most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem



File content as of revision 48:20e681885161:

#include "MbedLogger.hpp"
#include "StaticDefs.hpp"

MbedLogger::MbedLogger(string file_system_input_string) {
    _file_system_string = file_system_input_string;
    _full_file_path_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";
    _f = 0;
    _file_number = 0;
    _file_transmission = true;
    _confirmed_packet_number = 0;   //must set this to zero
    _transmit_counter = 0;
    _file_transmission_state = -1;
    _total_number_of_packets = 0;
    _mbed_transmit_loop = false;
    _SD_file_name_string = "";
    _file_transmission_complete = false;

//this function has to be called for the time to function correctly
void MbedLogger::setLogTime() {
    pc().printf("\n%s log time set.\n\r", _file_system_string.c_str());
    set_time(1518467832);   // Set RTC time to Mon, 12 FEB 2018 15:37

//in the future create the ability to set the start time
int MbedLogger::getSystemTime() {
    time_t seconds = time(NULL);    // Time as seconds since January 1, 1970
    return seconds;

//idea to copy SD file on system down-time
void MbedLogger::copySDFile() {    

//function is a work in progress
void MbedLogger::openSDFile() {    
    //create a file for writing to it (overwrites existing file) (do not close it until other operations are complete)
    //write this as a string...
    char char_buffer[50];
    sprintf(char_buffer, "L%d.csv", getSystemTime());
    _SD_file_name_string = _file_system_string + char_buffer;
    _fp = fopen(_SD_file_name_string.c_str(), "w");
    //write the header
    // added pitchRate_degs (degrees per second)
    // added depthRate_fps (feet per second)  
    pc().printf("SD CARD FILE IS %s\n\r", _SD_file_name_string.c_str());
void MbedLogger::recordData(int current_state) {
    int data_log_int = mbedLogger().getSystemTime();                 //read the system timer to get unix timestamp
    //_data_log[0] = mbedLogger().getSystemTime();                 //read the system timer to get unix timestamp
    _data_log[1] = depthLoop().getCommand();        //depth command
    _data_log[2] = depthLoop().getPosition();       //depth reading
    _data_log[3] = pitchLoop().getCommand();        //pitch command
    _data_log[4] = pitchLoop().getPosition();       //pitch reading
    _data_log[5] = bce().getSetPosition_mm();       //BCE command
    _data_log[6] = bce().getPosition_mm();          //BCE reading
    _data_log[7] = batt().getSetPosition_mm();      //Batt command
    _data_log[8] = batt().getPosition_mm();         //Batt reading    
    _data_log[9] = pitchLoop().getVelocity();       // pitchRate_degs (degrees per second)
    _data_log[10] = depthLoop().getVelocity();      // depthRate_fps (feet per second)
    //check what the current state is and create that string
    string string_state;
    if (current_state == SIT_IDLE)
        string_state = "SIT_IDLE";
    else if (current_state == FIND_NEUTRAL)
        string_state = "FIND_NEUTRAL";
    else if (current_state == DIVE)
        string_state = "DIVE";
    else if (current_state == RISE)
        string_state = "RISE";
    else if (current_state == FLOAT_LEVEL)
        string_state = "FLOAT_LEVEL";
    else if (current_state == FLOAT_BROADCAST)
        string_state = "FLOAT_BROADCAST";          
    else if (current_state == EMERGENCY_CLIMB)
        string_state = "EMERGENCY_CLIMB";
    else if (current_state == MULTI_DIVE)
        string_state = "MULTI_DIVE";
    else if (current_state == MULTI_RISE)
        string_state = "MULTI_RISE";
    else if (current_state == KEYBOARD)
        string_state = "KEYBOARD";                    
    //record the string state, integer state, and then the data
    fprintf(_fp, "%s,%d,",string_state.c_str(),current_state);
    fprintf(_fp, "%d,",data_log_int);
    fprintf(_fp, "%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f\n",_data_log[1],

void MbedLogger::printMbedDirectory() {
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent   *dp;        //dirent.h is the format of directory entries
    int log_found =0,loop=0;
    long int temp=0;
    //char * char_pointer;
    char * numstart;
    //char *numstop;
    pc().printf("\n\rPrinting out the directory of device %s\n\r", _file_system_string.c_str());
    if ( NULL == (dir   = opendir( _file_system_string.c_str() )) ) {
        pc().printf("MBED directory could not be opened\r\n");
        while ( NULL != (dp    = readdir( dir )) )
                /*numstart = dp->d_name; //Look for third character (do safety)
                numstop = strchr(dp->d_name,'.');
                    log_found=0; //Something is not right. Ignore
                temp=strtol(numstart,NULL,10);      //add in check to see if this is null (start logs at one)
            pc().printf( "%d. %s (log file: %d, %d)\r\n", loop, dp->d_name,log_found,temp); 

void MbedLogger::printCurrentLogFile() {
    //open the file for reading
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "r");
    //while not end of file, read through line by line???
    char buffer[500];
    //read the file line by line (and print each line)
    pc().printf("\n\rCURRENT MBED LOG FILE /local/Log%03d.csv:\n\n\r",_file_number);
    while (!feof(_fp)) {
        // read in the line and make sure it was successful
        if (fgets(buffer,500,_fp) != NULL) {
    //close the file
    pc().printf("\n\rLog file closed.\n\r");

void MbedLogger::openFileForTransmit() { 
    //open the current file to read the contents
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "r");
    _file_transmission = true;

void MbedLogger::transmitCurrentLogFileLine(bool next_line) {   
    vector <int> current_packet;

