Library for LoRa communication using MultiTech MDOT.

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00001 // TODO: add license header
00003 #ifndef MDOT_H
00004 #define MDOT_H
00006 #include "mbed.h"
00007 #include "rtos.h"
00008 #include <vector>
00009 #include <map>
00010 #include <string>
00012 class mDotEvent;
00013 class LoRaMacEvent ;
00014 class LoRaConfig;
00015 class LoRaMac;
00016 class MdotRadio;
00018 class mDot {
00020     private:
00022         mDot();
00023         ~mDot();
00025         static void idle(void const* args) {
00026             while (1)
00027                 __WFI();
00028         }
00030         void setLastError(const std::string& str);
00032         static bool validateBaudRate(const uint32_t& baud);
00033         static bool validateFrequencySubBand(const uint8_t& band);
00034         bool validateDataRate(const uint8_t& dr);
00036         int32_t joinBase(const uint32_t& retries);
00037         int32_t sendBase(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, const bool& confirmed = false, const bool& blocking = true, const bool& highBw = false);
00038         void waitForPacket();
00039         void waitForLinkCheck();
00041         void setActivityLedState(const uint8_t& state);
00042         uint8_t getActivityLedState();
00044         void blinkActivityLed(void) {
00045             if (_activity_led) {
00046                 int val = _activity_led->read();
00047                 _activity_led->write(!val);
00048             }
00049         }
00051         mDot(const mDot&);
00052         mDot& operator=(const mDot&);
00054         uint32_t RTC_ReadBackupRegister(uint32_t RTC_BKP_DR);
00055         void RTC_WriteBackupRegister(uint32_t RTC_BKP_DR, uint32_t Data);
00057         void wakeup();
00059         void enterStopMode(const uint32_t& interval, const uint8_t& wakeup_mode = RTC_ALARM);
00060         void enterStandbyMode(const uint32_t& interval, const uint8_t& wakeup_mode = RTC_ALARM);
00062         static mDot* _instance;
00064         LoRaMac* _mac;
00065         MdotRadio* _radio;
00066         LoRaMacEvent * _events;
00067         LoRaConfig* _config;
00068         Thread _idle_thread;
00069         std::string _last_error;
00070         static const uint32_t _baud_rates[];
00071         uint8_t _activity_led_state;
00072         Ticker _tick;
00073         DigitalOut* _activity_led;
00074         bool _activity_led_enable;
00075         PinName _activity_led_pin;
00076         bool _activity_led_external;
00077         uint8_t _linkFailCount;
00078         uint8_t _class;
00079         InterruptIn* _wakeup;
00080         PinName _wakeup_pin;
00082         typedef enum {
00083             OFF,
00084             ON,
00085             BLINK,
00086         } state;
00088     public:
00090         typedef enum {
00091             FM_APPEND = (1 << 0),
00092             FM_TRUNC = (1 << 1),
00093             FM_CREAT = (1 << 2),
00094             FM_RDONLY = (1 << 3),
00095             FM_WRONLY = (1 << 4),
00096             FM_RDWR = (FM_RDONLY | FM_WRONLY),
00097             FM_DIRECT = (1 << 5)
00098         } FileMode;
00100         typedef enum {
00101             MDOT_OK = 0,
00102             MDOT_INVALID_PARAM = -1,
00103             MDOT_TX_ERROR = -2,
00104             MDOT_RX_ERROR = -3,
00105             MDOT_JOIN_ERROR = -4,
00106             MDOT_TIMEOUT = -5,
00107             MDOT_NOT_JOINED = -6,
00108             MDOT_ENCRYPTION_DISABLED = -7,
00109             MDOT_NO_FREE_CHAN = -8,
00110             MDOT_TEST_MODE = -9,
00111             MDOT_NO_ENABLED_CHAN = -10,
00112             MDOT_AGGREGATED_DUTY_CYCLE = -11,
00113             MDOT_ERROR = -1024,
00114         } mdot_ret_code;
00116         enum JoinMode {
00117             MANUAL,
00118             OTA,
00119             AUTO_OTA,
00120             PEER_TO_PEER
00121         };
00123         enum Mode {
00124             COMMAND_MODE,
00125             SERIAL_MODE
00126         };
00128         enum RX_Output {
00129             HEXADECIMAL,
00130             BINARY
00131         };
00133         enum DataRates {
00134             DR0,
00135             DR1,
00136             DR2,
00137             DR3,
00138             DR4,
00139             DR5,
00140             DR6,
00141             DR7,
00142             DR8,
00143             DR9,
00144             DR10,
00145             DR11,
00146             DR12,
00147             DR13,
00148             DR14,
00149             DR15,
00150             SF_12 = 16,
00151             SF_11,
00152             SF_10,
00153             SF_9,
00154             SF_8,
00155             SF_7,
00156             SF_7H,
00157             SF_FSK
00158         };
00160         enum FrequencyBands {
00161             FB_868, // EU868
00162             FB_915  // US915
00163         };
00165         enum FrequencySubBands {
00166             FSB_ALL,
00167             FSB_1,
00168             FSB_2,
