Demonstration program for Multitech System MTDOT-EVB an evaluation board for the mDot LoRa module

Dependencies:   DOGS102 ISL29011 MMA845x MPL3115A2 NCP5623B libmDot mbed-rtos mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
9:ed86d5ae29cc 2015-11-23 falingtrea 1.05 Changed baud rate for debug from 921k to 115k. Added code to support 868 MHz band operation. Added mutex around certain mDot radio commands. Changed network name and passphrase. Changed pb references to sw to match MTDOT-BOX overlay. Changed func... default tip
8:6bf4d69651b7 2015-11-19 falingtrea Version 1.05 - Changed baud rate for debug from 921k to 115k. Added code to support 868 MHz band operation. Added mutex around certain mDot radio commands. Changed network name and passphrase. Changed pb references to sw to match MTDOT-BOX overlay. Ch...
7:85445a8cc189 2015-10-28 mfiore <CTRL><SHIFT><f> for formatting in main.cpp
6:5a9b280caa8b 2015-10-28 mfiore update mbed-rtos, replace mbed-src with mbed
5:f8a895fc68f4 2015-10-28 mfiore update sub-libraries
4:49d19abdfd04 2015-10-22 falingtrea Rev 1.04 Fixed format error in temperature print to LCD. Corrected error in public netework setup. Swapped \n and \r in prinf calls because Windows seems to be picky about the order;
3:68e974f5f532 2015-07-15 falingtrea Added threads for push button switch debounce.
2:75adc72aa6a0 2015-07-09 falingtrea Send logo to LCD before attempting connection to LoRa network. Added information on setting up for public LoRa network. Moved SW setup to beginning of main. Removed printf call from ISR functions. Added additional checks for exit_program.
1:ac9595d0f0e7 2015-07-06 falingtrea Ver 1.01 Removed "NULL" from instantiation of evbAmbientLight
0:bdd16076aaa5 2015-07-06 falingtrea Initial Release