Stable version of the mDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is suitable for deployment scenarios. See lastest commit message for version of mbed-os library that has been tested against.

Dependents:   mdot_two_way unh-hackathon-example unh-hackathon-example-raw TelitSensorToCloud ... more

Fork of libmDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated by MultiTech

The Dot library provides a LoRaWan certified stack for LoRa communication using MultiTech mDot and xDot devices. The stack is compatible with mbed 5.

The name of the repository can be used to determine which device the stack was compiled for and if it's a development or production-ready build:

A changelog for the Dot library can be found here.

The Dot library version and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against can both be found in the commit message for that revision of the Dot library. Building your application with the same version of mbed-os as what was used to build the Dot library is highly recommended!

The Dot-Examples repository demonstrates how to use the Dot library in a custom application.

The mDot and xDot platform pages have lots of platform specific information and document potential issues, gotchas, etc, and provide instructions for getting started with development. Please take a look at the platform page before starting development as they should answer many questions you will have.


Full FOTA support is only available with mDot, xDot does not have the required external flash. xDot can use the FOTA example to dynamically join a multicast session only. After joining the multicast session the received Fragmentation packets could be handed to a host MCU for processing and at completion the firmware can be loaded into the xDot using the bootloader and y-modem. See xDot Developer Guide.

  • Add the following code to allow Fota to use the Dot instance


    // Initialize FOTA singleton
  • Add fragmentation handling the the PacketRx event


    virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries, uint32_t address, bool dupRx) {
        mDotEvent::PacketRx(port, payload, size, rssi, snr, ctrl, slot, retries, address, dupRx);

        if(port == 200 || port == 201 || port == 202) {
            Fota::getInstance()->processCmd(payload, port, size);

A definition is needed to enable Fragmentation support on mDot and save fragments to flash. This should not be defined for xDot and will result in a compiler error.


