Mirror actuator for RT2 lab

Dependencies:   Library_Cntrl Library_Misc

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 07 06:52:26 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h" 
+#define PI 3.1415927f
+#include "EncoderCounter.h"
+#include "DiffCounter.h"
+#include "IIR_filter.h"
+#include "LinearCharacteristics.h"
+#include "PI_Cntrl.h"
+// #include "GPA.h"
+// define STATES:
+#define INIT 0              // at very beginning
+#define FLAT 10             // cuboid is flat, motor is controlled to zero
+#define BALANCE 20          // balancing
+#define SWING_DOWN 30       // move cuboid down
+/* Cuboid balance on one edge on Nucleo F446RE
+ **** IMPORTANT: use ..\Labormodelle\RT-MOD054 - Würfel\Escon_Parameter_4nucleo.edc 
+                 settings for Maxon ESCON controller (upload via ESCON Studio) ****
+hardware Connections:
+ CN7                    CN10
+  :                         :
+  :                         :
+ ..                        ..
+ ..                        ..                  15.
+ ..    AOUT i_des on (PA_5)o.
+ ..                        ..
+ ..                        ..
+ ..               ENC CH A o.
+ o. GND                    ..                  10.
+ o. ENC CH B               ..
+ ..                        ..
+ ..                        ..
+ .o AIN acx (PA_0)         ..
+ .o AIN acy (PA_1)         ..                  5.
+ .o AIN Gyro(PA_4)         .o Analog GND
+ ..                        ..
+ ..                        ..
+ ..                        ..                  1.
+ ----------------------------
+ CN7               CN10
+ */
+Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);        // serial connection via USB - programmer
+InterruptIn button(USER_BUTTON);        // User Button, short presses: reduce speed, long presses: increase speed
+bool key_was_pressed = false;
+AnalogIn ax(PA_0);                      // Analog IN (acc x) on PA_0
+AnalogIn ay(PA_1);                      // Analog IN (acc y) on PA_1
+AnalogIn gz(PA_4);                      // Analog IN (gyr z) on PA_4
+AnalogOut out(PA_5);                    // Analog OUT on PA_5   1.6 V -> 0A 3.2A -> 2A (see ESCON)
+float out_value = 1.6f;                 // set voltage on 1.6 V (0 A current)
+float w_soll = 10.0f;                   // desired velocity
+float Ts = 0.002f;                      // sample time of main loops
+int k = 0;
+float phi1_des = 0.0f;
+int CS = INIT;
+void pressed(void);             // user Button pressed
+void released(void);            // user Button released
+// ... here define variables like gains etc.
+LinearCharacteristics i2u(-15.0f,15.0f,0.0f,3.2f / 3.3f);       // output is normalized output
+LinearCharacteristics u2ax(0.29719f,0.69768f,-9.81f,9.81f);     // use normalized input
+LinearCharacteristics u2ay(0.29890,0.70330f,-9.81f,9.81f);      // use normalized input
+LinearCharacteristics u2gz(-4.6517f * 3.3f,0.45495f);           // use normalized input
+                // 4.6517f = 1/3.752e-3 [V / °/s] * pi/180
+//-------------DEFINE FILTERS----------------
+float tau = 1.0f;
+IIR_filter f_ax(tau,Ts,1.0f);        // filter ax signals
+IIR_filter f_ay(tau,Ts,1.0f);        // filter ay signals
+IIR_filter f_gz(tau,Ts,tau);    // filter gz signals
+float vel = 0.0f;                  // velocity of motor
+float gyro = 0.0f;
+float phi1 = 0.0f;
+Ticker  ControllerLoopTimer;            // interrupt for control loop
+EncoderCounter counter1(PB_6, PB_7);    // initialize counter on PB_6 and PB_7
+DiffCounter diff(0.01,Ts);              // discrete differentiate, based on encoder data
+Timer ti;                               // define global timer
+Timer t_but;                            // define global timer
+PI_Cntrl vel_cntrl(0.5f,.05f,Ts,0.5f);  // velocity controller for motor
+PI_Cntrl om2zero(-0.02f,4.0f,Ts,0.9f);  // slow vel. contrl. to bring motor to zero
+// ----- User defined functions -----------
+void updateLoop(void);   // loop for State machine (via interrupt)
+float cuboid_stab_cntrl(int);   // stabalizer 
+void calc_angle_phi1(int);
+// ------ END User defined functions ------
+//---------- main loop -------------
+int main()
+    pc.baud(2000000);   // for serial comm.