00169             FSB_3,
00170             FSB_4,
00171             FSB_5,
00172             FSB_6,
00173             FSB_7,
00174             FSB_8
00175         };
00177         enum JoinByteOrder {
00178             LSB,
00179             MSB
00180         };
00182         enum wakeup_mode {
00183             RTC_ALARM,
00184             INTERRUPT,
00185             RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT
00186         };
00188         enum UserBackupRegs {
00189             UBR0,
00190             UBR1,
00191             UBR2,
00192             UBR3,
00193             UBR4,
00194             UBR5,
00195             UBR6,
00196             UBR7,
00197             UBR8,
00198             UBR9
00199         };
00201         typedef struct {
00202                 int16_t fd;
00203                 char name[30];
00204                 uint32_t size;
00205         } mdot_file;
00207         typedef struct {
00208                 uint32_t Up;
00209                 uint32_t Down;
00210                 uint32_t Joins;
00211                 uint32_t JoinFails;
00212                 uint32_t MissedAcks;
00213         } mdot_stats;
00215         typedef struct {
00216                 int16_t last;
00217                 int16_t min;
00218                 int16_t max;
00219                 int16_t avg;
00220         } rssi_stats;
00222         typedef struct {
00223                 int16_t last;
00224                 int16_t min;
00225                 int16_t max;
00226                 int16_t avg;
00227         } snr_stats;
00229         typedef struct {
00230                 bool status;
00231                 int32_t dBm;
00232                 uint32_t gateways;
00233                 std::vector<uint8_t> payload;
00234         } link_check;
00236         typedef struct {
00237                 int32_t status;
00238                 int16_t rssi;
00239                 int16_t snr;
00240         } ping_response;
00242         static const uint8_t MaxLengths_915[];
00243         static const uint8_t MaxLengths_868[];
00245         static std::string JoinModeStr(uint8_t mode);
00246         static std::string ModeStr(uint8_t mode);
00247         static std::string RxOutputStr(uint8_t format);
00248         static std::string DataRateStr(uint8_t rate);
00249         static std::string FrequencyBandStr(uint8_t band);
00250         static std::string FrequencySubBandStr(uint8_t band);
00252         uint32_t UserRegisters[10];
00254         /** Get a handle to the singleton object
00255          * @returns pointer to mDot object
00256          */
00257         static mDot* getInstance();
00259         void setEvents(mDotEvent* events);
00261         /** Get library version information
00262          * @returns string containing library version information
00263          */
00264         std::string getId();
00266         /** Perform a soft reset of the system
00267          */
00268         void resetCpu();
00270         /** Reset config to factory default
00271          */
00272         void resetConfig();
00274         /** Save config data to non volatile memory
00275          * @returns true if success, false if failure
00276          */
00277         bool saveConfig();
00279         /** Set the log level for the library
00280          * options are:
00281          *  NONE_LEVEL - logging is off at this level
00282          *  FATAL_LEVEL - only critical errors will be reported
00283          *  ERROR_LEVEL
00284          *  WARNING_LEVEL
00285          *  INFO_LEVEL
00286          *  DEBUG_LEVEL
00287          *  TRACE_LEVEL - every detail will be reported
00288          * @param level the level to log at
00289          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00290          */
00291         int32_t setLogLevel(const uint8_t& level);
00293         /** Get the current log level for the library
00294          * @returns current log level
00295          */
00296         uint8_t getLogLevel();
00298         /** Seed pseudo RNG in LoRaMac layer, uses random value from radio RSSI reading by default
00299          * @param seed for RNG
00300          */
00301         void seedRandom(uint32_t seed);
00303         /** Enable or disable the activity LED.
00304          * @param enable true to enable the LED, false to disable
00305          */
00306         void setActivityLedEnable(const bool& enable);
00308         /** Find out if the activity LED is enabled
00309          * @returns true if activity LED is enabled, false if disabled
00310          */
00311         bool getActivityLedEnable();
00313         /** Use a different pin for the activity LED.
00314          * The default is XBEE_RSSI.
00315          * @param pin the new pin to use
00316          */
00317         void setActivityLedPin(const PinName& pin);
00319         /** Use an external DigitalOut object for the activity LED.
00320          * The pointer must stay valid!
