Bleeding edge development version of the mDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is not guaranteed to be stable or well tested and should not be used in production or deployment scenarios.

Dependents:   mDot-IKS01A1 mDot-IKS01A1 mDot-Examples mDot-IKS01A1-Explora ... more

Fork of libmDot-dev-mbed2-deprecated by MultiTech

The Dot library provides a LoRaWan certified stack for LoRa communication using MultiTech mDot and xDot devices. The stack is compatible with mbed 5.

Dot Library Version 3 Updates

Dot Library versions 3.x.x require a channel plan to be injected into the stack. Channel plans are included with the 3.x.x Dot Library releases. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a channel plan and inject it into the stack.

#include "mDot.h"
#include "channel_plans.h"

int main() {
    ChannelPlan* plan = new lora::ChannelPlan_US915();
    mDot* dot = mDot::getInstance(plan);

    // ...

Dot devices must not be deployed with software using a different channel plan than the Dot's default plan! This functionality is for development and testing only!

Multicast Sessions

Multicast sessions and packet rx events in library. When in Class C mode Multicast downlinks can be received. Recieved packets should be filtered on address, counter value will be maintained in the session or can be set explicitly depending on Application support to share Multicast Address, Keys and Counters.


         * Add a multicast session address and keys
         * Downlink counter is set to 0
         * Up to 3 MULTICAST_SESSIONS can be set
        int32_t setMulticastSession(uint8_t index, uint32_t addr, const uint8_t* nsk, const uint8_t* dsk);
         * Set a multicast session counter
         * Up to 3 MULTICAST_SESSIONS can be set
        int32_t setMulticastDownlinkCounter(uint8_t index, uint32_t count);


The address field was added to PacketRx event.

        virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries, uint32_t address);

The name of the repository can be used to determine which device the stack was compiled for and if it's a development or production-ready build:

A changelog for the Dot library can be found here.

The Dot library version and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against can both be found in the commit message for that revision of the Dot library. Building your application with the same version of mbed-os as what was used to build the Dot library is highly recommended!

The Dot-Examples repository demonstrates how to use the Dot library in a custom application.

The mDot and xDot platform pages have lots of platform specific information and document potential issues, gotchas, etc, and provide instructions for getting started with development. Please take a look at the platform page before starting development as they should answer many questions you will have.



File content as of revision 179:578d8030ba57:

/**   __  ___     ____  _    ______        __     ____         __                  ____
 *   /  |/  /_ __/ / /_(_)__/_  __/__ ____/ /    / __/_ _____ / /____ __ _  ___   /  _/__  ____
 *  / /|_/ / // / / __/ /___// / / -_) __/ _ \  _\ \/ // (_-</ __/ -_)  ' \(_-<  _/ // _ \/ __/ __
 * /_/  /_/\_,_/_/\__/_/    /_/  \__/\__/_//_/ /___/\_, /___/\__/\__/_/_/_/___/ /___/_//_/\__/ /_/
 * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems        /___/
 * @author Jason Reiss
 * @date   10-31-2015
 * @brief  lora::ChannelPlan provides an interface for LoRaWAN channel schemes
 * @details


#include "mbed_events.h"

#include "Lora.h"
#include "SxRadio.h"
#include <vector>

namespace lora {

    class ChannelPlan {

             * Descriptions for channel plans & region information.
             * Bits 0-2 represent the plan type (fixed or dynamic)
             *   0b000              cannot be used as plans may line up with old definitions and cause much badness
             *   0b001              fixed channel plans
             *   0b010              dynamic channel plans
             *   0b011 - 0b111      RFU
             * Bits 3-7 represent the specific channel plan/region within the plan type
            enum PlanType {
                FIXED = 0x20,
                DYNAMIC = 0x40,

            enum Plan {
                EU868_OLD = 0x00,
                US915_OLD = 0x01,
                AU915_OLD = 0x02,