    //while not end of file, read through line by line???
    //transmit the file line by line (reads one line)
    //if you get the command to send a new line, go to the next line
    if (next_line) {
        if (fgets(_line_buffer,256,_fp) != NULL) {
    _current_line_length = strlen(_line_buffer);
    pc().printf("line_buffer size: %d %<%s>\r",_current_line_length,_line_buffer);    

void MbedLogger::createDataPacket() {   
    // packet is 7565 0001 FFFF DATA DATA DATA ... CRC1 CRC2
    //CLEAR: Removes all elements from the vector (which are destroyed), leaving the container with a size of 0.
    _data_packet.push_back(117);                             //0x75
    _data_packet.push_back(101);                             //0x65    
    _data_packet.push_back(_packet_number/256);                //current packet number in 0x#### form
    _data_packet.push_back(_packet_number%256);                //current packet number in 0x#### form
    _data_packet.push_back(_total_number_of_packets/256);                //total number of packets, 0x#### form
    _data_packet.push_back(_total_number_of_packets%256);                //total number of packets, 0x#### form

    //DATA FROM LINE READ (read string character by chracter)
    for (int i = 0; i < _current_line_length; i++) {
    //character version of calculation screws up on null character 0x00, scrapped and using vector of integers

    int crc_one = calcCrcOne();
    int crc_two = calcCrcTwo();
    //place the crc bytes into the data packet that is transmitted

//should i save it as a string and transmit the string?  next iteration maybe

void MbedLogger::transmitDataPacket() {
    //WRITE the data (in bytes) to the serial port
    for (_it=_data_packet.begin(); _it < _data_packet.end(); _it++) {
        pc().putc(*_it); //send integers over serial port one byte at a time


void MbedLogger::readTransmitPacketOneChar() {    
    _file_transmission = true;
    _file_transmission_state = 0;
    //first check if you're receiving data, then read four bytes
    static int transmit_state = HEADER_117; //for state machine
    int incoming_byte = -1;
    int requested_packet_number = -1;
    static int inside_while_loop = 1;
    static char input_packet[4];
    static int transmit_crc_one = 0;
    static int transmit_crc_two = 0;
    static int random_packet_counter = 0;
    if (pc().readable()) {          //don't rely on pc readable being open all the time   
        incoming_byte = pc().getc();
        led2() = !led2();

    switch(transmit_state) {
    case (HEADER_117):
        random_packet_counter = 0;
        //pc().printf("SC %x (%d)\n\r", incoming_byte, transmit_state);
        //continue processing
        if (incoming_byte == 30){   //1E
            //pc().printf("byte one \n\r");
            transmit_state = HEADER_101;
            led3() = !led3();
            random_packet_counter = 0;  //successful read
        //end transmission
        else if (incoming_byte == 16) {
            transmit_state = END_TRANSMISSION;
            random_packet_counter = 0;  //successful read
        else {
            transmit_state = HEADER_117;    //go back to checking the first packet
            random_packet_counter++;      //UNSUCCESSFUL READ
            if (random_packet_counter > 10) {
                transmit_state = END_TRANSMISSION;
    case (HEADER_101):
        if(incoming_byte == 31) {   //1F
            //pc().printf("byte two \n\r");
            transmit_state = TRANSMIT_PACKET_1;
            led4() = !led4();
    case (TRANSMIT_PACKET_1):
        if (incoming_byte >= 0) {
            input_packet[0] = 30;
            input_packet[1] = 31;
            input_packet[2] = incoming_byte;
            transmit_state = TRANSMIT_PACKET_2;
            _reply_byte3 = incoming_byte;
            //pc().printf("byte three \n\r");
    case (TRANSMIT_PACKET_2):
        if (incoming_byte >= 0) {                    
            input_packet[3] = incoming_byte;
            _reply_byte4 = incoming_byte;
            //pc().printf("byte four \n\r");
        transmit_state = PACKET_CRC_ONE;
    case (PACKET_CRC_ONE):
        transmit_crc_one = calcCrcOneString(input_packet);
        transmit_state = PACKET_CRC_TWO;
    case (PACKET_CRC_TWO):
        transmit_crc_two = calcCrcTwoString(input_packet);
        transmit_state = HEADER_117;
        requested_packet_number = _reply_byte3 * 256 + _reply_byte4;        //compute the numbers 0 through 65535 with the two bytes
        //pc().printf("req packet number is %d\n\r", requested_packet_number);
        if (requested_packet_number != _previous_reply_byte) {              //CHANGE THE NAME TO SOMETHING NOT BYTE!                                   
            _packet_number = requested_packet_number;
            if (_packet_number <= _total_number_of_packets) {       
            _previous_reply_byte = requested_packet_number;                 //RECORD THIS BYTE to prevent new packets being created
            //pc().printf("DEBUG IF transmitDataPacket\n\r");
            transmitDataPacket();                                           //continuously transmit current packet until it tells you to do the next packet (response from Python program)
        else {
            //inside_while_loopc().printf("DEBUG: TRANSMIT SAME PACKET #%d\n\r", _packet_number);
            //pc().printf("DEBUG ELSE transmitDataPacket\n\r");
        _file_transmission_complete = true;     //this triggers an exit on the state machine
    }   //end of switch statement
    //once you're outside of the while loop
    inside_while_loop = true;   //for next iteration
    /* pc().printf("DEBUG: (readTransmitPacket) Outside of while loop\n\r"); */