00321          * @param pin the DigitalOut object to use
00322          */
00323         void setActivityLedPin(DigitalOut* pin);
00325         /** Find out what pin the activity LED is on
00326          * @returns the pin the activity LED is using
00327          */
00328         PinName getActivityLedPin();
00330         /** Returns boolean indicative of start-up from standby mode
00331          * @returns true if dot woke from standby
00332          */
00333         bool getStandbyFlag();
00335         /** Add a channel frequencies currently in use
00336          * @returns MDOT_OK
00337          */
00338         int32_t addChannel(uint8_t index, uint32_t frequency, uint8_t datarateRange);
00340         /** Get list of channel frequencies currently in use
00341          * @returns vector of channels currently in use
00342          */
00343         std::vector<uint32_t> getChannels();
00345         /** Get list of channel datarate ranges currently in use
00346          * @returns vector of datarate ranges currently in use
00347          */
00348         std::vector<uint8_t> getChannelRanges();
00350         /** Get list of channel frequencies in config file to be used as session defaults
00351          * @returns vector of channels in config file
00352          */
00353         std::vector<uint32_t> getConfigChannels();
00355         /** Get list of channel datarate ranges in config file to be used as session defaults
00356          * @returns vector of datarate ranges in config file
00357          */
00358         std::vector<uint8_t> getConfigChannelRanges();
00360         /** Get frequency band
00361          * @returns FB_915 if configured for United States, FB_868 if configured for Europe
00362          */
00363         uint8_t getFrequencyBand();
00365         /** Set frequency sub band
00366          * only applicable if frequency band is set for United States (FB_915)
00367          * sub band 0 will allow the radio to use all 64 channels
00368          * sub band 1 - 8 will allow the radio to use the 8 channels in that sub band
00369          * for use with Conduit gateway and MTAC_LORA, use sub bands 1 - 8, not sub band 0
00370          * @param band the sub band to use (0 - 8)
00371          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00372          */
00373         int32_t setFrequencySubBand(const uint8_t& band);
00375         /** Get frequency sub band
00376          * @returns frequency sub band currently in use
00377          */
00378         uint8_t getFrequencySubBand();
00380         /** Get the datarate currently in use within the MAC layer
00381          * returns 0-15
00382          */
00383         uint8_t getSessionDataRate();
00385         /** Enable/disable public network mode
00386          * JoinDelay will be set to (public: 5s, private: 1s) and
00387          * RxDelay will be set to 1s both can be adjusted afterwards
00388          * @param on should be true to enable public network mode
00389          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00390          */
00391         int32_t setPublicNetwork(const bool& on);
00393         /** Get public network mode
00394          * @returns true if public network mode is enabled
00395          */
00396         bool getPublicNetwork();
00398         /** Get the device ID
00399          * @returns vector containing the device ID (size 8)
00400          */
00401         std::vector<uint8_t> getDeviceId();
00403         /** Get the device port to be used for lora application data (1-223)
00404          *  @returns port
00405          */
00406         uint8_t getAppPort();
00408         /** Set the device port to be used for lora application data (1-223)
00409          *  @returns MDOT_OK if success
00410          */
00411         int32_t setAppPort(uint8_t port);
00413         /** Set the device class A, B or C
00414          *  @returns MDOT_OK if success
00415          */
00416         int32_t setClass(std::string newClass);
00418         /** Get the device class A, B or C
00419          *  @returns MDOT_OK if success
00420          */
00421         std::string getClass();
00423         /** Get the max packet length with current settings
00424          * @returns max packet length
00425          */
00426         uint8_t getMaxPacketLength();
00428         /** Set network address
00429          * for use with MANUAL network join mode, will be assigned in OTA & AUTO_OTA modes
00430          * @param addr a vector of 4 bytes
00431          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00432          */
00433         int32_t setNetworkAddress(const std::vector<uint8_t>& addr);
00435         /** Get network address
00436          * @returns vector containing network address (size 4)
00437          */
00438         std::vector<uint8_t> getNetworkAddress();
00440         /** Set network session key
00441          * for use with MANUAL network join mode, will be assigned in OTA & AUTO_OTA modes
00442          * @param key a vector of 16 bytes
00443          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00444          */
00445         int32_t setNetworkSessionKey(const std::vector<uint8_t>& key);
00447         /** Get network session key
00448          * @returns vector containing network session key (size 16)
00449          */
00450         std::vector<uint8_t> getNetworkSessionKey();
00452         /** Set data session key
00453          * for use with MANUAL network join mode, will be assigned in OTA & AUTO_OTA modes
00454          * @param key a vector of 16 bytes
00455          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00456          */
00457         int32_t setDataSessionKey(const std::vector<uint8_t>& key);
00459         /** Get data session key
00460          * @returns vector containing data session key (size 16)
00461          */
00462         std::vector<uint8_t> getDataSessionKey();
00464         /** Set network name
