
Dependents of mtsas

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Example program demonstrating use of HTTP or HTTPS protocol over a cellular connection with using the MTSAS library. (Demonstrates GET,POST,basic-auth) Cellular, http, https, MTSAS
Simple example program to demonstrate and test cellular connection using the MTSAS library (over PPP protocol) Cellular, MTSAS
Example program demonstrating sending and reading SMS messages from the cellular modem using the MTSAS library. Cellular, MTSAS, SMS
Example program for MultiTech Dragonfly using ST MEMs sensor shield, Grove moisture sensor, and Grove button. at&t, Dragonfly, hackathon, multitech
Example program for MultiTech Dragonfly using Grove moisture sensor and Grove button. Dragonfly, multitech
Initial attempt to get ST MEMS working on the device.
Latest mbed source and updated location for mtsas library. 2015-10-19
Dragonfly to Grove Moisture Sensor using the a/d converter Latest mbed source and updated location for mtsas library. 2015-10-19
Does HTTP GET and POST requests using the onboard cellular radio. Cellular, Dragonfly, http, multitech
Does HTTPS GET and POST requests using the onboard cellular radio. Cellular, Dragonfly, https, multitech
Ping a server using the onboard cellular radio. Cellular, Dragonfly, multitech, PING
Send and receive SMS messages using the onboard cellular radio. Cellular, Dragonfly, multitech, SMS
Example program demonstrating proper powering down of Telit radio and putting the processor into STOP mode. Dragonfly, low power, multitech
Exosite Collaberation ALS int .
Rev 1.0 4/26/2016 Paul Jaeger - Multitech, Brian Huey - Sprint Changed post interval to 2000ms added temp, analoguv and pressure to http post added alias: TEMP ANALOG-UV PRESSURE concatenated … Dragonfly, exosite
Initial Program for MultiTech Dragonfly to communicate to PTC ThingWorx. Sensors are from Rohm version1
Avnet FAE Training class using Dragonfly, Aeris SIM, Exostie Cloud, Rohm Sensor board
MultiTech Dragonfly with ROHM Sensor board sending data to IBM BlueMix Quickstart
Dragonfly Class in Dallas 12/11/2015. Rohm Sensor board AT&T SIM
MultiTech Dragonfly sending SMS sensor data from Freescale (NXP) MEMs board to cell phone