int MbedLogger::readTransmitPacket() {      
    _file_transmission = true;
    _file_transmission_state = 0;
    //first check if you're receiving data, then read four bytes
    int transmit_state = 0; //for state machine
    int incoming_byte = -1;
    int requested_packet_number = -1;
    static int inside_while_loop = 1;
    while (inside_while_loop) {         
        if (pc().readable()) {          //don't rely on pc readable being open all the time   
            incoming_byte = pc().getc();
            switch(transmit_state) {
            case (HEADER_117):
                //continue processing
                if (incoming_byte == 117){
                    transmit_state = HEADER_101;
                //end transmission
                else if (incoming_byte == 16) {
                    transmit_state = END_TRANSMISSION;
                else {
                    transmit_state = HEADER_117;
            case (HEADER_101):
                if(incoming_byte == 101) {
                    transmit_state = TRANSMIT_PACKET_1;
            case (TRANSMIT_PACKET_1):
                if (incoming_byte >= 0) {
                    transmit_state = TRANSMIT_PACKET_2;
                    _reply_byte3 = incoming_byte;
            case (TRANSMIT_PACKET_2):
                if (incoming_byte >= 0) {                    
                    _reply_byte4 = incoming_byte;
                requested_packet_number = _reply_byte3 * 256 + _reply_byte4;        //compute the numbers 0 through 65535 with the two bytes
                if (requested_packet_number != _previous_reply_byte) {              //CHANGE THE NAME TO SOMETHING NOT BYTE!                                   
                    //MUST SET THE PACKET NUMBER
                    _packet_number = requested_packet_number;
                    _previous_reply_byte = requested_packet_number;                 //RECORD THIS BYTE to prevent new packets being created
                    transmitDataPacket();                                           //continuously transmit current packet until it tells you to do the next packet (response from Python program)
                else {
                    //inside_while_loopc().printf("DEBUG: TRANSMIT SAME PACKET #%d\n\r", _packet_number);

                inside_while_loop = 0;  //exit the while loop with this
                pc().printf("(TRANSMIT_PACKET_2)reached inside_while_loop = 0\n\r"); //DEBUG
            }   //end of switch statement
        } //end of while loop
//        else {
//            //pc().printf("pc not readable \n\r");
//        }
    //once you're outside of the while loop
    inside_while_loop = true;   //for next iteration
    pc().printf("DEBUG: (readTransmitPacket) Outside of while loop\n\r");
    return false;

void MbedLogger::reOpenLineReader() {      
    //open a new one
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "r");               //open the log file to read
    //check if this actually worked...
    if (!_fp) {
        pc().printf("ERROR: Log file could not be opened\n\r");
    else {
        pc().printf("Current Log file (LOG000.csv) was opened.\n\r");

bool MbedLogger::openLineReader() {  
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "r");               //open the log file to read
    //check if this actually worked...
    if (!_fp) {
        //pc().printf("ERROR: Log file could not be opened\n\r");
        return false;
    else {
        //pc().printf("Current Log file (LOG000.csv) was opened.\n\r");
        return true;

void MbedLogger::readPacketInSeries(){  
    memset(&_line_buffer[0], 0, sizeof(_line_buffer));  //clear buffer each time, start at the address, fill with zeroes, go to the end of the char array
    //pc().printf("readPacketInSeries pointer: %p\n\r", _fp);
    //read the current line in the file 
    fgets(_line_buffer, 256, _fp);        //reads the line of characters until you reach a newline character
    _current_line_length = strlen(_line_buffer);
    //pc().printf("_current_line_length: %D\n\r", _current_line_length);

void MbedLogger::getNumberOfPacketsInCurrentLog() {    
    _file_transmission_complete = false;    //not sure this is working correctly
    _packet_number = 0;

    int ch; 
    _total_number_of_packets = 0;   //clear this each time you read the file
    //if this is null, use the default, else use the new file
    if (_fp == NULL) {
        string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

        _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "r");     //open the log file to read
    else {                              //else, use the file that is already open...
        fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);        // SEEK_SET is the beginning of file
    while (EOF != (ch=getc(_fp))) {
        if ('\n' == ch)
            _total_number_of_packets++;             // records the number of new lines to determine how many packets to send
    pc().printf("There are %d lines/packets in the file.\n\r", _total_number_of_packets);
    //move the FILE pointer back to the start
    fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);        // SEEK_SET is the beginning of file
    _file_transmission = true;  //preparing to transmit files from MBED to Python

void MbedLogger::endTransmissionCloseFile() {
    // if the file pointer is null, the file was not opened in the first place
    if (!_fp) {
            pc().printf("\n endTransmissionCloseFile: FILE WAS NOT OPENED!\n\r");
    else {
        pc().printf("\n endTransmissionCloseFile: FILE FOUND AND CLOSED!\n\r");
    _file_transmission = false;

void MbedLogger::openWriteFile() {
    pc().printf("Opening file for reception.\n\r");
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "w");