00465          * for use with OTA & AUTO_OTA network join modes
00466          * generates network ID (crc64 of name) automatically
00467          * @param name a string of of at least 8 bytes and no more than 128 bytes
00468          * @return MDOT_OK if success
00469          */
00470         int32_t setNetworkName(const std::string& name);
00472         /** Get network name
00473          * @return string containing network name (size 8 to 128)
00474          */
00475         std::string getNetworkName();
00477         /** Set network ID
00478          * for use with OTA & AUTO_OTA network join modes
00479          * setting network ID via this function sets network name to empty
00480          * @param id a vector of 8 bytes
00481          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00482          */
00483         int32_t setNetworkId(const std::vector<uint8_t>& id);
00485         /** Get network ID
00486          * @returns vector containing network ID (size 8)
00487          */
00488         std::vector<uint8_t> getNetworkId();
00490         /** Set network passphrase
00491          * for use with OTA & AUTO_OTA network join modes
00492          * generates network key (cmac of passphrase) automatically
00493          * @param name a string of of at least 8 bytes and no more than 128 bytes
00494          * @return MDOT_OK if success
00495          */
00496         int32_t setNetworkPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase);
00498         /** Get network passphrase
00499          * @return string containing network passphrase (size 8 to 128)
00500          */
00501         std::string getNetworkPassphrase();
00503         /** Set network key
00504          * for use with OTA & AUTO_OTA network join modes
00505          * setting network key via this function sets network passphrase to empty
00506          * @param id a vector of 16 bytes
00507          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00508          */
00509         int32_t setNetworkKey(const std::vector<uint8_t>& id);
00511         /** Get network key
00512          * @returns a vector containing network key (size 16)
00513          */
00514         std::vector<uint8_t> getNetworkKey();
00516         /** Set join byte order
00517          * @param order 0:LSB 1:MSB
00518          */
00519         uint32_t setJoinByteOrder(uint8_t order);
00521         /** Get join byte order
00522          * @returns byte order to use in joins 0:LSB 1:MSB
00523          */
00524         uint8_t getJoinByteOrder();
00526         /** Attempt to join network
00527          * each attempt will be made with a random datarate up to the configured datarate
00528          * JoinRequest backoff between tries is enforced to 1% for 1st hour, 0.1% for 1-10 hours and 0.01% after 10 hours
00529          * Check getNextTxMs() for time until next join attempt can be made
00530          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00531          */
00532         int32_t joinNetwork();
00534         /** Attempts to join network once
00535          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00536          */
00537         int32_t joinNetworkOnce();
00539         /** Resets current network session, essentially disconnecting from the network
00540          * has no effect for MANUAL network join mode
00541          */
00542         void resetNetworkSession();
00544         /** Restore saved network session from flash
00545          * has no effect for MANUAL network join mode
00546          */
00547         void restoreNetworkSession();
00549         /** Save current network session to flash
00550          * has no effect for MANUAL network join mode
00551          */
00552         void saveNetworkSession();
00554         /** Set number of times joining will retry before giving up
00555          * @param retries must be between 0 - 255
00556          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00557          */
00558         int32_t setJoinRetries(const uint8_t& retries);
00560         /** Set number of times joining will retry before giving up
00561          * @returns join retries (0 - 255)
00562          */
00563         uint8_t getJoinRetries();
00565         /** Set network join mode
00566          * MANUAL: set network address and session keys manually
00567          * OTA: User sets network name and passphrase, then attempts to join
00568          * AUTO_OTA: same as OTA, but network sessions can be saved and restored
00569          * @param mode MANUAL, OTA, or AUTO_OTA
00570          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00571          */
00572         int32_t setJoinMode(const uint8_t& mode);
00574         /** Get network join mode
00575          * @returns MANUAL, OTA, or AUTO_OTA
00576          */
00577         uint8_t getJoinMode();
00579         /** Get network join status
00580          * @returns true if currently joined to network
00581          */
00582         bool getNetworkJoinStatus();
00584         /** Do a network link check
00585          * application data may be returned in response to a network link check command
00586          * @returns link_check structure containing success, dBm above noise floor, gateways in range, and packet payload
00587          */
00588         link_check networkLinkCheck();
00590         /** Set network link check count to perform automatic link checks every count packets
00591          * only applicable if ACKs are disabled
00592          * @param count must be between 0 - 255
00593          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00594          */
00595         int32_t setLinkCheckCount(const uint8_t& count);
00597         /** Get network link check count
00598          * @returns count (0 - 255)
00599          */
00600         uint8_t getLinkCheckCount();
00602         /** Set network link check threshold, number of link check failures or missed acks to tolerate
00603          * before considering network connection lost
