bugfix for duplicate symbol

Fork of nRF51822 by Nordic Semiconductor

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nordic-sdk/components/libraries/util/app_error.c	Wed Apr 15 08:59:11 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
+ * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
+ *
+ * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
+ * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
+ * the file.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file
+ *
+ * @defgroup app_error Common application error handler
+ * @{
+ * @ingroup app_common
+ *
+ * @brief Common application error handler.
+ */
+#include "nrf.h"
+#include "app_error.h"
+#include "compiler_abstraction.h"
+#include "nordic_common.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#include "bsp.h"
+/* global error variables - in order to prevent removal by optimizers */
+uint32_t m_error_code;
+uint32_t m_line_num;
+const uint8_t * m_p_file_name;
+/**@brief Function for error handling, which is called when an error has occurred.
+ *
+ * @warning This handler is an example only and does not fit a final product. You need to analyze
+ *          how your product is supposed to react in case of error.
+ *
+ * @param[in] error_code  Error code supplied to the handler.
+ * @param[in] line_num    Line number where the handler is called.
+ * @param[in] p_file_name Pointer to the file name.
+ *
+ * Function is implemented as weak so that it can be overwritten by custom application error handler
+ * when needed.
+ */
+/*lint -save -e14 */
+__WEAK void app_error_handler(uint32_t error_code, uint32_t line_num, const uint8_t * p_file_name)
+    // On assert, the system can only recover with a reset.
+#ifndef DEBUG
+    NVIC_SystemReset();
+    // This call can be used for debug purposes during application development.
+    // @note CAUTION: Activating this code will write the stack to flash on an error.
+    //                This function should NOT be used in a final product.
+    //                It is intended STRICTLY for development/debugging purposes.
+    //                The flash write will happen EVEN if the radio is active, thus interrupting
+    //                any communication.
+    //                Use with care. Uncomment the line below to use.
+    //ble_debug_assert_handler(error_code, line_num, p_file_name);
+    m_error_code = error_code;
+    m_line_num = line_num;
+    m_p_file_name = p_file_name;
+    UNUSED_VARIABLE(m_error_code);
+    UNUSED_VARIABLE(m_line_num);
+    UNUSED_VARIABLE(m_p_file_name);
+    __disable_irq();
+    while(1) ;
+#endif // DEBUG
+/*lint -restore */
\ No newline at end of file