    "macros": [

The FOTA implementation has a few differences from the LoRaWAN Protocol

  • Fragmentation Indexing starts at 0
  • McKEKey is 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
  • Start Time is a count-down in seconds to start of session
--- a/Lora.h	Fri Nov 08 09:34:58 2019 -0600
+++ b/Lora.h	Mon Feb 17 14:43:04 2020 -0600
@@ -24,8 +24,13 @@
 //#include <cstring>
 #include <inttypes.h>
 namespace lora {
+#ifndef MAC_VERSION
+    const std::string MAC_VERSION = "1.0.4";
      * Frequency bandwidth of a Datarate, higher bandwidth gives higher datarate
@@ -106,12 +111,13 @@
     const uint16_t BEACON_PREAMBLE_LENGTH = 10U;                //!< Beacon preamble length
     const uint16_t DEFAULT_BEACON_PERIOD = 128U;                //!< Default period of the beacon (in seconds)
     const uint16_t PING_SLOT_LENGTH = 30U;                      //!< Duration of each class B ping slot (in milliseconds)
-    const uint16_t BEACON_RESERVED_TIME = 2120U;                //!< Time reserved for beacon broadcast (in milliseconds)
+    const uint32_t BEACON_RESERVED_TIME = 2120U;                //!< Time reserved for beacon broadcast (in milliseconds)
     const uint16_t BEACON_GUARD_TIME = 3000U;                   //!< Guard time before beacon transmission where no ping slots can be scheduled (in milliseconds)
     const uint32_t MAX_BEACONLESS_OP_TIME = 7200U;              //!< Maximum time to operate in class B since last beacon received (in seconds)
     const uint16_t MAX_CLASS_B_WINDOW_GROWTH = 3U;              //!< Maximum window growth factor for beacons and ping slots in beacon-less operation
     const uint16_t DEFAULT_PING_NB = 1U;                        //!< Default number of ping slots per beacon interval
     const uint16_t CLS_B_PAD = 15U;                             //!< Pad added to the beginning of ping slot rx windows (in milliseconds)
+    const uint16_t BEACON_PAD = 100U;                           //!< Pad beacon window is expanded (in milliseconds)
     const int16_t DEFAULT_FREE_CHAN_RSSI_THRESHOLD = -90;       //!< Threshold for channel activity detection (CAD) dBm
@@ -187,7 +193,9 @@
+        LORA_LBT_CHANNEL_BUSY = 19,
+        LORA_BEACON_SIZE = 20,
+        LORA_BEACON_CRC = 21
@@ -282,7 +290,7 @@
             uint8_t Crc;
             uint8_t TxIQ;
             uint8_t RxIQ;
-            uint8_t SymbolTimeout(uint16_t pad_ms = 0);
+            uint16_t SymbolTimeout(uint16_t pad_ms = 0);
             float Timeout();
     } Datarate;
@@ -342,13 +350,15 @@
             uint8_t Mode;               //!< PUBLIC, PRIVATE or PEER_TO_PEER network mode
             uint8_t Class;              //!< Operating class of device
             uint8_t EUI[8];             //!< Network ID or AppEUI
+            uint16_t DevNonce;         //!< Incrementing DevNonce Counter
+            uint32_t AppNonce;          //!< Incrementing AppNonce Counter
             uint8_t Key[16];            //!< Network Key or AppKey
             uint8_t GenAppKey[16];      //!< Generic App Key, will be AppKey for LW 1.1.x
             uint8_t McKEKey[16];        //!< Multicast Key Encryption Key
             uint8_t JoinDelay;          //!< Number of seconds to wait before 1st RX Window
             uint8_t RxDelay;            //!< Number of seconds to wait before 1st RX Window
             uint8_t FrequencySubBand;   //!< FrequencySubBand used for US915 hybrid operation 0:72 channels, 1:1-8 channels ...
-            uint8_t AckAttempts;        //!< Number of attempts to send packet and receive an ACK from server
+            uint8_t AckEnabled;         //!< Enable confirmed messages to be sent with Retries
             uint8_t Retries;            //!< Number of times to resend a packet without receiving an ACK, redundancy
             uint8_t ADREnabled;         //!< Enable adaptive datarate
             uint8_t AdrAckLimit;       //!< Number of uplinks without a downlink to allow before setting ADRACKReq
@@ -402,7 +412,6 @@
             uint32_t JoinFirstAttempt;          //!< RTC time of first failed join attempt
             uint32_t AggregatedTimeOffEnd;      //!< Time off air expiration for aggregate duty cycle
             uint16_t AggregateDutyCycle;        //!< Used for enforcing time-on-air
-            uint8_t AckCounter;                 //!< Current number of packets sent without ACK from server
             uint8_t AdrCounter;                 //!< Current number of packets received without downlink from server
             uint8_t RxDelay;                    //!< Number of seconds to wait before 1st RX Window
             uint8_t CommandBuffer[COMMANDS_BUFFER_SIZE]; //!< Buffer to hold Mac Commands and parameters to be sent in next packet
@@ -420,11 +429,22 @@
      * Multicast session info
-    typedef struct {
+    typedef struct MulticastSession {
             uint32_t Address;               //!< Network address
             uint8_t NetworkSessionKey[16];  //!< Network session key
             uint8_t DataSessionKey[16];     //!< Data session key
             uint32_t DownlinkCounter;       //!< Downlink counter of last packet received from server
+            int8_t Periodicity;             //!< Number of downlink windows to open per beacon period
+            uint32_t Frequency;             //!< Frequency used for downlink windows
+            uint8_t DatarateIndex;          //!< Datarate used for downlink windows
+            bool DataPending;               //!< Indicates network has data pending for this address
+            uint16_t PingPeriod;
+            int32_t NextPingSlot;
+            MulticastSession() :
+                Periodicity(-1)
+            {
+            }
     } MulticastSession;
@@ -459,6 +479,7 @@
             uint8_t DisableRx2;
             uint8_t FixedUplinkCounter;
             uint8_t DisableRandomJoinDatarate;
+            uint8_t DisableAppNonceValidation;
     } Testing;
@@ -536,6 +557,13 @@
             } Bits;
     } DownlinkControl;
+    typedef struct PingSlot {
+        uint32_t MSec;
+        int8_t Id;
+        PingSlot() : MSec(0), Id(-1) {}
+        PingSlot(uint32_t msec, int8_t id) : MSec(msec), Id(id) {}
+    } PingSlot;
      * Frame type of packet