                FB_EU868 = 0x00,
                FB_US915 = 0x01,
                FB_AU915 = 0x02,

                FB_868 = 0x00,
                FB_915 = 0x01,

                US915 = FIXED | 0x00,
                AU915 = FIXED | 0x01,

                EU868 = DYNAMIC | 0x00,
                IN865 = DYNAMIC | 0x01,
                AS923 = DYNAMIC | 0x02,
                KR920 = DYNAMIC | 0x03,
                AS923_JAPAN = DYNAMIC | 0x04,
                RU864 = DYNAMIC | 0x05,

                NONE = 0xFF,

             * ChannelPlan constructor
             * @param radio SxRadio object used to set Tx/Rx config
             * @param settings Settings object
            ChannelPlan(SxRadio* radio, Settings* settings);

             * ChannelPlan destructor
            virtual ~ChannelPlan();
             * Checks that at least one channel exist for the data rate
            virtual uint8_t ValidateAdrDatarate(uint8_t status);

             * Initialize channels, datarates and duty cycle bands according to current channel plan in settings
            virtual void Init() = 0;

             * Set SxRadio object to be used to set Tx/Rx config
            virtual void SetRadio(SxRadio* radio);

             * Set Settings object
            virtual void SetSettings(Settings* settings);

             * Setter for the event queue
            virtual void SetEventQueue(EventQueue* queue);

             * Get the next channel to use to transmit
             * @return LORA_OK if channel was found
             * @return LORA_NO_CHANS_ENABLED
            virtual uint8_t GetNextChannel() = 0;

             * Set the number of channels in the plan
            virtual void SetNumberOfChannels(uint8_t channels, bool resize = true);

             * Get the number of channels in the plan
            virtual uint8_t GetNumberOfChannels();

             * Check if channel is enabled
             * @return true if enabled
            virtual bool IsChannelEnabled(uint8_t channel);

             * Set a 16 bit channel mask with offset
             * @param index of mask to set 0:0-15, 1:16-31 ...
             * @param mask 16 bit mask of enabled channels
             * @return true
            virtual bool SetChannelMask(uint8_t index, uint16_t mask);

             * Get the channel mask of currently enabled channels
             * @return vector containing channel bit masks
            virtual std::vector<uint16_t> GetChannelMask();

             * Add a channel to the ChannelPlan
             * @param index of channel, use -1 to add to end
             * @param channel settings to add
            virtual uint8_t AddChannel(int8_t index, Channel channel) = 0;

             * Get channel at index
             * @return Channel
            virtual Channel GetChannel(int8_t index) = 0;

             * Add a downlink channel to the ChannelPlan
             * Set to 0 to use the default uplink channel frequency
             * @param index of channel, use -1 to add to end
             * @param channel settings to add
            virtual uint8_t AddDownlinkChannel(int8_t index, Channel channel);

             * Get channel at index
             * @return Channel
            virtual Channel GetDownlinkChannel(uint8_t index);

             * Set number of datarates in ChannelPlan
             * @param datarates
            virtual void SetNumberOfDatarates(uint8_t datarates);

             * Add a datarate to the ChannelPlan
             * @param index of datarate, use -1 to add to end
             * @param datarate settings to add
            virtual uint8_t AddDatarate(int8_t index, Datarate datarate);

             * Get datarate at index
             * @return Datarate
            virtual Datarate GetDatarate(int8_t index);

             * Get max payload size for current datarate
             * @return size in bytes
            virtual uint8_t GetMaxPayloadSize();

             * Get rx window settings for requested window
             * RX_1, RX_2, RX_BEACON, RX_SLOT
             * @param window
             * @return RxWindow
            virtual RxWindow GetRxWindow(uint8_t window) = 0;

             * Get current channel to use for transmitting
             * @param channel index of channel
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetTxChannel(uint8_t channel);

             * Get datarate to use on the join request
             * @return datarate index
            virtual uint8_t GetJoinDatarate() = 0;