00604          * @pararm count must be between 0 - 255
00605          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00606          */
00607         int32_t setLinkCheckThreshold(const uint8_t& count);
00609         /** Get network link check threshold
00610          * @returns threshold (0 - 255)
00611          */
00612         uint8_t getLinkCheckThreshold();
00614         /** Get/set number of failed link checks in the current session
00615          * @returns count (0 - 255)
00616          */
00617         uint8_t getLinkFailCount();
00618         int32_t setLinkFailCount(uint8_t count);
00620         /** Set UpLinkCounter number of packets sent to the gateway during this network session (sequence number)
00621          * @returns MDOT_OK
00622          */
00623         int32_t setUpLinkCounter(uint32_t count);
00625         /** Get UpLinkCounter
00626          * @returns number of packets sent to the gateway during this network session (sequence number)
00627          */
00628         uint32_t getUpLinkCounter();
00630         /** Set UpLinkCounter number of packets sent by the gateway during this network session (sequence number)
00631          * @returns MDOT_OK
00632          */
00633         int32_t setDownLinkCounter(uint32_t count);
00635         /** Get DownLinkCounter
00636          * @returns number of packets sent by the gateway during this network session (sequence number)
00637          */
00638         uint32_t getDownLinkCounter();
00640         /** Enable/disable AES encryption
00641          * AES encryption must be enabled for use with Conduit gateway and MTAC_LORA card
00642          * @param on true for AES encryption to be enabled
00643          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00644          */
00645         int32_t setAesEncryption(const bool& on);
00647         /** Get AES encryption
00648          * @returns true if AES encryption is enabled
00649          */
00650         bool getAesEncryption();
00652         /** Get RSSI stats
00653          * @returns rssi_stats struct containing last, min, max, and avg RSSI in dB
00654          */
00655         rssi_stats getRssiStats();
00657         /** Get SNR stats
00658          * @returns snr_stats struct containing last, min, max, and avg SNR in cB
00659          */
00660         snr_stats getSnrStats();
00662         /** Get ms until next free channel
00663          * only applicable for European models, US models return 0
00664          * @returns time (ms) until a channel is free to use for transmitting
00665          */
00666         uint32_t getNextTxMs();
00668         /** Get join delay in seconds
00669          *  Public network defaults to 5 seconds
00670          *  Private network defaults to 1 second
00671          *  @returns number of seconds before join accept message is expected
00672          */
00673         uint8_t getJoinDelay();
00675         /** Set join delay in seconds
00676          *  Public network defaults to 5 seconds
00677          *  Private network defaults to 1 second
00678          *  @param delay number of seconds before join accept message is expected
00679          *  @return MDOT_OK if success
00680          */
00681         uint32_t setJoinDelay(uint8_t delay);
00683         /** Get rx delay in seconds
00684          *  Defaults to 1 second
00685          *  @returns number of seconds before response message is expected
00686          */
00687         uint8_t getRxDelay();
00689         /** Set rx delay in seconds
00690          *  Defaults to 1 second
00691          *  @param delay number of seconds before response message is expected
00692          *  @return MDOT_OK if success
00693          */
00694         uint32_t setRxDelay(uint8_t delay);
00696         /** Get  preserve session to save network session info through reset or power down in AUTO_OTA mode
00697          *  Defaults to off
00698          *  @returns true if enabled
00699          */
00700         bool getPreserveSession();
00702         /** Set preserve session to save network session info through reset or power down in AUTO_OTA mode
00703          *  Defaults to off
00704          *  @param enable
00705          *  @return MDOT_OK if success
00706          */
00707         uint32_t setPreserveSession(bool enable);
00709         /** Get data pending
00710          * only valid after sending data to the gateway
00711          * @returns true if server has available packet(s)
00712          */
00713         bool getDataPending();
00715         /** Get transmitting
00716          * @returns true if currently transmitting
00717          */
00718         bool getIsTransmitting();
00720         /** Set TX data rate
00721          * data rates affect maximum payload size
00722          * @param dr SF_7 - SF_12|DR0-DR7 for Europe, SF_7 - SF_10 | DR0-DR4 for United States
00723          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00724          */
00725         int32_t setTxDataRate(const uint8_t& dr);
00727         /** Get TX data rate
00728          * @returns current TX data rate (DR0-DR15)
00729          */
00730         uint8_t getTxDataRate();
00732         /** Get a random value from the radio based on RSSI
00733          *  @returns randome value
00734          */
00735         uint32_t getRadioRandom();
00738         /** Get data rate spreading factor and bandwidth
00739          * EU868 Datarates
00740          * ---------------
00741          * DR0 - SF12BW125
00742          * DR1 - SF11BW125
00743          * DR2 - SF10BW125
00744          * DR3 - SF9BW125
00745          * DR4 - SF8BW125
00746          * DR5 - SF7BW125
00747          * DR6 - SF7BW250
00748          * DR7 - FSK
00749          *
00750          * US915 Datarates
00751          * ---------------
00752          * DR0 - SF10BW125
00753          * DR1 - SF9BW125
00754          * DR2 - SF8BW125
00755          * DR3 - SF7BW125
00756          * DR4 - SF8BW500
