Bleeding edge development version of the xDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is not guaranteed to be stable or well tested and should not be used in production or deployment scenarios.

Dependents:   Dot-Examples Dot-AT-Firmware Dot-Examples TEST_FF1705 ... more

The Dot library provides a LoRaWan certified stack for LoRa communication using MultiTech mDot and xDot devices. The stack is compatible with mbed 5.

Dot Library Version 3 Updates

Dot Library versions 3.x.x require a channel plan to be injected into the stack. Channel plans are included with the 3.x.x Dot Library releases. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a channel plan and inject it into the stack.

#include "mDot.h"
#include "channel_plans.h"

int main() {
    ChannelPlan* plan = new lora::ChannelPlan_US915();
    mDot* dot = mDot::getInstance(plan);

    // ...

Dot devices must not be deployed with software using a different channel plan than the Dot's default plan! This functionality is for development and testing only!

Multicast Sessions

Multicast sessions and packet rx events in library. When in Class C mode Multicast downlinks can be received. Recieved packets should be filtered on address, counter value will be maintained in the session or can be set explicitly depending on Application support to share Multicast Address, Keys and Counters.


         * Add a multicast session address and keys
         * Downlink counter is set to 0
         * Up to 3 MULTICAST_SESSIONS can be set
        int32_t setMulticastSession(uint8_t index, uint32_t addr, const uint8_t* nsk, const uint8_t* dsk);
         * Set a multicast session counter
         * Up to 3 MULTICAST_SESSIONS can be set
        int32_t setMulticastDownlinkCounter(uint8_t index, uint32_t count);


The address field was added to PacketRx event.

        virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries, uint32_t address);

The name of the repository can be used to determine which device the stack was compiled for and if it's a development or production-ready build:

A changelog for the Dot library can be found here.

The Dot library version and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against can both be found in the commit message for that revision of the Dot library. Building your application with the same version of mbed-os as what was used to build the Dot library is highly recommended!

The Dot-Examples repository demonstrates how to use the Dot library in a custom application.

The mDot and xDot platform pages have lots of platform specific information and document potential issues, gotchas, etc, and provide instructions for getting started with development. Please take a look at the platform page before starting development as they should answer many questions you will have.



File content as of revision 80:836b6fd44f48:

/**   __  ___     ____  _    ______        __     ____         __                  ____
 *   /  |/  /_ __/ / /_(_)__/_  __/__ ____/ /    / __/_ _____ / /____ __ _  ___   /  _/__  ____
 *  / /|_/ / // / / __/ /___// / / -_) __/ _ \  _\ \/ // (_-</ __/ -_)  ' \(_-<  _/ // _ \/ __/ __
 * /_/  /_/\_,_/_/\__/_/    /_/  \__/\__/_//_/ /___/\_, /___/\__/\__/_/_/_/___/ /___/_//_/\__/ /_/
 * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems        /___/
 * @author Jason Reiss
 * @date   10-31-2015
 * @brief  lora::Mote provides a user level class that abstracts the complexity of the Mac layer
 * @details

#ifndef __LORA_MOTE_H__
#define __LORA_MOTE_H__

#include "rtos.h"
#include "MacEvents.h"
#include <vector>

class SxRadio;
class SxRadio1272;

namespace lora {

    class Mac;
    class ChannelPlan;

    class MoteEvents: public MacEvents {

             * Fired at start of TX
            virtual void TxStart(void);

             * Fired at end of TX
             * @param dr datarate used for TX
            virtual void TxDone(uint8_t dr);

             * Fired if TX timed out
            virtual void TxTimeout(void);

             * Fired when JoinAccept message is received and MIC is validated
             * @param payload received bytes
             * @param size number of received bytes
             * @param rssi of received packet
             * @param snr of received packet
            virtual void JoinAccept(uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr);

             * Fired when JoinAccept message is received and MIC is not valid
             * @param payload received bytes
             * @param size number of received bytes
             * @param rssi of received packet
             * @param snr of received packet
            virtual void JoinFailed(uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr);

             * Fired when non duplicate packet is received and MIC is valid
             * @param port of packet
             * @param payload received bytes
             * @param size number of received bytes
             * @param rssi of received packet
             * @param snr of received packet
             * @param ctrl Downlink control field of packet
             * @param slot rx window packet was received
             * @param retries number of attempts before ack was received
            virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries = 0, uint32_t address = 0);

             * Fired when radio has received a packet, packet is not validated
             * @param payload received bytes
             * @param size number of received bytes
             * @param rssi of received packet
             * @param snr of received packet
             * @param ctrl Downlink control field of packet
             * @param slot rx window packet was received
            virtual void RxDone(uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot);

             * Fired if rx window times out
             * @param slot rx window that timed out
            virtual void RxTimeout(uint8_t slot);

             * Fired if rx CRC error
             * @param slot rx window that errored
            virtual void RxError(uint8_t slot);