             * Calculate the next time a join request is possible
             * @param size of join frame
             * @returns LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t CalculateJoinBackoff(uint8_t size) = 0;

             * Get the current datarate
             * @return Datarate
            virtual Datarate GetTxDatarate();

             * Set the current datarate
             * @param index of datarate
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetTxDatarate(uint8_t index);

             * Set the datarate offset used for first receive window
             * @param offset
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetRx1Offset(uint8_t offset);

             * Set the frequency for second receive window
             * @param freq
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetRx2Frequency(uint32_t freq);

             * Set the datarate index used for second receive window
             * @param index
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetRx2DatarateIndex(uint8_t index);

             * Get next channel and set the SxRadio tx config with current settings
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetTxConfig() = 0;

             * Set the SxRadio rx config provided window
             * @param window to be opened
             * @param continuous keep window open
             * @param wnd_growth factor to increase the rx window by
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetRxConfig(uint8_t window, bool continuous, uint16_t wnd_growth = 1) = 0;

             * Set frequency sub band if supported by plan
             * @param sub_band
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t SetFrequencySubBand(uint8_t group) = 0;

             * Get frequency sub band if supported by plan
             * @return sub band 0-8 or 0 if not supported
            virtual uint8_t GetFrequencySubBand();

             * Reset the ack counter used to lower datarate if ACK's are missed
            virtual void ResetAckCounter();

             * Callback for radio to request channel change when frequency hopping
             * @param currentChannel
            virtual void FhssChangeChannel(uint8_t currentChannel);

             * Callback for ACK timeout event
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleAckTimeout();

             * Callback for Join Accept packet to load optional channels
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleJoinAccept(const uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t size) = 0;

             * Callback to for rx parameter setup ServerCommand
             * @param payload packet data
             * @param index of start of command buffer
             * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
             * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleRxParamSetup(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) = 0;

             * Callback to for new channel ServerCommand
             * @param payload packet data
             * @param index of start of command buffer
             * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
             * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleNewChannel(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) = 0;

             * Callback to for downlink channel request ServerCommand
             * @param payload packet data
             * @param index of start of command buffer
             * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
             * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleDownlinkChannelReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status);

             * Callback to for ping slot channel request ServerCommand
             * @param payload packet data
             * @param index of start of command buffer
             * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
             * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandlePingSlotChannelReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) = 0;

             * Callback to for beacon frequency request ServerCommand
             * @param payload packet data
             * @param index of start of command buffer
             * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
             * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleBeaconFrequencyReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) = 0;

             * Callback to for adaptive datarate ServerCommand
             * @param payload packet data
             * @param index of start of command buffer
             * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
             * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleAdrCommand(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) = 0;

             * Validate the configuration after multiple ADR commands have been applied
             * @return status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
            virtual uint8_t ValidateAdrConfiguration() = 0;

             * Check that Rf Frequency is within channel plan range
             * @param freq frequency in Hz
             * @return true if valid frequency
            virtual bool CheckRfFrequency(uint32_t freq);

             * Flag for ADR
             * @return true if ADR is enable in settings
            virtual bool IsAdrEnabled();

             * Flag if ADR ACK should be sent in next packet
             * @return true when flag should be set
            virtual bool AdrAckReq();

             * Increment the ADR counter to track when ADR ACK request should be sent
             * @return current value
            virtual uint8_t IncAdrCounter();

             * Reset the ADR counter when valid downlink is received from network server
            virtual void ResetAdrCounter();

             * Get the time the radio must be off air to comply with regulations
             * Time to wait may be dependent on duty-cycle restrictions per channel
             * Or duty-cycle of join requests if OTAA is being attempted
             * @return ms of time to wait for next tx opportunity
            virtual uint32_t GetTimeOffAir() = 0;

             * Get the channels in use by current channel plan
             * @return channel frequencies
            virtual std::vector<uint32_t> GetChannels() = 0;