00757          *
00758          * @returns spreading factor and bandwidth
00759          */
00760         std::string getDateRateDetails(uint8_t rate);
00762         /** Set TX power output of radio before antenna gain, default: 14 dBm
00763          * actual output power may be limited by local regulations for the chosen frequency
00764          * power affects maximum range
00765          * @param power 2 dBm - 20 dBm
00766          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00767          */
00768         int32_t setTxPower(const uint32_t& power);
00770         /** Get TX power
00771          * @returns TX power (2 dBm - 20 dBm)
00772          */
00773         uint32_t getTxPower();
00775         /** Get configured gain of installed antenna, default: +3 dBi
00776          * @returns gain of antenna in dBi
00777          */
00778         int8_t getAntennaGain();
00780         /** Set configured gain of installed antenna, default: +3 dBi
00781          * @param gain -127 dBi - 128 dBi
00782          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00783          */
00784         int32_t setAntennaGain(int8_t gain);
00786         /** Enable/disable TX waiting for rx windows
00787          * when enabled, send calls will block until a packet is received or RX timeout
00788          * @param enable set to true if expecting responses to transmitted packets
00789          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00790          */
00791         int32_t setTxWait(const bool& enable);
00793         /** Get TX wait
00794          * @returns true if TX wait is enabled
00795          */
00796         bool getTxWait();
00798         /** Get time on air
00799          * @returns the amount of time (in ms) it would take to send bytes bytes based on current configuration
00800          */
00801         uint32_t getTimeOnAir(uint8_t bytes);
00803         /** Get min frequency
00804          * @returns minimum frequency based on current configuration
00805          */
00806         uint32_t getMinFrequency();
00808         /** Get max frequency
00809          * @returns maximum frequency based on current configuration
00810          */
00811         uint32_t getMaxFrequency();
00813         // get/set adaptive data rate
00814         // configure data rates and power levels based on signal to noise of packets received at gateway
00815         // true == adaptive data rate is on
00816         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
00817         int32_t setAdr(const bool& on);
00818         bool getAdr();
00820         /** Set forward error correction bytes
00821          * @param bytes 1 - 4 bytes
00822          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00823          */
00824         int32_t setFec(const uint8_t& bytes);
00826         /** Get forward error correction bytes
00827          * @returns bytes (1 - 4)
00828          */
00829         uint8_t getFec();
00831         /** Enable/disable CRC checking of packets
00832          * CRC checking must be enabled for use with Conduit gateway and MTAC_LORA card
00833          * @param on set to true to enable CRC checking
00834          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00835          */
00836         int32_t setCrc(const bool& on);
00838         /** Get CRC checking
00839          * @returns true if CRC checking is enabled
00840          */
00841         bool getCrc();
00843         /** Set ack
00844          * @param retries 0 to disable acks, otherwise 1 - 8
00845          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00846          */
00847         int32_t setAck(const uint8_t& retries);
00849         /** Get ack
00850          * @returns 0 if acks are disabled, otherwise retries (1 - 8)
00851          */
00852         uint8_t getAck();
00854         /** Set number of packet repeats for unconfirmed frames
00855          * @param repeat 0 or 1 for no repeats, otherwise 2-15
00856          * @returns MDOT_OK if success
00857          */
00858         int32_t setRepeat(const uint8_t& repeat);
00860         /** Get number of packet repeats for unconfirmed frames
00861          * @returns 0 or 1 if no repeats, otherwise 2-15
00862          */
00863         uint8_t getRepeat();
00865         /** Send data to the gateway
00866          * validates data size (based on spreading factor)
00867          * @param data a vector of up to 242 bytes (may be less based on spreading factor)
00868          * @returns MDOT_OK if packet was sent successfully (ACKs disabled), or if an ACK was received (ACKs enabled)
00869          */
00870         int32_t send(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, const bool& blocking = true, const bool& highBw = false);
00872         /** Fetch data received from the gateway
00873          * this function only checks to see if a packet has been received - it does not open a receive window
00874          * send() must be called before recv()
00875          * @param data a vector to put the received data into
00876          * @returns MDOT_OK if packet was successfully received
00877          */
00878         int32_t recv(std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
00880         /** Ping
00881          * status will be MDOT_OK if ping succeeded
00882          * @returns ping_response struct containing status, RSSI, and SNR
00883          */
00884         ping_response ping();
00886         /** Get return code string
00887          * @returns string containing a description of the given error code
00888          */
00889         static std::string getReturnCodeString(const int32_t& code);
00891         /** Get last error
00892          * @returns string explaining the last error that occured
00893          */
00894         std::string getLastError();
00896         /** Go to sleep
00897          * @param interval the number of seconds to sleep before waking up if wakeup_mode == RTC_ALARM or RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT, else ignored