+    counter1.reset();   // encoder reset
+    diff.reset(0.0f,0);  
+    ControllerLoopTimer.attach(&updateLoop, Ts); //Assume Fs = ...;
+    ti.reset();
+    ti.start();
+    calc_angle_phi1(1);
+    button.fall(&pressed);          // attach key pressed function
+    button.rise(&released);         // attach key pressed function
+}   // END OF main
+//---------- main loop (called via interrupt) -------------
+void updateLoop(void){
+    short counts = counter1;            // get counts from Encoder
+    vel = diff(counts);                 // motor velocity 
+    float torq = 0.0f;                  // set motor torque to zero (will be overwritten)
+    float dt  = ti.read();              // time elapsed in current state
+    calc_angle_phi1(0);                 // angle phi1 is calculated in every loop
+    // ****************** STATE  MACHINE ***************************************
+    switch(CS)  {
+        case INIT:                      // at very beginning
+            if (dt > 2.0f){
+                CS = FLAT;              // switch to FLAT state
+                ti.reset(); 
+                }
+            break;
+        case FLAT:                      // cuboid is flat, keep motor velocity to zero
+            torq = vel_cntrl(0.0f - vel); 
+            if (key_was_pressed && dt > 1.0f){
+                CS = BALANCE;
+                torq = cuboid_stab_cntrl(1);
+                ti.reset();
+                key_was_pressed = false;
+                phi1_des = 0.0f;
+                vel_cntrl.reset(0.0f);  // reset velocity controller for the next time
+                }
+            break;
+        case BALANCE:                   // balance the cube
+            torq = cuboid_stab_cntrl(0);
+            if (key_was_pressed && dt > 1.0f){
+                CS = SWING_DOWN;
+                phi1_des = 0.0f; 
+                ti.reset();
+                key_was_pressed = false;
+                }
+            break;  
+        case SWING_DOWN: 
+            phi1_des = dt;              // ramp the desired angle up to pi/4
+            torq = cuboid_stab_cntrl(0);// call balance routine
+            if (dt > 1.0f){             // good value for smooth moving down
+                CS = FLAT;              // move to flat
+                phi1_des = 0.0f; 
+                ti.reset(); 
+                }
+            break;  
+    default: break;
+    }
+    out.write( i2u(torq/0.217f)); // motor const. is 0.217, 
+                                        // transform M -> i -> u -> normalized output
+} // END OF updateLoop(void)
+//        ************ stabalizing controller *****************
+float cuboid_stab_cntrl(int do_reset){
+/*                   | phi_des
+                     v 
+                    ---
+                   | V |  feed forward gain
+                    ---
+                     |
+          -------    v      --------
+0 -->O-->|om2zero|-->O---->| System |--o---> x = [phi1 phi1_t]
+     ^-   -------    ^-     --------   |
+     |               |                 |
+    vel              |       ---       |
+                      ---  -| K |<-----
+                             ---
+    if(do_reset == 1)       // reset controller
+        om2zero.reset(0.0f);
+    float M_des = om2zero(0.0f-vel);    // outer controller to bring motor to zero
+    float torq = M_des    +  (-7.1*phi1_des) -(-9.6910f * phi1 -0.7119f * gyro);  // calculationof gains are based on the MATLAB script at the end of this file!!!
+    //          output PI       V               K(1)              K(2)
+        if(++k >= 249){
+            k = 0;
+            pc.printf("phi: %1.5f, Torq: %1.2f, M_soll %1.2f  \r\n",phi1,torq,M_des);
+            }
+    return torq;
+// ************ calculate angle *****************
+void calc_angle_phi1(int do_reset){
+    gyro = u2gz(gz.read());
+    if(do_reset == 1){
+        f_ax.reset(u2ax(ax.read()));
+        f_ay.reset(u2ax(ay.read()));
+        f_gz.reset(gyro);
+        }
+    phi1 = atan2(-f_ax(u2ax(ax.read())),f_ay(u2ay(ay.read()))) + PI/4.0f + f_gz(gyro);
+    }
+// start timer as soon as Button is pressed
+void pressed()
+    t_but.start();
+    key_was_pressed = false;
+// evaluating statemachine
+void released()
+    // readout, stop and reset timer
+    float ButtonTime = t_but.read();
+    t_but.stop();
+    t_but.reset();
+    if(ButtonTime > 0.05f) 
+        key_was_pressed = true;
+%% Skript fuer cuboid Praktikum 
+    m_geh=.938;     % Masse des Gehaeses 
+    m_sb=1.243;     % Masse Scheibe 
+    m_g=m_geh+m_sb; % Gesamtmasse
+    J_geh=.00408;   % Traegheit Gehaeuse (CM)
+    J_sb=.00531;    % Traegheit Scheibe (CM)
+    J1=diag([0 0 J_geh]);
+    J2=diag([0 0 J_sb]);
+    l=.17;          % Kantenlaenge
+    sy=.085;
+    g=9.81;
+    phi0=0;
+    J_g=J_geh+(m_geh+m_sb)*(l/sqrt(2))^2;
+    %% Linearisiertes Modell
+    A2=[0 1;m_g*g*l/sqrt(2)/J_g 0];
+    B2=[0;-1/J_g];
+    K=place(A2,B2,10*[-1+1j -1-1j]);
+    s_cl=ss(A2-B2*K,B2,[1 0],0);
+    V=1/dcgain(s_cl);
+    %% Gesamtsystem mit Scheibe, Zustaende [phi_1 om_1 om2~] (om2~ = Absolutkoordinaten)
+    A3=[A2-B2*K [0;0];...
+         -1/J_sb*K 0];  % Auf Scheibenbeschleunigung wirken ganz 
+                        % entsprechend die Zustaende x1, x2 ueber die Zustandsrueckfuehrung
+    B3=[B2;1/J_sb];
+    C3=[0 -1 1];        % Gemessen wird die Relativgeschwindigkeit zwischen Scheibe-Gehaeuse
+    s3=ss(A3,B3,C3,0);
+    s3=ss2ss(s3,[1 0 0;0 1 0;0 -1 1]);  % Transformiere 3ten Zustand (eigentlich unnoetig)
+    Tn=4;
+    PI=-tf([Tn 1],[Tn 0]);  % Langsamer PI Regler, negatives gain erforderlich!!
+    rlocus(s3*PI);grid
+    */
\ No newline at end of file