             * Get the downlink channels in use by current channel plan
             * @return channel frequencies
            virtual std::vector<uint32_t> GetDownlinkChannels();

             * Get the channel datarate ranges in use by current channel plan
             * @return channel datarate ranges
            virtual std::vector<uint8_t> GetChannelRanges() = 0;

             * Set the time off air for the given duty band
             * @param band index
             * @param time off air in ms
            virtual void SetDutyBandTimeOff(uint8_t band, uint32_t timeoff);

             * Get the time off air for the given duty band
             * @param band index
             * @return time off air in ms
            virtual uint32_t GetDutyBandTimeOff(uint8_t band);

             * Get the number of duty bands in the current channel plan
             * @return number of bands
            virtual uint8_t GetNumDutyBands();

             * Get the duty band index for the given frequency
             * @param freq frequency in Hz
             * @return index of duty band
            virtual int8_t GetDutyBand(uint32_t freq);

             * Add duty band
             * @param index of duty band or -1 to append
             * @param band DutyBand definition
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t AddDutyBand(int8_t index, DutyBand band);

             * Update duty cycle with current settings
            void UpdateDutyCycle(uint8_t bytes);

             * Update duty cycle with at given frequency and time on air
             * @param freq frequency
             * @param time_on_air_ms tx time on air
            virtual void UpdateDutyCycle(uint32_t freq, uint32_t time_on_air_ms);

             * Get time on air with current settings
             * @param bytes number of bytes to be sent
             * @param cfg for setting up the radio before getting time on air
            virtual uint32_t GetTimeOnAir(uint8_t bytes, RadioCfg_t cfg = TX_RADIO_CFG);

             * Reset the duty timers with the current time off air
            virtual void ResetDutyCycleTimer();

             * Print log message for given rx window
             * @param wnd 1 or 2
            virtual void LogRxWindow(uint8_t wnd) = 0;

             * Indicator of P2P mode
             * @return true if enabled
            virtual bool P2PEnabled();

             * Ack timeout for P2P mode
             * @return timeout in ms
            virtual uint16_t P2PTimeout();

             * Ack backoff for P2P mode
             * @return backoff in ms
            virtual uint16_t P2PBackoff();

             * Enable the default channels of the channel plan
            virtual void EnableDefaultChannels() = 0;

             *  Callback for radio thread to signal
            virtual void MacEvent();

             * Called when MAC layer doesn't know about a command.
             * Use to add custom or new mac command handling
             * @return LORA_OK
            virtual uint8_t HandleMacCommand(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t& index);

            virtual void DecrementDatarate();
            virtual void IncrementDatarate();

            virtual std::string GetPlanName();
            virtual uint8_t GetPlan();
            virtual bool IsPlanFixed();
            virtual bool IsPlanDynamic();
            static bool IsPlanFixed(uint8_t plan);
            static bool IsPlanDynamic(uint8_t plan);
            virtual uint32_t GetMinFrequency();
            virtual uint32_t GetMaxFrequency();

            virtual uint8_t GetMinDatarate();
            virtual uint8_t GetMaxDatarate();
            virtual uint8_t GetMinDatarateOffset();
            virtual uint8_t GetMaxDatarateOffset();

            virtual uint8_t GetMinRx2Datarate();
            virtual uint8_t GetMaxRx2Datarate();
            virtual uint8_t GetMaxTxPower();
            virtual uint8_t GetMinTxPower();

            virtual uint16_t GetLBT_TimeUs();
            virtual void SetLBT_TimeUs(uint16_t us);

            virtual int8_t GetLBT_Threshold();
            virtual void SetLBT_Threshold(int8_t rssi);

             * Set LBT time and threshold to defaults
            virtual void DefaultLBT();

            virtual bool ListenBeforeTalk();
             * use to clear downlink channels on join
            virtual void ClearChannels();