00898          * @param wakeup_mode RTC_ALARM, INTERRUPT, RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT
00899          *      if RTC_ALARM the real time clock is configured to wake the device up after the specified interval
00900          *      if INTERRUPT the device will wake up on the rising edge of the interrupt pin
00901          *      if RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT the device will wake on the first event to occur
00902          * @param deepsleep if true go into deep sleep mode (lowest power, all memory and registers are lost, peripherals turned off)
00903          *                  else go into sleep mode (low power, memory and registers are maintained, peripherals stay on)
00904          *
00905          * in sleep mode, the device can be woken up on an XBEE_DI (2-8) pin or by the RTC alarm
00906          * in deepsleep mode, the device can only be woken up using the WKUP pin (PA0, XBEE_DIO7) or by the RTC alarm
00907          */
00908         void sleep(const uint32_t& interval, const uint8_t& wakeup_mode = RTC_ALARM, const bool& deepsleep = true);
00910         /** Set wake pin
00911          * @param pin the pin to use to wake the device from sleep mode XBEE_DI (2-8)
00912          */
00913         void setWakePin(const PinName& pin);
00915         /** Get wake pin
00916          * @returns the pin to use to wake the device from sleep mode XBEE_DI (2-8)
00917          */
00918         PinName getWakePin();
00920         /** Write data in a user backup register
00921          * @param register one of UBR0 through UBR9
00922          * @param data user data to back up
00923          * @returns true if success
00924          */
00925         bool writeUserBackupRegister(uint32_t reg, uint32_t data);
00927         /** Read data in a user backup register
00928          * @param register one of UBR0 through UBR9
00929          * @param data gets set to content of register
00930          * @returns true if success
00931          */
00932         bool readUserBackupRegister(uint32_t reg, uint32_t& data);
00934         // Save user file data to flash
00935         // file - name of file max 30 chars
00936         // data - data of file
00937         // size - size of file
00938         bool saveUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
00940         // Append user file data to flash
00941         // file - name of file max 30 chars
00942         // data - data of file
00943         // size - size of file
00944         bool appendUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
00946         // Read user file data from flash
00947         // file - name of file max 30 chars
00948         // data - data of file
00949         // size - size of file
00950         bool readUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
00952         // Move a user file in flash
00953         // file     - name of file
00954         // new_name - new name of file
00955         bool moveUserFile(const char* file, const char* new_name);
00957         // Delete user file data from flash
00958         // file - name of file max 30 chars
00959         bool deleteUserFile(const char* file);
00961         // Open user file in flash, max of 4 files open concurrently
00962         // file - name of file max 30 chars
00963         // mode - combination of FM_APPEND | FM_TRUNC | FM_CREAT |
00964         //                       FM_RDONLY | FM_WRONLY | FM_RDWR | FM_DIRECT
00965         // returns - mdot_file struct, fd field will be a negative value if file could not be opened
00966         mDot::mdot_file openUserFile(const char* file, int mode);
00968         // Seek an open file
00969         // file - mdot file struct
00970         // offset - offset in bytes
00971         // whence - where offset is based SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END
00972         bool seekUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, size_t offset, int whence);
00974         // Read bytes from open file
00975         // file - mdot file struct
00976         // data - mem location to store data
00977         // length - number of bytes to read
00978         // returns - number of bytes written
00979         int readUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
00981         // Write bytes to open file
00982         // file - mdot file struct
00983         // data - data to write
00984         // length - number of bytes to write
00985         // returns - number of bytes written
00986         int writeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
00988         // Close open file
00989         // file - mdot file struct
00990         bool closeUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file);
00992         // List user files stored in flash
00993         std::vector<mDot::mdot_file> listUserFiles();
00995         // Move file into the firmware upgrade path to be flashed on next boot
00996         // file - name of file
00997         bool moveUserFileToFirmwareUpgrade(const char* file);
00999         // get current statistics
01000         // Join Attempts, Join Fails, Up Packets, Down Packets, Missed Acks
01001         mdot_stats getStats();
01003         // reset statistics
01004         // Join Attempts, Join Fails, Up Packets, Down Packets, Missed Acks
01005         void resetStats();
01007         // Convert pin number 2-8 to pin name DIO2-DI8
01008         static PinName pinNum2Name(uint8_t num);
01010         // Convert pin name DIO2-DI8 to pin number 2-8
01011         static uint8_t pinName2Num(PinName name);
01013         // Convert pin name DIO2-DI8 to string
01014         static std::string pinName2Str(PinName name);
01016         uint64_t crc64(uint64_t crc, const unsigned char *s, uint64_t l);
01018         /*************************************************************************