// function checks for incoming data (receiver function) from a Python program that transmits a file
bool MbedLogger::checkForIncomingData() {    
    int receive_packet_number;
    int receive_total_number_packets;
    int receive_packet_size;
    bool data_transmission_complete = false;
    int incoming_byte;
    char char_buffer[256] = {};    //create empty buffer
    //starting state
    int process_state = HEADER_117;
    //variables for processing data below
    int checksum_one = -1;
    int checksum_two = -1;
    int calculated_crc_one = -1 ;
    int calculated_crc_two = -1;
    int i = 5;
    int serial_timeout = 0;
    while (pc().readable() && !data_transmission_complete) {                
        incoming_byte = pc().getc();    //getc returns an unsigned char cast to an int
        //pc().printf("DEBUG: State 0\n\r");
        switch(process_state) {
            case HEADER_117:
                //continue processing
                if (incoming_byte == 117){
                    process_state = HEADER_101;
                    //pc().printf("DEBUG: Case 117\n\r");
                //end transmission
                else if (incoming_byte == 16) {
                    process_state = END_TRANSMISSION;
                    pc().printf("DEBUG: State 16 (END_TRANSMISSION)\n\r");
                else {
                    process_state = HEADER_117; // ???
                    //pc().printf("DEBUG: State Header 117\n\r");
            case HEADER_101:
                if(incoming_byte == 101) {
                    process_state = PACKET_NUM;
                    //pc().printf("DEBUG: Case 101\n\r");
            case PACKET_NUM:
                receive_packet_number = incoming_byte;
                process_state = TOTAL_NUM_PACKETS;
                //pc().printf("DEBUG: Case PACKET_NUM\n\r");
            case TOTAL_NUM_PACKETS:
                receive_total_number_packets = incoming_byte;
                process_state = PACKET_SIZE;
                //pc().printf("DEBUG: Case TOTAL_NUM_PACKETS\n\r");
            case PACKET_SIZE:      
                receive_packet_size = incoming_byte;
                //pc().printf("DEBUG: Case PACKET_SIZE\n\r");
                //write the header stuff to it
                char_buffer[0] = 117;
                char_buffer[1] = 101;
                char_buffer[2] = receive_packet_number;
                char_buffer[3] = receive_total_number_packets;
                char_buffer[4] = receive_packet_size;            
                //pc().printf("DEBUG: after header\n\r");
                //char temp_char = NULL;       //TEST IDEA 1/12/2018
                //process packet data
                //pc().printf("DEBUG: receive_packet_size %d\n\r", receive_packet_size);
                //append for larger data sizes, FF FF
                i = 5;
                serial_timeout = 0;
                while (true) {
                    if (pc().readable()) {
                        char_buffer[i] = pc().getc();
                        serial_timeout = 0; //reset the timeout
                        //pc().printf("pc readable?\n\r");
                    else {
                        //pc().printf("serial_timeout %d\n\r", serial_timeout);
                    // FULL PACKET RECEIVED
                    if (i >= receive_packet_size+5) {     //cannot do this properly with a for loop
                        //pc().printf("i is %d\n\r", i);
                        checksum_one = pc().getc();
                        checksum_two = pc().getc();
                        calculated_crc_one = calcCrcOneString(char_buffer);
                        calculated_crc_two = calcCrcTwoString(char_buffer);
                        //if both checksums work...                        
                        if ((calculated_crc_one == checksum_one) and (calculated_crc_two == checksum_two)) {                            
                            //print a subset of the character array by starting at 5 (after header)
                            fprintf(_fp, "%s", char_buffer+5);
                            _confirmed_packet_number = receive_packet_number;
                        process_state = HEADER_117;
                    if (serial_timeout >= 10000) {
                        //pc().printf("break serial_timeout %d\n\r", serial_timeout);
            case END_TRANSMISSION:
                if (pc().getc() == 16) {
                    pc().printf("TROY, you're here. 1. \n\r");
                    if (pc().getc() == 16) {
                        pc().printf("TROY, you're here. 2. \n\r");
                pc().printf("TROY, you're here. 5. \n\r");
                //process_state = HEADER_117; //don't do this unless the check is wrong
                pc().printf("END_TRANSMISSION process_state is %d\n\r", process_state);        //should be 5 (debug) 02/06/2018
                data_transmission_complete = true;
        }//END OF SWITCH
        if (data_transmission_complete) {
            pc().printf("if statement data_transmission_complete ??? \n\r");
            break;  //out of while loop
    } // while loop
    //pc().printf("checkForIncomingData done???\n\r");  //debug
    if (data_transmission_complete)
        return false;   //tell state machine class that this is done (not transmitting, false)
    else {
        return true;

int MbedLogger::sendReply() {
    //being explicit in what's being transmitted
    //change this method to be more explicit later
    //integer vector _data_packet is used here, cleared fist just in case
    _data_packet.clear();   //same data packet for transmission
    //_confirmed_packet_number comes from the packet number that is sent from the Python program
    _data_packet.push_back(_confirmed_packet_number / 256);    //packet number only changed when confirmed
    _data_packet.push_back(_confirmed_packet_number % 256);     //split into first and second byte
    //compute checksums
    int receiver_crc_one = calcCrcOne();
    int receiver_crc_two = calcCrcTwo();
    //transmit this packet
    for (_it=_data_packet.begin(); _it < _data_packet.end(); _it++) {
        pc().putc(*_it); //send integers over serial port one byte at a time
    //change process methodology later...
    return _confirmed_packet_number;

