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00001 /* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
00002  *
00003  * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
00004  * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
00006  *
00007  * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
00008  * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
00009  * the file.
00010  *
00011  */
00013 /**@file
00014  *
00015  * @defgroup nrf_dfu_init_template Template file with an DFU init packet handling example.
00016  * @{
00017  *
00018  * @ingroup nrf_dfu
00019  *
00020  * @brief This file contains a template on how to implement DFU init packet handling.
00021  *
00022  * @details The template shows how device type and revision can be used for a safety check of the 
00023  *          received image. It shows how validation can be performed in two stages:
00024  *          - Stage 1: Pre-check of firmware image before transfer to ensure the firmware matches:
00025  *                     - Device Type.
00026  *                     - Device Revision.
00027  *                     Installed SoftDevice.
00028  *                     This template can be extended with additional checks according to needs.
00029  *                     For example, such a check could be the origin of the image (trusted source) 
00030  *                     based on a signature scheme.
00031  *          - Stage 2: Post-check of the image after image transfer but before installing firmware.
00032  *                     For example, such a check could be an integrity check in form of hashing or 
00033  *                     verification of a signature.
00034  *                     In this template, a simple CRC check is carried out.
00035  *                     The CRC check can be replaced with other mechanisms, like signing.
00036  *
00037  * @note This module does not support security features such as image signing, but the 
00038  *       implementation allows for such extension.
00039  *       If the init packet is signed by a trusted source, it must be decrypted before it can be
00040  *       processed.
00041  */
00043 #include "dfu_init.h "
00044 #include <stdint.h>
00045 #include <string.h>
00046 #include "dfu_types.h "
00047 #include "nrf_error.h"
00048 #include "crc16.h "
00050 #define DFU_INIT_PACKET_EXT_LENGTH_MIN      2                       //< Minimum length of the extended init packet. The extended init packet may contain a CRC, a HASH, or other data. This value must be changed according to the requirements of the system. The template uses a minimum value of two in order to hold a CRC. */
00051 #define DFU_INIT_PACKET_EXT_LENGTH_MAX      10                      //< Maximum length of the extended init packet. The extended init packet may contain a CRC, a HASH, or other data. This value must be changed according to the requirements of the system. The template uses a maximum value of 10 in order to hold a CRC and any padded data on transport layer without overflow. */
00053 static uint8_t m_extended_packet[DFU_INIT_PACKET_EXT_LENGTH_MAX];   //< Data array for storage of the extended data received. The extended data follows the normal init data of type \ref dfu_init_packet_t. Extended data can be used for a CRC, hash, signature, or other data. */
00054 static uint8_t m_extended_packet_length;                            //< Length of the extended data received with init packet. */
00057 uint32_t dfu_init_prevalidate(uint8_t * p_init_data, uint32_t init_data_len)
00058 {
00059     uint32_t i = 0;
00061     // In order to support signing or encryption then any init packet decryption function / library
00062     // should be called from here or implemented at this location.
00064     // Length check to ensure valid data are parsed.
00065     if (init_data_len < sizeof(dfu_init_packet_t))
00066     {
00067         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH;
00068     }
00070     // Current template uses clear text data so they can be casted for pre-check.
00071     dfu_init_packet_t * p_init_packet = (dfu_init_packet_t *)p_init_data;
00073     m_extended_packet_length = ((uint32_t)p_init_data + init_data_len) -
00074                                (uint32_t)&p_init_packet->softdevice[p_init_packet->softdevice_len];
00075     if (m_extended_packet_length < DFU_INIT_PACKET_EXT_LENGTH_MIN)
00076     {
00077         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH;
00078     }
00080     if (((uint32_t)p_init_data + init_data_len) < 
00081         (uint32_t)&p_init_packet->softdevice[p_init_packet->softdevice_len])
00082     {
00083         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH;
00084     }
00086     memcpy(m_extended_packet,
00087            &p_init_packet->softdevice[p_init_packet->softdevice_len],
00088            m_extended_packet_length);
00090 /** [DFU init application version] */
00091     // In order to support application versioning this check should be updated.
00092     // This template allows for any application to be installed however customer could place a
00093     // revision number at bottom of application to be verified by bootloader. This could be done at
00094     // a relative location to this papplication for example Application start address + 0x0100.
00095 /** [DFU init application version] */
00097     // First check to verify the image to be transfered matches the device type.
00098     // If no Device type is present in DFU_DEVICE_INFO then any image will be accepted.
00099     if ((DFU_DEVICE_INFO->device_type != DFU_DEVICE_TYPE_EMPTY) &&
00100         (p_init_packet->device_type != DFU_DEVICE_INFO->device_type))
00101     {
00102         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
00103     }
00105     // Second check to verify the image to be transfered matches the device revision.
00106     // If no Device revision is present in DFU_DEVICE_INFO then any image will be accepted.
00107     if ((DFU_DEVICE_INFO->device_rev != DFU_DEVICE_REVISION_EMPTY) &&
00108         (p_init_packet->device_rev != DFU_DEVICE_INFO->device_rev))
00109     {
00110         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
00111     }
00113     // Third check: Check the array of supported SoftDevices by this application.
00114     //              If the installed SoftDevice does not match any SoftDevice in the list then an
00115     //              error is returned.
00116     while (i < p_init_packet->softdevice_len)
00117     {
00118         if (p_init_packet->softdevice[i] == DFU_SOFTDEVICE_ANY ||
00119             p_init_packet->softdevice[i++] == SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION->firmware_id)
00120         {
00121             return NRF_SUCCESS;
00122         }
00123     }
00125     // No matching SoftDevice found - Return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_DATA.
00126     return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
00127 }
00130 uint32_t dfu_init_postvalidate(uint8_t * p_image, uint32_t image_len)
00131 {
00132     uint16_t image_crc;
00133     uint16_t received_crc;
00135     // In order to support hashing (and signing) then the (decrypted) hash should be fetched and
00136     // the corresponding hash should be calculated over the image at this location.
00137     // If hashing (or signing) is added to the system then the CRC validation should be removed.
00139     // calculate CRC from active block.
00140     image_crc = crc16_compute(p_image, image_len, NULL);
00142     // Decode the received CRC from extended data.    
00143     received_crc = uint16_decode((uint8_t *)&m_extended_packet[0]);
00145     // Compare the received and calculated CRC.
00146     if (image_crc != received_crc)
00147     {
00148         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
00149     }
00151     return NRF_SUCCESS;
00152 }