01019          * The following functions are only used by the AT command application and
01020          * should not be used by standard applications consuming the mDot library
01021          ************************************************************************/
01023         // set/get configured baud rate for command port
01024         // only for use in conjunction with AT interface
01025         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01026         int32_t setBaud(const uint32_t& baud);
01027         uint32_t getBaud();
01029         // set/get baud rate for debug port
01030         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01031         int32_t setDebugBaud(const uint32_t& baud);
01032         uint32_t getDebugBaud();
01034         // set/get command terminal echo
01035         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01036         int32_t setEcho(const bool& on);
01037         bool getEcho();
01039         // set/get command terminal verbose mode
01040         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01041         int32_t setVerbose(const bool& on);
01042         bool getVerbose();
01044         // set/get startup mode
01045         // COMMAND_MODE (default), starts up ready to accept AT commands
01046         // SERIAL_MODE, read serial data and send it as LoRa packets
01047         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01048         int32_t setStartUpMode(const uint8_t& mode);
01049         uint8_t getStartUpMode();
01051         int32_t setRxDataRate(const uint8_t& dr);
01052         uint8_t getRxDataRate();
01054         // get/set TX/RX frequency
01055         // if frequency band == FB_868 (Europe), must be between 863000000 - 870000000
01056         // if frequency band == FB_915 (United States), must be between 902000000-928000000
01057         // if set to 0, device will hop frequencies
01058         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01059         int32_t setTxFrequency(const uint32_t& freq);
01060         uint32_t getTxFrequency();
01061         int32_t setRxFrequency(const uint32_t& freq);
01062         uint32_t getRxFrequency();
01064         // get/set TX/RX inverted
01065         // true == signal is inverted
01066         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01067         int32_t setTxInverted(const bool& on);
01068         bool getTxInverted();
01069         int32_t setRxInverted(const bool& on);
01070         bool getRxInverted();
01072         // get/set RX output mode
01073         // valid options are HEXADECIMAL and BINARY
01074         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01075         int32_t setRxOutput(const uint8_t& mode);
01076         uint8_t getRxOutput();
01078         // get/set serial wake interval
01079         // valid values are 2 s - INT_MAX (2147483647) s
01080         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01081         int32_t setWakeInterval(const uint32_t& interval);
01082         uint32_t getWakeInterval();
01084         // get/set serial wake delay
01085         // valid values are 2 ms - INT_MAX (2147483647) ms
01086         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01087         int32_t setWakeDelay(const uint32_t& delay);
01088         uint32_t getWakeDelay();
01090         // get/set serial receive timeout
01091         // valid values are 0 ms - 65000 ms
01092         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01093         int32_t setWakeTimeout(const uint16_t& timeout);
01094         uint16_t getWakeTimeout();
01096         // get/set serial wake mode
01097         // valid values are INTERRUPT or RTC_ALARM
01098         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01099         int32_t setWakeMode(const uint8_t& delay);
01100         uint8_t getWakeMode();
01102         // get/set serial flow control enabled
01103         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01104         int32_t setFlowControl(const bool& on);
01105         bool getFlowControl();
01108         // get/set serial clear on error
01109         // if enabled the data read from the serial port will be discarded if it cannot be sent or if the send fails
01110         // set function returns MDOT_OK if success
01111         int32_t setSerialClearOnError(const bool& on);
01112         bool getSerialClearOnError();
01116         void openRxWindow(uint32_t timeout, uint8_t bandwidth = 0);
01117         void sendContinuous();
01118         int32_t setDeviceId(const std::vector<uint8_t>& id);
01119         int32_t setFrequencyBand(const uint8_t& band);
01120         bool saveProtectedConfig();
01121         void resetRadio();
01122         int32_t setRadioMode(const uint8_t& mode);
01123         std::map<uint8_t, uint8_t> dumpRegisters();
01124         void eraseFlash();
01126         // deprecated - use setWakeInterval
01127         int32_t setSerialWakeInterval(const uint32_t& interval);
01128         // deprecated - use getWakeInterval
01129         uint32_t getSerialWakeInterval();
01131         // deprecated - use setWakeDelay
01132         int32_t setSerialWakeDelay(const uint32_t& delay);
01133         // deprecated - use setWakeDelay
01134         uint32_t getSerialWakeDelay();
01136         // deprecated - use setWakeTimeout
01137         int32_t setSerialReceiveTimeout(const uint16_t& timeout);
01138         // deprecated - use getWakeTimeout
01139         uint16_t getSerialReceiveTimeout();
01141         void setWakeupCallback(void (*function)(void));
01143         template<typename T>
01144         void setWakeupCallback(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
01145             _wakeup_callback.attach(object, member);
01146         }
01148     private:
01149         mdot_stats _stats;
01151         FunctionPointer _wakeup_callback;
01153         bool _standbyFlag;
01154         bool _testMode;
01155         uint8_t _savedPort;
01156         void handleTestModePacket();
01158 };
01160 #endif