//void MbedLogger::sendReplyPacketNumber(int packet_number) {
//    //being explicit in what's being transmitted
//    pc().putc(117);
//    pc().putc(101);
//    pc().putc(packet_number / 256);     //this removes the trailing byte
//    pc().putc(packet_number % 256);     //remainder gives you second byte (removes first byte)
//    pc().putc(packet_number);
//    //not sure a checksum is needed here, I'll test behavior
//    //example is a reply of 75 65 03 03 03  (telling Python program you received packet # 3)

//DLE character * 4 ==> 10 10 10 10
void MbedLogger::endReceiveData() {            
    closeLogFile();         //close the file here
    pc().printf("endReceiveData closed the file and ended transmission\n\r");

int MbedLogger::calcCrcOne() {
    //can't initialize the table in the constructor in c++
    int crc_table [256] = {0, 49345, 49537, 320, 49921, 960, 640, 49729, 50689, 1728, 1920, 51009, 1280, 50625, 50305,  1088, 52225,  3264,  3456, 52545,  3840, 53185, 52865,  3648,  2560, 51905, 52097,  2880, 51457,  2496,  2176, 51265, 55297,  6336,  6528, 55617,  6912, 56257, 55937,  6720,  7680, 57025, 57217,  8000, 56577,  7616,  7296, 56385,  5120, 54465, 54657,  5440, 55041,  6080,  5760, 54849, 53761,  4800,  4992, 54081,  4352, 53697, 53377,  4160, 61441, 12480, 12672, 61761, 13056, 62401, 62081, 12864, 13824, 63169, 63361, 14144, 62721, 13760, 13440, 62529, 15360, 64705, 64897, 15680, 65281, 16320, 16000, 65089, 64001, 15040, 15232, 64321, 14592, 63937, 63617, 14400, 10240, 59585, 59777, 10560, 60161, 11200, 10880, 59969, 60929, 11968, 12160, 61249, 11520, 60865, 60545, 11328, 58369,  9408,  9600, 58689,  9984, 59329, 59009,  9792,  8704, 58049, 58241,  9024, 57601,  8640,  8320, 57409, 40961, 24768, 24960, 41281, 25344, 41921, 41601, 25152, 26112, 42689, 42881, 26432, 42241, 26048, 25728, 42049, 27648, 44225, 44417, 27968, 44801, 28608, 28288, 44609, 43521, 27328, 27520, 43841, 26880, 43457, 43137, 26688, 30720, 47297, 47489, 31040, 47873, 31680, 31360, 47681, 48641, 32448, 32640, 48961, 32000, 48577, 48257, 31808, 46081, 29888, 30080, 46401, 30464, 47041, 46721, 30272, 29184, 45761, 45953, 29504, 45313, 29120, 28800, 45121, 20480, 37057, 37249, 20800, 37633, 21440, 21120, 37441, 38401, 22208, 22400, 38721, 21760, 38337, 38017, 21568, 39937, 23744, 23936, 40257, 24320, 40897, 40577, 24128, 23040, 39617, 39809, 23360, 39169, 22976, 22656, 38977, 34817, 18624, 18816, 35137, 19200, 35777, 35457, 19008, 19968, 36545, 36737, 20288, 36097, 19904, 19584, 35905, 17408, 33985, 34177, 17728, 34561, 18368, 18048, 34369, 33281, 17088, 17280, 33601, 16640, 33217, 32897, 16448};
    int crc = 0;
    for (_it=_data_packet.begin(); _it < _data_packet.end(); _it++)
        crc = (crc_table[(*_it ^ crc) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)) & 0xFFFF;

    return crc / 256; //second-to-last byte

int MbedLogger::calcCrcTwo() {
    int crc_table [256] = {0, 49345, 49537, 320, 49921, 960, 640, 49729, 50689, 1728, 1920, 51009, 1280, 50625, 50305,  1088, 52225,  3264,  3456, 52545,  3840, 53185, 52865,  3648,  2560, 51905, 52097,  2880, 51457,  2496,  2176, 51265, 55297,  6336,  6528, 55617,  6912, 56257, 55937,  6720,  7680, 57025, 57217,  8000, 56577,  7616,  7296, 56385,  5120, 54465, 54657,  5440, 55041,  6080,  5760, 54849, 53761,  4800,  4992, 54081,  4352, 53697, 53377,  4160, 61441, 12480, 12672, 61761, 13056, 62401, 62081, 12864, 13824, 63169, 63361, 14144, 62721, 13760, 13440, 62529, 15360, 64705, 64897, 15680, 65281, 16320, 16000, 65089, 64001, 15040, 15232, 64321, 14592, 63937, 63617, 14400, 10240, 59585, 59777, 10560, 60161, 11200, 10880, 59969, 60929, 11968, 12160, 61249, 11520, 60865, 60545, 11328, 58369,  9408,  9600, 58689,  9984, 59329, 59009,  9792,  8704, 58049, 58241,  9024, 57601,  8640,  8320, 57409, 40961, 24768, 24960, 41281, 25344, 41921, 41601, 25152, 26112, 42689, 42881, 26432, 42241, 26048, 25728, 42049, 27648, 44225, 44417, 27968, 44801, 28608, 28288, 44609, 43521, 27328, 27520, 43841, 26880, 43457, 43137, 26688, 30720, 47297, 47489, 31040, 47873, 31680, 31360, 47681, 48641, 32448, 32640, 48961, 32000, 48577, 48257, 31808, 46081, 29888, 30080, 46401, 30464, 47041, 46721, 30272, 29184, 45761, 45953, 29504, 45313, 29120, 28800, 45121, 20480, 37057, 37249, 20800, 37633, 21440, 21120, 37441, 38401, 22208, 22400, 38721, 21760, 38337, 38017, 21568, 39937, 23744, 23936, 40257, 24320, 40897, 40577, 24128, 23040, 39617, 39809, 23360, 39169, 22976, 22656, 38977, 34817, 18624, 18816, 35137, 19200, 35777, 35457, 19008, 19968, 36545, 36737, 20288, 36097, 19904, 19584, 35905, 17408, 33985, 34177, 17728, 34561, 18368, 18048, 34369, 33281, 17088, 17280, 33601, 16640, 33217, 32897, 16448};
    int crc = 0;
    for (_it=_data_packet.begin(); _it < _data_packet.end(); _it++)
        crc = (crc_table[(*_it ^ crc) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)) & 0xFFFF;
    //pc().printf("DEBUG: calcCrcTwo string length: %d crc: %d\n\r", input_array.length(), crc % 256);