             * Check if this packet is a beacon and if so extract parameters needed
             * @param payload of potential beacon
             * @param size of the packet
             * @param [out] data extracted from the beacon if this packet was indeed a beacon
             * @return true if this packet is beacon, false if not
            virtual bool DecodeBeacon(const uint8_t* payload,
                                      size_t size,
                                      BeaconData_t& data) = 0;

             * Update class B beacon and ping slot settings if frequency hopping enabled
             * @param time received in the last beacon
             * @param period of the beacon
             * @param devAddr of this end device
            virtual void FrequencyHop(uint32_t time, uint32_t period, uint32_t devAddr) { }


            SxRadio* GetRadio();                //!< Get pointer to the SxRadio object or assert if it is null
            Settings* GetSettings();            //!< Get pointer to the settings object or assert if it is null
             * 16 bit ITU-T CRC implementation
            uint16_t CRC16(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);

            uint8_t _txChannel;                 //!< Current channel for transmit
            uint8_t _txFrequencySubBand;        //!< Current frequency sub band for hybrid operation

            std::vector<Datarate> _datarates;   //!< List of datarates

            std::vector<Channel> _channels;     //!< List of channels for transmit
            std::vector<Channel> _dlChannels;   //!< List of channels for receive if changed from default

            std::vector<DutyBand> _dutyBands;   //!< List of duty bands to limit radio time on air

            uint8_t _maxTxPower;                //!< Max Tx power for channel Plan
            uint8_t _minTxPower;

            uint32_t _minFrequency;             //!< Minimum Frequency
            uint32_t _maxFrequency;             //!< Maximum Frequency

            uint8_t _minDatarate;               //!< Minimum datarate to accept in ADR request
            uint8_t _maxDatarate;               //!< Maximum datarate to accept in ADR request

            uint8_t _minRx2Datarate;            //!< Minimum datarate to accept in for Rx2
            uint8_t _maxRx2Datarate;            //!< Maximum datarate to accept in for Rx2
            uint8_t _minDatarateOffset;         //!< Minimum datarate offset to accept
            uint8_t _maxDatarateOffset;         //!< Maximum datarate offset to accept

            uint32_t _freqUBase125k;            //!< Start of 125K uplink channels
            uint32_t _freqUStep125k;            //!< Step between 125K uplink channels
            uint32_t _freqUBase500k;            //!< Start of 500K uplink channels
            uint32_t _freqUStep500k;            //!< Step between 500K uplink channels
            uint32_t _freqDBase500k;            //!< Start of 500K downlink channels
            uint32_t _freqDStep500k;            //!< Step between 500K downlink channels

            uint8_t _numChans;                  //!< Number of total channels in plan
            uint8_t _numChans125k;              //!< Number of 125K  channels in plan
            uint8_t _numChans500k;              //!< Number of 500K channels in plan

            uint16_t _LBT_TimeUs;               //!< Sample time in us for LBT
            int8_t _LBT_Threshold;              //!< Threshold in dBm for LBT

            std::vector<uint16_t> _channelMask; //!< Bit mask for currently enabled channels

            Timer _dutyCycleTimer;              //!< Timer for tracking time-off-air
            int _txDutyEvtId;                   //!< Event ID for expiration of time-off-air

            bool _txDutyCyclePending;           //!< Flag for pending duty cycle event

            void OnTxDutyCycleEvent();          //!< Callback for duty cycle event
            void OnTxDutyCycleEventBottom();                    //!< Callback for duty cycle event

            static const uint8_t* TX_POWERS;                    //!< List of available tx powers
            static const uint8_t* RADIO_POWERS;                    //!< List of available tx powers
            static const uint8_t* MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE;             //!< List of max payload sizes for each datarate
            static const uint8_t* MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_REPEATER;    //!< List of repeater compatible max payload sizes for each datarate

            uint8_t _plan;
            std::string _planName;


            SxRadio* _radio;                    //!< Injected SxRadio dependency
            Settings* _settings;                //!< Current settings
            EventQueue* _evtQueue;              //!< mbed Event Queue
