loop trigger
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 46
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 47 void setup() {
danstrider 11:3b241ecb75ed 48 pc().baud(57600);
tnhnrl 28:16c83a2fdefa 49 pc().printf("\n\n\rFSG POOL TEST 2017-12-01 revA\n\n\r");
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 50
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 51 // start up the system timer
tzyoung 0:ea293bbf9717 52 systemTime().start();
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 53
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 54 // set up and start the adc. This runs on a fixed interval and is interrupt driven
tzyoung 0:ea293bbf9717 55 adc().initialize();
tzyoung 0:ea293bbf9717 56 adc().start();
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 57
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 58 // set up and start the imu. This polls in the background
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 59 imu().initialize();
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 60 imu().start();
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 61
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 62 // set up the depth sensor. This is an internal ADC read, but eventually will be on the ltc1298
danstrider 14:85b64a4d08e8 63 depth().init();
danstrider 14:85b64a4d08e8 64 depth().tare();
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 65
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 66 // construct a local file system
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 67 local();
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 68
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 69 // load config data from files
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 70 configFileIO().load_BCE_config(); // load the buoyancy engine parameters from the file "bce.txt"
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 71 configFileIO().load_BATT_config(); // load the battery mass mover parameters from the file "batt.txt"
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 72 configFileIO().load_DEPTH_config(); // load the depth control loop parameters from the file "depth.txt" (contains neutral position)
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 73 configFileIO().load_PITCH_config(); // load the depth control loop parameters from the file "pitch.txt" (contains neutral position)
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 74
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 75 // set up the linear actuators. adc has to be running first.
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 76 bce().init();
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 77 bce().start();
mkelly10 12:a0519d11d2b6 78 bce().pause(); // start by not moving
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 79
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 80 batt().init();
tzyoung 2:892b58e56712 81 batt().start();
mkelly10 12:a0519d11d2b6 82 batt().pause(); // start by not moving
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 83
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 84 // set up the depth and pitch outer loop controllers
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 85 depthLoop().init();
tnhnrl 13:84fcbe1dcd62 86 depthLoop().start();
tnhnrl 16:3363b9f14913 87 depthLoop().setCommand(stateMachine().getDepthCommand());
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 88
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 89 pitchLoop().init();
tnhnrl 13:84fcbe1dcd62 90 pitchLoop().start();
tnhnrl 16:3363b9f14913 91 pitchLoop().setCommand(stateMachine().getPitchCommand());
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 92
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 93 // show that the PID gains are loading from the file
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 94 pc().printf("bce P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %3.0f mm, slope %3.3f \r\n", bce().getControllerP(), bce().getControllerI(), bce().getControllerD(), bce().getZeroCounts(), bce().getTravelLimit(), bce().getPotSlope());
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 95 pc().printf("batt P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %3.0f mm, slope %3.3f \r\n", batt().getControllerP(), batt().getControllerI(), batt().getControllerD(), batt().getZeroCounts(), batt().getTravelLimit(), batt().getPotSlope());
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 96 pc().printf("depth P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", depthLoop().getControllerP(), depthLoop().getControllerI(), depthLoop().getControllerD(), depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 97 pc().printf("pitch P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", pitchLoop().getControllerP(), pitchLoop().getControllerI(), pitchLoop().getControllerD(), pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 98 pc().printf("\n\r");
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 99
tnhnrl 17:7c16b5671d0e 100 //load sequence from file
tnhnrl 17:7c16b5671d0e 101 sequenceController().loadSequence();
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 102
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 103 // establish the main loop rate
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 104 loop_rate_ticker.attach(&loop_trigger, 0.1); // fires the ticker at 10 Hz rate
tnhnrl 21:38c8544db6f4 105 }
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 106
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 107 int main() {
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 108 setup();
tnhnrl 16:3363b9f14913 109
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 110 while(1) {
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 111 // does this stuff at the loop rate
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 112 if(loop) {
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 113 led1() = !led1(); // blink
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 114 stateMachine().runStateMachine();
tnhnrl 20:8987a9ae2bc7 115 loop = false; // wait until the loop rate timer fires again
tnhnrl 17:7c16b5671d0e 116 }
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 117 }
danstrider 10:085ab7328054 118 }