    return crc % 256; //last byte

void MbedLogger::resetReplyPacket() {
    _confirmed_packet_number = 0;

void MbedLogger::openNewMissionFile() {
    pc().printf("Opening Mission file (sequence.txt) for reception.\n\r");
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "sequence.txt";
    pc().printf("openNewMissionFile: %s\n\r", file_name_string.c_str());

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "w");

void MbedLogger::setDataCounter(int input_counter) {
    _transmit_counter = input_counter;

void MbedLogger::closeIncompleteFile() {
    fprintf(_fp, "TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED!"); //write this warning to the file
    closeLogFile();    //close file

void MbedLogger::appendLogFile(int current_state, int option) {
    //option one means write to file
    if (option == 1) {
        if (!_fp) {     //if not present
            _fp = fopen(_full_file_path_string.c_str(), "a");
        //record data using the recordData function (takes in the state integer)
    else {

// initialize and close the file
// log file freezes at 0x0000006c
void MbedLogger::initializeLogFile() {
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";
    pc().printf("%s file system init\n\r", _file_system_string.c_str());
    //try to open this file...
    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "r");
    //if the file is empty, create this.
    if (!_fp) {
        _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "w");     //write,print,close
        fprintf(_fp,"state_string,state_ID,timer,depth_cmd,depth_ft,pitch_cmd,pitch_deg,bce_cmd,bce_mm,batt_cmd,batt_mm,pitchRate_degs,depthRate_fps\nempty log file!\n");
        closeLogFile();   //close the opened read file

int MbedLogger::fileTransmitState() {
    return _file_transmission_state;

int MbedLogger::calcCrcOneString (string input_string) {    
    int crc_table [256] = {0, 49345, 49537, 320, 49921, 960, 640, 49729, 50689, 1728, 1920, 51009, 1280, 50625, 50305,  1088, 52225,  3264,  3456, 52545,  3840, 53185, 52865,  3648,  2560, 51905, 52097,  2880, 51457,  2496,  2176, 51265, 55297,  6336,  6528, 55617,  6912, 56257, 55937,  6720,  7680, 57025, 57217,  8000, 56577,  7616,  7296, 56385,  5120, 54465, 54657,  5440, 55041,  6080,  5760, 54849, 53761,  4800,  4992, 54081,  4352, 53697, 53377,  4160, 61441, 12480, 12672, 61761, 13056, 62401, 62081, 12864, 13824, 63169, 63361, 14144, 62721, 13760, 13440, 62529, 15360, 64705, 64897, 15680, 65281, 16320, 16000, 65089, 64001, 15040, 15232, 64321, 14592, 63937, 63617, 14400, 10240, 59585, 59777, 10560, 60161, 11200, 10880, 59969, 60929, 11968, 12160, 61249, 11520, 60865, 60545, 11328, 58369,  9408,  9600, 58689,  9984, 59329, 59009,  9792,  8704, 58049, 58241,  9024, 57601,  8640,  8320, 57409, 40961, 24768, 24960, 41281, 25344, 41921, 41601, 25152, 26112, 42689, 42881, 26432, 42241, 26048, 25728, 42049, 27648, 44225, 44417, 27968, 44801, 28608, 28288, 44609, 43521, 27328, 27520, 43841, 26880, 43457, 43137, 26688, 30720, 47297, 47489, 31040, 47873, 31680, 31360, 47681, 48641, 32448, 32640, 48961, 32000, 48577, 48257, 31808, 46081, 29888, 30080, 46401, 30464, 47041, 46721, 30272, 29184, 45761, 45953, 29504, 45313, 29120, 28800, 45121, 20480, 37057, 37249, 20800, 37633, 21440, 21120, 37441, 38401, 22208, 22400, 38721, 21760, 38337, 38017, 21568, 39937, 23744, 23936, 40257, 24320, 40897, 40577, 24128, 23040, 39617, 39809, 23360, 39169, 22976, 22656, 38977, 34817, 18624, 18816, 35137, 19200, 35777, 35457, 19008, 19968, 36545, 36737, 20288, 36097, 19904, 19584, 35905, 17408, 33985, 34177, 17728, 34561, 18368, 18048, 34369, 33281, 17088, 17280, 33601, 16640, 33217, 32897, 16448};
    int crc = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_string.length(); i++) {
        //convert each character to an integer
        int character_to_integer = input_string[i]; //correct