             * Fired if pong packet is received
             * @param m_rssi of received packet at mote
             * @param m_snr of received packet at mote
             * @param s_rssi of received packet at server
             * @param s_snr of received packet at server
            virtual void Pong(int16_t m_rssi, int8_t m_snr, int16_t s_rssi, int8_t s_snr);

             * Fired if network link check answer is received
             * @param m_rssi of received packet at mote
             * @param m_snr of received packet at mote
             * @param s_snr margin of received packet at server
             * @param s_gateways number of gateways reporting the packet
            virtual void NetworkLinkCheck(int16_t m_rssi, int8_t m_snr, int8_t s_snr, uint8_t s_gateways);

             * Callback to for device to measure the battery level and report to server
             * @return battery level 0-255, 0 - external power, 1-254 level min-max, 255 device unable to measure battery
            virtual uint8_t MeasureBattery();

             * Fired when ack attempts are exhausted and RxTimeout or RxError occur
             * @param retries number of attempts to resend the packet
            virtual void MissedAck(uint8_t retries);

    class Mote {
            Mote(Settings* settings, ChannelPlan* plan);
            virtual ~Mote();

             * MTS LoRa version
             * @return string containing version information
            const char* getId();

             * Indicator for network session join status
             * @return true if joined to network
            bool Joined();

             * Send join request
             * @return LORA_OK if request was sent
            uint8_t Join();

             * Send a packet
             * @param port to send packet
             * @param payload of packet
             * @param size in bytes
             * @return LORA_OK if successful
             * @return LORA_MAX_PAYLOAD_EXCEEDED if payload size exceeds datarate maximum
             * @return LORA_NO_CHANS_ENABLED if there is not an available channel that supports the current datarate
             * @return LORA_LINK_BUSY if link was busy
             * @return LORA_RADIO_BUSY if radio was busy
             * @return LORA_BUFFER_FULL if mac commands filled the packet, client should resend the packet
            uint8_t Send(uint8_t port, const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size);

             * Configure the channel plan
             * @param plan pointer to ChannelPlan object
             * @return LORA_OK
            uint8_t SetChannelPlan(ChannelPlan* plan);

            Settings* GetSettings();

             * Get the channel mask of currently enabled channels
             * @return vector containing channel bit masks
            std::vector<uint16_t> GetChannelMask();

             * Set a 16 bit channel mask with index
             * @param index of mask to set 0:0-15, 1:16-31 ...
             * @param mask 16 bit mask of enabled channels
             * @return true
            virtual uint8_t SetChannelMask(uint8_t index, uint16_t mask);

             * Set the current frequency sub band for hybrid operation 1-8 else 0 for 64 channel operation
             * @param sub_band 0-8
            uint8_t SetFrequencySubBand(uint8_t sub_band);

             * Get the current frequency sub band
             * @return sub band 0-8
            uint8_t GetFrequencySubBand();

             * Add a channel to the channel plan
             * EU868, AS923 and KR920 allows additional channels to be added
             * Channels 0-2 are fixed default channels
             * @param index of the channel
             * @param frequency of the channel or 0 to remove channel
             * @param range of datarates allowed by the channel
             * @return LORA_OK if channel was added
            uint8_t AddChannel(uint8_t index, uint32_t frequency, lora::DatarateRange range);

             * Add a downlink channel to the channel plan
             * EU868, AS923 and KR920 allows downlink channels to be added
             * @param index of the channel
             * @param frequency of the channel or 0 to remove channel
             * @return LORA_OK if channel was added
            uint8_t AddDownlinkChannel(uint8_t index, uint32_t frequency);

             * Set network mode
             * Choose Public LoRaWAN mode or Private Multitech mode
             * Public mode uses 0x34 sync word with 5/6 second join windows
             * Private mode uses 0x12 sync word with 1/2 second join windows
             *  US915/AU915 Rx1 and Rx2 are fixed per frequency sub band setting
             * @param mode public or private
             * @return LORA_OK
            uint8_t SetNetworkMode(uint8_t mode);

             * Get a pointer to the mac layer
             * @return Mac mac
            Mac* GetMac();

             * Get a pointer to the radio
             * Can be used to read radio registers or get a random value based on RSSI
             * @return SxRadio pointer
            SxRadio* GetRadio();

             * Get the current statistics for the device
             * @return Statistics
            Statistics& GetStats();

             * Reset the current statistics for the device
            void ResetStats();

             * Get time on air with current settings for provided payload bytes
             * 13 overhead bytes will be added to payload
             * @param bytes of payload data
             * @return time-on-air in ms
            uint32_t GetTimeOnAir(uint8_t bytes);

             * Get time off air required to adhere to duty-cycle limitations
             * @return time-off-air in ms
            uint32_t GetTimeOffAir();

             * Call before setting device in sleep mode to place radio in sleep
            void Sleep();

            SxRadio1272* _radio;
            Settings* _settings;
            Mac* _mac;

            ChannelPlan* _plan;
            MoteEvents _events;