        crc = (crc_table[(character_to_integer ^ crc) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)) & 0xFFFF;
    //pc().printf("DEBUG: calcCrcOne string length: %d crc: %d\n\r", input_string.length(), crc/256);

    return crc / 256; //second-to-last byte

int MbedLogger::calcCrcTwoString (string input_string) {
    int crc_table [256] = {0, 49345, 49537, 320, 49921, 960, 640, 49729, 50689, 1728, 1920, 51009, 1280, 50625, 50305,  1088, 52225,  3264,  3456, 52545,  3840, 53185, 52865,  3648,  2560, 51905, 52097,  2880, 51457,  2496,  2176, 51265, 55297,  6336,  6528, 55617,  6912, 56257, 55937,  6720,  7680, 57025, 57217,  8000, 56577,  7616,  7296, 56385,  5120, 54465, 54657,  5440, 55041,  6080,  5760, 54849, 53761,  4800,  4992, 54081,  4352, 53697, 53377,  4160, 61441, 12480, 12672, 61761, 13056, 62401, 62081, 12864, 13824, 63169, 63361, 14144, 62721, 13760, 13440, 62529, 15360, 64705, 64897, 15680, 65281, 16320, 16000, 65089, 64001, 15040, 15232, 64321, 14592, 63937, 63617, 14400, 10240, 59585, 59777, 10560, 60161, 11200, 10880, 59969, 60929, 11968, 12160, 61249, 11520, 60865, 60545, 11328, 58369,  9408,  9600, 58689,  9984, 59329, 59009,  9792,  8704, 58049, 58241,  9024, 57601,  8640,  8320, 57409, 40961, 24768, 24960, 41281, 25344, 41921, 41601, 25152, 26112, 42689, 42881, 26432, 42241, 26048, 25728, 42049, 27648, 44225, 44417, 27968, 44801, 28608, 28288, 44609, 43521, 27328, 27520, 43841, 26880, 43457, 43137, 26688, 30720, 47297, 47489, 31040, 47873, 31680, 31360, 47681, 48641, 32448, 32640, 48961, 32000, 48577, 48257, 31808, 46081, 29888, 30080, 46401, 30464, 47041, 46721, 30272, 29184, 45761, 45953, 29504, 45313, 29120, 28800, 45121, 20480, 37057, 37249, 20800, 37633, 21440, 21120, 37441, 38401, 22208, 22400, 38721, 21760, 38337, 38017, 21568, 39937, 23744, 23936, 40257, 24320, 40897, 40577, 24128, 23040, 39617, 39809, 23360, 39169, 22976, 22656, 38977, 34817, 18624, 18816, 35137, 19200, 35777, 35457, 19008, 19968, 36545, 36737, 20288, 36097, 19904, 19584, 35905, 17408, 33985, 34177, 17728, 34561, 18368, 18048, 34369, 33281, 17088, 17280, 33601, 16640, 33217, 32897, 16448};
    int crc = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_string.length(); i++) {
        //convert each character to an integer
        int character_to_integer = input_string[i]; //correct

        crc = (crc_table[(character_to_integer ^ crc) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)) & 0xFFFF;
    //pc().printf("DEBUG: calcCrcTwo string length: %d crc: %d\n\r", input_string.length(), crc % 256);

    return crc % 256; //last byte

int MbedLogger::testGetFileSize() {    
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "rb");     //open the file for reading as a binary file
    fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_END);                     //SEEK_END is a constant in cstdio (end of the file)    
    unsigned int file_size = ftell(_fp);        //For binary streams, this is the number of bytes from the beginning of the file.
    fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);                    //SEEK_SET is hte beginning of the file, not sure this is necessary
    closeLogFile();                                //can probably just close the file pointer and not worry about position
    pc().printf("(%s) LOG000.csv file size is %d\n\r", _file_system_string.c_str(), file_size);
    if (file_size == 0)
        createEmptyLog();   //this is not actually a completely empty log

    return file_size;

void MbedLogger::createEmptyLog() {    
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "LOG000.csv";

    _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "w");
    fprintf(_fp, "EMPTY LOG\n");              //just write this string to the log (processing needs a file size that is not zero)

int MbedLogger::getFileSize(string filename) {    
    // fixed the const char * errror:
    const char * char_filename = filename.c_str();  // Returns a pointer to an array that contains a null-terminated sequence of characters (i.e., a C-string) representing the current value of the string object.
    _fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");     //open the file for reading as a binary file
    fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_END);                     //SEEK_END is a constant in cstdio (end of the file)    
    unsigned int file_size = ftell(_fp);        //For binary streams, this is the number of bytes from the beginning of the file.
    fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);                    //SEEK_SET is hte beginning of the file, not sure this is necessary
    closeLogFile();                                //can probably just close the file pointer and not worry about position
    pc().printf("%s file size is %d\n\r", filename.c_str(), file_size);

    return file_size;

int MbedLogger::debugFileState() {
    pc().printf("What is _fp right now? %p\n\r", _fp);  //pointer notation
    if (_fp)
        return 1;   //file pointer does exist
        return 0;   //file pointer does not exist

void MbedLogger::activateTransmitPacket() {
    _mbed_transmit_loop = true;

void MbedLogger::transmitDataWithTicker() {
    //activate ticker
    _mbed_transmit_ticker.attach(callback(this, &MbedLogger::activateTransmitPacket), 0.1); // 10 hz ticker
    int transmit_data_counter = 0;  //used for timeout
    //transmit data with ticker until complete or times out
    while(1) {        
        //runs at 10 hz with ticker
        if (_mbed_transmit_loop) {
            led4() = !led4();   //flash LED 4
           // transmit_data_counter = checkForTransmitPacket();            // run this until it finishes (function returns an integer)
            _mbed_transmit_loop = false;                                // wait until the loop rate timer fires again (TICKER)

            if (transmit_data_counter >= 20) {      //was 50
                _file_transmission = false;         //file transmission complete

            if (!_file_transmission) {
                pc().printf("\n\r(_file_transmission == false) Stopped transmitting?\n\r");
                setDataCounter(0);  //reset the counter in the mbed logger
                break;                                          //break out of the while loop when transmission over
    }   //end of while loop

void MbedLogger::specifyFileForTransmit(string input_string) { 
    string file_string = _file_system_string + input_string;
    pc().printf("file_string is <%s>\n\r", file_string.c_str());
    //open this file to read
    _fp = fopen(file_string.c_str(), "r");
    //transmit that file
    _file_transmission = true;

void MbedLogger::transmitFileFromDirectory( int file_number ) {
    file_number = file_number + 1;  //to get the correct number
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent   *dp;        //dirent.h is the format of directory entries
    int log_found =0, loop=1;    //start file numbers at 1
    long int temp=0;
//    char * char_pointer;
//    char * numstart, *numstop;
    if ( NULL == (dir   = opendir( _file_system_string.c_str() )) ) {
        pc().printf("MBED directory could not be opened\r\n");
        while ( NULL != (dp    = readdir( dir )) )
            pc().printf( "%d. %s (log file: %d, %d)\r\n", loop, dp->d_name,log_found,temp); 
            //process current file if it matches the file number
            if (file_number == loop) {
                char * current_file_name = dp->d_name;  //pointer to this char array

void MbedLogger::accessMbedDirectory() {
    pc().printf("Type in the number of the file you want to transmit.\n\r");
    char message[42];
    pc().scanf("%41s", message);
    pc().printf("Input received!\n\r");
    //check if char array is an integer
    char* conversion_pointer;
    long converted = strtol(message, &conversion_pointer, 10);
    if (*conversion_pointer) {
        //conversion failed because the input was not a number
        pc().printf("NOT A VALID FILE NUMBER!\n\r");
    else {
        //conversion worked!
        pc().printf("You chose file number: %d\n\r", converted);
        // transmit the file

void MbedLogger::closeLogFile() {
    if (_fp == NULL){
        pc().printf("MbedLogger: (%s) LOG FILE WAS ALREADY CLOSED!\n\r", _file_system_string.c_str());
    else {
        pc().printf("MbedLogger: (%s) CLOSING LOG FILE!\n\r", _file_system_string.c_str());
        //close file
        _fp = NULL;     //set pointer to zero

void MbedLogger::closeSDLogFile() {
    if (_fp == NULL){
        pc().printf("MbedLogger: (%s) SD LOG FILE WAS ALREADY CLOSED!\n\r", _SD_file_name_string.c_str());
    else {
        pc().printf("MbedLogger: (%s) CLOSING SD LOG FILE!\n\r", _SD_file_name_string.c_str());
        //close file
        _fp = NULL;     //set pointer to zero

void MbedLogger::activateReceivePacket() {
    _mbed_receive_loop = true;

void MbedLogger::receiveMissionDataWithTicker() {    
    openNewMissionFile();      //sequence.txt file opened

    _mbed_receive_ticker.attach(callback(this, &MbedLogger::activateReceivePacket), 0.1);
    pc().printf("\n\r02/09/2018 MbedLogger receiveMissionData Beginning to receive sequence data...\n\r");
    resetReplyPacket();    //reset the reply packet
    //idea for stopping this if data not being received
    int current_packet_number = 0;
    int last_packet_number = -1;
    int break_transmission = 0;
    while(1) {
        //runs at 10 hz
        if (_mbed_receive_loop) {          
            if (!checkForIncomingData()) {            // run this until it finishes
                //when you complete data reception, this will become false
                pc().printf("\n\rMbedLogger: Data RECEPTION complete.\n\r");    
            else {                
                //check if you keep getting the same thing                
                current_packet_number = sendReply();
                //pc().printf("DEBUG: current packet number %d (last packet number %d) \n\r", current_packet_number, last_packet_number); //debug
                //let this count up a few times before it exits
                if (current_packet_number == last_packet_number) {
                    //break transmission after 50 failed attempts (was 100)
                    if (break_transmission >= 50) {
                        closeIncompleteFile();           //close the file 
                        pc().printf("MbedLogger: TRANSMISSION INTERRUPTED!\n\r");
                    last_packet_number = current_packet_number;
            _mbed_receive_loop = false;                         // wait until the loop rate timer fires again

int MbedLogger::getFilePointerState() {
    if (_fp)
        return 1;   //file is not null (has an address), open
        return 0;   //file is null, closed

void MbedLogger::testToggleFilePointer() {
    string file_name_string = _file_system_string + "example99.txt";
    if (_fp)
        _fp = NULL;
        _fp = fopen(file_name_string.c_str(), "w");

int MbedLogger::getNumberOfPackets() {
    return _total_number_of_packets;

bool MbedLogger::isTransmissionComplete() {
    return _file_transmission_complete;

int MbedLogger::currentPacketNumber() {
    return _packet_number;